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Show T5 The Tremo tit Times. THEMOXTON, BOX KLDKR CO! NTY. UTAH Town Locals. One sons of Jacob Storer 1ms been on I be sick list. Get your Silverware for Xmas Presents at the Furniture Store. Call at the Hardware Stnv and ceive a beautiful Calauder. re- Virgil (feed is none from Salt Luke City for a visit with hit; folk. Salt Lake City, was n Tremonton caller Thursday. llrrakmann Lewis moved iutd the has bought and lsen farm south of Tre- monton . Mr. Joseph Stohl of Brlgham, is in TreeaontOB for a few days on business. When you want Lumber you will do well to figure with Wilson Lumber Company. Miss Drake, our primary teacher, was on the sick list this week and Miss Fowl er of Garland took charge of her room. thedoginthe milk, you will realize, There will be quite a numb of our dear girl, that this meauder busin-ssi- i people move to Idaho in the sprint', they not w hat its cracked up to be." Th having taken homesteads near Holbrook. other view the out iniisl ic one can lie act lortti as toiiow's: a cheering person Cutlery, Guns aud Ammunition; in can picture farm life so idvlic-t- hat the fnet every thing usually found in an up ou rising In the morning, doe farmer, to date Hardware Store at Wilson's. not disturb his wife, but says good morn Sam Castlebery came up from Salt log' into the boudoir phonograph. ll' Lake City last week for a few days on may add a hint as to w hat he would like Iimiraure business. to have for breakfast when he returns) ride about the farm, Hardware, Tin fc Enameled Ware, ftomhls automobile maid calls the farm o'clock At the eight Stoneware, Chinaware A Silverware at and half er's wife, by past nine she has a the Hardware Store. call from her lu sh .ml. over telephone Wyatt llro".. have a new platform iu on the north vist quarter, saying that he front of their shop. These improve- w ill join her in five minutes. At break ments all help the looks of the town. fist the morning nailers arc read, having If you select your Xmas Presents at come by rural delivery a few minutes St oh I Bros Furu. Store you. will get some tiefore. am! the wife announces the mo- thing good. gramme for the day. It mav be French F. A. Cooh has enlarged his platform music, physical cultural or clubs. A In front of his place of business and will piekage of the latest novella ride across swcHhe a4knp t-- grade as soon as the coHutrv'on a blooded marc, skating in w inter, golf in summer, a lecture on the .MttW will permit. akin the village hall-- all these things ftoush. Tom Goss, JackGoss, H. arc set forth as possibilities for the pint- Sherman, Sam Sehrenk and ocratic farmer's wife in this state. And George Hode Wood' went to Malad Monday and in the evening the piano) ia puts Betlio- returned Tuesday . ven or Handel at the lady's finger tips. Dr. A. A. Canlield cante down from The children arc put to bed, the gover- Malad Tuesday aud returned the same ness dismissed and a telephone confer- day. The Dr. will be iu Tremonton for ace with the neighbors over the day's a short stay, about January 1st. g issip is begun. The fanner reads his We that a pood number of our favorite poet, and the night glides on. The weather lias moderated night it rained for u short time. M F.A.Cook has a supply of er are repotted. The stork left a twelve pound hoy at the home of W. S. Hull Satimla? r If yon cannot find what suits you or fits you anywhere else in town call on ' The farmer; ave iejo'einr, most of them line thr s'ie I. The Howell's ma chine has about seven days ahead of them, anil the Halford machine about three days. Mr. C. W. Hall loaded a Milton II. Welling of Fiehlini. Moroni Ward, E. T. Capcncr of Riversi l; and Win. Richards of Malad were among the vis't irs to our quite town during the week. Melvin - insr the news-pape- Miss Rachel Hoskins is her folks good shoe for in ZSIhLkI j Mr' Jow5nh A1,en and ;sif' Thanksgiving at Logan. i". steams sl1"1" h.l(1 ,ll)01lt 4,-- )0 ,1L.fld to deliver between Deweyv'lle and Ogdeo; A scheme foot tqjtbuv two or is on ,h"l'c' sections of i.. n. ..l : ld anWji town and - B There are a great many sheep in ou r cut hills. The sheep me. ate still pull x' fng westward to tire discrt MftRCHar H1? j ftnd enter lhc easl 1,il,s mornin Mr' ho,u tue whl,i Himis is l,M a We Sloping. hope to hear of a good find iu the near f. it lire. The stork left a baby girl at the honu of Joseph Wr. Halford. . f as the man pany. Further proceedings were postponed until next Friday al the request of Burn-haincounsel. Burnham being remanded to t he Tombs. Ex. pie faced the astonished week Lots For Sale. which I -- Time sales are as follows: 12 smith of Tremonton!. l.ors You better get into line want to buy a lot on easy payments. They are going and the best l eitii'uis wUl soon be gone. Get into line and buy one now. Heater r Slyhl Bros., it is the or.ly stove that mthe':fini, or slacked eoal without Sam e stuck of Ladies furs i bahulce 0De 'C8r- - "r Blast ilm-nt- WHstC. the time to buy Majestic Range of Stohl Bros, as it does the Wow with less fuel than any other range. Coal is scarce now is a '. FOR SALE -- Mammoth Brown IL M. Holler W per trio. Turkey's. (iood Cider, Apples At 80c. a bushel. Address G, Adnoy Corinne, Utah. Have you: seen the new and handsome assortment of (Rshes just opened at Stohl Bros. Fin n. Store? f. Beans! Beans!! Beans'!! (libs S5e. 181 b4 27Ibs1.0( IOOIIis 0.50 at the Hard- 30c, Stohl Bros, are selling all kinds of carpets, rugs and linoleum this season; their stock is alwavs new aud up to date. . . Good Cider Apples Address C.G. Adney At 20c. a bushel. Corinne, Utah. : j if you are looking for wedding sents or any Other presents go to Stohl Bros, Furu. Store; they have w pre- the just hat you want. Tin "L. T. L." will meet at the M Church, every Wednesday at tM p. in. All arc cordially invited to attend. ' L.T. L.Scc. K i YOU KNOW Fishburn's Grand Opening mUs' i,,,,','"sl 0,1 11,1 A Success. k- a to desirable Anyone wishing get cation will do well by calling early and Fishbum's opening day was a succcfs get first choice. Some wanted to buy In every way although the roads were lots on payments, now is the chance. had. There was a large attendance The lots arc all priced and no change very did that -wv . trading, and listi ued lo the tine I MM ...111 w in 1... oc mane. i ucj aieiroiu fi mi lo music, given by Jorgcnscn's band ol 8125. according to locution. the wa i. as good Call on Samuel Sehrenk, Prop, or at Brlgbam, which, by as the best, 'lhc ladies were presented The 'Fremont Time Office. Flshbtirns with beautiful souvenirs. have these Grand Opening days each Pcr numt1'' Hot (iood Cider Apples At 80c. a bushel ' Addcss C. G. Adney Corinne. Utah. DO discount, flat. 150.00 cash Cole's ware Store. reductions. FURS Our g (let in pays rent amounting to 400,000 every year. And the burden is Uncle GOING! If you INCORPORATED- thirty five lots in Tremonton not even mitigated by the joy of being cotnplete. offer for sale on the following side to get out occasionally ami hunt a Those paying cash terms: who desires my service, have had experi cnee In that line. J, H. Vance, two miles Co. line of Gcn(s' Has the most up the control of this own Collars, Culls, Shirts; L'nderwa're, Ties, especial feat ure of Governmental activity Hats, Caps, Hosiery, Overalls. Suspend together with the fur: her point that the crs. Silk itcctcrs, tsar Aiuns etc. in me Government can ami do s extend its (',f.v-Dpostal facilities into new and routes, simply to assure mail facilities ti YOU Americans in remote ami distant reclons KNOW as in Alaska and in the mountain disAVc have the largest and3 best assenttrtctsofour home country , as a corpor ation would not be likely to do, will he mint of Ladies' Fall and Winter cry to select from, to be found in the Ma- against the proposed change. lad Valley, that we ate offering at great Buzz. complete line of Paints. Oils, Glass, Drugs, Medicine, Toilet Ar tides. Cutlery, Rubber Goods, Tobacco. Cigars, Stockfood, Stationery, Bcbool Supplies etc.. Our prices arc right, (ja ad be convinced, Lemons 23c. per dozen, have a It Is No Wonder That men smoke when they see our line of smoker's supplies. Anybody would. The tobaccos are of the finest MERCANTILE COMPANY. TRLYIOM variety and of the most expensive cure. FOR SALE Good sweet .cider The pipes ive solid comfort to and cider vinegar. Call on L. H. the old and young smoker. Getz Point Lookout, Utah. and not giving by profit even only We won't inention our cigars year they ..Snn,i," despised dog, NOTICE amuBg g,, The humM .8Iullr isal- the people this treat hut the whole tow n especially, but smoke4 one of and receives a certain benefit by these large wtya ihnnned by bfa fellow being our leading brands, and you b It pays to get your horse shoeing done lttte B(uen(.0 nbkh Bhvaya gatherings, and makes ewrylioih feel will smoke no other. takes the form of a dark shadow - there better after attending them. by a man who understands the anatomy js no sunlight iu ' snarls" soul, of a horse's foot, and guarantees all his Co. A- j Mercantile Tremont am prepared to ,cry sales for anyone I - Millin-declsiv- I have Farmers Attention! I . V. t ', John F. Cowley and J. Edward Gibbs made a business trip to Malad City last 's o .,',,.,, the people have .' i ' hich they could not have as against a corporation, and the satisfaction which ho was convicted, today president. Il was not claimed, however, that Burnham paid the amount' of this check to .Mr. Payn, but that it was uard t resist an alleged demand hy I'ayn for 100,000 from the lifo insurance com- years the deficit has been much greater There has been something doing at than even that immense sum. It would als ), we believe, insure a much prorrpt the up-t- date (Wilson) Hardware Store the joist week In Stoves and Bangcs: no and better service, for, dr incs. in ompetents, persons indifferent to the public wonder, when they sell the Wilson slid interests, would not long remain In the Vortex Line of Hot Blast. Coal Is scarce, postal service were it run as a private or but a little makes much heat In those corporate enterprise, and inordcr to make stoves, The price too, is right Two of money. The Government would also, no the best makes of Steel Ranges: The doubt, receive considerable sums fn,m Eclipse, w hich eclipes all Others. The the net receipts above the seven per cent bonder, that is the wonder of all who f!seethem. Oil Heaters it Cooks, interest on the fifty million dollar; capital invested. But after all. can the people afford to R Bazaar Will-be given by the turn this immense public utility over to Ladle8 Aid Socictv in the Fraternal Hall -the management of a Corporation? We ,,,.,,,,. 1st. eyenine. 'lVce.ober not ladicve that th. j popular mind f Acrmi'ssiorfwilt' .sl.rv(,(1. ' ... cotild be bought to au approval of such a L t ,:,.t ,Q (To cents.' Everybody invited,, , transfer. It is not alone dollars and ccnls ... that govern in this or any like case, but Services At the M. E, Church the convenience and satisfaction of tl.c Sunday morning and evening. Subject public, and the contents thai the people for the morning service, "The spiritual nave in the knowledge that they arc them-- geosc of num." Evening, From tie selves in control of this great service. It pit to the Throne." Everybody invited. is certain, also that compliants of bad and Hair sisson left Thursdaj service would be plenty, and there would be noway in which the public or those for Wenatchec, Washington, where their mot her resides. aggrieved could force attentive consideration for heir complaints ton corpor et ion, nor the redress of proved grievDO ance. YOU The fact that the people now have ways KNOW of force attention to their complaints w w ( ne of the sensational features of the trial which ended today was the production of a check by the prosecution which bore the name of l.ouis F. I'ayn, former Superintendent of Insurance and the I'nlted States Express company , of which United states Senator Piatt is "rt On Dee. 9th. Mr Henry Johns made a business trip to Malad City. Life - 1 Dec. HtU. (ieorge Btirn-liatdf"ffMutfA f year ago. The oilier officers of the lasuranoa ompanv Frederick A. Burnham; presi lent, and ieorge D. IJdiidge, were indicted at the same time He-d- ever3' S company, today was convicted 75lMJ if larency of of the cijmpaiiy s funds. The prosecution and conviction of Burnham was an outgrowth of rtie investigation of insurance eomfwnian in this State by a legislative committee a j the is seen to cross ll, a counsel of the Mutual Reserve - Messrs. Ephriam and Oliver Hall are delivering their herd of cattle. They , - , Dancers Attention.' men. tcr. Men that can ilo things either with The man who never make am luhv head or bund-- , ale the men that an want fakes misses a good many stie mild In all ed ami the demand - as great here ami choi ces to leuru something. Lohr, Treason! on, now ns It has been sinco the ginning, f Come while you can get your si.e. In laVwi from 'Lin up to MJO Jr., Aftkbxook Services ! I one visiting with York, Dec New ' r Ik-a- Methodist. I Y. College at Logan. IS. No Convicted Thief. . Ycarsloj John and N icmi Gibbs, Cromwell Howo'l. Visses Ruby and Laurah Howell, Zlna llawklcy ami I nice Reeee, spont Thanksgiving at homcThese young people arc attem Messrs. hand. lf, o. of wheat at Wasakic yesterday. The Indians have raised a very good crop this year. . .N car :: Insurance Chief , . in Church Directory. 1 one-hal- Mr. brated Carhart Pants and Overalls. A young woman. 'Why, Willie!" she exclaimed in Full Line of Corduroy pants just receivamazement ed, also overalls and jackets at the right j a Ui, ,.,l- iiTkii'. I llfll .s .ll.f. LUll, till nn l.lll, i,n.., n, place and the right price tortcd. "Pull out. We are five minute When you need: Condition, Hog Hem late already. edy, Stock Food, Lice Killer, Good LiniThat boy is not allowed to fraternize ment or Gall Cure: Call at the Hard- w ith railroad men anv more. ware Store and buy the best. The Bex, anil get a Veterinary Book and .Map of What is more appropriate for a Xmas the C. 8. A. free. Present than a nice Water Set, a set of W . H. Capwell of Dallas, Pa., was a Rogers Knives & Forks, a Berry Spoon, Trcmoutm visitor Thursday looking ov- an Easy Bocker, a Center Tabic, a Carer the valley. Mr. Capwell Is a pet Sweeper, or beautiful Hug. Stohl Bros. man having just sold the lalls laud is his inter and over Post, looking i i. ... , II . i , ,.i it iiidii i mi ests in the Bear Bivcr Valley, nrtiin,ii imii-- , , n his head, skill in his hands and There dors not seem to be much fun in ledge his body is his own referenc es. in health licinga high official of Railroads ami Oth-e- r Mix him up with sixty million of ot hers corporations of late as they arc kept and you will liud him again as he will busy dodging around the comer to keep nave a habit of bolag on top. Throw out of prison. There has been several him naked into a desert island and he of (he "lirass collars" of our roads arrest-rt will the head of something. He of late and more will follow. docs not go whining over the land, In.' out below first cost, a lot of blaming fortune and saying he has no odd and ends la all class of good chance but goes out and does something i'.7"i line fof See our job lot in shoes and goes out snd does ii again and bet a Ant-clas- Hyrum Hoskins has returned home after an absence of a couple of A small boy who lives in an important months. Mr. Iloskin is preparing to be railroad center had been accustomed to married to Miss Effle Gibbs and the the statiou and making friends ding will take place In the near future. with the officers of the company, lie Mr. John F. Cow ley is iu the field buy persuaded his aunt to piny train wi h ing seed ;tnd grain. This is the first opi i... ir i.;.., till int.. lit: uai mini .1.... Biiaugcu i in position Mr. C. W. Hall has had in this chairs and said; section of the country. 'You be engineer aud I'll be the con A number of farmers have commenced ductor. Lend me ynur watch and get up into the cab." He then hurried down plowing their land. Stearns aud Lohr. They have everything aud in all sices. They can tit the the platform , timepiece " Pull out, you Jargrst ai well as the smallest. Call at Stearns and Lohr for Hit C '!c jiy," he shouted at Vol. j wed-visltin- g Mis-tletu- Change of Control. 1906 1 :80 Sunduv School p.m. In uovernment buildings, which would ,1 m 8:30 p. he clear gain to the Government, since Aching EvEKISG SERVICES the iKistoliice Is not charged with rent in under the public buildings present sys- Preaching, every alternate tern and that item plays no part in the; Sunday at 8:00 p. m, deficits; make a reduction In the rates All services al the Methodist church. s on matter to cent an ounce yoll im. invited and on second-clas- s matter, msgaxinesj :. h. GILPIN Pastor. a:id newspapers, to cent a Baptist. pmnd, the Government to pay for all mail now franked; to provide for the ex MoRNIKO SERVICES: t msiuD of the rural deli, cry sen lee and 11:00 A M the installation of a rural postal express j Suuday School tt deliver packages as well as mail to Preaching 12:00 A M farmers; the Government to retain regu- Evknino Services: lalive control through a postal comniis- - j 7:80PM poaching sion somewhat similar in p iwers to the Prayer Meeting Wednesday ulghl at Interstate Commerce Commission; and 7:80, finally, the Government to receive all All Services are held in the Baptist profits over 7 per cent on the capital iu Church. You arc cordially invited. ve sted . A II Sit vrn i k, Pastor. Under this proposition, provided it ADVENTS DIRECTORY. were satisfactorily guaranteed, the Govhold regiibu Seven The Advents Day ernment would financially be much betM. at E. the Church, a ter off than it is now. The deficit in the Sabbath School 8 o'clock every Saturday. Everybody postal revenues for he year ending June invited 10,1900, was 812.67JL89L39; and soim - Willie acted the part. and Holly for the holidays. Now is the time for some of the old maids who have been waiting for mistletoe to get a move ou theui. H.iO lust Two members f.f the Hatford family art- very sick. Two cases of typhoid fev- hope a year. 13, corporation with a capital of fifty million dollars has offered to take over' the Government postal service, provide for the payment of a fair rental to the Government for all the space occupied! Dec 4th. I 1.SS DLCKMKEH A t fubscribers will not forget that the editor and family would like to enjoy Christmas as well as others. It is only No Portage, Utah. Two opposing views of the status of a fanner's wife come out of the middle west. A vague statement in some ' ' WO man's column" by a sentimental writer "that it is a fond dream of mine to be c one a fanner's wife and meander down life's pathway," drew this comment from a country editor: "Oh, yes, that is a nice thing, but when your husband meanders od and leaves von without Wjod and you have to mean ler up and d iwu the lane pulling splinters olT the fence to cook the dinner; and you mean d r around in the wet clover in search i f the cows until your shoes arc the color of the setting sun, and each stocking ab sorbs a pint of water, and when you nt 'amier out across twenty acres of plow ed ground to drive the COW'S out of the buckwheat and tear your dress on a wire fence, and you meander bnCK to tl c house and find that the goat has butted jour child until i: resembles a pumpkin, a id the old hen and sixteen chickens in the parlor, the cat iu the cupboard and of the V.8. lVetof Farmed wife. The TlIl'KSDA Y, Lad There will be a dance at the W ilson Hall Saturday Evening. All invited: i Good Music assured. work. Call on Robert Biirgc. Tri llion If ton, Utah. Good Cider PflM At lOe. a bushel Adnss C. G. Aducv. Coriuuc, Utah. Riter Bros Drug (iarland, Utah, ranklin, Preston & Montpclier, Logan f Idaho. & . |