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Show Los Molinos, Cal. Church Directory. Methodist. Afternoon (Continued from front pa0r Baptist so not bad during the day for the hot rays of the sun teem to rook Die obnoxMorning Services ious smells, hut at night when the sun Sunday School 10:30 A M 11:30 AM goes down ami the breezes begin to blow Preaching from the river, the fairly-purair gives Evening Services: 7:30 PM way to the foulest kind of atmostphere. R.Y.P. U. The people all close their houses before Preaching 8:30 P M going to bed and although this plan Prayer Meeting Wednesday night at makes their bed rooms almost suffoca- ,, . rpp i imi 1 je a. Services. il o ion SE i Sunday School Preaching THE R 1:30 p. m 2:30 p. m NEW : 8:00. ting, they say it is preferable to the other for it is impossible to sleep with stench blowing in at the windows. Now I want you to judge who climbed the right tree. This puts me in mind of hnotber incident. I will tell them all I know about ducks, as this will "be their crop." The duck is a low heavy-se- t "gril," composed mostly of meat and feathers. He is a mighty poor singer, paving a hoarse voice caused by getting too many frogs in his neck. He likes the water and carries a toy balloon in his stomach to keep him from sinking. He has only-twlegs and they are set so far back on his running gears, by nature, that she came nearly missing his body altogether. Some ducks, when they get large, have curls on their tails, unci those are called drakes. They do nothing but just loaf around, eat and swim. 1 may write about the frogs next time. Messrs Wilson and Vance just came back from a "hunt," of which I will now give you all the details. They went up to Mount Losson, and camped by the snow line, and now they tell about the great things they saw. They said the woods were a dense jungle of large trees, which reminded them of the reading of Stanley's search for Livingston in the forest of Africa. Indeed, to their minds, it is a grand reproduction of the African forest in which the African explorers wandered and in which many have lost their lives and where Livingston was discovered by Stanley. They must have shot a great many rabbits, birds and squirrels, for they had used up all of their buck shot and No. 2 at the large game, as well as a few shots ofNolO's. They thought they would go after bear for they called bear small game. There was an Irishman, by the name of Duffy, along with them, and who finally became separated from them. Upon making this discovery he decided to play them a trick, so when he came to the snow bank, he pulled off his shoes and socks and walked across ; the snow and put a brown shirt over a rock and then went back to Soon Wilson and Vance ran camp. across the "bear tracks" and arranging themselves, one one each side of the "track", followed it through the brush, but they had not gone far, when they beheld "a bear" (the brown shirt) and it was too much for them, so they started for the camp, but Vance had a gun strapped on his back, and once as he was turning around quickly it .vmt off and the shut hit the brown shirt ou the rock with such force that a piece flew back and hit "Wilson on the back. Wilson now declares he was kicked by the hear. Now, if he has any "lady-lovesback there in Tremonton who feel sorry for him, remember we are doiug all we can for his relief and have put a plaster on his back, composed of axel grease and salt. From Sunny California, bare-foot- Evjcnikg Service Preaching, every alternate Sunday at 8:00 p. m. All services at the Methodist church. You are invited Maybe you want to see the newest and hear of the latest styles for fall. Our clertai are chuck full of information and we'll appreciate your visit, whether you coine in to buy or "just to look. . Turkish Red Wheat More Valuadie. Services every Sunday. services will be held in the Fraternal Hall. You are invited. All Sunday "Economy Is the Greatest of All Revenues," According to the Salt Lake Tribune red wheat is a variety that local Turkish H A. Bhattcck, Pastor. men are displaying just now as grain DIRIXTORV. ADVIiNTS especially well adapted to Utah soil and climate. Millers are offering five cents The Seven Day Advents hold regulai more a bushel for this variety of wheat, Sabbath School at the If. E. Church, at and the claim U made for it that it ma 3 o'clock every Saturday. Everybody tures two weeks earlier than the usual run of fall wheat, and that it yeilds more invited. flour of a better grade than most varieties us. It grown in Utah. with Advertise pays . Which is the same as are holding out ECONOMY and loo well, is economy. is economy that's us. We fellows. But if you want the "best" work done on Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, go to j JJ. LEWIS, New Fall Styles just in. You get no better no matter how much you pay. We are exclusive selling agents in the county for these celebrated Hats LONG LEY'S $3.00, ELK'S $2.50 other makes $1. 50-- 1. 75 and 2.50 fjj Q RED SCHOOL HOUSE SHOES FOR CHILDREN. WeVe been selling and guaranteeing these shoes for years. Not a pair renot merrit. have cost turned yet. They must no more than Why try them, they inferior makes. Cement Block Factory 5 to 8 8 $1.25, 1-- to 2 11 11 $1.50, 1-- FISH BU RN'S ALWAYS AT DEST DO HAVE YOUR PHOTO! Stores at J Good meals and Good Room Satisfaction Guaranteed. Telephone connection with both lines I KENT E Tremonton "r Utah $&!m msssm t&szm msssm ES&ssm jUMiATna. .Kiaiv A?r-- ;;Si9HZiLs k sf!isiijv?rS' KMRKSiVfi vrjst-'.s.tnni.'ns: r.S3?C't .iOKVSA SWPgLBA ost Vou T Confidence in the people you deal with is an important factor in the business world. In letting us do your printing you can depend on us we keep all promises and never misrepresent. Our job printing department is one of the best in the county and you make no mistake in sending your order.? to us. Meals 2octs, Sewed from 6 a. m. to 10 p, m. fa GUARANTEED. GARLAND, UTAH. wmmmm CONFIDENCE cAnd Short Order House THEFOULGERCO t-- ADYERTTSINa, Cheap advertising like cheap shoes is dear SI .".. UV at any price. Our advertisers get results, which fc accounts for our having the largest advertising patronage in Box Elder county. Call us up and get rates. our OTHING. Tremont Times, Tremonton, Utah, mmtmmmm RU "NVe uridine kinds of aterial. Hardware from a carpet tack to a car of Any thing Galvanized Pipe. Stoneware for most any purpose. Tinware that is "tin" guaranteed for three years "Cannot Rust" Call and see the best kept Lumber Yard and Ston in this part of Utah. "s Lumber l.nj .. ; , James Nelson, John Petersen, C. tJ. Rohwer and Clark Althorn, all of Thatcher, Utah. Frank D. Honns, 1st pub. Sept. Gtb, Register. last Oct.4tb. m fftfflj I I'v I 5 K !s i Li n vkWAVZ to'jgMZ .;thfK? JSJ'ffsWEe! WWmVWM s i i I Co.. Z'.fVte atn- - m?wfi 5 'I "f ' wruw. .SO SB TIRFS o nmv a w.. no Rayzjlan Prcao JcA.Al , r mW v To m ii intpivduco Will SOU iNAIL3. TACKS R0NGTL' You a Sample M Pair fon Only out the air WO . (cash nly i WITH ORDER S4.S6) KO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES. Result of U years experience in tire making. No dnnKer from THORNS. - m mm mm Notleo t ho thick rubber t rmd "A" mnd panotnre "H" mnd "D," atlao rim atrlpa atrfp "II" to preveiot rim onttlnf. ThJa tlru will nutia. r may othar actual use. Over make HOFT, KLAbTIC and verr. EAbi KIDINU. It lively and eaay riding, very durable and lined In.lde We have hundreds of letters from ti6ed JuatomeS tUtlS tires haveouly been nponce or twice lnawhole season. an ordinary t re, the puncture pumped resisting ..imlities bcinir given bv srvrr.l h.ZZ eigh of tSSTZHSnZ fabric. on the tread. That "Holding Back" sensation commonlv prepared fi ndino An ..nh-t. nnos or ani j is oven nine ivtni Datent "Baski. w n i.r,,i c ., inmmii n i. The aniieejcd out between the tire and the road thus overcoming all auction. Ihes? of regular price UtM is p to per pair, but for advert ismg purposes we are a apecial factory price to the rider cf only fc.So per pair. All orders shipped same day letter making ia received. on approval WeshipCaD ou do not r . ivunu inrni stnciiy as represented. ' "A?."'"'. "f ar.twiV.ai.wJt sPer ct.nt ('hereby making the price 4.B4 per pair) II yes I send r.n. inn enclose mis aavrnisement. We will also send one lickel i . T LfiMirti .mw imiiuj ounip uuo iwo f ., .TTni.ni iMinclurf , ,w.ra paid (these metal panel ire closers to he used in case of intentional knife cuts or heavy gashes). Tirea to be returned at OMt expense If for any reason they are not satisfactory on examination Wt are perfectly reliable and money sent to ua is as safe as In a bank. Ask your Postmaster 1 Banker, Express or freight Agent or the Editor of this r.aner .Hoi ... tf . ., these tires, you w. Bad that they will ride easier, run faster, wear better, last longer and look finer than any lire you have ever used or seen at any prire. We know that be will so well pleased that when you want a bicycle vou will give us your order. We want youyouto aend ua a small trial order at once, hence this remarkable tire offer. ' '' "id.llea, pr.lU. parts and repairs, and HBA K tOjp everything in the bicycle line are sold by ua at half the usual prices uiaigcu oy ueaicrs anu repair men. write lor our big SI N 1H V catalogue wri" " P0''1 not think Burma wwnwm E ww m WAIT i'U vcn or a oair Ol tires'"ymm aVlT tf m anyone until vou know the new mmA wonderful offers wc arc making. It only sts a postal to learn everything. Write It NOW, TUS. PINS. NAILS. TACKS or GLASS Serious punctures, like intentional be vulcanized like any other tire. Two Hundred Thousand pairs now in Thousand pairs sold last bevemy-livOESCRiPTION, Made in all ies. 1 $ KEEP YOtTR EYES ON THIS SPACE. 'mifBi'JSMS mMr . ling factory r ivitli no middlemen's profits APPROVAL mlhout a cent deposit, th S"'PtPlt IMBglMHffRl Freight and " fflvwim SUuw and ,,,ake other fifcmi toSa which H ?.,1a'" W1 JtIu1 wi" learn everything and get much vl d'?Y?u fcMc itiluruiatioii by writing us a poital. . VI n V WesA to r.i'-i- n Kii'mj'simply rnn it J. mint in cvitv tonm i. make money to suitable young men who apply at once. PUMOTEiRE-PRflfl- F . .. s m m knife cuts, can nT,lr I ... L I H (CPU if c . a UTAH. TRlvMONTON, i nn omiu rade h . Tp. 11N..R.4 W..S.L.M. ..1.1 h fj B& MOT BUY A BiCYCLF or on m I in Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, Aurrust 29th, 1006. Notice is hereby given that the following-named set tier has filed notice of his Inteution to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will bt made before the Clerk of the District Court in and for Hox Elder County, Utah, at Brigham City, Utah, on October 10th, litOO, viz: Fred W. Petersen, II. E. 14542 for the W. KS.E.MandW.WN.E. H, Sec. 84 "''V1". aud siJNUKIESat 1IU IM any other manufacturer or dealer in the world ,rom . . . at anv fti, r : i nuf tin m i itt.i.o w Everything you can possibly need in the construction of house or barn. Also the tools to put up the same. OF THE INTERIOR. ii:(,h UUdl lo write for our big FKKK BICVCLK catalogue f.'1 e most complete line of high-grad- e Co NO. 5806. nner van IUU IT urn i nihil ia handle i bell phonks. independent and To look through our yard and store and we will be pleased to make you an estimate on your requirements. We buy in and can save large qualities you money. Notice For Publication. rnltitfatinn o The Kent Hotel Tomorrow might be to late to have the baby's photo or your family group. It mattersnot the kind or style you want Ave make them. F.80KTKR. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous reside ice upon and ONE PRICE AND THAT THE LOWEST. IMSaaBKT & WORK O 2 $1.75 and Tremonton. Brio-ha- " DEPARTMENT to 2 Utah. Garland, YOU CAN ALL JLST IN DIRECT F ROM THE MANUFACTURES. A LARGE SHIPMENT Blocks of all designs for Buildings and Chimneys Factory East of Boothe's Store. gKHBMBHBBE o p hi Jractu A. B. Manasa, is LONG LEY AND ELK HATS Jj I Any old thing will do better than mai ng it. We every day to our customers; buying goods that wear Trading at a store that enables you to do these things make the prices to get your trade not to meet the other that saving money Baying o n I & 0 M9I . . -- " .,., 11 tUlh 97i? &e?Bgte ZleWJKC Wti nt MEAD ' CYCLE COMPANY, - Dept. "JL" or CKICA&0 i |