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Show The Daily Utah Chronicle, Friday, June 3, 1983 Page Nine Student activism necessairy to ewe apathy Perhaps this past year has been the most significant in the University's history a news year no college newspaper staff could hope for. Barney Clark's pioneering operation, President David brave the real world, we still sigh with relief because the year has not been without its frustrations. Many of us at the Chronicle have grown cynical, an unpleasant consequence of our constant exposure to an California, several athletic titles and of course Utah's own Playboy Playmate have won the University national attention, if not prestige. Consider also the budgetary problems, the Jerry Pimm controversy, the new cafeteria's opening and even the colleges nationwide. We are in the midst of the women's movement, certainly one of the most significant social revolutions. Mankind's very future is threatened by an insane nuclear arms race. Yet students carry on their lives in an ambivalent fog, certain they cannot effect change and refusing to try. Gardner's appointment to head the University of hellish weather and you may understand why the Chronicle staff has found the 1982-8- 3 school year to be so exciting and rewarding. Nevertheless, now that most of the staff is graduating to by W. Michael Lovett During the last couple of years I have had the pleasure of learning something about the great religion of Islam. Most Western men are rather ignorant of the profound and lasting influence which Islamic civilization has had on our own Western way of life. The more I learn about the magnificent Arab philosophers and theologians of the Middle Ages, the more I come to understand the beauty and truth contained in the ravishing books of the Persian poets and mystics, the more I am compelled to recognize the power and moral excellence of Mohammed's holy book, the Koran the more I learn all this, the more I am shocked and disgusted as I hear of the terrible persecutions against the Baha'is in Iran. The present regime in Iran wishes to build zn Islamic state founded on Islamic law. Fine and good. But the Iranian authorities don't seem to be doing that at all. Does Islam teach that it is good to douse people with kerosene and burn them alive? Does Islam teach that a man shall have the words "enemy of Islam," carved into his flesh? Does Islam teach that justice is injustice, that goodness is evil, that right is wrong, that angels are devils? No, it doesn't. The atrocities have been documented. There is no denying them. The Iranian authorities no longer pretend that they are not seeking to annihilate the Baha'is completely. How can any man of good will, no matter what his religion or political convictions, restrain himself from speaking out against these horrifying persecutions? They really must be stopped! Iran is a country so beautiful, so outstanding in its contribution to world civilization and so I saw Students, recognizing the world's uncertain future, concentrate upon securing a sound economic future for themselves. pregnant with promise of future glory that one is forced almost to weep when he beholds the murderous course of things in that country today. The Iranian authorities claim, among other things, that the Baha'is are "enemies of Islam," that they are agents of Zionism and the willing pawns of Western powers, and that they worship in satanic gatherings. The critics are right it has a lot of flaws. But while you're watching it, you're thoroughly entertained. One point the critics jumped on (even some of my friends pointed this out) was why would steelworkers go to Mawby's punk dancer bar when the bar across the street had six, count them, six naked women. Who would rather watch dancers who only suggested nudity when they could get the real thing? The answer is illusions. I remember seeing my first porno. (I hope my mother doesn't read this.) I was just turning 18 and five friends took me for my birthday. We MUCH on earth. "Therefore, it cannot tolerate the perverted Baha'is who are instruments of Satan and followers of the devil and of the superpowers and their agents, such as the Universal House of Justice of Israel. "It is absolutely certain that in the Islamic Republic of Iran there is no place whatsoever for Baha'is and Baha'ism." Anyone who is not an utter moral idiot and who is at all familiar with the facts can tell right away where the perversion lies in all of this. The CAN "DRINK? good judge of Shiraz, however much he knows about Satan, is quite confused about everything else. All of his accusations are just a load of rubbish; they're completely false. I am not a Baha'i, but I know for a certainty the Universal House of Justice has nothing to do with Zionism and no connection with the Israeli government. Baha'is condemn all forms of imperialism and have no special love for the superpowers; Baha'is revere Mohammed and regard him as a manifestation of God. As for their being satanic, snuck in past the protesters, shaded our faces and bought our tickets. But when we got inside the fun was somehow over. One naked person looks pretty much like another naked person. There was no illusion. The truly erotic teases you and tantalizes you. Your imagination supplies all the details. We can imagine things a thousand times more powerful then reality. The plainness of reality is often a letdown. I would rather have the illusion of an event and let my mind work. The magician performs his magic on us. We all know it is not real, but we're entertained anyway. The illusion is what hooks us. Once we know the secret of a trick we're no longer continued on page ten entertained. .... EfflBBINGClASS Prontcdicol Studorrt Advicor Friday, Juno 3 4:00 m m APPLYING FOR 1984-8- 5 look toward Allah the compassionate, the merciful for approval. And when they finally face their god what are they going to say? "O, great lord, behold our faithful work. We have slaughtered, tortured and terrorized, all in your name. We await our reward." Perhaps this will be the moment when Hojjatol-IslaQazai finds out, from the mouth of God himself, who are the real enemies of Islam. Revolutionary Court of Shiraz, Hojjatol-IslaQazai, said in a newspaper interview, "The Iranian nation has arisen in accordance with Koranic teachings and by the will of God has determined to establish the government of God APPLICATION PREPARATION 1 that is perfectly ridiculous. My Baha'i friends are wonderful people who love God and love their country, Iran. The trouble is that all the satanism seems to be on the side of Mr. Qazai and his grisly henchmen as they do their bloody work of extermination. At this moment, 22 Baha'is stand to be executed, if they haven't been already. The irony is that their executioners Recently the president of the Islamic Illusions make for better reality the movie Flashdance again last night. ' 1,500 students voted in ASUU's last elections. Consequently, student representatives get away with capricious and irresponsible conduct. It has indeed been an exciting year for us; yet, the lack of student participation in anything has made the excitement somehow artificial. Most of us will be gone, and the complexion of the Chronicle will likely be very different next year, but we hope students wake up and begin work on a genuine future. The Chronicle's editorial page offers an obvious mechanism for the commencement of that new activism, but it is up to the students. Real enemies of Islam don't include Baha'is guest column morns haggeriy oppressive student apathy demonstrated here and at Even on the most parochial level students fail to act unless it is in the interest of their pocketbooks. Fewer than PR1 V 212 Biology Bldg. .,,r.y.. (facte & (Zelefruite mwm Sidecvati Stile Merchandise & Books Slashed Up to 90 OFF!! Special Values in every Department OS'!? mm ym mi mm Hours 9 a.iBL-- 4 p.m. University Bookstore jQ |