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Show The Daily Utah Chronicle, Friday, June 3, 1983 Page Five Lectures highlight news Lectures and debates were prominent on the year's news scene as George McGovern and Moral Majoritarian Cal Thomas debated morals and politics, always juicy topics. Ralph Nader was in town to speak to an apathetic crowd MmmwMMm nynri about apathy and consumer ills. And finally, UFO expert Clark McClelland tried to convince his audience that E.T. and friends are real. However, according to McClelland, few if any aliens have green skin. I mmMmmtjfag Sl pip V.v.vB Vji&.-- x Students to get notice of awards Dan Aykroyd The University Financial Aid Office will notify students of financial aid awards by June 30, and students wanting the awards should notify the office as soon as possible. If a student accepts, the department will set up a schedule of should respond disbursement. Students receiving work-stud- y 1. because immeidately employment begins July Also, the office will accept applications for tuition deferment for summer quarter from June 22 to July 8. To qualify a student must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or better, have a viable means of repayment and a good credit rating at the University. (ffl Edd ie Murphy 'Chronicle' bids tearful adieu Friday's Chrony is the last of the academic year, but don't despair: The Summer Chronicle will be published Wednesdays during summer quarter starting June 28. The Daily Utah Chronicle will resume publication Sept. 27. And, as they say in high-scho- ol yearbooks, "Have a fun summer and call sometime . . . really." mm Some very funny business. O SI O New York Times Wall Street Journal Salt Lake Tribune Deseret News University Bookstore A LANDISFOLSEY FILM BELLAMY-DOAMECHE PARAMOUNT PICTURES PRESENTS AN AARON RUSSO PRODUCTION DAN AYKROYD-EDDI- E MURPHY-'TRADIN- G PLACES"-RALP- H N DENHOLM ELLIOTT AND JAMIE LEE CURTIS EXECUTIVE PRODUCER GEORGE FOLSEY, JR. WRITTEN BY TIMOTHY HARRIS & HERSCHEL WEINGROD PRODUCED BY AARON RUSSO MtTNICTID A RARAMOUNT PICTURE DIRECTED BY JOHN LANDIS -- R under 17 MMHT mounts accompantine 0 ADULT GUARDIAN All Rights Reserved Starts Friday, June 10th at a Theatre Near You. V Ibwhh |