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Show At Published Every Thursday Tremonton, Utah. Vm. II. CapwfU. Editor and Manager. 1'nteretl as Moood class maftef April. 1604. at tho Pont office :it Tremonton I'tah, under the Match 3rd, of act congresa I87. Babacnptnn One vear in advaSOa Six months In advance 81.30 papers are Nowadays ftUl of advice on how to CUT a cold. Jiut first yon have t" - eatch vour cold. Statistics fairlv bulgeandswell The South everywhere. divorce crop i; even the Da-kot- a Chairman of Board, J A Fishburn. E M Wyatt. Member " " " " J c Gates. " " D c Roush. LOTS " " SBWatland. George Shuman. clerk To Ee Sold Now On rl."o Anti-PaiiiFil- i3 TREMONTON S 35 TOWN rtes. One year not in advance t li Cheap! . of CHEAP! CHEAP! DH. MILES' Official Directory. THE TREMONT TIMES. Treasurer John Shuman. Marshall R F Me! drum 9 Dr. Mires' j Governor John c cutler. Secretary Charles S Tingey. M A Bredden. Almost instantly, and leave effects. They also relieve every other Scipain, Neuralgia, Rheumatic Pain, atica, Backache, Stomach ache, Ague Pains, Pains from injury, Some of the best Locations in Tro- - uStor6"61 J A Edwards. montOn Can be had On terms that Will Treasurer James Christiansen Sunt of Public Instruction all. yOU AC Nelson. pkase State Senator larirest on record. pains, Indigestion, Dizziness, Nervousness and Sleeplessness. CI egg. W S Hansen Representative BOX ELDER COUNTY When coal gets too high, the editor can always turn t h i pile of unused manuscripts und poorly printed exchanges. To get a lot for a start towards a home. A brother newspaperman once told us that his paper told an un- Call before the rush and get your truth about ten times to one choice. truth, and that he made his friends by telling untruths and his enemies by telling the truth. We are inclined to think that the statement was one of his untruths, that is, it was an TREMONTON, exaggeration, but it is a fact that Judge 1st Judical District M B UTAH. Sheriff Treasurer Joseph Josephson Recorder Christena Madson Nephi J Valentine. Charles E Foxley Melvin Nebeker I III Attorney Surveyor A E School Supt CONFIDENCE Jensen Justice of Peace Andrew Funk Constable Charles Cheal BOARD COUNTY Dr. A. E. M. Bt Chairu an Rich, and 1). E. Socretary Adams, Vimbers. Ijrt PRECINCT OFFICERS . PRECINCT JUSTICE CONSTABLE Box Elder James Knudsou C. F. Nelson Nelson Three Mile Alma I verso ti Mantua N C. Jeppeson C. A. Anderson Calls Fort W. V. Lasley E. Hnnsaker Deweyville R. N. Gardner B. J. Record Colllnston Hyrum Jensen J. R. Stai ding Bearer Dam ('. J. Elmer Win. F. Boweu Bear River A. E Holmgren H.P Thorseu E. li. Sherman Chas Kroksh Manila Sunset H. C. Vauausdelo T.E. Sociist Riverside L. H. Kennard .las. G. Smith ADLERTISINa, Cheap advertising like cheap shoes is dear at any price. Our advertisers get results, which accounts for our having the largest advertising i. . patronage in Box Elder county. get our rates. . Wall From Logan. Breed MOINEAU. If King Richard had lived in Utah and been pursued by Dan-ite- s he would never have exclaimed "A hoss, a hoss. my kingdom for hoss!" Instead, he would have torn his hair and from the anguished depths of dread despair, cry out: "A road, a road, a million for a road!" He could have had the "hoss" all right, for we have plenty of them, and good ones, too, ; but where, oh where, under the blue "canopen-er- " of heaven, that stretches its vaulted doom o'erZion's heaths, could he have found a friendly road Logan Republican. ?- - to the Best. NO. 44324. Imported French Pcrclieon weight 2150, will be at Chas. Schmntz's Farm. 2H miles west of Tremonton for season of 1906, Terms of service $20.00 live foal. For further particulars apply or write to A 11 Malad Tremonton Horse Breeders' Association. J I Any old thing will do J. BOOTHK'B STORE, 0 Nw. VW U C J TT,r CJAUI.AND, 0 R I N N E N URSERYn U Located mi tlic west bank of Rfir 40,000 Fruit Trees, and Roses. Come to the Nursery and select your trees and save a good sum of money and irei Trees that GROW. River in Corinne. V,.. F(-..- D...M.U. nw r-- No Diseased; no Dried Up Trash V. COMPANY THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE ORANGE, MASS. s Many Sewing Machines are made to sell regard-lesw Home" Is mada of quality, but the " to wear. Our guaranty never runs out We make Sewing Machines to suit all condition Hirnr" standiattlit ofthttrade. The head of all IIIrh-trr- i family sawing IMMMnM HoM by E. E. sntliorlK'd il. nl. roR salt nv . only. Arent. TrcmontoD, Utth. At $6. and up A nupjily of tho best Oil und needle i D. COItlNXK, Tremont Times, Tremonton, Utah. INDKPENDKNT AMI BELL PHONES. If there is any truth in the statement that the North Pole is moving southward at the rate of twenty miles a year, Peary and Wellman can gain something by waiting a few years and meeting it half way. Those colored soldiers who shielded the real murderers are just as guilty as the muderers themselves, and whether white or black, they were a disgrace to any army and were properly discharged without honor. Blacksmith Shop Changed Hands I have bought the Blacksmith Business of Peasnall and Drake. I will run a first class shop and do a General Blacksmith Business. My work is all guaranteed and will be promptly attended to. Horse Shoeing O. S. L. J) Prop UTAH TIME TABLE. .MALAD VALLEY BRANCH. DEPAR1 ARRIVE No. NO 88. no. as. 31 No- :!4. I Trade Marks 10:87 10:81 Copyrights Ac. 1037 Designs need. II - 60 YEAR8' EXPERIENCE for whai "T Specialty.- TREMONTON, P. II. n:.v. 10:10 10.M S. LOHR, A ROBE RT BURGE, A. M. BRENKMANN, SEWIN3 MACINES l. Here, but good healthy stock. Apple trees $10 per 100, two years old ami live feet tall. None better. Place Your orders now j Call us up and Fielding . But if you want the "best'1 work done on Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, goto W. LEWIS, Practical Watch Maker T. P. Coombs .lob Welling E. R. Hadley Sylvester Owens E. H. Rudd J. Nish Plymouth Gibbs Hans Knudson E. J. Portage R. W. Adams T. W. Sandal Rawlins Promontory Geo. N. House ('has Stokes Curlew C. W. Robbins A. L. Peterson Hirschi J. A. Eckersh v Park Valley P. ffyltod John Nilsson Terrace D L. Kemp ton C. Mclntire Clear Creek O. S. Babbit t Junction T. II. Black burn Jr. H. C. Yates Grouse Creek Phil Paskett C. C. Toyne 1 Confidence in the people you deal with is an important factor in the business world. In letting U3 do your printing you can depend on us we keep all promises and never misrepresent. Our job printing department is one of the best in the county and you make no mistake in sending your orders to us. OF HEALTH. A. W. Valentine g, Jin Elias Jensen A n, n S N Cole Clerk Fitn is sure to follow any strain or weakening by influence upon the nerves. It may be caused inheat, intense mental effort, colds, or digestion, or any cause that depresses, excites the agitates the nerves. So sensitive are they that sooth-Wileast pressure or strain causes suffering. By Ui. the nerves, and quieting strengthening Pills relieve the pain. fiks' Anti-Pai25c a box, under a They are sold lv druggists, wil' benefit, or nioner guarantee that the firstin box bulk. r refunded. Never sold MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart Ind orer-exertio- Hart Adams D E jf Nerve Pain Dist Atty Chairman County Com. A W Valentine. Co Commissioners nothing makes a man mad quicker and stay mad longer than for a newspaper to tell the exact truth about him. For instance, how many times do we see an item like this: "Mr. Blank is suffering from a slight cold, contracted during his visit to the city last week, and has been confined to the house for a couple of days." That is not always true. Sometimes, to be strictly true, it should read: ' 'Mr. Blanl .luring his visit to thecfl f ! indulged too freely in dtron... tersand narrowly escaped a speii of jimjams. He has been lying Iowa few days to sober up." The first item, if Blank notices it at all, pleases him. The second one would cause him to go after the editor with a shot gun. Sulivan Review. All Pain is Willard W Maughan. F J Holton. SAMUEL SCHRENK A Bearing-dow- n District Peter Best Opportunity The 1 Pills n Cure Headache no bad STATE Ion lily Instalments. Anti-Pai- ! dMCflPtniB mar AnTnna ni1lng a nxetrh whether nn flntrkIT nacarlain oar or'nton fr ItlTMItlon 11 prohaMy patent blp. ( nramuiilr llonnKrlrtlroonOclatitlal. HANDBOOK on I'alrnta nt free. Oldeet agenry for Mwurlng plenl. Patenta taken tnrotiih Munn ft Co. recela tr, . r nniui. without charge. In lha Scientific fltticrlcan. v hundanmely lllnatrated weeklr iHtlotl "I any .. iniinu. hi l. Aril h t1 C Pfl Jl5rli I iri-e- G:2H t; :t:; 8:88 6:44 10:88 80 4N i llitl 7:07 T.fc n 8sM S:40 BJ8 81 Plvmonth Waahakle it tftilj r'fT1 4:tn 4:11 48 Si'rtrlav. IM 9M 258 S.ir 8:48 7 2 2A 1 :U 2 7:10 Malad I'rmrti 4:.rr :t40 :4. Fieldirjfr 8:30 P. M. 50 Central TREMONTON Garland Riverside H irf tl tminnntrii' 0:01 Unnita 7:20 7 0:80 8:07 Kvns 710 11:98 11:42 a rew.fiee'r. 80 A. M. 940 Brigham ('online Waukegan fi:20 12:01 1 00 p. m. t 13 fi:in |