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Show TEMPERANCE DEPT 10 J. C. GATES, W. C. T. U. by Hu F A Cook Edited THE STRANGER This item recently appeared sociated press steamship iu an as- ll.it-- . 'Nine European today breqgbt ii,n:!U immigrants, eight other ships, due tomorrow, are eipeeted to land as many more." In such facts as these the W C T I has a deep concern, and the forgoing stnte-mea- t ought to Mir every woman of us with the question: "What is my duty here?" This army of 15,000 plus the armies almost hourly on the way, are being; scattered up and down the land. The men will be found employed iu ditch digging, and other employments higher and lower in the scale of business enterprises. The women, wives and sisters, will some of them drift to domestic service, factories, sweat-shops- . Some of them will be many of them mothers of prolific progeny. A per ceut of the children will enter our public schools, but many will be set to or begging, or worse. Over against this army of Christian women uuited iu the cause of temperance, the cause of purity, the cause of Christian citizenship. How shall the latter meet and "engage" the former, not to rout but to win to win tiie men to loyal, sober, intelligent Christian citizenship, the little children away from the tiets spread for their untaught feet into right paths of Christian influence and ed tTii(ls. complete line of Fancy ceries. A large line f notions. A Winona, which has no equal. Also, a good line of Buggies. road-mendi- $1 U U r J- m JH I a smmmwm : besssb ggfayw... jBliljli , ,, mm od Gr , Z sa,e and Q- - ood PROI'.S' WOOD BROS. , - ssa ata&ie Rig it must never 1 Wines, liquors feed ucation? be forgotten that the defoundations of the W C T D partment are laid iu the local uuions and that the strength of the local union Is the faitLf individual member. Whatever of worl done for these citizens-to-bis reporter! at the National of the cur Jent year will be work done, after all, by individual women. The department of Work Among Foreigners is not a person but made up of persons. The department of Christian Citizenship has neither bauds nor feet nor tougue nor pen, save as these are given to it by faithful individuals. 80 then, some one must do this work among foreigners that is to swing them into the endeavor of our laud toward Christian citizenship. What some ones can do, all ones can do. Let us one who read, therefore, go at the for Choice - 1 "UTAH'S GREATEST INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL." Utah. STAHL, I - Headquarters Utah Of Agricultural College D remonton, wage-earnin- aassasasa D J. C. GATES, n I. mara gro- Come and try us and be convinced. Will meet all competition for cash. We will treat you right. WATLAND & COMPANY, Office at Stohl Furniture Store Tremonton, Utah. fruit-reading- , home-make- C;iis. and Rubber ( A full line f Gent's Furnishing If you are thinking of buying a Wagon, let us show you the which arrived iu New York harbor and FOR HEADQUARTERS WITHIN THE CA TES. prices, e Conv-eutio- u problem. The Miss L T PEARL SALOON Choice Wines, ; D Preachers, Elders, Bishops, Editors, thunder is due from pulpit and press, the truth of (3od as it is In Jesus Christ A N MEN VCTi 1) l.VU n M E N AGRICULTURE Agronomy, Horl culture, Animal ii Industry. Veterinary Science, Dairying, Irrigation and Drainage. Etc. DOME8TIC SCIENCE AND ARTS Cooking and Dietetics. Sanitation, Hygiene, sewing, Household Eco nomics, Etc. m MECHANIC ARTS Carpentry, Foriting, Pattern Making, Carriage Building, Foundry Work, Machine II Work," etc. COURSES are al.-- offered in Music, Art, incidentally sowing temperance and patriotic seed by song, recitation and ju dicious teaching. The Mr L T L-could take three or four comrades down where the banana-cart- s and second-hanshops and saloons to sing Gospel songs, to read congregate, the Word, to reach these strangers bv well-sprea- A RES COURSE OF can gather up a class of those lisping Italians and teach them how to stitch blight cotton slips, toreiguerat our gate jelling fruit, caring for the laundry, cleaning the alley, buying rags, earring away old iron? Do they know that he ever gives their souls a thought? Oflicial Hoards, in all their plans for the safty and prosperity of the church might well consider the prosperity of the nation (at least , that section of it centered by the church building) as influenced by these citizens of strange lauds; and laying definite plans to attract these gospel feast. strangers to a V IP Lcarbins is wealth to the poor, an honor to the rich, an aid to the young, r brotherly kindness; to do whatever the Spirit may suggest, he being in the Hue of suggestion. The School-teacher- , with that class of fonign be in children, has a door of op. portunity set wide, lie or she has an entrc to homes and hearts. Enter then, for God and home Ihe "foreign" home, and native land. The Church Member, with empty pews on either side, what is he doing for the T o T ' I? 1 L? r. n 13 T ,s i and comfort to the a support, If V r C. aged- - (aeon T n i , I! tind Ciiriirs. Liouor - Billarda ',U' ii Stephens brothers Proprietors. Garland I . STUDY Utah. ENGINEERING Mechanics, Surveying, Designing, Irritation, Sewerage, Hydraulics, Roads and Pavements, Etc' COMMERCE Business Administration, Accounting, Hanking, Transportation, ('Commercial Law, Stenography, Etc. GENERAL SCIENCE Comprising English, Mathematics. Historv, Economics, Modern Languages, Natural and Physical Sciences, Etc. Physical Training and Library Work. i lm IS. Jr now located Tremonton to ;il Dental lt Work. HIS WoliK IS ALL (il Ui ANTE ED IT IS IMPORTANT to attend Before yon decide which school that you e'onsidcr carefully the opportunities afforded by the AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE OF UTAH Its strong faculty, modern courses of study, splcndd equipment, moral at mospbere and healthful environment; also the low expenses and the uniform and splendid success of its students. arness remonton am DEALERS .ALL .. I Twenty buildings, provided with the best modern equipment: live stock, farms, orchards, gardens, parade grounds. Hinl athletic field these afford exceptional facilities for thorough and efficient work. A strong faculty of experts, representing the best institutions of America and Europe, are In charge of the work of instruct ion and No tuition. Entrance fee College opens Sept. 18. Write now for illustrated catalogue. Shoes Resoled and Repaired GrENERAL DOORTO ftATKS' ADDRESS THE REGISTRAR, AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, LOGAN, I'TAII. ODD FELLOWS . THEMONT LODGE. in thor- M Bftl prompt It olitiinixl all (Nrtiutu.'s, or no f,c. We ouuun PATENTS I THAT PAY. mlvirtiio tliom thorouitlilj, at our I TRADE-MARK- :i(J S Iflp )'UU lO Hl0,-tS- i nurfli'l, pliuto ,r pkctcli for FREt t MHaOf, 20 jinn' prmrtir I PASSING REFERENCES. ciTl lt'".k I'mtltatdr Cat, ,,,,, w,lt' t B03-BO- S F E port A Rot !.. he. B.O. Wren. Seer. . on Hall. EPA H m Scicntif With L.C. Christensen and Sons lirighain City, ('tab Hart , Wt t and WW NT.KI) Nebeker Lawyern 8uitc ." alcl ' I.oean I into' L'tah 'hone 70. Advertise with us. i.il III' I' O. It "I A II Utah HORSES AND M Carpet Weaver ;LES. 1 - 1 mile South of 1 Tremonton Optician i:yi:s tbsted puee C& N. Phone .." in. mil. WA5MIMGTON, SI EOF. .NT All work Guaranteed S. F. CHRISTENSEN oughly organizing their unions ua to concerning Sabbath-breaking- , gambling, these departments which concern the the evil of th saloon, thedance hall, the problem of foreign Immigration, They wine rooms! The people need not nlone need to look daily toward those Hues of the comfort and inspiration of the Gos- work which immediately tend to the conversion of the foreigner into a Christian pel, but high counsels as to these men BROTHERHOOD OF AMItIC American. oeman and women who are responsible factors in next week's issue.) Hear (Continued Hirer Valley liomeateml No of a nation's moral life. meeta the lad and 4th Saturday i ning ; Women of the W C T 1. groii We'll have no resubmission; of eadi month at i) p. m., in Ihe I'r.itersec! adeYou'll we! to are in called women our unions you'll nal Hail, Tremonton, We'll have no rcNubmiHsiori, M. B. Hi quate Iv support the wrk at Ellis bland; We're out for prohibition, Korctnaa. with themselves Pnncb, tosupplying Hurrah' hurmhl E. P, liunu ( German, Swedish, Norwegian. Sp.ni-h- . We'll have no resubmission; orreapoadnt, H TRKMI Estimates made J SUR- Sevnnth Strnet, D. C. I PRICES. Bessisiger Contractor and builder. meets )" every Thursday at 7;.')0 p. m. in I' rater e Local presidents have a duty No LTC. AND REASONABLE STORK NKXT Chinese, Italian or D.inish leaflets for tlioii;litful distribution; to stretch out a hand of help to lumber or mining camp: to give sway plain-typBibles, to visit that mission for foreigners in the hcait of the city, to invite a foreign speaKin.' mother to the mothers' meeting or her child to an L T L. GOODS Sweat Pads Halters Tents and Awnings Bicycles Bicycle Supplies Sewing machine Supplies Tin Ware Repaired. Oils 1 1 IN KINDS OF HARNESS Harnesses Saddles Collars Whips Blankets ompany - !! have a new We are buying all grades i,f horses and mulea at the bigbeel market price t .11 pays. If yi u have horses or mules to sell or if you wish to buy or exchange, call al the l iven ami JSnle Stables of Fife Bros ;i! lmi'1, I tab. loom and am pre paired to do the best of weaving. Bring in jrOUI work Any work left at the Trcmoiit Times office will be promptly attended to. . MRS TKOtUa LAWS. Thati her, L'tah. |