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Show The Daily Utah Chronicle, Friday, June 3, Page Sixteen S'i6'. with furnished for male, utilities paid. $140. Private bath, no smoke or drink, 1566 Penrose Dr.. 63 DRAFTING TABLE AUTOMOTIVE LARGE LE ROY LETTERING SET. with 650 SPECIAL, excellent condition, windshield, $1,700 or make offer. UNIVERSITY OF UTAH. Student Family Housing. Now accepting applictions for two bedroom apartments available in June. For WALK TO U. 1981 Call 7. YAMAHA 63 272-153- 1981 YAMAHA 650 SPECIAL, excellent condition, windshield, $1,700 or make offer. Call 63 272-153- 1978 MOB CONVERTIBLE, new paint, stereo, extras, excellent condition $3,600. or best 613 offer. Call 2954586. 75 HONDA 250 XL 3.125 miles, excellent condition $400. 487-02063 359-438- 582- - 5301. 1080 HONDA XR50aonoff. Perfect condition. Less than 50 mi. $1500 or offer. Al. 292-435- (STUDIO). Beautiful CRUISE THIS SUMMER. 76 Honda CVCC. AMFM stereo, 43,000 mi., one owner, must 9 or sell. $1500. 63 5. 76 P0NTIAC LEMANNS. 2 door, great running & new safety inspection. $800offer. 63 359-542- classic body style with original flat head six. Looks & runs good $1100. 532-398- 4. 63 1047 D008E P.U.. 72 DATSUN 510. great transportation, some rust, must sell $400. Leaving SLC 582-726- 63 582-750- 8210, very reliable, new tires, 77 DATSUN brakes, paint, values, seat covers, $1900offer 63 943-352-1. 76 BUICK CENTURY 4 DOOR. V-air. It's a good running car $800 or best offer. Also 650 Yamaha motorcycle, 1979, good shape, $800 or best offer. Call Jim at 486-55863 good cond.. needs a little work, great deal at $750 63 72 CONTINENTAL MARK IV. exc. cond.. must sell. Highest offer. 63 RAN6ER LARIAT 4x4. loaded 1979 after 6.00 p.m. 63 asking $6,500. 77 CAMARO. excellent condition, new paint and tires, stereo. 48,000 miles. $4000offer. included, $325mo., available 71, Sony Trinitron, sim. wood cabinet, excellent cond. $250. COLOR TV WSTANO. 19" no pets, BICYCLE FOR SALE: Miyata 310, Men's 23 inch frame, alloy components, new tires, quality pedals, quick release frontrear, asking $225. Bill Heeschen unites near your lock, your key $8 and up. Special student rates 95 Leaving state must sell. 63 63 to sub let furnished apt. Nice location, call eves 2 TOM PETTY TICKETS, floor 18th row. Call after 5 p.m. Brian. 295-705- 63 63 total, FURNISNEO immaculate, 1100 included. Rodger E. 200 S. $200mo. heat LOST & FOUND 63 3. TO U. util. incl.. BLOCK 1 Br. $250; patio $395 252 Douglas St. colored, likes hanging out at the fountains. or Call Sheila. 63 561-22- 364-410- 5. IFM. Quiet Victorian house two blocks from U. S125mo. 63 364-153- 9. FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED to share attractive apt. walking distance to per mo. electric U. $130 63 583-601- need a place to stay? 2 roommates wanted, close to the Univ.. $175mo. Amenities include, swimming pool. Jaccuzzi. weight room. This apt. is located at 1156S. Foothiil Dr. $135. Tel. 6 ask for Aldo. 63 SUMMER STUOENTS LOST CHECKBOOK. eves. Chad 63 close to U $140 63 utility. Call David ROOMMATE NEEDED, older house. 3 blocks FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED, 'A utilities. 613 2 bdrm. apt. wLDS girl. 63 $140mo. Call 487-43- professionally rendered Resume. Freelance by Appt. Mark 546-309- 63 or 9 for info. Books South. DUPLEX CLOSE TO THE "IT. small deposit, singles welcome. Rental Data, 63 486-744- 2 BEDROOMS $200 WITH HEAT PAID. minutes to the "U". Rental Data, Just 486-744- 63 S185. ALL UTILITIES PAIO. 1 bedroom available now! Children welcome. Rental 1 Data We have dozens of available rentals under $200. 63 486-744- . 800 E.. Two bedroom house with fireplace, family room and basement only Our computer $265. Rental Data and professional staff can help. 63 APPROX. 1200 E. 2008, Two bedroom with all utilities paid. $260. available after finals. Placement Guaranteed only at Rental Data ABOVE 486-744- ma 63 S. Highland 14K Tootsie 2. 4:30, 7 00. 9:30 Ends Tuesday! HAIRCUTS SB. DOLLARS. Val Lynn s Hair Cottage 566 3rd Ave. Close to campus. the computer-ize- d rental service, would like to thank you for your patronage during the last year. We look forward to serving you during the summer and the coming school year. 63 THE STAFF AT RENTAL DATA, Auto, Life, Dental also available. Call Gary 613 or 255-623- 942-432- 5 STUDIO CONDOMINIUM center of Holladay; cash terms $26,500. Don 272-744- 613 "Women's Voices." Professional attention given to your fiction, poetry or nonfiction prose by writer Irene McKinney. Moa-Sat- ., n 10:00 private conferences Call DCE arranged. June for details. 63 Foothill area, brick. 2 bedrooms main. 2 down, 2 fireplaces. Owner anxious $91,300. Call or Gunp & Ayers Real Estate, Sue. 831 DUPLEX OR SINGLE RESIDENCE. 20-2- 466-870-4. MUCH CHEAPER THAN RENT! Buy House for under $300 per month. Owner needs to move by June 30th. Assume low interest subsidized loan. Excellent condition, 3 bedroom, carport, fenced yard, beautifu' landscaping, West Valley. OwnerAgent Space Hunter 12:45, 2:25, 4:05 5:45. 7:30. 9:20 Blue Thunder 12:45. 2:50. 5:00, 7:15, 9:40 The Man With 2 Brains 1 :50. 3:45. 5:35. 7:30, 9:30 SHE 63 cute. 2275 South Lake 63 484-162- 8. prospero's only lines. Your the best. Here's to a great summer. Rand. 63 LESBIAN ANO 6AY CATHOLICS and their friends: Dignity will meet at the Newman Center (1327 E. 2nd So.) for a Mass with the theme "Joy", Friday, June 3, 7 p.m. 63 Everyone is welcome to join us. M00N0066Y: I wish you could just let the swallows go home this summer and stay here and play with me! Love, Gidget. 63 Have a very happy 21st birthday. Love ya, E.S. 63 CLIFFORD EARL HOLT. 263-3- 1. i la HRlMEMtt GraYtty I Call WOMEN tfaraMe, 4890 South HKjHi AND deal Ghandi 1:00. 4:30. 8:00 workoat! 484-779- and window designs in tempera or enamel paint, call Linda at XANA Window Design at WINDOW WASHING FOR SUMMER 1. 613 I 531-015- $ TYPING FROM TAPE OR COPY: 25 yrs. experience. No job too big or too small. 530 277-588- 7. PROFESSIONAL TYPING, rush jobs IBM Correcting Selectric, All types papers, manuscripts legal, thesis, Marilyn 613 266-076- 1. Fast, accurate, will correct 9 spelling. IBM Sel. II. Linda 7713 StOPpage. TYPING - 533-969- B.A. WORDPROCESSING: COTTONWOOD EnglishXerox 820; Spellstar corrects spelling, mailing lists; $7.00hr. 942-376-9. 63 EXPERT TYPING, reasonable rates 968-604- students and small businesses (specialty in statistical 63 typing). Korinn TYPING. Selectric, self correcting IBM. All types of papers and manuscripts. Sherry 63 4. RESUMES. PAPERS. ETC.. 16 yrs professional experience. Theses, reports, appraisals, legal documents, cassette transcription, letters, mailings, manuscripts, proofing, editing, resumes (organizing also), billing, etc. Chris. 63 956-123- PROF. EXCELLENT. rates. Notary. SKILLS. Reas. SERVICE, for 25 TYPING 730 278-490- GUARANTEED OVERNIGHT pages or less, quality, experienced, professional typing, reasonable rates. Call Laura 730 355-818- ACCURATE TYPIST. English major. Exp- erienced, correct spelling. Rush jobs welcome. Janis 63 466-671- 2, WORD papers, resumes, PROCESSING, theses student rates, drop in 36 South 1200 East, 63 355-757- for all your typing needs. Southwest location, .901.20. Char CALL PRECISION TYPING available from an experienced teacher. Recent graduate in 63 piano performance. Call TENNIS LESSONS from Chris Castle. Oak Hills and Field House Tennis Pro. For more info, call 63 I JMMER PIANO LESSONS 965-414- 530 969-342- 583-733- 5. 583-615- TYPING. REASONABLE RATES, and corrections. Judy ACCURATE proofreading 63 487-723- 8. FAST TYPIST, letters, theses, dissertations, anything you need typed. IBM Selectric. Gayle 63 EXPERT TYPING, word processor. 120 wpm, books, theses, rpts., Mrs. Edgmand, 817 .85pg. pkupdel. 966-031- TRAVEL 968-731- CONVENIENT AVENUES AREA. IBM HOME? Is moving MOVING-GOIN- "adventure" you can destination for less than Lines at 613 487-363- 6. FLYING TO HARRISBUR PA.? I'll Selectric II typewriter. Experienced, reasonable rates. Susan 363-919- 63 ALL TYPING NEEDS. experience. 10 90Cpg. yrs. store CASHIERS FULL-TIM- E in TO HARRISBUR6 PA.? I'll pay you to take my cat. You do nothing except claim her as baggage. Call 63 FLYING 534-115- CASH? WANTEO: top prices paid for old Madame Alexander Dolls. Anything before 1980. Call Carole Madsen 272-316-6. 63 NEEO a CORP. APPLIANCE DIV. $600 KIDDE month part time eves. Some Sat. no exp. ness. working only 3 OR MORE WEEKLY, EARN SSOO hours a day. Guaranteed! For more information, write: Quantum Enterprises, 256 South Robertson Blvd. Dept C, Beverly Hills. Ca. 90211. 713 28.50 mo. tor single; $54.50 mo. for husband & wife; an 183 for family. Rates for people under 30. Dental, HEALTH INSURANCE: maternity available. or 487-15- 534-783- 1. 63 WANTEO: JUNK CARS Free Prompt removal. Used or 973-62- 973-277- HELP WANTEO-MOTHER'- pick-u- and cash. p partsfor sale. 85 , HELPER for 3 children. Must drive. S well-behav- References required. Salary commensurate with experience. Possible line-t- o situation. Phone 583-32for interview appointment. 63 I. travel agents! 8 week course. Internship gives valuable training. MEET THE DEMAND for 831 466-798- 0 hrs. part time janitor per week, mornings. Wages negotiable. HELP WANTED, 15-2- 63 MOTHER'S Call for summer. Monday-Frida- y Mustdrive. References. HELPER 8:30-1:3- 0. or 581-37- 613 SUMMER JOB IN SUNNY SOUTHERN CALIF. $500 a week and up. Call for information at or meet in Career Center between 1 and 4 o'clock Thursday & Friday. Ask for Champion Marketing. 63 278-387- 0 SUCCESSFUL ATHLETES WANTEO for summer employment. Average 1st summer income $6000. Average 2nd summer income 1 RM's preferred. 63 $15.000. Call SUMMER EMPLOYMENT applications are now being taken for success oriented individuals. Earn from $3000 to $9000 this summer. Summer management positions 1 ava. Call for information. RM's 63 preferred. 350-747- 350-747- 4 PART TIME JOBS AVAILABLE SUMMER FULL starting Sat. June 11. W6rk evenings & Saturdays. $12.50hr. Neat appearance & car required. For personal interview see Mark Benson, president Castlewick, 10 a.m., 12:00 noon. 2 p.m., Mon. June 6 only, 2180 Annex bldg. campus. Please be 63 prompt. for office products OUTSIDE SALES REPS distributor. Motivated saleswomen, protected territories. Povo areas also available. Lonepeak Marketing 572-351- 9. 63 electronic machine, legal, resumes, Robyn 485-397- WORK STUDY Needed for day and evening employment in the Granite School District. Work Study students are needed to assist in various day and evening school assignments. Assignments range from working in the classroom with students to functioning as assistant program or office managers. Site locations, east to west side of valley. Pay rate 5.77 per hour. For information call Tony 6 or John Ovard n FIRST SHOW THRU FRIDAY IS A SEAT AT THE UTAH CROSSROADS CINEMAS 487-140- 6. Ao MM Si 7. 8 EXPERT a.m.-- p.m. 7 WORD M-- S PROCESSING KMl 63 PROFESSIONAL TYPING. Quality 268-210- results. Near 9 a.m. to 8 63 P-- - 484 111 2749 PABL FYS 1:30. 4:1 7:00. 9:46 (Ft) Daily Shows the man any woman DAILY-10:4- p- EXPERIENCED TYPING done at home. Neat, accurate work, IBM Correcting Selectric III. Call Janette. FILMS CEMTUMV-FO- by Yale Ph.D. 467-285- 6. 45th South and State. RETURN THE MM- - OFJEDIasa 63 363-657- 1 WAY B. 6. 4 RICHARD GERE 63 467-413- , OOLBYN 2mA. plus final. Cheaper than typing or a bullet to the head." Lasting Impressions, 445 E. 200 S. 63 466-373- IHtTheati 63 "THE END IS NEAR!" moans Myrna the Honcho. "Let us finish you off for two bucks per double spaced type face including draft STUDENTS Bay 278-481- TYPING SERVICES available. Fast, friendly service. Call Karen 63 534-115- for night work at refreshment bar. Contact Trace at Frisco? ATTRACTIVE PERSON NEEDED 63 RUSH JOB SPECIALIST, BREATH LESS es WANTED AN OMON PICTURES MALE ACTORS WANTED film. Call Jim 485-978- for 16 mm. Student 63 invito :tJ. ftrtlAM MAJtSH MASON IASON OBARPc AID SOTHEBWp DUG A fj 3 DAILY-14- e. i; 487-79- Students must have a work study , 613 486-535- U of U 272-595- 4. pay you to take my cat. You do nothing except claim her as baggage. Call 63 268-852- Woman has been an inspiring theme (or artists since the beginning of art am a beginning photographer looking for models with whom can create images of style, sensuousness and romance during the coming months. If you are adventurous call me. Oenms. at evenings. CREEKSIDE PLACE 2784711 hauling, etc. Free Dave. 63 Gon-zall- I bon. 322-415- 5 prices. Pack the Lokbox at our place or deliver it loaded and compare our economy and speed. Call Bekins Sugar House Van BROOKE. III. openings to fill for summer positions. All aDDlications consi dered. $1,200 per month & bonuses Openings to fill quickly. Call Wed. 61 thru Fri. 63. For comfortable, CLEAN UP. mowing, and pay for it, real soon, with tax and utility saving. Call John at 63 359-704- Mark, Mary, Mike, Patty. Pat, Suzanne, Trent. Thanks for great times and an awesome year. We love you. Marianne and Paula. 63 lof or 63 to Santa ANN. BRIAN. CATHERINE. Greg, Kelvin. Liz. Distribution firm has a number 2 YARD estimate. Anytime 63 Street (740 East) FULL TIME IOBS 263-253- 582-23- yourself an do without. Bekins newly designed Lokbox delivers up to 500 lbs. of personal belongings to your new FREE KITTENS! Realty frame, good cond. 467-432- 0. for new 6 southwest Salt Lake. Call for appt. Interviews Monday in Salt Lake 63 appt. only. PART-TIM- E 582-202-6. 1. Seer-suck- er nterview Social Philosophy will be the subject of discussion at 7 p.m. on June 8. in Room 311, Union Building. All are welcome, those interested in meditation, please call 613 after 6 p.m. Y06A CLUB: LIFT YOU CAN SOLARIZE YOUR HOME lace and so are and embroidered dresses, blouses, and camisoles in cool cotton or Rayon. jump suits or wrap pants. Bold print sundresses and a rainbow of cartons at Mothers Earth Things. 875 E. 900 S. Open Tues-S11 a.m. to 6 p.m. 63 IS.L. A Fe. Leaving June 20. Call Lesley cut-wo- 4. SOMEONE RIDER NEEDED TO SHARE EXPENSES 613 19" 364-608- (581-697- occasion. The Balloon Tycoon, 63 SCHWINN SCISSORS HAIR SALON 416 E. 9th So. Scissors works individually weach client to determine a natural hair fashion best suited for your facial structure & lifestyle. Scissors also offers a full range of hair care products needed to maintain healthy hair. Mon-S4 Call wevening appt. 613 avalable Tues & Wed. with a balloon bouquet. Graduation, birthdays, any GIVE quality boards, factory direct $500 and $550. Call for appointment SAILBOAROS, processor-pic- a, elite. Can check spelling, references, et. Mrs. Nelley, 63 613 a.m.-noo- 364-81- $100 or best offer. Call THOUGHTS ON PAPER in PUT YOUR UNVOICED 364-769- 6. 278 4711 5UU1 War Games 2:15. 4:35. 7:00. 9:30 63 322-067- 4. INSURANCE, monthly rates. Single $18.16. Husband and Wife $42.16. Home. SUMMER IS HERE 63 9:30-2:0- HEALTH 969-987- 63 3. at St. Pauls Episcopal Church's Book and Rummage Sale. Saturday June 4, Everyone welcome! 261 South 900 East. 63 484-688- 250-420- 8. Open every Day Waking Owl 1260 East 4th GREAT BUYS ANO GREAT VALUE1 announcements and invitations. Franklin computers and software. The Salt Lake Jewelry Co. Michael B. Snow. $20 paid for diamond referrals. 63 328-304- 4. GIFTS. 582-121- 4. engagement settings, wedding bands, 1135 8 JEET KUNE 00 ACADEMY of Chinese-Filipin-o martial arts is accepting applicants. Call 268-878- diamonds. 63 a GRADUATION CAROS 1 and 2 bedrms $34,500 to $63,000. D.N.A. Inv. Realty 486-785613 WE BEAT ANY PRICE, a Hot Tub. Call today HAVING A PARTY? Rent 1975 HONDA 175 8300. 198? Honda CR125 $900, 1981 Honda CR450R $1000. 1979 Honda CB400 $650. 1974 Honda 750 $900, 63 Monday to Friday 9 to 5 FOR RENT with a M. Taylor 355-103- 582-410- 9. studios with word 328-189- THE RIGHT IMPRESSION MAKE PERSONAL UNIVERSITY HEI6HTS. 130 So. 1300 E. Reasonable prices, convenient location, and fast service. Call Mei, 51 AVENUES LOCATION. Typing for SERVICES 63 Rent-A-Sp- QUALITY TYPINGWORO PROCESSING. 63 266-541- 613 584-426- FOR SALE Dissertations. Theses. Manuscripts, Reports, Letters, Resumes, Tables. Figures, Equations. $1.00page of double-space- d type. IBM Selectric II. 12yrs. experience as secretary typist. B.S. Biological Sciences. For a professional job. call Diana 63 FEMALE TO SNARE Business Lecture 531. 968-702- and into sales. s, Management or Drama. Top commissions bonuses, easy sales by phone. A vital service to homeowners, 966-779- EXPERIENCED TYPING afternoons-eve- Business Vegas. Disneyland and more. Must add airfare. More info call Diane 63 TYPINGEDITING. 1983 you're looking for summer 582-412- 75 BUICK SKYHAWK. 571-15- work late 487-297- 8. 8, 2 Br. with 582-713- 3 at 32 So. 1300 East 2 108.34mo. 13 util. Call Jodi at work ext. 156 or home 63 FEMALE TO SHARE APT. from school. $140mo. LOST: FEMALE GOLDEN RETRIEVER, lightly 63 364-111- 4. noor.ir.iATES 583-322- I BEDROOM CONDO of iniquity for rent, close to "U". Utilities paid. Lavish new paint, full amenities, view of bathing beauties at poolside. 63 364-024- $50. Akai cassette. Kenwood turntable, Nikko 355-037receiver. Sansui speakers. Offer 3 bedroom 445 S. Tom ext. 217. good condition. great condition. SCHWINN RESPONSIBLE INDIV.COUPLE 486-181- 2 65 3644)647. MOPED. Puch Maxi Maroon, 533-090- 583- - 8137 or 63 584-426- 1. 63 533-837- 63 292-055- 6 SECURE. INSIDE. SELF ST0RA6E E. hTpOTATO. HAWAIIAN LOVER B.S.. C.B&R-PSlamma Jamma. US with T The Best! 292-405-5. U, house $425mo. neg. JfJSI 9 must seel Gray HAWAII 0 DAYS69-0- 0. Hong Kong 8 days 25 00. Puerto Vallarta or Mazatlan 5 days 54.00. Cruises 10 discount. Europe. Las includes many 1975 YAMAHA extra's, excellent condition. Days eve. and weekends 63 613 615-91- FIFE 0861 moving, must find home for sm., 3 yr. old German Shepherd. Well trained, beautiful color, great with kids. Call Andrea or Kris 277-543613 613 583- -6150. 364-153- SUBLET. TYPING bike. Never used, for more info, call hardwood floors, light and two blocks from U. $185mo. SUMMER Sport ten speed 21 INCH SCHWINN. World SUMMER SUBLET, nice apt., garage, water bed, liberal roommates, $135mo. 613 utils. 582-311TWO BEDROOM BASEMENT Try 466-101- 63 fireplace, most utilities 63 Trakker bindings, and Excel poles. $120 or best otter. 63 ST. 2 BEDROOM APT., mostly furnished, available June 1. 532-699- 6 days. UNFURNISHED extra 532-348- roller ski's. Excellent condition with 9:00-4:0- evenings. 63 CROSS COUNTRY. BUT NO SNOW? LOVE UNIVERSITY APARTMENT, 63 templates $105. 2 or more information call or come into our office at 1945 Sunnyside between 63 582-220- 4 532-348-4. ; 581-86- runs beautifully, colorful, sturdy body, owner moving, will sacrifice at $1500. 0 after 6 p.m. or on weekend. 63 74 VW BUG. 363-850- mechanical arm and chair $495. THIS AO if SAVE PEERS' LAW: The solution to a problem changes the problem. Waking Owl Books, open everyday 1260 E. 4th So. 582-732613 . I. 3tfo, a:1 5. 7ja?MS Flashdance 1 :00. 3:00. 5:00. 7:00. 9:00 Breathless 1:15. 3:15. 5:15. 7:20. 9:25 969 MANN RedwoodRd54lhSo Wargames 1:00, 3; 10, 5:20. 7:40. 10:00 2 Auditoriums Raiders of the Lost Ark 1.00, 5:20, 9:50 High Road to China t7RSm"tERNT HOMB. DOUDLE YOUR CHANCES IT S 22 NORMAN BAT. i. 'IS COMING FOR SUCCESS AMTUAMV Graduate from college with an officer's commission and a college degree. Enroll in MS 207 tory R, American Military equivalent of two years of Army ROTC during summer quarter. For more information call John Wynn, Dept. of Military Science. 7, 10'. PERKINS UNIVIMM- A oah His- I ncum IHHS nrr si; dt PAHHM.' 13 SCREEN il- COMPLEX Somnhiog hoppam I f wton sh hon I ih mum .lf i hr I Y V Ir'itwrfht. I pouton. H m. a: i bet , reg I ANHMMMfc PARAMOUNT P1CTUM g: V : : : 3:10, 7:35 A Bad Boys 2.50, 7:05 Outsiders 1:00, 5:10. 9:25 Flashdance 1:20, 3:20. 5:20, 7:20, 9:20 363 MANN7thE.ot5thSo. Blue Thunder MEDICAL SCHOOL APPLICANTS Accelerated three-yea- r program jointly with St. George' University, and major southeast U S A. university. We have placed hundreds of etudentt into the best English peaking foreign medical schools.. .Including St. George's University in the world's highest ECFMG average English speaking school. Call or write for our 1983 Bulletin describing how we can help you obtain a quality medical education. "Pay only on acceptance." Personal, professional Caribbean specialists since 12:45, 2:50, 5:00.7:15. 9:3GJ Man With 2 Brains 12:45, 2:30, 4: 15 6:00, 7:50, 9:50 Florid off New York offier Emtoiiiy Jilt 17 01 Park (305)683-622- 2 f a: Si J! South. Ktw Cardans ft (212)441-707- 4 C2) 148 SOUT?MAIN C 11418 ; :: :: ;B; ni ij; J j"? WTfm LJI LJL V 'THE ENTITY 4J1V-- IINfMAHAI'IPSi-tuN- P FV OPEN-- v v .- .yj:- oAlLV.1:30. 3.00. 4:48 20. 0:00. 9 46 Co-H- it l ) g : Corporation Drive. Wttl Palm ch Fi 33401 Una 1 tt ! 1975. Medical Educational v. J" " and Leadership, and complete the 581-671- alu 5 4"AS' AMIlAllli'MI OB SHOW AT DUtj I 111 : A . |