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Show The Treir nt Times. BOX ELDER IEM0NTOX. Town Locals. atrip to Corinne Saturday and returned nouie Sunday. A Good Whip for 10c. ; 500 to pick tf from. McQueen has been on the Kick list for a few days. B B Henry Wall and wife of Thatcher, were in Tremontou Sunday. The Democratic State Convent ton will be held October 4th, 1906. I E Pribble of Brigham was seen on the streets of Tremontou Friday. Don't forget the Times office when wanting job work. K H Fridal called at the Times 8 office Tuesday, Two High Grade Sewing Machines at tf Stab! will open up business in his new quarters the first of next week. Mi management. During the vear we have endeavored to please all our patrons in getting up a good readable paper, one which would reflect credit upon the Ci m munity. That we have succeeded in our efforts is evidence by the fac t that our subscription list continues to grow an well as docs our advertising patronage. A glance at our advertising columns will convince the most skeptical that we enjoy the distinction of carrying more advertising space than any ether paper in Box Elder County, thus signifying that our circulation is bona fide and that our advertisers get the results they are i n- titled to. Our job printing department is growing and we are thus enabled to keep up with the times and give our patrons neat job priuting. Xew type has been added to this department and before long we will add to our outfit another job press, which will farther enable us to execute our work with neatness and e the Hardware Store. JL doing the finishing dispatch. work in the Telephone office. fThe prospects for the future were never brighter than at the present and we Mr A X Fishburn made a business trip desire to thank our subscribers, adverto Brigham Tuesday. tisers and friends for their support and Watland & Co have the best binder's patronage shown us during the past year. twine on the market. Don't be fooled As we have done in the past so we will 2i. by a cheap article. do jn the future get out a trood readEli Anderson came down from Monta able paper, remain independent in all Citato for a few days visit with his things and serve the community in what w e consider its best interests We have parents and to see his best girl. no serve to or to friends enemies punish, Miss Amelia Carter of Brigham and Sam Schrenk t Our First Birthday Ladies' Aid is . Miss Winters of Garland were Tremon- tou callers Friday last. Mrs II Vauausdeln and daughters Fern and Gaile of Garland, were Tre- Los Molinos, Cal. All I THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 8 A Serious Accident Society Concert See the new line of Stoves and Ranges With this issue of the Times we cele4tt Hardware btore. tf brate the first birthday under the Beu Wiuzeler made . ijpOl-.NTY- Corinne, Utah. h Mr Had ley has 3. Recitation. 4. Duet. Mr A l .Murphy is enjoying a visit wi:h his sister Mrs M M Morris of Abingdon 111 whom he had not seen for 83 years. Mrs A E Ellis returned from Ogden on Saturday and was accompanied by Miss Evelyn Gillespie, of Dayton, Ohio, and four of Mr William Howard's children, who will visit for a few days in Corinne. Oliver Barney. Miss Mary Hammerlane of Honeyville visited a few days last y;ck with her sister Mrs E Ryan Gracie Meldrum. . We are sorry to learn that Mr Wm is laid aside from work because of an injury from being kicked by a horse. 6. Solo. 7. Duet. Mary Holler. "I Remember." Mr Joseph Bywater left Corinne Thursday Aug 80th for bis home in the Uinta Rcsevation intending to go by way of Echo, where Mrs Bywater will join him. Wesley Carter. . Sam and Tildy's Courtship. Mrs Amos Johnson returned-froUinta Resevation last week. Violin Solo. Miss Lela Shaw. 9. Recitation, Miss Clare Kent. Miss Elsie Darms of Salt Lake City, visited for a week at J V Cody's. Mrs Alice Ault. Mr and Mrs 0 W Luwerem e went to Boise, Idaho to attend the Irrigation Con- Augmt 25th, 1900 Often, in the 10evenings, as I sit under the great oaks, Geo Meldrum has some of that Brown which arc so prevalent here, I am think- 11. Gilt Wall Paper, which is the rage all ing of my many friends, far away in tf over the world young Tremontou, fighting with the 12. Ben McQueen and Richard Schwab "small end of the mosquitoes." These 13. are putting up the addition to the East few words, put me in mind of my boyGarland school house. hood days on the (ild farm, bringing 14. monton visitors Tuesday. . has a moving picture machine on exhibition and can explain all about the animals. F A Cook e tf were Fred Raubr and E E Brenkvnann delivering their large crops of grain this week. Miss Edith Johnson of Hyrum, whs in Tremonton Tuesday in company with Miss Robinson. Go to Geo Meldrum for e 1906 patterns of wall paper. All latest patterns tf at the lowest prices. The"L. T. L."will meet at the M E Church, every Wednesday at 2:30p. in. All are cordially invited to attend. L. T. L. Sec. W II Davis has opened up the Oak saloon. Mr Davis came herefrom Ogden find will make Tremonton his future home. Mr and Mrs Ward Shumau and Mr and Mrs Albert Heed and sons returned home from Soda SpringB where they spent the summer. .Sunday A large assortment of Queen wire ex- Dont buy until you see tf pected daily. our line. Fishburn returned home Monday from an extended visit with friends and relatives in Smithfield, Brigham and other points. Mr and Mrs .1 A Mrs F A Cook accompanied her daughter Ruby, to Ogden on Tuesday, where the latter will resume her studies in the Sacred Heart Academy of that place. Just received at the Tremonton Merc. Co. a fine line of Gents Furnishing Goods and Hats. We are going to be in the swim this full. Don't forget it. .Tos Knudson of Brigham was in TreBe monton on business Friday last. came out with a load of melons which were quickly disposed of. We are in recicptof a box of very fine apples from the orchard f Walter Green. These apples arc a beautiful sp'jciman of Bear River Valley production and would show up first class on any market in the world. 'whence came these monsters that raise their knotty arms high up, almost among the clouds." It did not seem possible to me, that they could have grown to such great dimensions; it seemed that some majestic power must have brought them into existence Interest was added to these great forest trees by the fact that they made the home for the gray, black and red squirrels, for the coon and the wild pigeon and f,,r manv othcr peciesof wild game; and which were so often inhabited by the which filled the caverns on the knotty arms of t he giant oaks, with honey. The crow and hawk, and occasionally the eagle, would perch upon the trees. As I look over the valley nnd see the forest trees aud the brooks filled with fish I am reminded, once again, of my home. We have more song birds and birds of other kinds, here, than have ever seen anywhere before. I must say a few words about the which are near my door. The hops are nearly ready to pick, in fact some are ready now, for there has been n string of teams and passing The ranch owners by, nearly all day want about 400 pickers and then it will take them over 25 days to pick this year's crop. Next time I will give a more account of the ranch and its works. Last spring the ' land suckers'' from there said all Wilson and I were doing, was looking for and climbing trees for coon; but I want you to decide who climbed the trees by reading what follows. An article taken frqm the "Sacramento Union" says that 'he people of Colusa county and the northern part of Yolo county, are fin ding life nlmo,t unbear able on Recount of a foul odor which comes from the mle lands. The obnoxious smell is caused by the rapid drying up'of the tuk's. The winds blow the stench all over the surrounding country and it is causing great inconvenience. Dr Foster says it a IT rds the inhabitants no pleasure to breathe air. It is 1 . d "bee-trees,- " (Continued on fourth page.,; gress, and visit frieuds. Mr and Mrs Bigclow of Ogden, visited at Mr Adney's home Sunday, Sept 2nd. Duet. Recitation, Duet. "Life-Drea- Recitation. Carrie Sherman. is 0 m r."- Mrs Ault - "Grandma Keller." 15. Double Quartette. 16. Duet. tion to my boyish mind, and the trees Wben you want shells and guns that themselves were mysteries to me. As a 17. will go off just when you want them to, child, I used to ask myself in vain, buy them at the Hardware store. Solo. vivid recollections of the woods of the old homestead where I was born. The-wooded tracks possessed great fascina- the 8. C Editor Tremont Times: Utah. Mr and Mrs W T Crawford from Burlington, Iowa, are visiting with, I C Crawford and family Messrs Stevens and Carter. Fields Recitation. & Miss Pansy McLa&B of Salt Lake (.'it J week to rfi imtc i came t. Coriuue her work as teacher of tic Primary department of the Corinne school. !, Mr Scevem,! "Alonen the Moonlight. " Misses Shaw and Gilpin. Bachelor's Revery. Fairyland Waltz. 18. Nine Voices. NOTICE A '-- Earthguake Victims. -- Co. INCORPORATED- Our Fall and Winter line of Gent's Furnishings are now arriving daily and our pr ices are right. s In all 452 people perished as the result of the disaster in Ban Francisco April 18, Very Painful Accident. Complete line of Conklin's Gloves. Try our "dead Shot" for mosquitoes. Sells: Six sheets of Tanglefoot Fly Paper for 5c. Boiled Lenseed Oil 65c. per gallon. the most complete line of Shot Gun Shells in Northern Utah. We have We arc headquarters for pair,:. glass. Our prices are such that " no competitors. ii and have s tf d , We also carry a full line of Irugs, Medicines. Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Cutlery, Fishing Tackle, Stall oi.mi-- etc. ANITOL Tooth Powder ANITOL Tooth Paste by the management. We wis h A.NITOL Tooth Brushes her every success in her next undertakMTOL Toilet Soap ing. in fall Just received the latest crea: The Times in in receipt of the annual Street Hats. Also a complet- lint of of the Agricultural Colli gc of catalogue Embroidery Silk. Twenty on-- ' inch Utah. The catalogue is complete in Ostrich plumes for f 1 .50 each, at Mrs every detail and handsomely Illustrated, F A Cook's. showing many of the buildings and class TREMONT MERCANTILE COMPANI rooms. It is replete with general information and includes a synopsis of the We have tint only got plank sid" ' vnrious schools with ll "f out we nave painted ones. Look n of the best store in TiCruon The rumors are that oats ou the Geo Austin farm threshed 140 bushels to the acre. Paints Ready Horn t. ' For Sale. death-prove- A.MTOL Shaving Soap ANITOL Bath Powder 1NITOL Face Cream A.NITOL Toilet Powder Buggy and Wagon Paint at prices. (il nights make a person think the Fall seasou is drawing nigh. Mr A J Uroomhead left for a trip to Pleasant drove, Utah County, to visit rrfcfflds and relatives; ( the local health department so stated in a formal report to the State Board of Mr Albert Grover and family returned Health. home from Bear Lake County, Saturday. Of the victims 266 were killed by the Matt. f illing walls, 177 perished by tire, seven were shot and two died as the result of ptomaine poisoning due to eating "emeramputate the injured member at the gency" canned goods of poor quality; first joint. We uow have the town lots formerly 351 were females and seventy seven owned 420 are believed to have been by Mr Nihart, but later purchased WTc have got our competitors going males; by Sam Schrenk for sale. If all are taksome on price on lead and oil. We are white, eighteen Chinese and four Japan en we W ill make a very cheap price; oue ese. were a Eleven less old. than yeur delivering the goods; at the Hardware that w ill guarantee a large profit to the to The relate the figures given Store. tf to have occurred. purchaser. For prices aud terms call at Mrs Inez Christensen nnd children of the Times Office. Brigham, came to Tremonton last ThursA Heavy Deluge. FOR SALE two good business houses, day to visit a few days with her sister good location. One blacksmith shop Mrs A N Fishburn The greatest raintall ever known in with tools aud five lots anil house. A B Manausa is in town this week fixSalt Lake City occurred last Saturday. ing up his buildings, Art has two good A rush of water resembling a cloudburst Get your wall paper at Geo Meldrum 's. properties here now and if things go did thousands of dollars worth of dam- He has the latest styles that is all the right he will erect a bank building of ce- age in certain parts of the city. Light- rage. tf ment blocks. ning shattered windows, streets, lawns Dr C A Mosman, Demist, and Dr A and cellars were Hooded, and the Streets FOR ran three feet deep in places with streams USE Mclutyre, optical specnlatist, came up of resembled that water torrents. from Ogden Friday and drove to Sn That's the story, and an interreturning Sunday. The-- e gentle REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. esting one too at this time men arc considering the proposition of of the year when there are making Tremonton their permanent loThe Republication Convention of this so many little things around cation to be touched up. Big things county will be held at the Court House too Miss Rosa Carter left last Saturday at Brigham City on Monday, September 'Cause we can sell you enough for her home in Brigham. Miss Carter 17th. At this Convention 22 delegates paint to cover your whole has had charge of the composing de- will be elected to attend the State Conhouse, inside or out and the barn too. partment of the Times for the past nine vention, which will convene in Salt Lake But. h we'll sell you as little as 201 . iiist months and her work was very much city ot the , Mercantile North Garland. Mr Ban ford Bingham and family have gone to Plain City on a visit. Little Miss Fern Heigh, sixteen months pays to get your horse shoeing done old daughter of Mr and Mrs Ray Heigh by a man who understands the anatomy of Penrose, had the misfortune to have of a horse's foot and guarantees all his in the cogs of a clothes work. Call on Robert Burge, Tremon- her thumb caught one wringer day last week. Dr Dunn tf ton, Utah, was called and it was found necessary to It Tremont Mr Fishburn taught school la both Box Elder and Cache Counties, and was the Oral County Superentindent in the form erCounty under Statehood. He has been more or less prominent in public affairs for years, having served in the Legislature for two consecutive terms. He was also a member of the Utah Commission of the Lewis & Clark Exposition ai Portland. He is now President of the Box Elder Commercial dub, and has done much to attract attention to the Peach City . Mr Fishburn of the junior members of the firm of R L Fishburn tfcSons, one of the largest merchandising establishments in Northern Utah. He has large horticulturist interests, besides being connected with the foremost financial institution in Box Elder county. Mr Fishburn has always been a republican, and has worked unceasingly for the advancement of his party. He has numerous friends through the state, and they assert with a great deal of confidence that be will be the next Cougrestmau from Utah. Quite a number of our farmers are contemplating a trip to Logan Canyon Annual meeting of County Sunday-Schoo- for lumber, Lumber has raised 12.00 Association will be held in the per thousand since last year, Presbyterian Church at Bri gham SaturThreshing has started on our irrigated day and Sunday Sept 29 aud 30. Look for program latter. grain. Some of it is damaged by the Scribo. rust. Edith Svverdfeger. Mandolin and Guitar. For Congress. Mr Fishburn is a Utah product. He was born in Smithfield, Cache County in 1805. While yet a child, his parents moved to Brigham, and his boyhood days are intermingled with the growth ami dev lopment of t hat thriving town. Like moat Utah burn men, Mr Fishburn 's Rev R Eatid Mrs Gilpin spent a couple education was obtained in the du early of days in Logan last week. tricl schools, but was, however, suppleMr H L Tucker has been employed by mented by a course in the Brigham Mr Crawford to build a large porch, and Young College at Logan, from which in otherwise Improve the residence recent ititution he graduated in 1888. Subsepure eased from Mr s K Chambers. quently he attended the University of "The Moonlight On the River Gleaming." 5. Brigham City Man Lately Announced as Candidate 1 j Violin Solo. F. W. Fishburn A Candidate iug, Aug 81 when about 70 persons his prised Rev E Gilpin ami Mrs Gilpin by hold goods to Utah taking possession of the house unanounc-ed- . and spending a couple of hours in a to build on his farm social way thus expressing their pleashe was hurt. We ure at bis return to the pastorate of the n.,OVt,,.v church recently family and house day) evening under the auspice Oof the and was preparing Ladies' Aid Society. At the tftne the near Evans, when church was dedicated the ladies pledged Uul. tM. his s,u.,.,ly themselves to raise 100 to assist m eradicating the debt on the building aful it is Married At Salt Lake City. for this purpose that the entertatim hi M I) Evans of is to be given. An excellent program Garland, eldest sou of has been prepared and the various par- nt Mr and Mrs Mosiah Evans, and Miss Bessie Preston of Provo, were married k ticipants have been practicing and-wo- i at Salt Lake City. Tuesday of last week. ing faithfully to make the event avSgraii'l success. A large attendeiice is expect They will take up their residence in ed and prices for admission are qulie rea- Garland sonable adults, 25cents; children under Mrs Franeke, wife of Dr Francke, of 12 years, lOcents. Garland, is suffering from a severe at- Following is the program to be render taek of ptomaine poisoning, caused by cd. eating some kind of canned goods. 2. Xo 28 - Evening.' Voluntary. :s ' y 1. Vol. While hauling lumber, one day last The feeling of depression, because of week, Mr C W Hadhy was thrown from tlu' severe loss in damaged hay and grain the load, and very seriously injured. h.as ina nu'ttSUre P88"1 awav- ftnd our The accident was caused by the Midden citicena have aaaumed their wonted cheerfulness. dropping of one of the wheels of his A pleasing scuial event took place at wagon, into a hole or deep rut in the the Methodist Parsonage Friday even- road . Entertainment To Be Csn At the M E Churgl-FridaAn entertainment is to be giv en a: M E Church of this place tomor: 190G. J study. you want, just enough to touch up a chair or bench. We'll Sell you paint that Won't of high grade photography in our well peel or crack, the first time the hot sun strikes it. THE FOOLOKB studio. Co., We equiped have a big assortment, Garland, Utah. most any color you could fancy. Guns! Guns! and Gstsll Target Rifles. We take pleasure in announcing that we arc now in a position to do all kinds Single and Double Barrel Shot Quia, also Repeating Shot Gurts. Thirty Guns 50 sud up. Car- to pick from. Price Hum cou and Gun vn Al the Hardware Store. (When COME IN ND (JET WE'LL TALK A COLOR CARD ANJ PAINT A LITTLE. 1 ' painted;, Co jjer Bros IDrusrL'TAII. GARLAND, |