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Show The Daily Utah Chronicle, Friday, January 17, 1986. Page Eleven SPORTSCAN- - Think again about becoming a coach With the news of Coach Jim Fassel's contract extension, the idea of coaching major college football might sound kind of enticing to some. But before anybody decides to throw their hat into the coaching profession, they might want to look at this information. After the college football season ended, 1 was filing all of my 1985 football magazines away when I ran across a copy of the 1979 Street and Smith's college football guide. So 1 did a little research. I decided to find out what percentage of coaches are still with the same team six years later. Of the 10 schools in the Big 10, only four coaches are still at the same job. The same holds true for the Southeastern Conference. In the Southwest Conference, only three of nine remain while the Big Eight has just three left. The Pac-1- 0 hasn't done much better, able to keep only four of their head men. ON SPORTS Laury Livsey Then there is the. Western Athletic Conference. Of the nine schools making up the WAC, only La Veil Edwards of BYU and Dick Tomey of Hawaii continue to roam the with some experience and six or seven meals a day, he could be a force in the NBA. Now I can say I've seen Hulk Hog an, Andre the Giant and Manutc Bol. All that's left is William Perry. With Perry and the rest of his Chicago teammates preparing for the Super Bowl, it shapes up as a game between two different types of teams. The Bears have thrived on media exposure all year while the Patriots surprised everybody except themselves in winning the AFC title despite playing in almost anonymity. All the talk of the Bears and their mammoth defensive tackle is getting a little old, but it would be fitting if they won, if only for Walter Paytons sake. Payton, considered by many to be the best back to ever when show in the mid-70- 's play the game, was a one-mthe Bears were a losing club. So now he will have a legitimate chance to get a Super Bowl ring. But I have a question. In the song Super Bote! Shuffle, he says (sings?) "We're not doing it because we're greedy, the Bears are doing it to feed the needy." Does that mean Payton and the rest of his teammates arc going to donate all the money from their contracts to the Ethiopian Famine Relief Fund when the game is over? an John Madden continues to say some pretty inane things. Madden, during the final minutes of the game, said the Bears have put the fun back into winning. Just because their quarterback wears a headband with Commissioner Pete Rozelle's name on it same sidelines six years later. So if you don't like job security, maybe coaching college football is right up your alley. Since we're on the subject of college football, I was watching the Orange Bowl on New Year's Day and got the feeling I was watching a Broadway show and a football game broke out. The halftimc show that was put on Bears-Ra- ms and they have a player who has made being fat fashionable, that doesn't mean they had more fun winning than the New England Patriots or even a junior Jazz team made up olds. of a busy schedule of home meets this weekend. Friday afternoon at 3:30 the Lady Utes will host a dual meet against New Mexico. Later in the evening, at 6:30, it's the men's turn as Utah and New Mexico will once again take to the pool. Saturday afternoon's jneet is a combined men's and women's affair against New Mexico State. Starting time will be 2:30 p.m. in the Ute Xatatorium. .Utah's men's tennis team plays host to three dual meets this weekend at the Canyon Racquet Club. The Ute netters face powerful California Friday at 7 p.m. It doesn't get any easier, though, as Utah then plays fourth-ranke- d USC Saturday at 7 p.m. and WAC rival New Mexico Sunday at 1 p.m. .anyone interested in joining the 1986 university lacrosse club should attend a meeting Monday Jan. 20 in HPER-N22- 8 at 8:30 p.m. This year's club will try to improve on last season's successful 10-- 2 mark. For more information contact Lane 0. Nielson at U. hockey club takes to the ice this weekend the against the University of Arizona Icecats for a pair of starts at 9:45 p.m. games. Friday night's match-u- p followed by a 12:45 p.m. start on Saturday. Both contests will be played at the Cottonwood Heights Arena, 7500 S. 2700 East. Cost is $2 for students and $3 for general addmission. 532-355- .-- ...the legendary Gul Khan will perform a squash exhibition Monday Jan. 20 at the Deseret Gym, 161 N. Main Street, at 6:30 p.m. Those interested can contact the Khan Shop at Students can purchase tickets for $12.50. tte expenditures. Don't they realize that halftimc is for fans to go to the little quarterback's room and to buy a hot dog? From the faux pas department: Hot Rod Hundley, man for the Utah Jazz, was doing a radio spot Utah's upcoming game with Seanle. In the promoting commercial he said that the Supcrsonics were coached by Lenny Wilkens. That's O.K., Rod, except Wilkens doesn't coach Seattle anymore. Bernie BickerstafT does. Speaking of the Jazz, I went down to the Salt Palace to see the Jazz last Thursday and was lucky enough to see Sudanese center of the Manute Bol, the Washington Bullets. He is all legs and arms but that was enough to intimidate the entire Jazz team. Bol, who has only been in America about a year and a half, puts a whole new meaning into the word lanky. But Evnfo Still time to register FRIDAY NOON three-pa- rt 534-115- at DEVOTIONAL Amelia S. McConlcle wife of Elder Bruce R. QSuultaittod y Student Discount with Service Project FREE A. Sleigh Riding with Asian Refugee Children There's Always Room For Improvement F Kentucky Fried Chicken t" & If I 5 30 TURNOVER Pie Land USA i Alitor j t ... 4 English is not your first language and you have not as yet been APPLE ICE CREAM - 9 00 Information For ESL Students Gravy, Buttermilk Biscuit. mm Introducing The Mixin. Steve1! Sal. f 21 4 And a 3 4674 Holladay Blvd. I Uttfe . or a Served with Mashed Potatoes 581-901- (V.t ' x of 2-Pie- ces Country Fried Steak University Location 221 So. 1300 East I.D. fp E. 6 00 1947 IPHGDAIL!' Register now at Continuing Education, Annex Building, east wing. Because sprinkling on top is good, but mixing in is better. PARKING f weekdays 9:00 - racing coaches. Class meets Tuesdays, 1:30 p.m. at Brighton. No penalty for late registration. " 7 , STORESIDE Silt Llkt Cltf. 54 P.E.239R-37- , , & W40 So 1100 where there's plenty of room for you to perfect your slalom and giant slalom under the direction of two top 538-217- 2. McConkie Central Institute Chapel Advanced Skiers: s 1. course in planning, shooting and editing 12" Video. Tuition: $50. Call the Utah Media Center 8 or the Salt Lake Arts Council at A Saturday 10 .m. Meet In Central Institute Lounge . 1 PRODUCTION for an Institute Class ay And that's especially true of 359-39- 8-y- ear probably cost more than most bowl games' total play-by-pl- the U. men's and women's swimming teams have c Coke- - fr" Medium . . I UtllL. vt nn ins 01 in L. I I COUPON FOR A All l A purcnai American Special! Expires March 31, 1986 Good, ptrtlclfMttng Kentucky Fried Chicken Dorm to Ukth. J b m a m m a bi a adJ Hentucliy Fried Chicken GOOD AT ALL PARTICIPATING STORES IN UTAH assigned to the 104, 105, 106 ESL sequence, you will need to take a writing placement test. The next administration of the placement essay will take place at the Testing Center on Thursday, January 23, at 3:30. You must register by Friday, Jan. 17 at the Testing Center and pay a fee of $7. Placement Essay will not be given the first week of class. For more information, call the Testing Center 581-460- 0. 581-87- 44 or Dean Huber 1 |