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Show The Daily Utah Chronicle, Friday, January 17, 1986. Book looks at secrets in numbers by Rosemary Reeve enormous skill to uncover. He, of course, provides that skilL Sure, you scoff. So did I, until I started reading. Take, for example, Matrix's examination of the parallels between the assassinations of Abraham Lincoln and John Staff writer The Magic Numbers of Dr. Matrix, Martin Gardner, $10.95, softcover. Warning: if you read this book, you will alienate your friends and family by forcing them to listen while you read chunks of it aloud. If you don't read this book, your friends will still like you, and your mother won't be afraid to answer her phone, but you'll be missing a heck of a lot of fun. Martin Gardner is a former writer for the magazine, Scientific American, and author of many books of mathematical puzzles and paradoxes. BOOKS His latest book, The Magic Humbert of Dr. Matrix, is a collection of all his Scientific American columns that featured his fictional numerologist, Irving Joshua Matrix, and Matrix's cryptic and curvaceous daughter, Iva. The book traces the pair's adventures from the first column in 1959 to Matrix's mysterious murder in 1980. of logic'and math. Predictably, the book is chock-fu- ll But even if math gives you hives, chances arc you'll enjoy reading Dr. Matrix. It will entertain anyone interested in math, poetry, history, magic, or whether Ronald Reagan will live through his second term. Matrix dabbles in all those topics, using numerology, the study of the mystical significance of numbers, to expose the eerie patterns and uncanny coincidences that lurk in words, days and dates. Matrix believes that every pattern of letters or numbers conceals secret meanings, which sometimes require : F. Kennedy. Most of his 17 points of similarity contain historical coincidences, such as these samples: Lincoln and Kennedy were elected president exactly 100 years apart, in 1860 and 1960, and both men were deeply involved in civil rights for blacks. 'They were both killed on Friday, in the presence of their wives, when southern assassins who held extremist views shot them in the back of the head. They were succeeded by vice presidents named Johnson who were southern Democrats and former senators, and who were each born 100 years apart. Perhaps the weirdest coincidence is an 1 858 letter to the editor of the Cincinnati Gazette. The writer proposed a ticket of Lincoln for president and John Kennedy for vice president. The book includes a great deal of such curious information. The extent of Gardner's research is phenomenal, and his writing is crisp and clever. Even though he wrote some of the columns over 20 years ago, very few seem dated. The only truly jarring anachronism is a column written in the 1960s that sags under archaic hippie slang. Gardner probes into practically everything. A favorite target is the Bible, especially the infamous 666 in Revelation 13:18. He also examines anagrams and acrostics, divulges the secrets behind tests that claim to measure clairvoyance, exposes hidden meanings lurking in dreams and slips of the tongue, and points out historical patterns that are odd and sometimes disquieting. continued on page eight Page Five mssm mm Up fcri Hohtt "Young Sheriock BACK To st 7:10. 20 Today (PG-1- 3) m The FUTUR6 5 1st Show Friday is S3 N John Voight in "Runaway Tram (PG-13- ) Starts Today in Dolby Stereo at 7:15. 130 UjVU0v-i!JL- V 1st Show Friday is $3 OUT OF AFRICA MSIY ill Dally WW! (JiM at 1:15, 3:15, I Friday S3 Satoct Fin "The Adventure of Mark Twain" (G) 1 ..IT. "A Chorus Una" Today In Dolby Stereo at 7:35, 1:55 SPIES LIKE US m (tSRS The Gobrftnpie iees fWf I K Today at 5:00 eh "Whit Nights" (PG-13- ) Today at 5.00, 7:30, 10:00 OUT OF AFRICA at 6:30. 9:30 QSD Today 1st Show Friday Is $3 Electrical En4lnars...Comptiter Scientists... Matnematlclan...Lanf uae Specialist. The National Security Agency analyzes foreign signals, safeguards our government's vital communications and secures the government's massive computer systems. NSA's unique, three-folmission offers you career of unheard opportunities. Here are Just a few of the exciting possibilities: Electrical Engineering Research and development projects range from individual equipments to complex Interactive systems involving micro- and computer graphics. processors, Facilities for engineering analysis and design automation are among the most advanced anywhere. Computer Science. Interdisciplinary careers Include systems analysis and design, scientific applications programming, data base management systems, operating systems, graphics, computer security and networking all in one of the world's largest computer installations. Mathematics. Projects involve giving vitally important practical applications to mathematical concepts. Specific assignments could Include solving e communications-relateproblems, performing mathematical research or evaluating new techniques for computer security. Language Specialists. Challenging assignments for Slavic, and Asian language majors include rapid translation, transcription and language specialists analysis reporting. Newly-hiremay receive advanced training In their primary d ' mini-compute- rs d long-rang- A CHORUS "Clue" (PG) Today at ( 'Prlzzl's Honor" (R) Today at P,u 12:30, 5:00. 9:00 3:00, 7:00 ENEMY MINE Today at 12:00. 2:30. 4:50, 7:15. 9:40 SPIES LIKE US mi Today at 12.45, 3:00, 5:15. 7:30. 9:45 "Iron Eagla" (PG-13- ) Stareo at 12:00, 2:30, 5:00. 7:30, 9:45 Today In Dolby "Black Moon Rising" (R) Today at 1:45. 3:45. 5:45, 7:45, 9:45 0 (kobus urns pc-- l No Show Friday Saturday at 12:00, 2:20. 4:40, 7:10, 9:40 El "Iron Eagla" (PG-1Today at 5:15, 7:30, 9:45 In Dolby Sterao 3) WHITE NIGHTS S3 Stereo at Today In Dolby d 4:30, 7:00, 9:45 "Black Moon Rising" (R) Today at 5:30, 7:30, 9:30 language(s).. - Movie Today in Dolby Slarao at 12:1 S. 2:45. 5:15, 7:45, 10:00 Near-Easter-n ' UNth In addition to providing ypu with unheard of chal- lenges, NSA offers a highly competitive salary and benefits package. Plus, you'll have the chance to live In one of the most exciting areas of the country between Washington, D.C., and Baltimore, Md. Sound good? Then find out more. Schedule an Interview through your College Placement Office or write to the National Security Agency. 1st Show Friday is $3 "Iron Eagle" (PG-13- ) Today at 5:00, 7:15, 9:30 The Jewel of the 9k pc J Today at 5:00,7:15,9:30 "The Adventures ol Mark Twain" (G) Today 5:15 "Spies Uke Us" (PG) Today at 7:30, 9:40 No Bargain will be on campus January 27, 1986. For an appointment, contact your placement office. NSA "I 1st Show Friday is $3 J Daily at 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:30 ' Today at 5:20, 7:30, 9:45 " i "Young Sherlock Holmes" (PG-1Today at 9:00 "101 Dalmations" (G) Today at 5:10, 7:00 3) "Troll" (PG-1- 3) Today at 5:30, 7:30, 9:30 "Eleni"(PG) I - I:, pUnheard Today at 5:00, 7:20, 9:40 of Career Opportunities NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY ATTN: M322(N) Fort Meade, MD xFTh-m- . BACK To 20755-600-0 - HV ;i tVl HI "J , ''' Eel Today in Dolby Stereo at 5:15, 7:30, 9:45 U.S. Citizenship required. An equal opportunity employer. H- The FUTUR '" "The Adventures of Mark Twain" (G) Today 5:00 "The Gods Must Be Crazy" (PG) Today 7:00, 9:05 4 mm V iiA'Vtt ,w J V Ai 4V.' ?SA . W. ' W' v., X. .v.- - .. 1" ,w .V, V.. ' : |