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Show PRES1NT IS Of CUBAN SITUATION The Announcement Made That Seats of Members of Congress Elected in 1905 Are to Be Declared Vacant. Havana. "By a decree to be Issued soon under specific authority of the president of the United Slates, the seats of members of the Cuban congress elected in 1905 will be declared vacant." This was the announcement by on Governor Magoon Sunday to twenty-fivsenators and members of the house of representatives whom he had invited to attend a conference in the palace. After reviewing all the facts developed by the peace oommis sion sent to Cuba by President Roose-vel- t in response to President Palma'u appeal for intervention. Governor Magoon called the attention of the members to the fact that the determination as to the status of the congress had been reserved by the peace com mission for consideration at Washington. He then communicated to them the final determination of President Roosevelt that the seats of all senators and representatives elected in 1905 shall be considered vacant from Oct. 12, 1906, the vacancies thereby created being filled by an election under the provisional government in acof cordance with the proclamation Governor Taft on Sept. 29. e SHORTAGE OF CARS, in California Seriously Handicapped by Present Conditions. Los Angeles. According to an newspaper, probably the evening greatest handicap to the oil industry in California at this time is on the shortage of tank oil cars, which has grown until it is said there are not more than half enough of these in commission to handle the product. Six hundred additional cars are said to be badly needed at the present tme. In their absence it has been necessary to provide expensive storage accommodations or to keep vast quantities of oil locked in the ground by means of tightly plugged wells. Oil Industry Japan Does Not Expect Trouble Over California School Controversy. Washington, D. C. Japan has every confidence that President Roosevelt will adjust Ihe Japanese-Californischool controversy entirely to the satisfaction of both nations. Feeling this confidence. Japan has ceased to be agitated over the situation. The Japanese newspapers are emphatically moderate in all their notices of the affair, and so far as the Japanese nation is concerned, there is absolutely no reason for the revival of the newspaper notoriety in this country. Horses Owned by King Edward Are Exhibited in Chicago. Chicago. The seventh annual international livestock exhibition opened Saturday at the Union Stock Yards and will continue for eight days. There are more tnan 300 entries, including some Shire horses owned by King Edward of England. Other entries from abroad have been made by Sr Thomas Lipton, Lord C ivan and Lord Rothschild. Each evening a horse fair will be held in the exhibition ring. Mob Burns Tobacco Factory. s Princeton, Ky. The tobacco of John Steger and John G Orr, the latter controlled by the Imperial Tobacco company of New York, were destroyed early Saturday by a fire, kindled by a mob of masked men The loss is estimated at $170,000. The mob, winch numoered about 300 men. entered Princeton between 1 and 2 o'clock, seized the night town marshal and disarmed him. They then went to the factory and quickly applied the torch. stera-merie- Debt. C D. The monthly Washington, statement of tne public debt shows that at the close of business, November 30, 1906, the total debt, less tash in the treasury, amounted to $944-- , 229,429. which is a decrease for the month of $7,841,925. The debt is recapitulated as follows: Interest bearing debt, $925,259,190; debt on which interest has ceased since maturity, no interest, 1 1,1 18,975; debt bearing $399,521,550. otal, $1,325,799,716. The Public Turbine. Chester, Pa. The Yale, the second ocean-gointurbine steamship to be built In this country, was launched at Roach's shipyard in this city Saturday. The Harvard, a sister ship to the Yale, is on the stocks at the shipyard and will be launched soon. The adoption of the turbine power for these vessels was largely due to the sun BUI of the new turbine steamship. QoT. Cobb, lately placed in service on the route between Boston and St. John, Second Ocean-Goin- N. B. Car Robbed. The express car attached to train number four of the Cotton Belt route, which left this city ExSaturday night, was robbed and led bin press Messenger W. A. Grossup after having from the moving train, been beaten and badly wounded by The robbery, It is bethe robbers mile from this lieved, occurred about place, but was not discovered until the train reached Eylau. the next Mop. found beThe express messenger side the track badly hurt Express Red water, Texas m TEN YEARS OF PAIN. SEWS SUMMARY MASTER Unable to Do Even Housework B; cause of Kidney Troubles. Restrictions on the entrance into Italy of American pork have been re moved by the Italian government. Despondent over the recent death of her baby. Mrs. R. L. Barnes, of Los Angeles, suicided, taking chloroform. H. J. Groce, a negro, shot and in stantly killed a negro woman, ?aid to be his wife, at the Southern Pacific depot at Tucson, Arizona. The monthly coinage statement shows that in November the coinage executed at the mints of the United States amounted to $13,578,870. Three persons are known to have been killed, while several more were seriously injured, in a wreck on the Rutland railroad near Vergennes, Vt. J. E. Hutchinson, former secretary and treasurer of the Delta Cotton company of Memphis, Tenn., has been arrested on a charge of embezzling BOY'S HEAD ONE SOLID SORK. I nan nil vul unuci wuviui Better worns wonaers. wdriic Three Months and tuueura No Mrs. Margaret Emmerich, of Clinti n Mr. A. C. Barnett, proprietor of a street. Nanoleon. O., says: "For fif teen years I was a general Btore in AvarJ, Oklahoma, great sufferer from tells in the following giateful letter kidney troubles. My how Cuticura cured his 6on of a terback pained me ter--: rible eczema "My little boy had ecribly. Every turn zema. His head was one solid sore, move caused or sharp shooting! pains. My eyesight was ix)or, dark snots appeared be fore me, and I had dizzy spells. For ten years I could not do housew rk. and for two years did not get out of the house. The kidney secretions were irregular, and doctors were not helping me. Doan's Kidney Pills brought me quick relief, and Snail cured me. They saved my life." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milbur- Co., Buffalo, N. Y. High Position for Admiral. Rear Admiral Wlllard H. Brownson. of the Yuba Dam, Cal., once a famous min- who has just taken command in the Fast, forces naval American ing camp and made famous by Bret wili, it is understood, soon be recalled Harte's poem, is a thing of the past. to take what has become to be regardWhat remained of the old camp was ed as the most important post In the destroyed by fire last week. navy namely, chief of the bureau of The monthly statement of the gov- navigation. Admiral Brownson would, ernment receipts and expenditures in the usual course, be placed on the shows that for November, 1906, the retired list next year on account of to his excellent total receipts were $55,602,498, and old age, but owing and mental condition it is unphysical the expenditures $48,322,507. derstood he will continue at the head Gordon Dubose, former president ot of the navigation bureau at least durthe defunct First National Bank of ing the present administration. Ensley, Alabama, has been found Keep in Good Health. guilty of misapplication of funds and There are many thousands of peosentenced to five years' imprisonment. ple all over the world who can atH. A. Herbert, a laborer 55 years of tribute their good health to taking one age, the father of six small children, of two Brandreth's Pills every night. shot and killed himself at San Fer- These pills cleanse the stomach and the kidneys and nando, Cal., as. the result of brooding bowels, stimulate blood. They are over a lawsuit that had been filed liver and purify the the same fine laxative tonic pills your against him. used, and being purely Mayor Eugene E. Schmitz of San grandparents vegetable they are adapted to children indicted was who recently Francisco, and old people, as well as those in by a grand jury on the charge of ex- the vigor of manhood and womanhood. tortion, was formally placed under arBrandreth's Pills have been in use rest at Truckee, Cal., just after he for over a century and are for sale crossed the California line. everywhere, plain or sugar-coateAccording to news received in Rome To Represent Italy and Spain. the capital of Abysfrom The two great Catholic countries of sinia, King Menelik is seriously ill, and it is feared here that grave dis Europe, Italy and Spain, are sending turbances are likely to occur in the new ambassadors to the court of St. James. The marquis di San Giuliano, struggle for the succession. who will represent Italy, is comparae saileighty-threSix hundred and a young man. He comes of an tively Cron-stad- t at the in ors concerned mutiny old Sicilian family of Norman descent, of last summer, have been sen- and is cultured, having traveled highly tenced by court martial to imprisonwith good results. He is extensively ment or service with the disciplinary an enthusiastic student of Dante, and battalions for various periods. is president of the Italian Geographical An official dispatch from Dutch New society. Senor Villa Urattia, the new . .. Y0a n ,i , , accompanied ambassador, Spanish uuinea announces " band King Alfonso to London on the motween Dutch troops and a s'.rong . mentous occasion that ended in his endf Alfours, who were traveling to Fak-fakand gagement to Princess Ena, and won were Seven soldiers golden opinions for his tact and courone officer and six men wonded. on the tesy during that visit. Not a single American died last in the disease from canal zone Japan's Empress Popular. three months, according to a report , It is doubtful if any royal consort is the isthmian canal commission has more loved by her people than is the , W. C. empress of Japan. Educated accord just received from Colonel the chief sanitary officer in the ing to feudal ideas and skilled in all zone. the accomplishments befitting one of Three children, all sons of E. Han- her social eminence, her majesty Hutchinson. Kan., strongly favors the broadness of the son, living near were drowned while skating on Lake new education for women and from Marion. The lads, Judan, aged 13; her private purse gives large sums toward the maintenance of women's Walter, aged 11, and Victor, aged 9. schools and universities. During the when they were looking for muskrats war with Russia the empress visited fell into an airhole. the hospitals many times and every The Kobe correspondent of the Ion-doday passed hours making bandages. a floating The effect Standard cables that of these bandages upon the mine, a legacy from the wounded soldiers has been of deep in war, has been driven ashore at terest to medical and scientific men Akita, on the west coast of Hondo, for the soldiers honored by them where it exploded, killing ten villag- seemed to rally under a peculiar men ers and wounding fifty-six- . tal influence. All other bandages were A record of 132 persons killed and destroyed after their first use; those made by the empress were sterilized 2,271 others injured on the surface of lines Chicago and used again for the simple reason and elevated traction to of their effect on the recovery of the 1 last impetus gives since January soldiers. the crusade against the overcrowding ofof cars which was begun by the LIKE A FAIRY TALE. ficials of the city last week. Advices from Canton report a re- The Story of Postum Cereal in Words and Pictures. crudescence of the China, where feeling at IJenshow, The growth of the Postum Cereal some church property has been pilCo. is like a fairy tale, but it is true, has consul American The laged. every word of it. asked the viceroy to protect American "The Door Unbolted" is the title of missionaries and their property. a charming little booklet just issued What would appear to be a most by the Company which tells, and ildiscovery lustrates, the story of this remarkarchaeological important has been made at Formaie, neat able growth. It takes tne reader from which place Cicero was assassinated the little white barn in which the business was started Jan. 1, 1895, twenty centuries ago. This discovery the palatial offices and great through are which thought remains of consists of the "White City" buildings orator. factory the of great to be the tomb that comprise Postumville, Rattle the graduate Creek, Mich. The annual report of The Utile white barn, so carefully treasurer of Harvard athletics for the year 1906 shows a profit from all preserved, is a most Interesting buildsources of $27,816. The football re ing, for it represents the humble of one of the country's greatamountoeipta during the last season of est manufacturing enterprises of toed io $85,336, while the expenses an enterprise that has grown day, were $29,628 of sport that department from this little barn to a whole city As a sequel to the recent death of of factory buildings within but little Mike Ward of Sarlna, Ont., after his more than ten years. with No less interesting is the quaint offight at Grand Rapids, Mich., an ficial home of the Postum Cereal Co. of Philadelphia, Harry Lewis hits been introduced in the oRy The general office building of Mr. Post council prohibiting all boxing matches and his associates is a reproduction of for money or prize, public or private. the Shakespeare house at Stratford-oAvon, and upon the house and its Mi- Charles G. Checkey and her has been expended vast furnishings half two children, a girl of two and a sums of money, until the roomR are were more like the ,c;irs and one five months old, drawing rooms of the Proviat homes in their mansions of our dead found turned than like offices dence, It. I. The woman had That Mr. Post has believed thorthe gas and, taking her two chil-,iiin her arms, lay down with them. oughly In the Idea of giving to his employes attractive and healthful The court martial which has been work rooms is proven not only by the others charged and trying the sailors office building of the Company general tt mutiir. In the with being implicated wnkh Ueatenanl and Its furnishings, but by his facfor ehK8topol. as well, and of all of these Schmidt and three other companions tories were executed March 19, has sen talngl this beautiful little booklet tells leneed a civilian and two sailors to the interesting story. It will be sent to anyone on request. deBth. $68,000. Adie-Abeb- , Pt'TNAM FADELESS nine peed, Hull e Wul'K all over his scalp; his hair all came I out, and he suffered very mw h. had a physician treat him, but at the end of three months he was no bet-er- . I remembered that the Cuticura Remedies had cured uie, and after giving him two bottles of Cuticura Resolvent, according to directions, snd using ("utic-.r- a Soap and Ointment on him daily, his eczema left him, his hair grew again, and he has We never had t'Xf eczema since. use the Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and they keep our skin soft and healthy. 1 cheerfully recommend the Cuticura Remedies for all cases of Mar. 30, eczem . A. C. Harnett, e ordl-Bsnc- DYES color with less ruler, r nils. Ducks haven't the better of lawyers ana QOCXOri in u:e m.uin ub ui uius The Six Largest Lakes. Six lakes of more than 20,004 square miles in area exist in the world, ins raspian is the largest of these, an Lake Huron the smallest. Important to Wethers. Mm. Vliilow' Nootlilnc syrup. iru.ices in sflit lUr gSMM, SjaMM aliss lin,.'ui wmu Enmity of your enemies is less uncertain than the friendship of your friends. For ehiiuisu letiniug, .11.. Examine carefully every bottle of C ASTORIA,, d Hire remedy for infanta soil children, h raft-in- . and bee thai H ii Siguaiuie of la Use Yor Over 30 Vt.im. Thu Iviud You Uiive Always liuueUi. National Pure Food and Drugs Act. The (lartiehl Remedies meet with tht of the new Liw. hic'iieft requirements 'Like Qarfinld Tee constipation. ir Will Study lush Language. The education committee of the Lon"1 gave you a dime yesterday," redon county council has decided to marked the philanthropic female, "and to t tie council that classes foi low the study of the Irish language and litI saw you go into one of those saloons." "Yes, mum,'' replied the eral are be opened in the public eleweary wayfarer, a fellow wld on'y a mentary schools of Finsbury, Islington, dime ain't got no call to go into dem St. Pancras and Stepney. ones." Philadelphia Rec ord. W. N. U. Salt Lake City, No. 49. 190t,. high-tone- 1905." Wrong Method of Teaching. Consul Paul Nash, of Venice, writes: Americans "Hundreds of w annually pass through Venice and. although probably nine tenths of them have had several years of instruction in a European language, not one- tenth are capable of speaking a dozen connected words of anything but Eng lish. Even college graduates, fresh in French or Gerfrom man, are generally unable to speak either language, although capable of writing an excellent thesis on their history', philology, syntax and literature. This is the result of teaching French and German in much the same way that Latin and Greek are taught." BAKING POWDER prize-winnin- 25 ounces for 25 cents The original 25 ounce Others have copied the can, but K C quality can. iOUHCtS, Alarms. Wife Desertion has never been equaled at any price. So many Cincinnati wives have been deserted by their husbands of late that the city council has taken steps toward putting a check on such runaways. It has been found that mortgage loan sharks are contributing factors in a great many cases. A man's ability to mortgage his furniture without the knowledge of his wife is a strong temptation to husbands of weak will. An ordinance has been introduced making such mortgage of no avail unless they bear the signature of both husband and wife. Autos in German Army. The German Volunteer Army Corps is provided with 37 automobiles in charge of uniformed drivers, which carry staff officers to and fro. In the maneuvers last month the speed and convenience of the machines were highly praised by the tacticians who watched the developments of the mimic campaign. iMAS'l' .r r.,-..- n JAQUES MFG. 'JSt t"l Your shoe money will go twice as lar II you buy the .strong, well-mad- e and hard to -- wear -- out am:. . 1 T i sTJ :' SCHOOL SHOES for boys ami girls Ttiey are made ol best seasoned upper leather and tougl soles and have fewer seams than other Mayer School shoes are shaped to pi injury to growing children's fi WEAR LIKE IK Your dealer has them or will j take no other. The Mayer tra on every sole. We also make the "Hono men and "Western Lad' Gor-gas- Russo-Japanes- brigliU-- F. Mayer Boot & Milwaukee, hill" shoes U Shoe Co Wis. NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER. THE SCIENTIFIC SICK HEADACHE Tuey also relieve Distress frora Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty A perfect remEating. iTTLE IVER I edy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Bad Taste In the Mouth, Coated Tontrue, Pain In the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Purely Vegetable. PILLS. regulate tbo Bowels. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear CARTERS Signature ie IITTtE REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. W. L. DOUGLAS MODERN EXTERNAL COUNTER-IRRITAN- CAPISICUM Positively cured by these Little Pills. CARTER'S AND VASELINE OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT EXTRACT AFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAIN. -- PRICE OUICK. SURE. 15c IN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES A I" ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. OR bY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF I Sc. IN POS AGE SI AMPS. DON'T WAIT A A TUBE HANDY. PAIN COMtS-KE- EP substitute for and superior to mustard or any other plaster, and will not and curative qualities of blister the most delicate skin. The the article are wonderful. It will stop the toothache at once, and relieve Headache and Sciatica. We recommend it as the best and safest external counter-iitant known, also as an external remedy for pains In the chest and stomach and ail Rheumatic, Neuralgic and Gouty complaints, A trial will prove what we claim for It, and it will be found to be invaluable in the household and for children. Once used no famiiv will be wimout It. Many people say "it is the best of all your preparations." Accept no preparation of vaseline unless the same carries our label, as otherwise it is not genuine. SEND YOUR ADDRESS AND WE WILL MAM. OUR VASELINE F'AMPHLET WHICH WILL INTEREST YOU. TILL THE A g CHESEBROUGH 17 STATE STREET. MFG. CO. NEW YORK CITY 3.50&$3.00 Shoes BEST IN THE WORLD W.LDouglas $4 Gill Edge line eannotbeequalle'latanypNce, 7V Mm - BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT W. I. Douglas- Jobbing House It the most complete In thli country Sendor Catalog Is a Quick and Permanent Cure for I e s Rheumatism, Cuts, Sprains, Wounds, HOES FOB EVERYBODY AT ALL PRICES. '7 Sriojn. .') Man's Shoe. SB to Si ftO. JO to fl.oo. SB. Women's toil M A Children' 8hoa. 12 88 to f l.OO. W. L, Douglas Wiiimn', MIn- and Try Children's Sheet I foff Style, fit an. 8h'. they ''! oilier makes. nw could take you into my large factories at Brockton, Mass., and show you how carefully W.L. Douglas shoes are made, you would then understand why they hold their shape, fit better, wesr longer, and are of greater value than any other make. If I Wlwr.vrr vnu IftVa. vnti ran fihtalfl W. I Douglas shoes. His name and price Ii stamnrtt on the bottom, which protects ynu against high price and Interior shoes. Tak no sues" As your dealer for W. I.. Doug las shoes and Insist upon having them. Votor tufittn ura: 1ttu wilt not twar branxy fat Write fa Illustrated Catalngnt f all Styles. tut. W. 1 DOLiOLAS. Dept. Mm Brockton. Mass. Neuralgia, Headache, Old Sores, Corns, Bunions, Galls, Bruises, Contracted Muscles, Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Frost Bite, Chilblains, Ringbone, PoUevil, Burns, Scalds, and ALL THE ILLS THAT FLESH IS HEIR TO. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $1. Sold by all Druggist. I f 1 I I 1 f I |