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Show THE TREMONT TIMES. At Published Every Thursday Tremonton, Utah. K. If. Sherman I'.dih.r unit IWIgcr Mi- 11.38 One year not in advance 11.30 Father'- - got the rheeumati- And' mother's got a chill; A stomachache is all ihu h DiatHUMen' brother Bill. Uncle's throat is pet tin' re. An' baity has the croup. CI10SII Knterfd a defend class matter A pr; 1904 at the Pttrt nfTiir :ii Trimontoti I'lah under Hip m l of cnngrcM of .March 3rd 17.1. Nulweriplion rales. One year jn advance Six months in advance CHEAP! CHEAP! The different microbes hen .. nt Has all been classified. Each shows perenliar stripes, i o dontl When duly magnified. The greatest vonifort we have found To Ee Sold Now On .98 us Monthly Very Simple. ire is-- a Dr. Miles' . please you T Scipain, Neuralgia, Rheumatic Pain, Stomach ache, Ague atica, Backache, Bearing-dow- n from Pains injury, Pains, pains, Indigestion, Dizziness, Nervousness and Sleeplessness. TREMONTON ties chairman of Board, J AFishburn. ' E M Wyatt. Member " " J c Gates. " " DC Roush. Dppor unity To get a lot for a start towards a home. '(' " A Call before the rush and get your choice. " George Shuman. John Shuman. Treasurer Marshall W c John Governor C Wyatt mmim ""i Charles S Tingey. M A Bredden. Atty. General Auditor J A Edwards. James Christiansen Treasurer Supt. of Public Instruction A C Nelson. j State Senator 1 ii District Judge 1st Judical District then take a chew with greater relish than ever. Sheriff Treasurer Recorder Clerk An experienced teacher tells that pupils who have access to m Breed to the Best. newspapers at home, '.when compared with thoes who do not, are better readers, better spellers, better better grammarians, punctuators, and read more understanding', and 'obtain a practical knowledge of geography in almost. half the. time it requires others.' The" newspaper in decidedly an important factor in modern life. This will not be disputed by any one who has taken the trouble to investigate the matter for himself. NO. MOINEAU. yrs MB Hart. Co Com 2 yrs E H Jones. I Charles Cheal Constable Brigham Sunset Junction But if you want the "best" work done on Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, goto Practical Watch Maker j, w. LEWIS, Oakland, Utah. STORK, BOOTHK'8 NURSERY E II Located OH the west bank of Bear River in ( orinne. 40,000 Fruit Trees, and Roses. Come to the Nursery and select your trees and save a good sum nf money and get Trees that GROTR Justice Constable Andrew Funk Chas Cheal K Rudd N .1 Nish Plymouth Chas Card Promontory Geo House E J Bassett G W Parsons Terrace Clear Creek S E Baker Park Valley D Hirsehi WEWhitaker S W Cook Grouse Creek Phil Paskett J A Capener .las Radfleld Riverside Geo J Wells 8 N Cook Willard T C Young Three Mile Mantua Calls N C Fort J Dewey E Twitche R I lad lev C Malad I Hear River A1 Fielding Portage liawlins Snowville Manila Jeppscn W W Lasley C Dcweyville (Vllinston FOR SALS Holmgren Frank Walker D Parkinson Thos Law (' W Robblni K 11 Frldal Almon Wight Hans Kellar K Hnnsakcr D B Marble J R Steading James Coil t-. B. E. BkflNKMANN, Si:Wtfi At .". and up- Rtad A nuw for what on need. tali. MACINUS supply of the best Oil always on baud. A I r r'lact: iuui uiuci Agent Tremonton, i needles D. COUINNK, LOHR, UTAH. Changed Hands I have bought the Blacksmith Business of Peasnall und Drake. I will run a first class shop and do a General Blacksmith Business. My work is all guaranteed and will be promptly attended to. Horse Shoeing - O. S. mT Anono nntekly narortmn our opinion true whptrnv mi sending n sketch nod description Invention te prohnhly PVle,"'!;&-r,,n,S".nl''.on t'tciitt inirlftlTCotifli1iMitliil. Mr swurmif ynintit. tfM free, oldest siicih'V A Muim uirh MMm to. I'ntent taken In tho prrfn! nntirt, wlihout chsriio. Scientific American. I.nrvtt I A hunrtsoniply lllnstrstpil wppIiIt l MrMMMMII lonrni pulatlon : four month, tl. wiuuj all newsdealer. fir-I- Tr MUNN Brnh I ofll-- iBroid.,. n ew York Co c. QS F ft.. Wellington. I). - UTAH BRANCH. ARRIVE DEPART No. 31 No. ;i2. "3 A. M. 0:."" 10:10 10:22 10:27 10:81 10:37 10:32 11:20 11:35 11:43 12:01 1:00 r P. M. iilO A. M. Hripham R20 ConnM Watikeean (1:28 t'M 8:88 8:44 (1:48 t'M UM p.m. Prop L. TIME TABLE. MALAD VALLEY John 11 Wat A L Petersen ("has Kroksh maul iyi nra Designs Copyrights Ac. Specialty. TREMONTON, Dewey Wood J W Ilalford I A ROBERT BUBGE, IIPThorcsen mm Apple trees 10 per 100, two years old and five feet tall. None better. BELL PHONES. AND Blacksmith Shop 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Here, hut good healthy stock. OV INDEPENDENT XO 88. No Diseased; no Dried Up Trash "'. Tremont Times, Tremonton, Utah H C Vanausdeln T E Secrist R Walter J E Montgomery . Sol hy authorized nrlvprtisinc like chean shops is dear at any price. Our advertisers get results, which accounts for our having the largest advertising patronage in Box Elder county. Call us up and get our rates. Christena Madson Nephi J Valentine. Charles E Foxley Attorney isino. fViotin S N Cole Precinct Any old thing will do DVi".iri Joseph Josephson James N Holdaway Elias Jensen A E Jensen School Supt Andrew Funk Justice of Peace Imported French Perclieon, weight 2150, will be at ('has. Schmntz's Farm, 2 Mi miles west of Tremonton for season of 1906. Terms of service 520.00 live foal. For further particulars apply or write to Tremonton Horse Breeders' Association, Co Com 4 I Surveyor Assessor 44324. An HHR!!!!! ORANGE, MASS. reeard-I.issMany Scvrintr Machines are mndetosell mad Quality, but the "StW Home'" is to wear. Our guaranty never runs out We make Sewing Machines to suit all conditions ofthetrade. The "Now Home" s:andsatth !" family sowing machines head of all Hll-- " Confidence in the people you deal with is an important factor in the business world. In letting us do your printing you can depend on us we keep all promises and never misrepresent. Our job printing department is one of the best in the county and you make no mistake in sending your orders to us. Representative BOX ELDER COUNTY Willard W Maughan. F J Holton. Dist Atty Chairman County Com. A W Valentine. Anv Othfir Writs n..(r- - Vnn P'.irr.h-;THE NEW HOME 8EW1HG MACHINE COMPANY CONFIDENCE Peter Clegg. F W Fishburn drop his plug of tobacco on the ground and no difference how dirty the spot where it fell, he will pick it up and give it a careless swipe on his coat sleeve or on the bosom of his pants and IT Jill cutler. i """"" a1& over-exertio- n, UTAH Secretary 11,1 P frain is sore to follow any strain or wfakenwi influence upon the nerves. It may be caused inheat, intense mental effort, colas, excites. digestion, or any cause that depresses, So sensitive are they that the agitates the nerves. sexfth- least pressure or strain causes suffering. By lit. strengthening and quieting the nerves, , Anti-Pai- n 6g, Pilij relieve the pain. druggists, 2'c a box, under a They are sold byfirst bOXwiH benefit, or money the that guarantee refunded. Never sold in bjuU. MILES MEDICAL -- O.. Elkhart. Ind STATE Did you ever notice that tobacco is always clean? If a man drops a piece of meat, no matter how clean the floor may be, he will ealhergive it a kick or pick it up and lay it to one side. He will never eat it. But let him v is. Nerve Pain All SBWatland. clerk SAMUEL SCHRENK r Pills a Almost instantly, and effects. They also relieve every other the best Locations in Tremonton can be had on terms that will Official Directory. Some Anti-Pai- Cure Headache leave no bad Is learning science terms, So's all of. us kin sit around Compariu' notes on ge rms. Don't forget the Times office when wanting job work. Every little while we read in of the paper tnat someone has run nail in or his foot other a rusty and his of body lockjaw portion all. resulted therefrom and the patient died. If every person was aware of a perfect remedy for such wounds and would apply it, lie then such reports would cease. The remedy is simple, always at hand, can be applied by anyone what is better, it is infalliable, It is simply to smoke the wound or any. wound that is bruised or inflammed with a woolen cloth. Twenty minutes in the smoke will take the pain out of the worst case of inflammation arising from sach a wound. People may sneer at this remedy as much as they TREMONTON, please, but when they are afflicted with such wounds, let them try '"' "" m Tmmmmm it. Fills Anti-Pai- n An" fcisterV cough's a reg'iar roar. Yon ought to hear her whoop! LOTS TOWN z3 DRi MILES' Family Troubles. Kvana Honita Central TREMONTON Oarlatirl 7:07 7:10 7:20 Riverside Fieldlnp Plvmonth 8:30 WMkakM Malad The rr.ixri) train on tbb Rranrb ( dnily t:rept Oiinday. N 34. I P. M. 9 40 9:30 9:07 9 01 fM 8.55 8:M J 8:4T. 340 4 4 18 4:0fi y) 8 40 : J 8 21 8 15 7 5? 7 11 3 45 9 IM |