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Show Honor. several kinds of honThere seems to if or inc eta Judge by the different trays the press sizes uj " Harry Thaw. For lust mm, young Thaw of Pittsntrv ami New York recently killed a h I low bi lag, and lie did it in the bum i.t how r. The victim had dishonored i l i'v, therefore he must die, , corespondent in a New York dlsctltslng the character of the victim of the tragedy, said be was "the k:.i of honor." No doubt lie was in In a business way hi. some respect. woid was as good as his bond. He ..ihi as soon think of fobbing I. is moth A ICE-iHSSTSYB- AS . Ittaft 3 !'v. A er'agrav as he would of defrauding an body out of a penny. Financially ills honor was ununiished. But he would steaj the brightest pos-se- iona woman can have, and make a joke of it among his friends, lie would soil the character of a k'H too young to M away from her mother's care, and cast her adrift on the waters of Bohemia, without a qualm. And the honor" of young Mr. Thaw and his wife, too. This is an dd institution, also. Mr. Thaw himself , so far as history got, has not bad I aim a noble or ambition since his worthy has lived for pleasure, has birth. lie soaked his soul in it until its keen acid lias dyed it deeply . No doubt, if be a gambling debt, be would deem it a point of "honor" to pay it. No doubt he thought it a measure of honor Btorm-toase- d to be able to hold his end up as long as the rest. As to the honor of his wife, tot a mantle of charity fall over that toy of base men that has at last caused C 4 mm, Hi f .'.,., ,. I J.I.,..., I. and make other liberal terms which no otherj You will learn everything and get much Vnijljf information by simply writing us a postal. wyjst. We need a j V.'c- - Agent in en ry town and can ofier an opportunity tZ'A ' m:liL' money to suitable young men who apply at once. ii e ll'l gfiWBIRf? mtiXfctfbV WB.TiS"fi A 60 worn Path per pair. PAIR tntroduoo wm sou f Sample i-iu- rry . fop Only (CASH WITH ORDER NO HOKE TROUBLE loo. uoming in cA Don't put off your Christmas shopping until the htst flr minute and suffer the inconvenience of crowds. jYoj itictt what ran take" vnur time ahnnt it nnw anH you want. rt II I V Ragtmw Pficv Wm O uvea w To . WJTBUY& BIGYOLESvsm mnU h ,l!J--f- $4.5S) PUNCTURES. FROM Result of 15 yenrs experience in tire making. No danger from THORNS. CAC- Serious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, can be vulcanized like any other tire. Two Hundred Thousand pairs now in actual use. Over Thousand pairs uold last year. S:vrnty-;!vr.ASY K1D1NU. DH'TGniPriOKlt Made in all sizes. It is lively and easy riding, very durable and lined inside with a special quality of rubber, which never becomes porous and which closes up small punctures wi'.hout allowing the air to escape. We have hundreds of letters from satisfied customers that t!ie:r tires have only been pumped up once or twice in a whole season. They weigh no morestating than an ordinary tire, the puncture resisting qualities being given by several layers of thin, specially po a red fabric on the tread. That "Holding Back" sensation commonly felt when riding on asphnlt or soft roads Is overcome by the patent "Basket Weave" tread which prevents all air from being squeezed out between the tire and the road thus overcoming all suction. The regular price of the.-- e tires i.i $8.50 per pair, but for advertising purposes we are making a special factory price to the rider of only $4.80 per pair. All orders shipped same day letter is received. We ship C.O.D. on approval. OU du not pay a cent until you have examined and found them strictly as represented. Wt witt allow a esak diseonnt of 5 percent (thereby makinjj the price p 1.55 per pair) if you send I.I. CASH Wi l li OlillKK aiid enclose this advertisement. We will also send one nickel plated brass hand pump and two Sampson metal puncture closers on full paid orders (these metal puncture closers to be used in case of intentional knife cuts or heavy gashes). Tires to be returned at OL'U expense if for any teason they are not satisfactory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and money sent to us is as safe as in a bank. Ask your Postmaster. Banker, Express or Agent or the Editor of this paper about us. If you order a ;.air of these tires, yon will find that they will ride easier, run faster, wear better, last longer and look finer than any tire you have ever used or seen at any price. We know that you will be so well pleased 'hat when you want a bicycle you will give us your order. We want you to send us a small trial 3rder at once, hence this remarkable tire offer. iKMldte-Ppedcls, parts and repairs, and it fWK'n tBUa Wefts' ual everything in the bicycle line are sold by us it half the prices chnigcd by dealers and repair men. Write for our big SUNU UV catalogue. write us a pos. a! today. lW NOT THINK. OF BUYING tUt tf'7 WfJiBira hut bicycle of a pair of tires from cayonc until you knew the new and wouderful offers we are making. It only costs a postal to learn everything. Write it NOW. o j5 1VMtj3SMWnnK&t 2 I 5j "JL" . CBICAQO. ILL ALL ( WiHia m Mac f YOU CAN DO & n i hen he an nos our AT Stores at Brigham and court-martial- J . Iy fcheBesi State, nsuranee Company doing bnsinoss in the I can save you money n your insurance. ('ALL and BE CONVINCED, L. R. Sherman Times Officei soldier serving in the Philip for pines was stealing a bar of soap valued at to eight cents and sentenced hard labor iEpt six months. He made the mistake in not taking a whole box of soap. He then at might have got a few days l ard labor. A Ifismed f IS WHETHER LOOKING Tremonton, Ut. of i O SALE STABEEl You casoot pos- - i t in. sii'iy M tag rains from foe! f if you do not uso i I economical j4 a u ps. : i f v. n items are: I toil not mast Wilson Boater. Tlis Patent Uowu draft, .Uncli U J perfrctnl .!. m the k! Wil;:,iii.. 'ii t only B ImSQII 'ill luuptliMi ot I n co.-- l li t ttai into u sttual l ent nil traces I irn:. mtnl. This L blnntion n" economy nnil cclcDcy makes tbs 1 com-CTty- 'f W. Fryer Barn. Howes or call at wr you I will lines call , J FIFE (iarkml,; WILSON Hoi Blast ! U f .J Bov.-- n ..: .i u.,:i.i:..... At..(.. u.iici i;u. iiuiniiii imen1 ion Lumber .4 to x Sheathing fe ti ooiilt A . B. Manausa, J Utah, j 1 t ii.. UIB )oors. A Stock OO General Merchandise (iroceries, Queensware, Hardware & Clothing. A, Complete Line? of Fur) nishinin Drv 6oods. of t not ONE &TliE PHOFrr is OO ALL ON Plain and s OC- - THE PLACE TO BUY! : to 24ft. Knifing. All Grades of Flooring, Ceiling Rustic and Siding Lath, Pickets & Shingles. Building Paper: A II grades and Weights. Mouldings, Casings A: base. AVindows &. j ust opened up a place of busineif the saloon building formerly enpied by J L Stahl. WE CONSIDER THE PEOPL; Ami Our Aim Is To Please All With Our Prices. There is no wder to small to receive prompt and courteous attention, none to lare for the capacity lol the VVIL8UIN LI M I? EH COMPANY. i'l'lieir Sign: 'Flio" Hio- Shed. Both Phono Noll S heater Hold. Perfect control ot ure at all UX1C.3. Call And See Us - Lumber Co. TRTCMOX'IXJN ; Examine Our STOCK, Compare Our PRICES Will Be Glad AVe Are Here. STEARNS m v a4 (iarlaud, in UJ Common, Shiplkip & (Grooved. Several Styles of Front Doors: Fancy, Twt ntN fenr Sii-- of XaiU. Draft BEATER t'tah. Blocks of all designs for Buildings and Chimnevs. Factory East of Boothe'a Store. oo long. 1 'i h - :.. ji.:...i ii iw in 1 4 i i S rn-- u- 1 li i Ik The n a SELL are so blind to who stays and help the old folks clean up the dishes and repack the baskets as much as they admire the snippy Rirl who walks off as soon as soon as she has had all she can eat. -- BEAR RIVER CITY TREMONTON respects you, nobody ought to. You are the blossoms that yield the trull ol Idleness and shame; you are the iproul from which B Worthless bum will in time. You ought to quit it and you know that you ought. Why dotl'l yon? men : , Anyone w lshing to Imiy, sell or trade, Mules, Draft or Driving, will please stable. If I don't liaV what suits For anvthin g in the ahve gejt. i ' at he Sale Stable of. , Wilson Lumber co. if f strange town your igarette spots you as a little hoodlum and you w ill have to do a lot of good things before you cau convince anyone that you are worth having. It impairs your health and ruins your reputation and makes I contempt aide monkey out of what might be a respect-ablboy. Your friends are ashamed of you. If you are far enough llqag in your habit you gU'n in your shame and stick to it through pare cussed new, You ought to be transformed, but your mother hasn't given yon up yel and wants you near her as you are. Nobodj YounK ,S,cLt:ha' uCement Block Factory amait but you know it lao't smalt, nobody thinks it is smart. If you go Into I their future interest that they never admire the prirl at a picnic 0NE Tre-nioiitorr- GARLAND ed The Cigarette Fiend. Our readers will pardon us if we use a little slang in expressing our views of the victims of cigarettes. Say, you young kid, you're a nice snipe with that cigarette under your nose, ain't you? You're the kind ot a soft, pliable, tin p py piece of a boy, all weakness and moral imbecility which the toughs lake as apprentices and educate in the deep, dark mysteries of how to be bud. You are marked as a little fool by every decent man who sees you, and every time you indulge in the foolish and hurtful habit you are lessening J our opportunity of being respectable. You want to be OR BUYING? L.5th'. 190 7. I i v FISHBLJRN'S ALWAYS BEST 7 SEE THE GERMAN OPTICIAN 2 Mill be in Tremonton on or near January gone. Suits your pocket book. . fc..-- be This Store is chuck full of Christmas goods. No matter what your wants may be, we feel quite' surej you can find what you want among our large an(ft varied assortment at the price that 113 G't&E fcSasPS::?, k nicest tigs will Lato some ol Xotlc the thick robber trearl A" and) puncture strips "IV and "Ii," also rim utrlp "I!" to prevent rim cutting. This tiro will outlast any other mak SOFT, ELASTIC anil TUS. PINS. NAILS. TACKS or GLASS. hi 1 S COMING ldt . .t- any Kind of terms, unlit VQU have received our and describing every kind uf high-grad- r e and bicycles, pattern and latent models, and learn jf our remarkable LOW una wonaerxul new MrM made possible by selling from factory i oirect to rider with no middlemen's orofiis. 1 a t'lgomzes your ideals and doctrines, you don 't like him so well As long as the farmer went along plowing, hoeing and htrvesting, and let the professional politicians run the politics, and tie monopolies run the business, nobody culled him a crank or an ignoramus. Hut when he took a hand in the politics and began to question the right of others to rob him, the dogs of war were let loose upon him. I W..W! f nll'n FM i rial ' "V'ifl bouse l i the world wit1 do. , W i fj M 1kikh illustrating old 1 pravity as these people have. It is such hideous, fantastic notions of honor as that make men foul and women base. Heal honor knows them not. As long as a man agrees with you you him ft good fellow. MM t ; r- -. 00 r tragedy. Tbey don't know the meaning of the word. Never was a noble phrase In poorer company. Men and women of real honor would never have sunk their souls so deeply in the mire of human de- think r '...1 IS ALL IT WILL 69ST YOU write fur our oig riir.r. catalogue ... mtltu, he artag 0 - i ot I line complete high C !..'. ., TIltK mid SI NIIItlKS nt I'll W other manufacturer or dealer in the vorld. BKU) ?.:iy rS HVvJ Y news-MBSr- . K hannens iis in the "Times". 1 IIEAH UTAH. V n-- m 4 ' & LOHR THE KENT HOTEL CBi J SHORT ORDERvWUSE. IVEIH ITYj Meals 26c. Served From r. A.' M. tvfiU P. ME f Good Satisfaction rood Meals and Rooms, uufrafeedl Telephone Connection With Both Littei A. KENT, Prop Tremomdh, LlMl. I E '.. . VS |