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Show Urge, justice called 'Next." to the clerk slttinif at his left. "Mn. Alfred Lane against hei husband. TEMPERANCE DEPT. Edited By Alfred Lane. Charge, diinikenntRS," announced the clerk. ' Will the parties and witnesses please asked the justk-eforward?" step Simultaneously Charlotte, her sister, and Alfred arose and walked to the front of the desk. Harriet was pale nrid hesitatiug, Charlotte erect and calm. Neither glanced toward the guilty man, now completely sobered. The Iihz ardous sitiou in which he tound him self with all it involved was most embarrassing, as his altered appearance attest d. The throbbing of his temples could be seen. He stood apart aud awaited resulls. "Will you state your case?" asked the justice of Charlotte. She opened her mouth to speak, but that moment there lloated In through the open window the sweet, clear strains ..f violin: "Good bye, Summer, good-- Mrs. F. A. Ccok. Tha Strains of a Violin. I am so glad you have come!" "What is it, Charlotte? Nothing has Then in a low happened, I hope?" voice she almost whimpered, "Alfred again?" "Yes, Alfred! And I have at last tak- held, straightened his reverently. "Home!" he said to the coachman a few moment! later, as he half lifted Char'otte into the carriage. Money spent for strong drink of any kind Jnrt bout the nme M sn ""1h lost There is spent in tbiscOUV try each year enough to prevent all pov-Mjr, to 've every man a new suit of a 1 lie In silk instead clothes, to clothe his Charlotte swayed as if to fall, but of calico, to run all tbe schools and to steadied herself and tried to speak. No iuPPrt a11 the churches. Our best "Charlotte Lane!" is words do. It came, however, and the justice re judges say that nine tenths of all crimi"There was nothing else to nal cases in our courts are the result of my only hope. I've had him arreBted, poated his question, tail time raising his drink. Young meu, think of strong and I want you to goto the police court voice: "Madam, will you state your these things aud see if you cau not do case?" with me." something to lessen these evils by abstainAll color left Charlotte's face; the ing from the use of intoxicants. believe can't I Charlotte! "Arrested, music liiled the air, aud everyone except it. How could you?" en the step which I have often threatened to take. I have had him arrested." could I? I co'ild, because something had to be doue. I could not stand it a day longer." Harriet sank into a chair overcome by the situation. At last she said: "Why have you never told me it was so bad "How a- this?" "Because I tLought I could hide the disgrace from everybody , even from you; but I have endured more than you will ever know. It is two years since he went on his first spree two long, miserable years. He began to be reckless right after our child's death, and has grown steadily worse. He would often be gone for more than a week, sending me no word of his whereabouts. Think of the sleepless nights I have had to en- the weary days of waiting for some word to say he was found, and then the agony of seeing him brought home and put to bed, a helpless, driveling, drunken, disheveled creaturel Of course, his business has been neglected and is greatly injured by rumors that are now getting abroad. I have grown hard and pitiless with the wreck that has been made of my life of both our dure; ! bye, good-bye.- melan- twenty years of my life, so long a supremely happy life, with neither care nor sorrow until two years ago, and what an eternity of unhappiness has been crowded into those two years, it seems as if I should go insane." "Charlotte, there is no doubt that it was the terrible shock of Ellen's death which caused the change. Something may as suddenly reclaim him." her sister said soothingly. "It never will. Wouldn't you think the memory of that beautiful daughter, less than eighteen, so clever and accom plished, and such a glorious singer, would make him live right? She was Sometimes during the idol of his heart. the long, weary hours I have spent alone, 1 close my eyes ami fancy I hear her sing one song after another, and today her last favorite song, 'Goodbye, Summer,' has been ringing In my ears. If she only knew, it is in truth 'Goodbye, Hum Mr,' In her mother's heart." For a, few moments neither spoke; Charlotte was lost in thought and her sister was quietly weeping. "Now you know, Harriet, why I telephoned for you," her sister said. "I hope you will forgive me for asking to go to such a place." you "You know you can always call on ine to Ktand by you, dear, whatever the occasion," was the sympathetic reply. They drove to tbe station In silence, each engrossed with her own thoughts, and entered the police court just as the month. Don't miss this Great Bargain Event. New bargains are threwn on tbe table every day, so you "will not be disap- pointed, no matter what day you call. If you are in need of anything, or think you will be within the next sixty or ninety days, now i the the time to buy, and this is surely the place, as nowhere else in the County will your dollars have such pui chasing power. - Notice the 25c table of Underwear. I YOU CAN ALWAYS BEST DO AT FISHBURN'S ro l -- i onnorroi ONE PRICE AND THAT THE LOWEST. IOC m FEED, SALE ATTENTION Bargain Seekers. handle all kinds of horses, draft, roadsters and saddle animals. All horses sold cr exchanged guaranteed as represented. Give me a call at the Proctor barn. HODE WOOD, ALL BARGAIN SEEKERS who wish to get more than their money's worth should pay us a visit and look over our stock. IT COSTS NOTHING TO LOOK, .and if you buy you are sure to get a bargain. When it comes to Tin Ware, Enameled Ware, Queens Ware, Stone Ware and Galvanized Ware, a good Sewing Machine, the BEST Washing Machine or Wash Hoard, those "GOOD BREAD MAKERS," Table Cutlery, or, in fact, anything in the Hardware line, Paint line, Glass line or STOVE line, oo Will be in Tremonton on or near January 15th 1907. THE KENT HOTEL & SHORT ORDER HOUSE. oo Meals 25c. Served From 6 A. M. to 10 P. M. Good Meals and Good Rooms. Satisfaction Guarateed. Telephone E A. KENT, IS ILL IT WILL COST YOU REMONTON, nn unr 5 r if a high-grad- e H UTAH. Both Phones. No. 11. 3te write for our biir FKKF. BICYCLE caul howing the most comoletr line of hu-- irrnH IUCYCLKS. TIKES and SUNDRIES at PnU-Uny other manufacturer or dealer in the world. from SB IS: nit mnmi am until you have received our complete Free Mm or on any kind of terms, and and illustrating describing every kind of Wil- Wilson Lumber 3& VJS8 .50 PUNCTURE-PROO- SI WE CAN DO JOB PRINTING The Times, Tremonton. TIRES F Regular Prico $8mBO (ft e bicycles, old patterns and latest models, and learn of our remarkable LOW I'llICES and wonderful new offer made possible by selling from factory direct to rider with no middlemen's profits. WE SHIP OK APPROVAL vnthout a cent deposit. Par the Freight and allow 10 Day Free Trial and make other liberal terms which no other house in the world will do. You will learn everything and get much valuable information by simply writing us a postal. We need a Mrfv Aamnt In everv town and ran offer an nnnnrfnnltw to make money to suitable young men who apply at once To We You "JI.hij Sell Will a Sample for c'ir (CASH " PER PAIR NAILS. TACKS On GLASS WON'T LET OUT THE All Only WITH ?" Tm per pair. Introduoo ORDER $4.86) PUNCTURES. NO MORE TROUBLE FROM Result of 15 years experience in tire making. No danger from THORNS. CAC mmm Notice the thick rnbber tread "A" and pnneture atrip "II" Serious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, can and "D," also rim atrip "If" be vulcanized like any other tire. to prevent rim rutting. This tire will oatlart any other Two Hundred Thousand pairs now in actual us. Over make-MOELASTIC and -.Seventy-fivThousand pairs sold last year. ASY K1DINU. DESCRIPTION! Made In all slie. It is lively and easy riding, very durable and lined insid Willi a special quality of rubber, which never becomes porous and which closes up small punctures without allowing the air to eacapc. We have hundreds of letters from satisfied customers that their tires have only been pumped up once or twice in a whole season. They weigh no morestating than ID iTilinary tire, the puncture resisting qualities being given by several layers of thin, specialty prepared fabric on the tread. That "Holding Back" sensation commonly felt when riding on asphalt or soft roads is overcome by the patent "Basket Weave" tread which prevents all air from being qtieezed out between the tire and the road thus overcoming all suction. The regular price of these tires is fx yi per pair, but for advertising purposes we re making a special factory price to the rider of onlv per pair. All orders shipped same day letter is received. We ship C.O.I). on approval. ou do not pay a cent until you have examined and found them strictly as represented. We will allow s cash discount of 5 per cent (thereby making the price 94. M per pair) if you send FI LL CASH Willi ORDER and enclose this advertisement. We will also send one nickel plated brass hand pump and two Sampson metal puncture cloaera on full paid orders (these metal pui:. :ii:e closers to be used in case of intentional knife cuts or heavy gashes). Tire to be returned at Ol li expense if for any reason they are not satisfactory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and money sent to us is as safe a in a bank. Ask your Postmaster, Banker, Kxprt ss or Freight Agent or the Editor of this IMper about us. If you order a ,air of these tires, you v.tll tind that they will ride easier, run faster, wear better, last longer and look liner than any tire you have ever used or seen at any price. We know that you will be so well pleased liat when you want a bicycle vou will give us your order. We want you to (end us a small trial rder at once, hence this remarkable tire offer. par Is and repairs, and saddle, are sold by us at hall the usual f CM- DDA Ay CO everything In the bicycle linepedal, prices charged bv dealers and repair men. Write for our big St'NDKY catalogue. 111 " I"""-'hut today. DO NOT THINK OF IICYINC a JtfflT Fin PJU of tires from anyone until you know the new cmj HI I bicycle or a IrV I WAIT' vonderful offers wc arc making. It only pair costs a postal to learn everything. Write it NOW. TUS. PINS. NAILS. TACKS or GLASS. T e 2 YOUR Tremonton, Utah. Prop. Don't fail to call and get one of our beautiful Calendars, the Climax for 1907. HOW Connection With Both Lines. BELOW son's. Tremonton. THE GERMAN OPTICIAN sill purpose. the best. Buy it at Proprietor, Dr. William Mack, We are "IT." Building Material in any quantity and for any 00 is EXCHANGE C& WTill Right Now Our Store Is Filled with Choice Goods That Are Needed by Every Housekeeper. Headlight Kerosene 10 STABLES. I oo o Stores at Brigham and Tremonton. , fastidious, generous, sympathetic, upright good, devoted to his wife, idolizing his daughter, loving his heme, should change like this in two years." "It is too pitifully true," the other replied. "All the good in him seemed to die when our darling passed away. As he Hist became O THE GREATEST BARGAIN EVENT EVER ATTEMPTED IN THESE PARTS. cyill Winter Goods must go. No matter what 0 you want in seasonable merchandise, you get it at o a Eargain Price during the remaining days of this 8 To Correspondents. the justice seemed to be listcuing to it. Charlotte looked appealingly at him and Wc have this week mailed to some of murmured somethiu incoherently. our correspondents stamped envelope "Come, come, Madam, speak up! You in which to send us news items, and we are delayiug the court!'' would be much obliged if they will try favor us wit'i lettariat lea t once ev- to Harriet drew closer to her sister, puterv t wo or inrec weens, .lot down tne "'"" happenings in your community as best K,""u" '"'' ,!S " support and courage. Charlotte gave )'0U cau and send them to us and wo one swift look at Alfred and said to the wi" "s them up for the printer. And don't f"riret t0 8IGN YOUR NAMB' justice, with trembling lips and falter We will not print your name, but we waat . : Ing voice: to know who sends the items. And we I will withdraw tbe wilt give a liberal commission for "If you please, any charge." She. crossed over to Alfred, new subscribers you may send us. who, with white face hidden in his hands, When your stamps are gone please notify ' was sobbing convulsively and throwing us Hml we wi" v'ul more' All letters ought to be in our hands by . nr flimi i" mi' mi met, sue vvjuxHpereu Vednesday morning at the latest ear something which only be could hear. lier if possi 1)1( to insure publication the The justice by a motion dismissed the same week. was choly, then morbid, refusing to allow one note of music to he heard In the house, and even ordering the piano to be kept closed. Then he began drinking. 0 Harriet! When I think of the past " ' lives!" Harriet sat speechless, dazed with all her sister had told her. Then she said: "It seems absolutely incredible that a man so nearly perfect as Alfred Lane you remember, Our January C LEARANCE SA LE Still Continues. o shoulders, from bands Charlotte's gently DBcUaped round his neck, and holding them in his looked down into her face. No words were needed to express the determination, the resolve, the pledge, wblcfa his eyes gave her la that never to be forgotten moment. Her gaze answered his, and He he knew that be was forgiven. clasped her iu his arms and kissed her , ed arms. dear, his . Charlotte Lane walked restlessly back and forth iu her room, anxiously await There was injr the arrival of her sister. feeling of dread as she a ;ckenin to face. thought of the ordeal she had Vvhen the door bell rung, it startled her as If she had not been expecting it, but with an exclamation of relief she turned to meet her sister with outstretch "0 Harriet, eoun, and he and the clerk passed quiet ly out of tk room, Unmet Colipviag, The trattaad and wife were left alone. As the last sweet toufs of the violin died nwiiy in t he distauce, Alfred raised kind-face- FT. PflACTrD - unAACOi vUJ MEAD CYCLE COMPANY. Dept. "JL" CHICAGO. ILL |