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Show The Daily Utah Chronicle, Friday, January 17, 1986. Page Seven PMT's 'Being Earnest' is eveiryfihing it should ba The cast is play s strength fin V" ' by Larry B. Tunks Staff writer "The Importance of Being Earnest," which opened last week at Pioneer Memorial Theatre, is a play that has a lot of surface, but not much substance. It portrays a good deal of motion, but the end result is not much distance. Likewise, PMTs production has a lot of pomp, but not a lot of circumstance. It has elegant sets and fine costumes, but they aren't quite convincing. It has choice acting, but rather shallow characters. In other words, it's just as it should be. Oscar Wilde's turn of the century farce is a less than serious look at the manners of polite English society. It revolves around two men who create alter ego characters which allow them to periodically escape their respective social circles. Algernon MoncriefT is an idle foppish dandy who resides in London. Algernon has invented a sickly friend who lives in the country and needs his frequent attention. John Worthing, J. P. is a pompous country gentleman who assumes the identity of an imaginary and mischievous little brother whom he visits in London. During the course of the play both characters pursue love interests which are connected to the other by family or legal ties. John wants to marry Algernon's cousin, Gwendolen, and Algernon falls in love with John's ward, Cecily. But neither humorous consequences. The PMT company and British director Geoffrey Sherman combine to create a thoroughly enjoyable production of this understated and harmless play. The chief strength of this production lies in its very capable cast which is headed by Jim J an sen in the role of Algernon and the old PMT favorite Max Robinson playing John. Janscn and Robinson are the perfect complement to each other in their comic roles kind of an English odd couple. The two despise each other, but there is something which keeps their friendship intact. Robinson holds his bumbling character in tow just enough to straddle the line between method and utter chaos. One gets the feeling that there is definitely a stroke in his character's immediate future. Jansen's subtle mannerisms are the perfect argument to his character's credo: he may not do very much in life, but he looks damn fine doing it. Joyce Cohen, who plays Cecily, is reminiscent of those small, unassuming would-b- e authors who, in between diary jottings, grows about three feet every time turn-of-the-cent- EXTRA EVENTS Theatre 17-1- f! ' Shakespearean comedy of mistaken identity and, of course, it holds all the ury Jan. Theatre, 17-1- Pioneer Memorial Theatre presents a thoroughly enjoyable production of the farcical play "The Importance of Being Earnest," written by Oscar Wilde. The production will continue through Jan. 29. she opens her mouth. The most shining performance, however, is turned in by a member of the supporting cast. Richard Mathews is nothing short of marvelous in the role of The Rev. Canon Chusable. The only fault that one would be able to find with this production is what might have to be considered 0 Film To Have and Have Not tvith Jan. 9, Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall and Fellini's The White Sheik Utah Media Center, 20 S. West Temple. The Expert, Jan. 21 and 23, Tora-Sa- n films throughout public is invited to view the quarter in conjunction with the course Contemporary Japan: Politics and Culture, Tuesdays at 7: 15 p.m. and Thursdays at 1 1 a.m. in the Orson Spencer Hall ft woman knows the true identity of the suitors. The result of these fictitious characters and their calculated exploits is much like a 8, 8 25. "Company," Babcock p.m with a 2 p.m. matinee Jan. 23-2- 5, I Special. mistake or a oversight in the program. The time setting is listed as Summer 1985, while the beautiful costumes, as well as the stately sets, are definitely period pieces. This is somewhat puzzling, but should be overlooked. Or maybe it should be chalked up to the fact that this director was only trying to know the importance of being earnest about his production. . . Through Jan. 29, "The Importance of Being Earnest," Pioneer Memorial Theatre, 8 p.m. except Sundays, with a 2 p.m. matinee Jan. 25. Music Utah Symphony, Yoel Levi, Jan. guest conductor, 8 p.m., Symphony Hall, 123 W. South TempleT 17-1- 8, H V Q QF W 0T $0 So. OHer Expires Hourt: 11 2186 D a.m. to 10 p.m.. Mon. thru Sat. (801)364-806- 6 APPLICATIONS FOR: mmJL iPisiEiEKnr wncis-iPisissniDisK- nr with HALF PRICE BEVERAGES! BIG SCREEN ACTION NOW AVAILABLE Live Entertainment Thurs.-Sun- . MTV on Big Screen Eat-i- n UNION BUILDING ROOM 234 Take Out Parties Banquets Catering HAPPY HOUR DEADLINE: Monday thru Friday "Soothing Beverages" 12 PRICE - PIZZA FRIDAY o SALADS University JAN.31 3-- 5 230 So. 1300 E. asyy 583-101- 3 o SANDWICHES Holladay 2340 East 4670 So. 272-449- 7 Q |