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Show Sugar Beet Now Ninth tot beet, far If titty do so they will simply anlo tne wori they bare dose. Choose In Value. Crop the type of cow you wish for your ideal The annual report of the secrt- - :uul Inen bwd up to It Dairying Bti . tary of agricultural, just made we" witn ttok raisin.-- rrain raising at public, contains a comparison of hett raking, but it mum he foil wed "Value of Leading Crops," telligcnliy under present conditions u which is of much interest to those make it profitable. .Select a good sire engaged in the sugar beet indus- - fld get rii t a" poor cows, is the mot-trUnder the heading above to of the successful dairyman. Test the cows by weighing the milk and Boding quoted the secretary says: "Corn remains by far the most now much butter fat it contains and then Valuable crop, estimated at elev- - breed and feed to increase the product. en hundred million dollars. Next And do not forget to properly care fcr comes the cotton crop, which, the cow, which is really a noble mother including seed, should be worth ! and worthy of all that can be done for to the growers nearly six hun- - j her. tired and forty million dollars. The speaker referred to the Danish The value of hay, which is third method of testing cows, in which a man in order, approaches six hundred employed by the government went from . . . a iim ,1 :ii: millions. mitttuu, me tIOUTXn j dairy to dairy in a certain section, ro crop, may be worth four hundred maiuiug on each farm fur about two days and fifty millions; oats, three a month at a cost ot :ibout sixty cents a hundred millions; potatoes, one year for each cow, by which the product hundred and fifty millions. Bar- - was increased upwards of sixteen dollars. o 0 orinne I'tan, Paid up Capital of .MAIN STREET, TREMOXTOX, la-ti- e t u P. JENSEN, I COLE BANKING CO. Accounts and Successor to J. C. Gates, is still J All bualnma ' For Hats, Caps, Shoes ami Rubber Goods, t'oi.l:. President II and Gents1 Furnishings. 0 Will also carry a complete line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES ( which will be sold at Li ve j The Old and-Let-Liv- B FRUIT CROWING IN UTAH Fr Blacksmithing and Hors hoeing; There yon ean gei the bes work done in the8tat and vou don't have to stay er night to pel it. The FIRST, BEST and nly FIRST 'LASS SHOP in An Important Industry. I during the past year. The report shows that 802 cars of fruit were shipped out of the State during 1906, as follows: Box Elder, 285; Weber, 218; Davis, 10; Stdt Lake. 8; Utah 2)4; Sanpete and Sevier. 8; Grand, 27, Cache, 4; Emery, 3. The value of these shipments amounted to Approximately $454,000 worth of dried fruits was imported into the State last year and about 25,000 worth of cut Sowers. The record also contains a table showing the success leading apple growers of the State have had in spray ing for codling moth. The fruit canning industry of the materially during the year, 552,587 cases of canned fruit vegetables ami ketchup being put up. valued at II 078,983. There arc twenty-twcanning factories in the State in operation, 1325 people and paying out 1103233 annually in wages. Over $277,-dOwas paid for fruits and vegetables these concerns last year. by State-increase- , A Farmers' Meeting. Last Saturday afternoon a very interesting meeting of the Farmers' Protective Association was held in the Tremonton vbool house, and was well attended by about fifty or more farmers from ail parts of the valley. The meeting was presided over by Mr. John P. Holmgren of Bear Hiver City. Professors Larsen and Thomas of the State Agricultural College were present and addressed the meeting at some length. Prof. Larsen spoke upon the dairy Interests of the State and the necessity of improving the dairy cow in order to make the business 1ay 'iMHiun w.MJiiy rn Plea For Dumb Animals. A leave them standing in neither do all bad men leave the cold ; ani- tlo-i- r mals uncovered under such conditions. a rule, it is the careless, the thoughtless man who fails to treat his animals A i h imanely. The thoughtful good msn f 'ed his animals regularly with the proper amount of food furnishes them housing and good clean and b;ds, keeps them warm in severe w ;ather, because he is humane at bean and loves the helpless dumb creature in his possession. The thoughtful bad m in invariably takes care of his animals because he knows that he gets the best service from hem by so doing they live longer, can do more work, can be s )ld easier and for a better price when he cares to get rid of them. .Many nu n who pray loudest sadly neglect their animals and many men mean enough to beat their wives daily, seldom, if ever, abuse their animals in any way. The uiao who is not feeding his dog or his cat or his horses ami cattle, providing proper shelter for them, and taking care of them in a general way, is hardly worthy of possessing either. At least such a man cau make and keep no more worthy resolution than that to change his treatment of nil animals. He will get better service from them and at the same , co nfortably I time find a greater joy in living. Logan Republican. Pale Tar e Heap Fool! "Advertising is no good." said man in old clothes. ( town. MEL DRUM. remonron. MARKETS wheat per bu. .oo is on Oats We understand that a scheme 100 lbs. 1.10 per fool, over in the Snake River Valley to Feed .90 barley per 100 Iba erect a large power plant for the mdnu-rBrewers barley .95 facture of eiectri tity flfbi :!i t h: pram Beef cattle per lb. .21-2- ; era hope to sell to the Bear Kiver Valley .071-- 2 land the intermediate towns and cities. Pork dressed .051-- 2 We believe there is nothing too good for Irk alive U a we think there hut power Butter l'remont, 20&.25 per lb. I Utah. EXPERIENCED Bricl avail-enplant nearer by that ought to be which and motors able for electric lights could furnish electricity at less cost than L would require to bring it one or two hundred miles over the mountains. We fall of some understand that there is r in Heal' f, irriuat in !T thi River lift, canal between Garland and Trcmont . doz. Eggs per Chickens Potatoes per 100 MADE TO ( 'ement-bloc- All a ( specialty Richard Schwab I J. .30 .071-- 2 .90 ORDER SUITS :iiil k WORKMAN. e I II Tremontott, Utah L. Headquarters and Cigars. ik guaranteed STAHL, for Choice I Wines, iquors n emonton, . I which might be utilized as a power plant without detriment to tha usefulness of me cauai uu urigauug juiiusk, y .Q that could be obtained there would be no etui j need of going outside of the Valley for ' all the electricity necessary for lighting will sell the famous Garden City Tavlorinc Niiis, cheaper nan ou buy elsewhere. 1 M. T. and running machinery for years to come. We believe that if the attention of the proper parties was brought to the matter this power could be obtained for a reasonable consideration and utilized. Let some of our business men look into the matter and sec what can be done be RICHARDS Deweyvillc, S. F. CHRISTENSEN Scientific Optician EYES TESTED FREE With L.C. Ghristenseu and Sous Iirigham City, Utah. fore going abroad for power. No newspaper in a small town like CBl, I'remonton can prosper unless it has tue Lawyers sipport of all the people in the town.; Suite 5 and (! Commercial Block here is probably no greater factor in Logan Utah, the upbuilding of a community than an . p, O. Box local paper, and no editor, no Phone 70. matter how wise he may be, can make; the paper of much value unless he has BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICAN YOEMAN Hear River Valley Homestead No the help of the citizens in getting the news. Therefore the manager of the meets the 2nd and 4th Saturday cvcniiH f each mouth at 9 p. m in the Frater Times reauests every one who knows of ual Hall, Tremonton a iv happenings of interest in their M B. Hart neighborhoods, to either write or phone Fore ma a t te facts to him and he will see that P. Burns Correspondent, they arc set forth in proper shape fur the Haft FEED and SALE STABLE VERY Ltah. Will buy, sell or exchange driving or work horses. Everything guaranteed as represented. Wm Call on me. Hudson Tremonton, Utah- - We GARLAND Nebeker 1 Not all good men cover their animals with blankets when thev have occasion ti ( 30 TREMONTON Power Near Home. CLUB Choice WINES, Liquors :uii Cigars EPH. COOMBS. Proprietor. Gar tllKl rink PEARL SALOON hoiee Wines, j Liquor :nil ara ( itfio's. I , Garland, A. B. Manausa Proprietor. ('tali, p lblic. No B Passes. I H JONES, A ITOBNEY AN D COCNWi:i.I)n AT I.AH who ar stateofficials of I'tah party Practices in all State and Federal I rived from Los Angeles on a delayed Courts and before the United train over the Stdt Lake route had an States Land office. experience Jan. 1st, when the anil""""Office over Rosrnboum'n Stun pass law went into effect and the train l TAIL conductors refused to honor the compli-mentar- BRIGHAM CITY, which on they transportation y began their return journey from Los Angeles. All were compelled to go into their pockets and dig up full regular fare for the distance traveled after the expiration of the old year. Utah's new executive was a member of the parly. The rise of the new president of the great Pennsylvania railroad system is another example of the prizes that He in the way of energy and ambition, Beginning with the position of rodmmi, at the age of 59 yean he has won the highest railroad position in the world. The biographies of many of the most proini Dent industrial captains tell a similar story. All sorts of possibilities lie open before the right mlnde d, healthy Amerl the can youth . "It never helped me none." Among the points made by the speak cr was one that the farmers must get to "t . ELD . Is now located at Tremonton A The gold fever lias struck Manitou. The millionaire merchant U Colorado, because trFd smiled. "That pay gold "re lia in; been found It, you in an old tunnel that liail been abandoned John, as the Indian tried the feather c for tb bed. An Indian took a feat her, placed for twelve years. Tlic strike wan made gethcr and remain together t'ompllshment of any improvement in It ou a plank aud slept on it all night. In the Camp Creek tunnel at the head of Mi' 'Paleface William canyon .two breeding cattle. Tbey must uot breed In the morning be growled II ar. fnr.for a fw years for milk and nutter, and people Uap yfeatber heap soft. 10 tl,c cenc. then get discouraged and go to bfi etlinj fool, ugh!' " profitable. Txra, ; exhaustive report of the fruitgrowing and fruit packing industry of was unanimously agreed to. Utah has been filed with Governor Cutler, showing what has been accomplished An Come and try us and be convinced. Will meet all competition for cash. He thought it would be a good plan for the dairymen in this section to unite and drainage law, or pass a new one, making i', possible for a few farmers In a thinly populated section to have a drainage district to get rid of surplus water After some discussion and explanation i: Reliable Shoo Prices. e . . ashier. CALL AT ! employ an expert to do the same work here. He answered a number of The address lions on various points. was listened to with great Interest. Prof. Thomas, also of the U. A.C.. followed with a talk on the improvement of grain and vegetables by the proper selection of seed. The speaker gave the theories that are governing tlnse who enraged in this work and instanced German method of improving not only the M.e and symmetry of the sugar b?et but its saccharine qualities as well. lie advised the selection of the most permillion dollars." saventy-fiv- e feet ears of wheat when it began to rip- Sugar Beet Gazette. and then to take the grain from the middle of the ear. and sow this crain, Sugar Beets In the Bear River Valley. and from its product select in the same manner, and in a few years much imThe following- figures of the sugar beet provement would result. He also advisindustry have been compiled by the ed the careful selection of seed potatoes, Utah Sugar Company and are probably taking only those that were of fair size very nearly correct. and without deep eyes In this way the The total acreage of beets planted in of marketable potatoes could be in the Valley in 190C was 5180 acres, of yield creased. In answer to a question he which S100 acres were harvested in good said that about the only cure for scab or condition. The average yield for the blight was to plant on new ground, as uOO acres was sixteen and forty-s- i the bacteria which produced the dessase hundredth tons to ths acre, which is the would remain in the ground and attack largest yield ever realized on an equal the crop with renewed vigor if replanted. number of acres in the United States. A resolution was offered that the legis-- I iture be requested to amend the present 'orrMpoadPtr " S( lint ed ill receive troiiitr with us ( Interest paid oh time deposits. n 1 icy, with a value of sixty-fiv- e million dollars, shows a gain of 21 per Cent in production in the past seven years. The tobacco crop will be worth about fifty-fiv- e millions. A remarkable development is that of the sagar beet, now the ninth crop in value. The production in 190G is placed at three hundred and forty-fiv- e thousand long tons, valued at thirty-fou- r million dollars. Seven years ago the value of this crop was seven million dollars. The value of all kinds of sugar, syrup and molasses aggregates iUi.l4 . and cHrefnll sttcntion. HEADQUARTERS D Personal ItenponsihUlty HOiOOO. t Dental Work. 1 HIS WORK IS ALL GUARANTEED. T remonton - ar n ess ) m pa n v j DEALERS Carpet Weaver 1 have a new loom and am .Ml pre-pairc- d Harnesses Saddles Collars Whips Blankets to'do the best of weaving. in Bring your work. Any work left at the Trcmont Times office "ill he promptly attended to, MRS THOMAS LAWS, KINDS OF HARNESS AND (i(K)DS ETC.. Sweat Pads Halters Tents and Awninjrs Bicycles Bicycle Supplies Sewing machine Supplies Oils Thatcher. Utah IN Tin Ware lie paired. Shoes Resoled and Repaired. G promptly obmined In W oMata f th,-nAOWrUM THAT PAY. horuutflijj', at our eipenae, and help you to SmhI mortal, phuto or hki-- li fnr FRCC report "" ltenUbllltjr. to SUR pnetk PASSING RCFCRENCtS. for free UttSJa on ProfluO,p I'nt.-til- . writelo BO EN ERAL RKPAIR SI OP TH OATM8" STORK. NKXT DOOttTO '' tUoMoMMtarno TRADE-MARK- REASONABLE PRICES. RMOITJM n. i "r, ir S patents Cel Your Property Insurer Sovnnth Street, D. C. WASHINGTON, BytlieBesI rnurance Company doing budiness in the ' tin save you money on your insurance. State. I Advertise with US. it pays CALL and BE CONVINCED Times Office, E. R, SheriEHrj Tremonton. 't |