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Show AN MANY SOURCES OF SALT. NEWS SUMMARY IMPORTANT CASE That from Natural Springs le Generally Most Nearly Pura. Patient Cured of Ataxia Gives the Entire Credit to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Mrs. S. C. Wellock, of 114 Cleveland Avenue, Everett, Mass., the wife of o employe in the government works at Chelsea, says: "I had been troubled with nervousness for ten years and the disease kept growing on me. Then I learnad that I was suffering from locomotor ataxia. I had terrible tremblings in my right leg which would get rigid and when this happened in the street I uai to stand still until it passed away to keep from falling. My right arm felt as if a thousand needles were pricking it. The sheet touching my knee in bed would nearly cause me to scream out with pain and both knees were so weak I could hardlv k'.and. "1 had to use a cane and be helped about by my son. Then the pain beto in settle the calves of my legs gan and the muscles became numb and The cords un quivered constantly. der my knees seemed to be drawn up tight and the terrible shooting pains In my les;s would nearly drive me insane. My toes became numb and at times would prickle as if needles were being thrust into them. My eyes became dull and black spots floated before them. My heart was very weak. "My attention was called to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I boucht several boxes right away and soon felt relief. I was so pleased that I kept on taking them until they cured me entirely, and I have had no symptoms of the trouble for over a year." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all druggists or sent, postpaid, on receipt of price, r,0 cents per box, six boxes $2.50, by the Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. A booklet, entitled "Nervous Dis-- During a storm the Greek sailing boat Urania went on the rocks near Ancona, Italy, and was wrecked. Thirteen of the crew were drowned. It may be several weeks before th charges filed with Postmaster General Cortelyou against the New York cotton exchange are given a hearing. Jokc-wlcEdward Main and Stephan two victims of a powder mill explosion at Kenosha, Wis., died early Sunday. Three others injured cannot live. In a riot of 400 Greek laborers employed on the United Railroads In San Francisco, Markos Romantes, a Greek, was struck on the head by a brick and killed. A westbound Rock Island passenger train ran into an open switch near Kingsflsher, Oklahoma, One passenger was killed and a number seriously hurt. Brigadier-Genera-l George A. Bell, U. S. A., retired died at his residence in Washington on the 2nd. He was brevetted four times for gallant conduct during the Civil war. Snowstorms and blizzards of exceptional severity are prevailing throughout southern and southwestern Russia. Traffic on the railroads is interrupted and great loss of life is reported. The discussion of the episode in Brownsville, Texas, which resulted in the discharge of three companies of negro troops, will continue this week the topic of paramount interest in the senate. HE WANTED LIVE NEW8. One man is dead, one severely Correspondent Had No Time to Waste wounded and another slightly injured, with Vice President, as the result of a desperate fight occurred between Mexicans in which Vice President Fairbanks stopped a newspaper man the other day, and the public road nine miles east of asked explanation of El Paso, Texas. an incident which happened years Mrs. Lena Margaret Lf His of David ago. On that occasion Mr. Fairbanks City, Neb., in the penitentiary for and the correspondent were chatting life for the murder of her husband, pleasantly, when suddenly the latter four years ago, has been moved away to meet Senator Chand- Harvey Lillis, unconditional an pardon by ler of Maine. The vice president said: granted "I have always had great curiosity to Governor Mickov. know why you deserted me that day." Advices from Lowell, Ariz., are to The newspaper man hesitated for a the effect that the damage done to the 'To tell moment, and then replied: town by the explosion of the you the truth, Mr. Vice President, you company's magazine containare a mighty dry source of news. You 8,700 pounds of dynamite, will be may have a nose for news, but I ing doubt it; at any rale, you never give less than $30,000. up any. Now, when a newspaper man The elective state officers of Ml- is gflttning for big, live news he hasn't chigan, with the exceptions of Govergot time to stop and exchange small nor Warner Attorney-GeAera- l and talk with a man, even if he be a senthe oath of were administered Bird, of who not the know would ator, price Warner's Governor 1st. on office the news if he saw it." Mr. Fairbanks smiled. "I thank you for your frank- illness prevented his being present ness," he said. "I see I shall have to A plenary council of the French "cultivate a nose for news." bishops to discuss the situation of the church in France, has been summoned ALMOST A SOLID SORE. to meet January 15 at the Chateau kin Disease from Birth Fortune de la Muette, where Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette passed their honeySpent on Her Without Benefit Cured Her with Cuticura. moon. State Senator Smith will introduce "I have a cousin in Rockingham Co. bill in the Kansas legislature proa who once had a skin disease from her birth until she was six years of age. viding that all marriage engagements Her father had spent a fortune on must be published in local papers and her to get her cured and none of the churches at least thirty days before treatments did her any good. Old the wedding ceremony is to be perDr. G suggested that he try the formed. Cuticura Remedies which he did. Six hundred and fifty miners went When he commenced to use it the child was almost a solid scab. He on strike at Grass Valley, Cal., on the had used It about two months and 2nd. Every union miner, with the exthe child was well. I was there when ception of fifty, who are employed they commenced to use your Cuti- In four of the smaller mines, went cura Remedies. I stayed that week out. The miners demand an eight-hou- r and then returned home and stayed day. two weeks and then went back and Mrs. Harry Gorman, daughter of two weeks them with longer, stayed J. Frank Hardy, was shot I Governor went I could home and when hardly believe she was the same child. Her at her home at Laporte, Ind., by an inskin was as soft as a baby's with- sane man while she was walking with out a scar on it. I have not seen her her husband. The shots struck both In seventeen years, but I have heard Mr. and Mrs. Gorman, but did no from her and the last time I heard from serious Injury. her she was well. Mrs. W. P. Ingle, BurThere is little doubt that the senate 1(5 1905." lington, N. r r. will order an Immediate investigaKnows Whom He Can Trust. tion of the discharge of negro troops Police Commissioner Tiincrham has of the Twenty-fiftinfantry on aclearned one important fact that will ba count of their alleged participation in of aid to hi- in his official career. the "shooting up" of the town of When he desires to get the exact facts Brownsville, Tex. to is about some large question that At the boarding house in Joplin, the front in New York city he calls where he lived, F. W. Troy faMo., at located In the newspaper reporters t tally shot his wife, Patosia, aged 30, police headquarters and has a talk. As one of (hem says: through the head and breast, and "He gets it straight, andjso straight shot Ralph Quinn, aged 24, son of the that not all the men of the force can land lady, through the shoulder. fool him on that one point." Quinn will recover. According to information sent to Millionaire Is Generoua. who B. John Andrus, George B. oray, of Wilmington, Judge Congressman represents the Yonkers, N. Y., district, Dela., the dispute between the Soufor several years has taken delight In thern railway company and Its maplaying the role of Santa Claus to tha chinists has been adjusted. He was pages and telephone and telegraph selected as unypire. but his services boys of the house. This year, as usual, will not be required. hte gifts to the youngsters consisted Depressed, it Is believed, over his bills. Col. Anof two and as a registrar drus Is worth $20,000,000, made out of defeat for he had filled office which an of deeds, the manufacture of pepsin. consecutive years, for twenty five Thomas Temple committed suicide In Boston by inhaling Illuminating gas. He was 70 years old. The entire family of George Devino at Winooskl, Vt, consisting of alx persons, the father, mother and four children, were killed during the night by illuminating gas, which entered the house from a break In the street main through a sewer pipe. Frank M. Ridley, Jr., of La Grange, shot and dangerously was Ga., wounded by Harvey Hill of Atlanta. The shooting DOCOrTBd at the wedding of Miss BWfl Ridley, n cousin of the It is MSeitdi thai wounded man Hill was In love with t ie brid. h, good-naturedl- Denn-Arizon- ' h - heart-to-hear- flve-dolla- r a The purity of salt depends upon the aource from which it Is obtained and the sanitary conditions under which Tm getting pretty solid over at the It is prepared for the market. The office," said the young man with the upply of common salt, the most inamethyst watch fob, boastfully. dispensable of ail the seasoning subhis stances both as a relishing condiment '"That's good," commented "I friend with the yellow shoes. nd a well-niguniversal food didn't think you would be, but if you is exhaustless, yet even so are it's all right." there is salt and salt, says the Pic'Why didn't you think that I would torial Review. be?" asked the young man with the Formerly salt was obtained by evapamethyst watch fob. orating ocean water, a process that left many impurities in the residuum, "Oh, just because." "That's a peach of a reason. What's to say nothing of its exposure to all the matter with me? Don't I look kinds of dirt in its shipment from searight to you?" ports. The Turk's island or rock salt, which Is still largely used in pork "Oh, you look all right to me," . the young man wltn the yellow-shoes- parking and in the manufacture of ice "I ain't saying anything about creams, comes to the United States that, but it ain't the way a man looks in holds of vessels continually subla his clothes that counts." jected to dirt and foul odors. Upon its arrival It is again handled, then "Well, it is. a whole lot," contradicted the young man with the ante packed in coarse burlap bags, permitthyst watch fob. "It may not be all ting dust to sift into the salt. In this there is to It, but if you don't look condition it reaches the consumer. all right it's a handicap and don't you Latterly, however, the product of forget it. A man has got to be a salt springs has largely taken the lead In this country not only for table salt dresser." "That depends," said the young man but for meat packing. The annual in the yellow shoes. "Sometimes that production from this source in the cuts ice and sometimes it doesn't. United States reaches more than Some would just as soon you'd look as bushels, the state of New York In the vicinity of Syracuse furnishing if you was on the hog as not, provided you made good. There's some don't a large proportion of this important like to see a man put on too much side apply. with his clothes." BLOATED WITH DROPSY. "They ain't the kind I've trained want I'd kind and the ain't with, they The Heart Was Badly Affected When a stand-iwith," said his friend. the Patient Began Using "Oh, I don't know," Doan's Kidney Pills. out "Well, I do know. Ninety-ninol every hundred '11 turn you down Mrs. Elizabeth Maxwell, of 415 West cold if you ain't r'?ht there with the latest out. You're talking foolishness Fourth street, Olympia, Wash., says: "For over three if you say they won't. That's what years I suffered they look at. You ve got to put a with a dropsical front." withcondition "Well, you've got to make good, out being aware too," said the friend with the yellow that it was due shoes to kidney trou"Yes, you've got to make good. ble. The early Tint's all right. I'm making good. I want to tell you. I'm no cheap skate. stages were I understand all about that part of It, principally backache and beartoo. You may thivk that you're wise, ing down pain, but little Willie is on to his Job." but I went along You ought "Wei;, that's all right without worrying much until dropsy to be by this time." "I am. Any time you think I ain't Bet in. My feet and ankles swelled up, my hands puffed and became so you're going to get. fooled." "Say, what's the matter with you?" tense I could hardly close them. I had the young man with the great difficulty In breathing, and my demanded "Did I say you wasn't heart would Butter with the least exshoes. yellow on to your j ib? I wish I could catch ertion. I could not walk far without on, too. I do the best I can, but I stopping again and again to rest. Since don't seem to be appreciated the way using four boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills the bloating has gone down and I ought to be where I am." "Smoke up," said the young man with the feelings of distress have disapthe amethyst fob; "you're slow. There peared." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. ain't nothing to it. A jolly's what goes. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. You get 'em with a jolly every time." Foster-Milbur"Yes you do." Tallest American Soldier. "Sure thing you do. That's the way The distinction of being the tallest I work it."" man in the United States army be"Got a boost yet?" longs to Ernest D. Peck, a first lieu"Got a boost! I should say not. ain't been there but six months and tenant in the engineer corps. He is there ain't a man ever got a boost six feet four and a half inches in height. Lieutenant Peck is a native short of six years, I guess." of Wisconsin and was graduated from where from you up put "They've the Oshkosh high school. Lieutenant you were, though, haven't they?" Peck is now on duty at Yellowstone "In six months? I should say not I'll do well if I get put up by nest Park, Wyoming, and has supervised Fourth of July. The trouble is the the building of a military toad known as Peek's Pike. He is called Pike's boss seems to have it In for me sood Peak by his comrades in the service. and hard. I don't know why he sh'.uld; I work about as hard as any o? 'em, Ohio. On v but he's a sort of old giouch anyway, State of Lucas COOTT.of Toledo, f ' FitAKK J. Cuknsy makes oath Unit tie l senior a he I once takes notion and guess if pnrtuer of the arm of F. J. CHBNBT A Co., d'.lng he don't like anybody he sticks to it. business in the city of Toledo,willCounty' auJsumSute of pay tin' foresaid, and tbat sa!d linn h No, sir, I ain't expecting any boost 11NK HUNDRED DOLLARS tor nl firry Un- use of be cured case of cannot thai by Catakkii just now." Hall's Catakku Cure. FRANK J. CHKNEV. "Say," said the young man with the Sworn to before me and subscribed in iireseiioo, a kind of game tblsliiu day of December, A. It.. lsxr. my yellow shoes, "what A. W. GLEASOX, ' 7 are you giving me, I'd like to know? Notakt Public. First you tell me that you are solid nail's Catarrh Cure Is tilcn Internally and acta with your boss and then " directly on the blood aul rauc is surfaces of tha ratals, free. "You're nutty," declared the young system. Send for tesilm F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Bold by all DruirirNls JSC man with the amethyst watch fob. "I Take Hall'sFamlly l'llln tor constipation. never said a word about the boss. Me solid with him? Well, I guess not. I Kinsmen of Immortal George. was talking about the little lady with kindred of George Washing Many the yellow immpadour 'hat pounds the ton dwell on and about the origina across over window the by typewriter In Westmore Washington plantation from my desk. Why, you know her. land The county, Virginia. present oc I pointed her out to you the time you cupant of the plantation is uamec me in and told to see were you then George Washington. I was going to try to win her out. I I solid there miss if ain't my Take Gariicld Tea, the Natural LaxaWell, guess. Her and me has got to be tive, for constipatii.il. itidiue-- t mn, livn and kidney dmngementa, and cold. It pretty good friends by this time. of Herbs. Guaranteed under the I knew thought you Why, say, pal, Pure Food Law. what I was talking about." "I ought to have known you wasn't Nothing pleases a homely woman so talking about, what I thought you was much as to have a man compliment talking about," said his friend with her figure. the yellow shoes. Chicago Daily TO Ol UE A COLD l um: DA V News. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought ANcgctable Preparation Tor Assimilating IticFoPdaiidRcgula ting the 5 touwre and Bowc Is of Promotes Diges(ion.Cheer(Yir-nessan- Ad Bears the Signature of d AAV A At Rest .Contains neillier Opium. Morphine norluii.,ral. NOT NARCOTIC. fape if Old. 1S.11 tZtfTaiiJi jttx Smtm - Hock.lU SatU- Aaur Std t Ssmtmbbj JBi In A aj CarijiirwtfJeia $,W.tr.'aar Use Aperferl Remedy forConstlpa Ron, Sour Stif'nach, Diarrhoea Worms A'onvulioiis .Fevensh-nes- s and Loss OF Sleep. Facsimile For Over Signnture of Thirty Years NEW YORK. n CASTORIA e EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Ttst oaarraua coawun. acw tana crrv. MAT1S CURED The Circulation Stimulated and the Muscles and Joints lubricated by using LiiviiBj n Price 1 25c 50c 6 $1.00 Sold by all Dealers "Sloan's Treatise On The HorseSent free Address Dr. Earl S.SIoan.Boston.Mass. 1 NO MORh MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER. THE SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN EXTERNAL COUNTER-IRRITAN- CAPISICUM VASELINE I EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT PRICE QUICK, SUHE. SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAIN 15c IN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES AT ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS, OR BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF 15c. IN POSTAGE STAMPS DON'T WAIT COMES-KE- EP THE A TUBE A ea-- - FAIN TILL HANDY. A substitute for and superior to mustard or any other piaster, and will not blister the most delicate skin. The and curative qualities ol the article are wonderful. It will stop the toothache at once, and relieve Headache and Sciatica. We recommend it as the best and safest external counter-irritan- t known, also as an external remedy for pains In the chest and stomach and all Rheumatic, Neuralgic and Gouty complaints. A trial will prove what we claim (or It, and it will be found to be invaluable In the household and for children. Once used no family will be without It. Many people say "it Is the best of all your preparations." Accept no preparation of vaseline unless the same carries our label, as otherwise It Is not genuine. SEND YOUR ADDRESS AND WE WILE MAIL OUR VASE-LINPAMPHLET WHICH WILL INTEREST YOU. pain-allayi- liil CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. 17 STATE STREET. NEW YORK CITY 1 Worry Worse Than Work. Worry is only the extra work, the increased wear and tear for which we are never paid. It always hinders, but never wins. It means incapacity for anticipated efforts and yet we constantly blame circumstances rather than our individual selves. The man who Is always ready and takes time to be sure before he starts never need hurry or worry, laiw few can do this consistently ! Then comes the breakdown which Is so often charged to mere overwork. In 99 cases In 100 ;lt Is iho worry, always useless, that eventually weakens and kills. I Take LAXATIVE IIKUMoyuin.in l.ir. 11s. Droit rfiuna morie it H talis iu rue. K. UitoVJC S signature is on each box. 'ibc. When members of a family quarrel a lot of truth leaks out. sent a letter of condolence to ITTLE IVER m Pi LLS. LIVE STOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS Positively enred by these Little Pills. They also relieve DIs-tffrom Dyspepsia, In-!i- n audToo Hearty Eating, Apcrfeetnm-cdyfci- r Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Bad T:iste In the Mouth, CoatxJ TOBgMb Pain in the side. TOKI'ID LIVEIL Tliey Purely Vegetable, reyulato tbo Bowela. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Electrotypes IN GREAT VARIETY FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST IJKICES BY A.N.KELLOCC NEWSPAPER CO. It W il.nn Slrcfl. CHICA0O Genuine Must Bear Signature lo PlTTLE IVER pills. Nothing hurts a conceited man like being ignored. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. PPr j- siring to buy any-- " i advertised in its columns should insist upon having what they ask for, refusing all substitutes or imitations. RFAHFRAO of 8TIFFNESS, STITCHES, LAMENESS, CRAMP, TWISTS AND TWITCHES, ALL DECAMP WHEN YOU APPLY AND HOWARD E. BURTON, ASSAVCR C it MIST. 'vit l.eml.l' Uuid. Ml Hpi'dDi'ii prlrr..; i. .ml ST. H Uold.Mc; ZincoM niiper.il. CyaaMteteau Mailing envelope and fun prtoe list sent on applies UOB. (..n: r..i an'l llnimri' w. irk piiiIii iie. vllle. Colo. Huferenoe. OartMinata NailonalWaiik. er.7de; Lat JACOBS , had the misfortune to lose an When I met him a only daughter. week later he looked buoyant. "It was hard, hard to lose her." he whispered, "but there Is always consolation and comfort for all the trials M life and death. I don't mind telling you that we had one of the finest funerals ever known In the ward. There were 47 carriages, and two filled with beautiful flowers." Were congratulations in oder?- - Nvj York Press CARTER'S CARTERS Mrs. Wlnslow'e Snothlna; Wyrnp. cum, reduces allaiajiaia iniasalnii Tor children teething, soften- - the Good Funeral. I SICK HEADACHE who- THE DEFIANCE Cold make luundry work OIL 23 phice and 30 cents "'l N. U.. (on leeKft NONL PAID A CENT 29 VLAPS iii.-J i,.iti AuLIJilCJI (M the thoii-,r,i- (t TILL CHUtf) DRS. THORNTON Si t,-- ,. wo We Sfnd FREE and a Wafer Starch ulrahiirc. it Salt Lake City. No. 352 oaoetreel- - si prominent peoole cured br our mild method lurniih their nifirn and Mtor on aoDtirthon. ion oak ol.. nansaa uiit mn-- , Mn Ids. Thompson's Eye Water postpaid rvi rlLL3.rl5lul.aana uur.sscavr inc NO iiisp iter rii y ..n it? naon illustrated treanse on 1610 Olive Street, bt. Louis loot pkf. ana Til 2, 1907. HONEY I pIlDCFI vviikv |