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Show 4 GAINED POUNDS stent Anaemia Cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills After Other Remedies Had Failed. When I began taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills," says Mrs. Nathaniel Field, of St. Albans, Somerset county, Maine, "I was tbe palest, most bloodless person you could imagine. My tongue and gums were colorless and my fingers and sars wi re like wax. I had two doctors and they pn moauced my t r m bla aiiieima. Iliad spells of vomiting, co aid not eat, ju fact, did not dare to, I had suchfili.--dis tress after eating. My stomach was with gas which caused me awful agony. The backache I suffered was at times almost unbearable and the least exertion made my heart beat so fast that 1 could hardly breathe. Hut I be worst of all was the splitting neuralgia headache w hich never left uie for seven weeks. About this time I had had several numb spells. My limbs would be cold ami without any feeling and the most deathly sensations would come over me. "Nothing bad helped me until I began taking J)i' Williams l'ink Pills, in fact, bad'growu worse every day. After I had taken tbe pills a short time I could see that they were benefiting me and one morning I awoke entirely free from paii;. The distress after eating disappeared and iu three weeks I could eat Anything I wnnteil and suffer no inconvenience. I also slept soundly. I have taken several bixesof the pills and have gained in weight from 10 to 104 pounds and am perfectly well now." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure anaemia because they actually m&kA new blood. For rheumatism, indigestion, nervous headaches and many forms of weakness they are recommended even if ordinary medicines have failed. They are sold by all druggists, or will be sent postpaid, on receipt of price, 50 cents per box, six bores for $2.50, by the Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. Natives Steal Many Sheep. farmer at Winburg, Orange River Colony, alleges that In his district alone 24,000 sheep are stolen annually by the natives. On this basis he calculates that 300,000 sheep are stolfttj throughout the colony every year. A Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local application, a they reach the iff eiMMl portion of tUe ear, Tliere u only way to cure daaf Doss, and that If by constitutional remedies. Ieafne la caused by an inflamed condition of the muooui llolng of the Eustachian Tuiie. When thl tulie U Inflamed fun have tl mhllnit aound or Imperfect hearing, and when It Is emln iv elated Deafness la the re.ua. and unless the Inflammation can he taken out and th'ntube restored to In normal condition, tn arlDif win be destroyed forever; nine cases outof ten are caused hy Catarrh, which Is uothluii out an Inflamed e .udltl u of (he tunc .ua surfaces. We srlll lira One Handred Dollars tor case of Deatnesa (caused hy catarrh that cannotanyhe cured by Haifa Catarrh Cure. Bend for circulars, free. t. J. C'HEN'KV 4 CO., T"iedu, O. oold hy Drupglsts, Toe. Take flails Family plus for constipation. Lord Rothschild's Tart Reply. Lord Rothschild, who Is taking a prominent part in the commission which is considering as to the best territory for Jewish colonization. Is the wealthiest member of the wealthiest and most famous banking house in the world. His monetary and social influence suggest the monarch rather than the financier. There is a story that Jay Gould once called upon him On business. Lord Rothschild sent out word that he was too busy to see the caller Mr. Gould, not accustomed to being denied audience by anyone, sent back rather a tart repetition of his request. After an interval the attendant returned with this reply from Lord Rothschild: 'Tell Mr. Gould that Europe is not for sale." Sounded Praises of Soap. In a guide to etiquette published eaNy in the last century the writer aays that "soap does not irritate the complexion; some of the finest complexions we have known have been regularly washed with soap every day." The same authority remarks that "the daily bath is now the rule rather than the exception, and common sense has triumphed over the decision that washing was Injurious." And then the writer has a dig at her great grand SOther, "whose only ablutions consisted lti wetting her cheeks with a cambric handkerchief dipped in "In all our directions with regard to the bath." adds this earl) Victorian dictator, "it must be borne In mind that we only refer to those in aouml state of health." rose-water.- " NEW J. YEAR'S CALLS. New Drink to Replace the Old-Tim- e "Apple-Jack.- Twenty-fivyears ago the custom of making New Year's calls was a delightful one for all concerned, until aome of the boys got more "egg-nogor "apple jack" than they could, successfully carry. Then the ladles tried to be charitable and the gentlemen tried to be as chivalrous as ever anil stand up at the same time. If anyone thinks there has not been considerable improvement made la the last, quarter of a century in the use of alcoohlic beverages, let him stop to consider, among other things, the fact that the old Custom of New Year's calls and the genteel tippling is i early obsolete. The custom of calling on one's friends, however, at the beginning of the new year, Is a good habit, and an other good habit to start at that time e Pottum inla the use of stead of coffee or spirits. A Staten Island doctor has a sensible daughter who has sel Post um before her guests as a good thing to drink at Yule Tide, and a good way to begin the New Year Her father writes: "My daughter and I have used Postum for some time past, and we feel sure It contains wholesome food material "I shall not only recommend It to my patients, but my daughter will be .most pleased to give a demonstration of Postum to our Christmas and New Read The Road to Year's callers" Weiivlllo" In pkgs. "There ft rcasaa " " well-mad- COMMISSION SUPPLY BILLS; CLOSES ITS NORTH WEST NOTES EL S. Glenn, a brakeman, fell under the wheels of a freight train at Wilcox, Wyoming, and suffered injuries which proved fatal. The coal situation in the Yakima Utah Coal Companies on the Grill and is growing valley, of Washington, Sensational Evidence Secured worse. and is colder weather The Against These Corporations. some are families suffering Forecast of Work Likely to According to the annual report be Accomplished at Short Salt Lake City The conclusion o. made public last week, the gold pro Session of Congress the interstate commerce commission duction of mines of the Black Hills a on Friday was no less sensational for the past year was J6,9St.yoo, than the entire proceedings have been decreased of $250,000. is Howard M O'Haver of Denw The Report on the Ship Subsidy Bill The Utah Fuel and allied coal com Will Probably be an Exception to panics were on the grill, and the evl dead from injuries received by being dence secured against these corpora run down by an automobile driven by the Rule for no General Leglions was uglier, if possible, than that Miss Birdie Appell, a young daughter islation at Coming secured against the Union Pacific of J. S. Appell, a prominent merchant railroad and coal companies at the of Denver. September hearings. Nicholas De Jausserand, second asIt was asserted by witnesses on Fri sistant The passage of the Washington engineer of the Globe Navigaappropriation bills and as little other day that the Utah Fuel and allied tion company's steamer eureka, was general legislation as possible. Such companies with the Rio Grande rail drowned at Seattle in falling from a in bilef is the forecast for the short road system, not only secured control gang plank that led from the wharf .session of the Fifty-nintcongress, of the coal deposits of Utah by Win to the boat. which began at high noon Monday. Chester persuasion, but for years held John Walker of Des Moines. Ia., arThere has not yet been time for as full sway over the wires of the West rested charged with holding up and Union, thus holding all possible from general an exchange of views among em means of getting relief which might robbing women as they alighted members as Is ordinarily desired by be residena street fashionable cars in would-bthe independsougnt by leaders before expressing their views, ent producer. tial section, made an unsuccessful atwhich tempt at suicide in the city jail. leaders before their Testimony was submitted expressing views, but all seems to regard the showed that the combine of Rio A deal was consummated in San Grande and Rio Grande Western and present situaton as so simple as to their allied coal companies secured Francisco last week by which Senator need comparatively little intercourse to the largest portion of the vast coal de George S. Nixon of Nevada and arrive at an understanding. It is evi- posits in Southern Utah: owned th George Wingfield, who recently effect thus dent for various reasons that it will not only means of transportation, ed a $50,000,000 merger of mines ia maron Utah the supply be possible to do much on the appro controlling was dictator supreme of tha the Goldfleld district, acquired tha and kets, priation bill before the holidays, and Utah coal situation. Combination mines, mills and water the circumstance may have the effect Armed thugs, it was asserted, were power in the Goldfleld camp. of condensing the consideration of hired by the coal companies in Caroff to Mrs. Julia Thulke and her son have counties other bon and keep the fourteen large supply measures would-bindependent producers, been captured at Farnle, B. C, and any into two months. Considering that and these thugs played their part well. will be brought back to Spokane. the aggregate of the appropriations to Shooting was common during the Mrs. Thulke is accused of obtaining be considered will approximate one fights and feuds over possession of were laughed $3,000 from Charles De Neff. an old billion dollars, some senators and mem- coal lands and the courts at by the men placed in charge of the German farmer, having persuaded bers express the opinion that congress deposits. him to give her his money "for safe cannot do better than give all of its Secret rates were described, Charles on the eve of their wedding time to these measures. Livingston, a former employe of the keeping" day. his that Fuel Utah company, asserting The report on the ship subsidy bill cent pet Word comes from British Columbia company enjoyed a one-hal- f probably will be an exception to the 100 pounds per mile rate on freight the Hindoos imported to work on that rule for no general legislation. The This rate, which was far below the railroad construction are suffering in until was enjoyed friends of that measure have never regular tariff rate, from the cold, not being pro tensely been more insistent than now. They August of the present year. vided with clothing suited to this cliare extremely hopeful and yet very NEWHOUSE INVESTS 5 MILLIONS. mate. It is said several of the Hinapprehensive. doos have perished and that low tern ONLY MEN AND MONKEYS. Millionaire Mine and Smelter Owner perature and thin garments are tha Shows His Faith in Utah. cause. Vices Not Found in Other Members Salt Lake City Tbe most gigantic The chief point brought out in the of Animal Kingdom. individual deal in commercial real es- trial of Sidney ioane for the murdei Boston. Three addresses delivered tate ever attempted in Salt Lake City before a large audience Sunday night and one of the most important and of his father at Seattle was the testhe brought to a close the Social Educa- significant transactions of its kind the timony of Charles Coleman that who a was thief defendant petty tion congress. Rev. William M. west has known in years was conof Stamford, Conn., in dealing with summated here Friday night, when tapped their cash register and robbed the slot machine in his father's store "Nature's Message to Moral Educa- Samuel Newhouse. the sethis of defense is trying to prove mental city, The magnate mining tion," said that man seems to be the the final option that gives him irresponsibility. cured alis immoral, only creature that control of practically a complete half A gigantic mining stock swindle, though the child is born a moral ani- block of property in the heart of Salt which Dr. J. Grant Lyman, of from mal. The beastliness of nature in Lake's retail business district and man was shown, he declared, in a per- three big corners outside the block in New York, is declared to have real vicinity in all ized $300,000 within thirty days, was the envy and its immediate sonal uncleanllness, of a mile of business street uncovered at Goldfleld by the arrest busigreed aroused by the setting up of frontage and eleven down-towL. H. Latimer, his secretary and a of and corners. ness wealth against poverty, gluttony The deal involves a consideration ot statement made by Sheriff Bradley None drunkenness and sexual vices. $1, two, 000, to be paid out in cash for that he has wired instructions to the of hese, be asserted, was found in the now held under option by chief of police at Pasadena, Cal., to the animal kingdom except in man Mr. property Newhouse within the next sixty and monkeys. apprehend Lyman. in of $5,000,000 the expenditure days; Claude Shea, a young man from improving the property, including the TOOK PEOPLE BY STORM. and near Reno. Nevada, was taken to Ogerection of two the immediate acquisition of more den last week suffering from frozen Natives Were Glad That President property in the vicinity of the hall feet He was taken to the hospital Roosevelt Came to Panama. block purchase. in the medical for treatment, hope ot Roosevelt New York. President Funeral at Boise his the State feet, though physicians saving storm, Panama the took people by Boise, Ida - The funeral of the late who are caring for him fear the insaid Theodore P. Shonts. chairman ol are too serious to be able to juries of W. former Frank Hunt, governor the Panama canal commission, who save them entirely. arrived on the Panama line steamer the state, was held Friday, all the The Harmony Lutheran church or of the Colon, from Colon. Mr. Shonts spoke honors that were due because the Laramie plain, just organized, held being extended enthusiastically of the recent visit ol position he had a log determined to erect 2 remains 10 having to o'clock the lay From the chief executive and declared that in state in the capitol guarded by a meeting place on the agreed site, work on the canal was progressing detail of tbe United States troops and called for volunteers to chop and under satisfactory conditions. During representatives of the Knights Tem- haul the in the forest the from logs his talk with the newspaper men. Mr. plar. At 2 o'clock the remains were mountain. The so was response St. Michael's to removed his Episcopal to Shonts took occasion deny that voted that the a hearty congregation delivered enFunston athedral. Bishop daughter Theodora had become short address, after which the service unanimously to begin the erection of gaged to a titled foreigner. the building without further delay. of the Knights Templar was read. Honor Memory of Hay. August Trabing, one of the pioneer Cotton Exchange Opened. merchants of Wyoming, once mem a as diploLauded Philadelphia. The Prince of Wales, ber of the territorial legislature of Uverpool mat Who tempered statecraft with the who was accompanied by the princess, Wyoming member of the board of golden rule, the late John Hay was on Friday opened the new cotton ex- county commissioners and mayor ol honored by the Jewish people of this building Laramie, died on the 29th at his home here, a handsome change city Sunday, when a handsome me- which has been completed at a east of Laramie, of pneumonia. just morial window to the dead secretary cost of $1,790,000. In his speech the About 150 citizens of Ontario, Ore , of state was unveiled at Keneseth prince referred to the efforts bolus held up a westbound freight train at Israel temple. The exercises, attend made of to develop the cultivation ed by Secretary of State Klihu Root, cotton with the object 12 o'clock at night and ordered the British grown D. White, Oscar Straus, Andrew to switch in view of making the British cotton engineer and conductor to Russia and Germany, toof for from the train four cars of coal. The Independent partially spinners gether with six members of the Hay eign supplies, and said he had fol- order was obeyed and the coal famine family, were among the most striking lowed the developments with great In- in for a time is settled. Ontario ever held in a Jewish synagogue. terest and hoped the movement ultiArticle! have been signed by repmately would be successful. For Care of Consumptives. resentatives of Joe Gans and Kid Killed by Falling Walls. Atlanta, Ga. The American Herman and the Casino Athletic club under the presl Eddie Cunoo, aged for a finish fight for the lightweight league, San Francisco dency of Dr. George Brown, of At 11, was killed, and his companion, championship of the world, to take lauta. is planning for the introduction Joseph Castro, aged 10, was badly place at Tonopah, Nevada, on New In the legislature in every state in Injured Friday afternoon by falling Year's day, for a purse of $20,000. the union bills to secure uniform leg- bricks which were blown from the Wool producers have complained islation for the care of Indigent con top of cue of the ruined wnlls of the that the shrinkage reports from BosThe bricks fell on the sumptives and to prevent the spread Palace hotel ton, Philadelphia and other wool cenof the disease. This plan will be laid Market street side and Immediately before the next meeting of the league after the accident the police stretched ters was greater on Wyoming wool ropes across the street for the purpose than others, and the experiment sta The ol government offl As of preventing turtlier accidents is and state tlon lias begun tests to determine the municipal, rials, national, a result the cars running on Market exact to be asked to forward the measure. shrinkage of wool In scouring street were tied up for some time. Palmer shot and killed her Delclnt Murdered and Robbed Three Men. Wreck Caused by Operator. B. Palmer, at the William El Paso, Texas. After a desperate Va - The cause of the home nf her father, near Albany, Ore Lynchburg. he fight with officers, during which was no provocation station Apparently there woman awful wreck near I awyers was shot several time. A. R. for the act. The wa? ten miles south of this city. Thursday an Inmate of an asylum.formerly Following the iheepbuycr. who Is alleged to morning. In which President Samuel the shooting she became violently InM have murdered ami robbed B. and his part of prominent sane. Cawthorn and .1 W EUlstOfi ami at Sencer men lost New York and Baltimore Fred A. Shepperd was hanged at other rancher on three successive Is laid absolutely at the the penitentiary at Salem. Ore. on lives. their In Valverde county, was captured days. .toth, for the murder of Benjamin In the mountains near Sanderson, and door of C. D. Mnttoax. the operatoi the who was In charge of the block tele V Seell In Crook county. Sept 2t On Is now In jail, believed to be mort Mattoax, the scaffold Sheperd confessed tha The cln uinstancos at- graph station at Rangoon ally Wounded disappeared after being relieved Dorder and said some one was guilty tending the three murders are said who than one hour after tbe accident with him. but be did not lve the less to have been almost Identical name hat not been found II SALT LAKE CITI ELSE i e e Man's Whole Adjuatlbie Definition!. In the political lexicon "unmaikff to the term applied to a memr ol the opposing party who has been elan- p 4ered, and the term slandered" plied to one of the faithful who ha been unmasked - Louisville Courier - s.-' .Journal. Duty. He who is truthful. Just, merciful and kindly, does his duty to hie race, and fulfills his great end In creation, no matter whether tbe rays of hla life are not risible beyond the walls of his household or whether they strike the ends of tbe earth Lord Lytton. Imitating Life. News comes that Wizard Burbank yourself the things yon wani so as to haa succeeded' in producing an apple be able to have them when they no thai is swei-- on one side and sour That's just like life, the on the other longer exist St. Iouis Globe Democrat. sweet With the gall. of Rtehea. Philosophy " ;.... iil ,,..v. I I'll t ir. n -- .... luauri An,.;a .nig iiT-- u im i REDUCED Need of Information. The learned traveler had deliverer! his great lecture on the manners and customs of Japan. "And now." he said, in conclusion "I shall be pleased to answer ques tions iiertaining to any peculiarities, of this interesting people upon svhld I may cot have touched jn my dis course." "Professor," eagerly asked a young married woman In the audience, "what do the Japanese do to plum juice tc make it jell?" UTAH From Utah and Idaho to All Points East and Return, via the Santa Fe. From Ogden and Salt Lake City to: $32.00 Missouri river points $44.50 Chicago St. Louis $39.50 Proportionate rates from Idaho and other points. Dates of sale, Nov. 20th aud Dec. 18th. IHitt;. Return omit, o days. Send for literature. C. F. WARREN, Ageut A. T. & S. F. Ry., 411 Doolv Blk.. Salt Lake City, Utah. IMPLEMENT CO. The Miririlp r.laus Nnusl. Is it true that the modern English novel reader upon hearing about the rich or the great? I can hardly think so. when 1 remember the many Successful works of fiction dealing with costers and Scottish ministers, journalists and typists, actresses and novelists. The Disraeli type ot novel seems almost extinct, and the great bulk of works of fiction deals with the middle classes London Lady. Makes Statement Through Its President. Since there has been a great deal of publicity given the Utah Implement Company, of Salt Lake, recently, owing to an action brought against the management by five of the stockholders who had been maliciously misled Into a belief that their interests were not being properly handled, I deem it advisable to let the public know that investigation proved the charges to be without foundation, and that the complaint was withdrawn, and the officers of the company exonerated from the charges brought against them, and the case dismissed. The company is solvent and the business of the company is progressing as usual, and we thank our many friends for their expressions of confidence and support, which we will endeavor to merit in the future as we have in the past. UTAH IMPLEMENT CO., By M. B. Whitney, President. is if Deadly Southern Punch. "If you think they drink liquor here n New York," said the southern man, as they began to mix the punch the ambulance goes with, "take a little trip to Atlanta and try the artillery punch they make there. It looks like lemonade, but, well, I waked up four days after." N. Y. Press. Different Kinds. "Most actors admire Shakespeare." "Some do," answered Mr. Storming-toBarnes. "Others are too busy thinking of how Shakespeare would admire them if he could only see them do his plays." RATES Townsend's Enamel Cream Makes attrncive face; immediately. 8upertor 10 face powdftrs. Us use-inot detected. For s&lo everywhere. Price 50 cents Union Assay Office S. M. i HANAUIR. V. IADLIR. P O. BOX 1446 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH e three-quarter- Yofi ought to own a Diamond n fin-ill- - Unless you are an expert in judging precious stones, your chief care should he in choosing a reliahle house to deal with. 1 The oldest and largest reputable jewelry house in the west, with guarantees that are specific and good, is M I -- aw yzrm 170 MAIN ST. CITY, UTAH. SALT LAKE Ask your banker if we are responsible. Then mail your order to us Rowe. Morris. Summerhays Co. Dealers In Salt Lake City, Utah Hides, Wool, Furs, Sheepskins, Etc. Full market price paid. Cood selection given. We want your business. Send us trial shipment. - Silt-ley- , We carry a First article of Class PLASTERING HAIR A Modern Water Works System at small cost is possible anywhere by using Fairbanks-Mors- e Gas, Gasoline, Kerosene or Alcohol Engines. Sizes 2 H. P. to 200 H. P. The same engine can be used for electric light and many other purposes. S.nd I lllirtr.il Omkm No. T 805 FAIRBANKS. MORSE, d COMPANY Salt Lake City, Utah |