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Show The Tremont Times. TBEMONTON, Rest. UTAH'S At Two gentlemen from Malad were in a for town on Wednesday looking buyer foi their wheat, of whica they with a Mr. Unman Rough died at her home few neighbors have 85.000 bushels for in Tremonton Monday evening, Jan 14, Tremonton Lady Town Locals. B. F. UTAH. THURSDAY. BOX ELDRR COUNTY, Wlazeler made a business trip to Brigham Monday. Mrs. D. a Luhr ha beta visiting friends this week. Head Light Kerosene Oil always on hand at the Hardware Store. Matthew Baer attended to businesi at They would have sold and shipcars. not could it before thibut get ped They say it is all izood quality white and red, dry land wheat. We understand sale. e i JANUARY The New Laws. LAW MAKERS. Church Directory. Never before in the history of Opening of the Session. The Seventh session of the Utah Legis 1907, at a quarter of six. She had been in jKior health for some time but had not Ijjjdre met and organized for business been tinder a physician's care until lateMonday. Harry s. Joseph was elected heart was apeaker of the lower house, and but little ly. The cause of her death it will as a found take other business was transacted the first and asthma. who trouble buyer they Mrs. Rough's maiden name was Maiil-dsoon as he can get cars to ship It. day. On Tuesday a joint session of both Mr. John lirudley of i'aradKe was in Elizabeth Goss. She was born Mav was Houses in iud He Miiflin was held for the purpose of re isowMl town yestenl y 5, 185a, County, Pa., says the - a Brigham on Friday last. Dishes? Well, yes, they are at the Hardwire Store in any quantity. Postmaster Sherman was a business vis- Vol. 3 No 4? 17, 1907 the country has the New Year b3gun with the introduction of so many new laws of national importance. Of course the most important of these is the pure Methodist. Aftersooh Services. Preaching every alternate Sunday 1.C0 p. m. Sunday School 2:00 p. ra Preaching Evening Services food act which it is believed will affect the health of millions of at 7:30 p. m. All services at the Methodist church. households. Five acts of the R E GILPIN, Pastor. first session of the Fifty-nint- h over his way was much heavier thnu iu married to Mr. Roush Nov. !. 180. To Living any communic ation ,viuch the Congress are now in effect as Gennan Evangelical nuw 'Governs might wish to make. Govern laws. They are the Free Alco-m- t not less than twenty four inches then eight children were born, all Logan, Congregation. last. itor to Brigham on Friday Mid Cutler appeared in person a id read hoi law, the Anti pass section of We will hold services in the Baptist fallen at Paradise. I'arl , in survl.iug exeep: two, Am. Andrew having At Wilson' Sleigh Bells: Jingle! JinglhU message, it was a lengthy doeu LortQ Sidney, who died some yeuM from Wellsville, too, said that he jthe Interstate Commerce Act, Church the coming Sunday at 2 P. M. e!! Also Carriage Heaters. All are invited to attend. .Mrs. went, requiring nearly two hours for its the modification of the Naviga-delivermuch deeper there than here. Lo- at Cairo, Neb. Those living are Salt Lake to Theodore Wobus, Pastor. went City Wlatt Christ In it the Governor laid espeei tion laws to simplify enrollments Anna Mauka, Florence Etnmaliue Shcrgan Journal, Jan. 10. few a to last days. on Friday spend Lorenzo Hai lis in, lOthel Cordelia, al emphasis upon his r judaiious and licenses, the law of licensing Baptist. Cutlery, Guns, Ammunition, Gun Cov- man, Mrs. Ken Smith and Mrs. A. 1. Grover Mohninu Services: real! for Uriah a libel law, and upon the University druggists in the District of Co- Jacks n, ers and Hunting Coats; at the Hardware John Howard and 11:00 AM of North Garland were Tremonton visit lumbia, and the Pure Food law. Sunday School siding here. Beside.' her husband and aad Agricultural College recommendaStore. 12:00 A M Preaching ors Monday. sistions, and also upon closing the theaters This last law applies to many Talk about skyscrapers. The tower children she also leaves a mother and Services: Evening Mr. F. A. Cook has been suffering annex to the new ter and six bro.hers iu this vicinity, two ou Sunday. thousands of staple articles of Preaching 7:8(1 P M Metropolitan Lite In witli inflammatory rheums tism for the Ssoa Me in When one and and Governor brother or., sisters conclude!, tlu food used in every home throughska, Prayer Meeting Wednesday night at Su ranee Company building in New York few 7:80. days. of thanks moved a vote past tor Hoiiinirswonh out the lentrth and breadth of stories high. lie one brother in Michigan. City is to be forty-siAll Services are held in the Baptist Hotel Kent has a new guest register. also was it to Governor the were and Funeral held services agreed the country. There is reason to Church. today. is 838 be from to feet the heisht pave You are cordially invited. Now when you want to kaow who is in Thursday at the Baptist church, Rev. thai 3000 copies of the uussagc be print191 feet higher ihun the Washing expect much difficulty in its exA II SiiATTt'OK, Pastor. ment, town step in and consult the regis ton Monument. A. JI. Shattuck officiating. aterutuOt ed for jo. ecution. For months past Mr. LEGAL NOTIGES. ttr. Iu the appointment of the Senate Com Wilson, the Secretary of Agri- Stohl Bros, are selling all kinds of was iu Elwood Cemetery. Have you seen the latest in Ranges? Senator The bereaved family have the sympa mittees, President Love placed culture, has been hearing dele- rugs and linoleum this season; Stockholders Meeting. Stohl Bros have them. The Hot Blasi carpels, imou sever.il from district of this iu whole their the Clegg thy community gations composed of manufactheir stock is always new and a coal saver. portant committees, namely; Agricul- turers, jobbers and merchants, Notice is hereby given that the annual Members of the Nebraska legislature great affliction, Liveryman Wm. Hudsoa took a horse- ha and Irrigation; County aud Muni ture who through their skilled spokes- meeting of the stockholders of the Bear received no passes this year, it tag back trip to visit his family at Curlew is eipul Cuipoialious; i Lh and luiuo; men are endeavoring to secure River Valley Telephone Company will reported that a Good of railroad bills Polnt Lojkout Views. Treman-ton- . on Friday last. Ho returned Wednes- is Forests ami Forestry; Livestock; Pub s irne advantage in the formula-- t be held In the Fraternal H)l iu being prepared. In a case of this kind ou Thursday January 34th,, day. aud li utro'us. We will have a new bishop in Rawlins on of regulations for the en- 1907. Utah, it is hard to tell whether the absence of at 3 o'clock P. M.. for the purpose Dou't forget the Times office when The of electing officers for the ensuing year The House committee on rules com- forcement of the new law. tbe passes moves the legislatures to act very soon. wanting job work. aud in is law the and the transaction of any other business new its of labors the sinction Tuesday night, with the welfare of the public in view There is the best sleighing here in pleted The Blue Mountain Telephone & Electhat may come before them Conwill i of that rules .set the of iterstate principle protect or out of revenge. adopted a the world. Geo. L.Cvhi.ton, Pres. trical Co:, is a new organisation at Moab to Foods injurious the speaker, aud with good floor leaden stitution. The practice of hitching horses to a F. Alan E. Roche. Secty has bough, a stock Thomas Lynch and farmed to do a general telephone will avoid any embarrassment to health are to be barred from Inpost and allowing them to remain there ranch over near Thatcher. is It in Uiah. business NOTICE OF PETITION FOR REtelegraph the Republicau all day without food or water U against party, that might terstate Commerce. The idea is is and STRICTION OF CORPORATE the loveiy goose Everything at10,000. that no state may ship across its arise from the clever parliamentary tacevery humane sentiment and as we have LIMITS. is so coal and scarce but for prehangs high high wedding If you are looking tics of the opposition. The new rules borders anything that will be in- an ordinance against it everybody with a Court of the First JudiDistrict In the that p pie will have to st ill burning sents or any other presents go to the in the j urious to the people of the conas State of Utah, in and as the of cial District are any iu of his will probably stringent mercy spark composition their old clothes and shoes to keep from for the County of Box Elder. Stohl Bros. Furn. Store; they have just Adulterated, Eastern States against ioooyiug. The tiguous state. back up the city marshall in the enforcefreezing pretty soon. what you want. or poisonous or deleter-bu- s State officers aud Judges and members ment of it. The merciful man is mereiT I). Iloldiwav, J. M Haws. K. II . from down was u Bond Two fro missionaries are Mr. William Brigham foods, drugs, medicines 'Or Prldal, L. D. Haws and J. W. Haws, on of the Senate aud its ooi.er.i, aud memful to his beast. Monbehalf of themselves and the real propValley Sunday, returning Have you seen the new aud handsome Coring among their pe .pie here. bers of the daily press aro the only pet liquors are barred by the new erty owners of Trefhontou, plaintiff, vs. conis Miss Margin et Bennett ol Malad is sous allowed ou tUe floor of the tiou c law. day. He aays that the snow there Secretary Wilson has made Tremonton, a municipal corporation, deassortment of dishes just opened at Stohl siderably deeper than here, there being Bros. Furn. Store? regu- - fendant. looi in Mfawion. If a member admits a ranch progress in framing visiting her gra idtru, Mrs Law,3, for of '"'petition for restriction of level. the on feet fifWnd lations and is ready to apply the Notice limits. r nearly thee Upwards of fifty persons look dinner a'' few days. by card, he will be held respousi corporate Get a Cole's Hot Blast Heater of Hotel Kent on Under, the law, dui so vase is me scope oi The State oe Utaii to the said De' Saturday. They were Missionary Stokes, who has been, ill ble for his friend's conduct. Stohl Bros., it is the otly stove that that there will kendant and to ant person inteu from all parts of the Valley, Corinne, for a few days, is improving. new rules, which have been reported the new law burns mine run, or slacked coal without be doubtless many modifications ESTKD : Brigham, Bear River City, Point LookSome of our people are opposed to the by the committee the Speaker cau force waste. to appear next withinYou are hereby summoned .. t .... .. i.:n i.,on out, Garland, Thatcher, Penrose and f.,,,,. ,1... '. and rulings during the twenty days after service of this County Treasurer Cole was in towu projected drainage district, claiming twelve months. The new law Summons upon you, if served within the business on Saturday. We have heaid other places having representatives. that their land does not need any drain notice to the chairman of the committee. county in which' this action is' brought, will compel every manufacturer otherwise, within thirty days after this that he intends to move his banking Most of them came to attend the meet age. They thiuk the expense will be too This is intended to preclude the housing of and defend the above entitled on label a t service, packages put business from Corinne to this place, but iugs of the Cash Buyers' Union and the great, as they have an idea that tile up of bills by committees. The new case of your failure to d ) iu aud action, aod or drink expressing in plain f Fanners' Association. Protective visit. his can from members that recommend so, judgment will be rendered against we learned nothing draiusare to be put down u few feet rules of. This you according to the demand of tbe com consists it what terms is If with our con paper meeting your ap apart all through their lands. This is not absent themselves without the The Union Band of Bear River Cityplaint, of which a copy is herewith requirement will be enforced to served as a newspaper tell your neighbor also proval The rules House. of the sent the of upou you in case. are The the farmers not best at the meeting was in attendance J. D. CALL. the letter. Distillers are in a who is not receiving it. If it is not meetintroduced be bills no shall this that in is Association of which favor the drainage system, provide Farmers' Protective Bank B'ld'g, First o. Natl Address P. terrible stew over the new law. looked ing your approval tell us aud wherein. Utah. to have a drainage ditch or canal after the expiration of the first thirty last. on They imply City. Brigham Saturday place They want to put what they call Date of first publication, Jan. 10, 1907. uniforms and We are here to give you a newspaper. into which can turn his waste days of the session. Heretofore bills in their You are invited. . . . 1 ie-- snow-wa- s y. - j - , . . , licL-iud- j . capi-alize- d , mis-brand- - j - ' - . j : green very neat some discoursed pleasant music. A. W. Lawrence of Los Angeles was here this week trying to purchase some horses for the Los Angeles markets. He wanted heavy draft horses, but not many were to be found and he was somewhat cti (appointed. and a good Are! Come iu and enjoy them both these cold days at Wilson's Hardware Store. Mr. Cook of the Tremont drug store, A met with quite a loss Sunday night. snow the caused by leak in his roof, under the water and backing melting dozen large ahioglos, spoiled two or three stored in had he which steel sngraviugs Good Music a box in his bick room. now is the time to buy a Majestic Range of Stohl Bros, as it does the work with less tuel than any Coal is scarce ether range. li Tbe snow storm of Sunday last reac ed Ogden and tbe snowfall reached the In the canyons depth of several inches. two to three from surrounding that city feet is noted and the farmers are rejoicas it assures tbem ing in consequence, summer. plenty of water the coming not buy a weather! Why cold This is Horse Blankets, the j those of good pair can be had at the Hardware Store. The old deacon, of questionable honwith great em esty, stood up andssng, "When pronoun: phaslsonthe personal there.' be I'll the roll Is called up yonder said the clergy That is true, brother," will man. "but the question is. where Is called." you be after the rolled new line of all A Trunks! Trunks' there is an while Call and sizes prices. Furn. Co. Bros. Stohl assortment, at the Wanted-- A smart active girl to learn typesetting. Small wages to begin with but a paying busi ness when proficient. The Times, Tremonton. Our ambition is to let no item escape us. However, we can ouly be in one place at a time, so if you see an item getting away from us please capture it and deliver it at the offlCO and great shall be your reward. Henry Honaker of Cooperstown, Pa., is in his 99th year aud thluki nothing ol that other men of doing a day's wor sixty years would grunt over. He has never uted glasses, always smoked, and Is not a total abstainer. He is an excellent checker player and will play with any one who claims the ability in that line. He has been engaged in the grocery business since 1886, and attends to the wants of his customers himself. He vas married in 1833, and his wife died iu 1898. He has six children living of ;en that were born unto them The Deseret Farmer says a Spanish i''ork farmer objected at a recent farmen' meeting to discussion of dairying be everybody water and not allow it to run on to his neighbor's land or into the highway as heretofore, The expense will not be very great and it will make the Hear River Valley one of the best in the world. Slim Jim. , . Subscriptions Paid. Tho Ftnuhnrp thnt a rt f.oIn ..oint oiih.rlnrinn thp local na- yer is a certificate of good character. We have issued the following "certiHovu'W KflVM - Earthquake at Kingston, Island of Jamacia. ficates" since our last report: Chas Muuns to September, 1907. A. A. Capeuer to January. 1907. J. C. Riechers to September, 1907. 3:30 Thomas Lynch to September, 1907 afternoon. at ton, Jamacia, Monday The city was badly injured and there FOR SALE Good sweet cider was much loss of life. Fires staricd in Call on L. H. Kingston immediately after the earth and cider vinegar. quake and great apprehension is felt for Qeiz Point Lookout, Utah. the safety of the many English and tourists who have recently American arrived at the Jamaican resorts. To TSTq VV OTlCler The city of Kingston is the capital and commercial seaport ot the island, it lias a fine harbor available ftr ships of the largestsize. Its population is about 50. 000, mostly native blacks. message from St. Thomas, one of the Danish West Indies, says that a severe earthquake occurred at Kings A cable T-j- - ause from his experience it takes three the feed for one. And be was right. Dairying would not be profitable for this man because the Cre Alfalfa meal Is coming into general ator hasn't given him enough "gutnp use on tbe great stock feeding ranches ion" to keep cows. His cows have had a of Nebraska and Ksnsas. Scientific and balanced ration of barbed wire fence, men have investigated and exnoiintain scenery and salt grasi Tht practical with this new food until he farm! who selects his cows carefully, perimented onclusion has been reached that alfalfa provides food and shelter, and gives some meal manufactured from hay that has on reful common sense consideration to been properly matured and cured at the the business finds it ptofltable right stage of growth contains practii al ly as much protein or Mood making as wheat bran. Alfalfa meal wil imc dav be a common article of diet animals. Deseret The farmers of Hear River Vallej will for our domestic Knrmer. m et at the Tremonton scho A bouse own to provide could be introduced up to within ten days of adjournment. These new rules, the committee says, arc intended to ex pedite business. That men smoke when they see our line of smoker's sup- Anybody would. The tobaccos are of the finest variety and of the most expensive cure. The pipes give solid comfort to the old and young smoker. We won't mention our cigars especially, but smoke one of our leading brands and you will smoke no other. the intermount plies. ma-fri- Farmers' Meeting. Sat-urdt- afternoon, Jstrnr f No other newspaper in o'clock f T .he dl:iialua of various lop iln region covers the news of the West nd f the country generally so well as lc.i of ltteresi tif .til. .el (!er..ioU Tka Salt Lake Tribune. If for any reason Logan & (iarland. Utah. turn out and make the meeting a success. von do not wish lo tnke the daih sub scribe for the Semi Weekly, which will I'ranklitl, PrCStOll & Montpcliir. Call at the ( iV'ilsoni Hardware Store, be sent you twice u week for a year for . , . i UUIIU a'jd get one of the most beautiful Cal 1.5U. endnr of Hi" sewn (1907). 19 h. at one RiterBrosDrugCo.-:ne- r "neutral spirts" in their whis- ESTRAY NOTICE. Pure whiskey cost3 about key. four dollars a gallon, but after it is "neutralized" or adulterated. an article adjusted potable and too familiar to millions of Americans, costs only a dollar and ten C3ntS a gallon. It is a curious fact that the dollar and ten cents stuff tastes more like pure whiskey than the real thing. After this date all whiskey bottles that do not tell precisely t he constituents of the liquid, by a label pasted conspicuously on the outside, will be lawful. STATE OF UTAH, Town of Tremonton. I j in my possession the following described annual lawfully impounded , which if not claimed and" taken away, will be sold at public auction to the highest cash bidder at the estravSftthpound in this town, oh Saturday the day of January, 1907. at the hour of I p. m. DESCRIPTION OF ANIMAL. One black horse colt, two years old, star in forehead, two white hind feet. baft one fore foot partly white, branded 22 on left hip. Said animal was impounded in said town on the 10th day of January, 1907. R.'F. Mkldrum, Town Poundkeeper. turday Sale. More people Our Saturday Sales Grow in interest, our Satttday with attend them now. More people are pleased Bargains. Their reputation is spreading along the "Banks of the Malad." Why don't you save money when it is no Next Saturday, January 19th, we offer: easy ? The ".Shumate" is a Hollow Industrial Tar Soap, a Ground Razor. Electrically tempered, and U aurperior to refreshing soap for the any 2.00 blade on the market. Toilet, Bath and ShamWe guarantee these Razors and will exchange without question 5c price Saturday poo, not entirely s itisfaciory. 10c if Th 3 Cakes for 'Shumate' Honing Strop Either scii!ii has no aiiperior. "Flotilla," a floating id on rcclfi t of pottpa yl.UU Bath Soap at same Special lot, Slcn's Fine Wool Mibbed lulcrwear, fine, soft price. qualitv Keeps the bodv warm. new all Hats and Caps, mf price 12.50. Saturday per 2.00 . -- date fall and Suit, to up 20 None better Gloves. Conklin winter 1906 styles, at per in the market.a We have a com 20 diseouut from regular cent reduction from plete line at retail ( o , prices. Saturday only Tablets, Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Ink, Mucilage Sets, Candy, Pocket Cutlery, Tobacco aud Cigars. Tremont Mercantile Co. per et Toilet |