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Show Wand'ring Fancies of a Wand'ring Editor Some Things He Hath Seen and Hath Not Seen. The editor of the Republican ennnte Ui Cfoicaft iid Kalamazoo, with nothing else to do than make observations has tabulated a few for perpetuation upon lite readers of the great ieli;ioiis that in the valley o'C.ich. appears The brillitnCy of tho;e observations is not warranted but that they bit somewhere between srreat truths ar.d greaier semi-weekl- mentioiird. TfcftiCaeV Mill looks better than all r. he new or the old we haw seen thus i far. The writer will close there observ:, t ions, w hieh may have become tiresome to the reader as to us. with an estimate of Elbert Hubbard, of The Philistine. Mother" Hubbard 'a little booklets Bad the way into many Cache Valley homes' and whether or not any reader of Hub bard agrees K'ltb the leonrlast's estimate of the Last Aurora man, all will enjoy E lit.r Windle's delineation. According t) "Life" the Iconclast says: Elbert Hubbard, chief pencil pusher on the Philistine, a periodical of putridity, perpetrated monthly, and printed every little while, for the misinforma tion of pinheads, is a bpyocrite and hum j bug. He is a greedy, gaping gobo, who j gabbles to gumtionb-sgaloots at to much a gab, and gobbles the gold earned I by the gezabos who run his Roycroft shop. He U spiffing pe idler of litres cent platitudes, and the pelted and potential professor of buneology. This bloated, bumptious, bickering old blatherskite has deluged the country with mare literary than any living man. . . ' Asa fatuous fakir, and pro fessional tliin tlammer, he is in a class by himself. Compared with Hubbard Dowle, whose black art exe ited tiie ad miration of the devil, is the s nil of sin ejrity and santity. . As a lurid liar, be makes Ananias 'ook like a novice. . ..As an Idolartor, be ranks with the rankest renegade who over crooked a knee to Mammon, etc,, and so on, to the complete satisfaction of every enemy of the maker of the oldest existing fad izine.' Ex Smouti-- will be readily recognized battle millionaires among our readers who have tea over the road. For Instance as the writer left Logan he observed That the :i 20 train starts cm time almost. That rcrrtrdless of when it starts or w hen it gets there, it is likely to make "'innectioa with the main line train, for that train, too, is like a woman's bustle -always behind. That the Brigbam venders are not now offering travelers those nicely tupped off boxes of stale fruit. That the ten cent, sandwiches at union depot lunch room are thinner than the nine yards of tissue paper in which they are wrapped. That the train caller at Ogden succeeds in making himself as thoroughly misunderstood as do those dignitaries at Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis or Chicago. All tLeir efforts sound like Wit5 a German Jew reading a Scotch dialect : Og-len'- s story. That the D. & R. G. can run as slow as any of 'em when it tries hard. ty hours between Junction is a record ocratic party, so far ed. That all coons not act alike. That any of these of humble soil write it properly on t the rate of twelve ble sous of toil can Ogden Twen- and Grand worthy of the Demas speed is concernonly look alike but tumble sons of toil-t- ons (its pretty hard to a U. P. train going miles an hour) hum do less toiling and if ii n Mae ys." That every time one of these saffron sons colored or ebony-hucbrushes an imaginary speck from cloths, or fili the water glass when such attention is unnecessary , even the bravest of d the brave, the dependent of all independents, fork over his two bits and looks at that nigger with an appealing glanic that means, "Please let me live Mr. . advantages after all. The Deliver pedestrians are not per mined to spit on the sidewalks hut that the keepers of fruit stands get that shia ou the apples by the usu- up Capital of $10,030.- Personal - . Interest paid on time deposits. s. N. COLE. D. n. OEBISON President ," . Latest from Panama is that the rest of elastic currency, the bankers 'em. have caught the baseball might consult seme of the high fever. Good-by- e to the canal! W hen it comes to a question of Engineer Steven3 and rrrrr. -- Cat bier. AT CALL Ik J. C. GATES, (liable Shop 101u o FOR HEADQUARTERS For Blacksmith ing and Horseshoeing. the best work done tm'' night tQ-ge- ill There vou can get have to stay don't yon the Slate, Hats, Caps, and Rnhlter ( roods. A full line of rent's Furnishing it. t ( The LIKST, BEST and only FIRST CLASS SHOP town. in A D R. F. MEL DRUM, complete line of Fancy gro- D ceries. A Utah Tremonton, D goods. EXPERIENCED line of notions. urge D Come and try us and be n Lock, Brick, and Cenient-lloc- convinced. k WORKMAN. for cash. All work guaranteed Tremonton, Cisterns a specialty Richard S.dnvab Will meet all competition 1 J. C. GATES, tali Farmers Independent mr m Telephone Company hat I. STAHL, ?m it J. S- Headquarters and Cigars. - 'tali. for Choice Wines, 1 iqnors v.Vr-'v- Is a Home Concern Owned and Operated By the Farmers Of the Valley. IP T- L - REMl IP m m m m m v. a m m NK N , Livery m Sr- two-third- pm s ley nertb of Brigham, and are receiving new subscribers daih igs and ood J (i . Sale feed Stable r-- do not wish to boast, but we have connected with our Trfflnontou of the Ttlepbones in o)eration in Hear Kicr Yal Exchange, "We (ji ood BROS. PROP.S' wool) prices. Utah. Tremonton, We have been the means of not only improving the service, but are giving our patrons a cheaper rate, and we think the people will appreciate these facts enough to stay with the home company, although offered free Telephones for the sake of killing at off, knowing well that if we were out of the way the rates would go back to the old We GARLAND CLUB Choice WjNES, Liquors and Cigars liPH. COOMBS. FVoprictor. Sr prices. Utah Garland, MB& ir ml 3 aS rV m It has come to our notice that PEARL SALOON mio are informing our subscribers that they can me not reach outside points over our lines. We submit the following list to how out gga side connections with number of phones in each town. W Litpuoy and Choice Wines, Cigars. Mb :! Honey vi In Hyde Park o By rum 050 Lay ton $ oo 30 Roy 100 LcM 75 iston j0 Logan Toll Mt. Air S e j " HO M Lake City 8 Ogden 40 Park City PaVKOtl Plesant Grove Preston, Idaho 11 in Billards A. B. Manausa $m Ti Proprietor. Garland ial). Vwy Idantaquln pandy Spanish Fork 8pringville Sugar Works, North Garland Paylorsville 50 I'tiih Hot Springs ,5 Wliitnev, Idaho 2 SS0 1400 2Sfi Murray o Mlt Pool and 0 toStf? 'i Uiverton I, ark 2 :: Sr.-60- iProvldenre Toll Provo 10 Richmond 11 Hiverdale in ''ermitafre Dl lOSSg " Willard Is now located H& 3 VVellsville '.' .1 . Tremonton to do Denial Work. at HIS WoKK - . ALL GUARANTEED. IS IBEAR RIVER VALLEY TELKI 'HONE C( M I. . TTfll TREMONTON, m If A - arness remonton SbSSl DEALERS All TREMONTON MARKETS .52 1.05 .80 .95 per bu. wheat Oats per 100 lbs. Feed barley per 100 lbs Brewers barley .21-- 2 al method. Beef cattle per lb. That the Pullman births are no longer Pork dressed .08 these uor any higher. Three nights in .06 Into a Pork alive still developes the average person & . 25 20 lb. and all 'round Butter per pretty fair contortionist .30 EffRS per doz. acrobat. Is no ' berth .071-2 rate" Chickens That the due to President Roosevelt's Potatoes 100 .60 per Advertise with us. It pays. S w i""l"ly obtained In obuia PATENTS thi m THAT PAV, .roughly, at our I ou U Mun i. f'nHr, ajul llolji model, Mioto or yl.i tcl( for FREE W Ion imtfMAhlMty. II Hatlltt SUR- fsssilMG HEFEHENCE8 nrnHMW I &U I ciHinlt 01 wi I'rnfltHl.li' I'.Hi iit, wi BiH.k ..n it Seventh to WOSH INOTOW, Street. D. C. BQ3-BO- S j suicide lectures, AViiii MADE I TO ORDER SUITS will sell the famous Chi cago Garden City Tayloring Co Suits, cheaper than you can buy elsewhere. r-- . '.r K r. R'a.os t:: OF AMMHICAN VOEMAV Bear River Valley Homestead 999 tmA HI. IMI moefu U.....,ln I f U ti UJWWIO tlw, UK II'Oll iateel )! Till of each month at 9 p.m., in the Prater unl Hall. Tremonton . Tin Ware Repaired. N Q M.IJ K. V. r.nrns CoriespooOat. fiai I - ml t I UOb i . t 1 5 .'inil Ii Commrreial AlT'iMNTV MH'tM NSi:i,t,Ul . . imicr Bm ,I .. . befOtS the nnd W'OHAII cn-v- I 1'nitei! "tlirr. mtr Ramtaum' , - si.n.- Carpet Weaver !.AV i'rscticcsin an state ana rwerai Mute.-- . I, nnd r.o. TRRMONTON. OATSSB BTORK. JONES, Movfe jj(1nT MhmTO r lNeDCKer Lawyers Suite B H ( (Hirts Hurt ForcmHT REASONABLE PRICES ENERAL REPAIR SHOP t'l'Alt nkxt DOOR TO EYES TESTED FREE li.C. Cbristsnsen and 80m liriliRm City, Uttfa . I inc. Sewing machine Supplies Oils Scientific Optician KMOOD AND Bicycles Bicycle Supplies Whips Blankets Shoes Resoled and Repaired S. F. CHRISTENS! ItROlHI IN Sweat Pads Halters Tents and Awnings Collara TREMOKT LODGE, No 4r, meets every Thursday at 7:80 p. m.inFrater-- I d1 Hall. It F Meld rum, K.O. Carl Iverson, Seev. ompany GOODS OF HARNESS KINDS Harnesses Saddles ODD FELLOWS TRADE-MARK- lower-prob- ably That the eastern lady whoae skirts brushed over our own neither fainted be was nor rau wben the writer told bcr from I'tub. well worth That the trip from Utah is than reason other no the wbile if for and Smcot beard ibat we Lave cot Solicited. All business with us will receive prompt and earefull attention. . mag-nificic- anti-rac- $:,0.000 remonton. t?nsion. That though Denver advertising stat istics claim 1100 sunshiny days at Colon do's capital, the people there know no h never sec the sun ing about it. They now for the smoke. Cache has certain l Accounts snd Correspondence' hog-was- jVg That the loop over Hagerman's pats ten miles long and straight up In the air is almost as had as the Cache Valley ex Pai , financiers who know how t make a few hundred thousand dollars cover so many invest ments. . That the Pullman's $1.25 frizzled eggs Vita served beneath paper flowers an bank Snfv. Amprlritn Fm-led imitation moss dosen't taste half is JK' Uarelav flC, Bingham good as Sister Hank's 25 cent straight Bountiful ups. St- - Uinirhant Junction That the Colorado Midland is one the 5c?2 Bfigham Brighum i ni iil limit i ii ' ii bat but one of the lonesomest roads this e rtawRwiiiA side of the kingdom come. Draper beseen rl hit the only living thing Eureka Franklin, Ida Junction and Col irado tween Grand i rotrorza SUB it was i?.l I In iris v i lie Springs was a mountain goat and (bad. Corinne, Utah s j.et more fur it than any meat, coal iron o oil tnistin the country. That in the presence of the colored Lord High Chancellor of the Pullman, man's vaunted independence means less 5gar than a woman's "no" when her eyts say ' Naturally Jas. J. Hill thinks a railroad knows more about run- ninga troverr.ment than a gov- ermer.t knows about running a railroad. COLE BANKING CO. m ! m aii ' bare nrw Iimhii hih) hid pre paired to!lollieliet u( ufinlne Rrint In your nork. Any arbtS left ui the Tremoat Times fflte will be promptly attondad to u ;ii'.wjAS laws, rirucktr, Lts |