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Show THE TREMONT TIMES. At Published Every Thursday Tremonton, Utah. E. R. Editor and manager Sherman Interest paid on time deposits. I. Treasurer Cashier, is well Bignsand Carriage painting neatly done s Will meet prices on work. for first-clas- Tremonton waste D Rockefeller has Acquired the habit of slapping people on the back, but its concomitant, borrowing is unessential in this case. a dollar, If it is true that Rockefeller's fortune of a billion, it is is le.--s than difficult to understand bow he can be as one-thir- as the newspapers are reporting cheerful him to be. who was Another eminent financier dovirtuously horrified at the rascally was of Peoria, ings of Banker Dougherty Hanker Stensland of Chicago. Dougherty only got 178,000 when Stcnslaud got 12.000,000. A New York newspaper points out without trespassing. Still, most, farmers would be willing to have their potatoe patches mussed up for the local fame it would give them. that a balloon Utah. cannot land Blacksmith Shop BUY THE &e F-'W- slil- Gh&n.Cfl a Before Yoa Purchase. Any Other Write THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE COMPANY EXPERIENCED by nulliorl.'d ron salr slttsIWi or ift B. E. BRENKMANN, Agent. Tremonton, Utah. snwiNO machines At $;". arid up A supply of the best Oil atid needles always otihau d. DEaaiAi Lb All work guaranteed Tremoaton, Utah mm. m !IU hp " impc 0. m UIu IIS UUb I TIME TABLE. Calls DEPART No. 32. No- c 6. A. M. P. 9:85 10:10 10:88 10:87 10:81 10:37 10:52 11:80 11:89 11:88 11:48 18:01 1:00 p. m. 1. A. M. Corinne Waukegan Evans Honita Central TREMONTON Garland Riverside Fielding Plymouth Washakie Malad 7:10 7:30 7:38 8:30 is P. 0:40 0:30 0:07 0:01 8:53 8:50 8:45 8:40 8:23 Briprtaam The mixed train on this Branch JO 34, a. 0:10 6:20 6:88 0:33 6:88 0:44 6:48 0:55 7:07 M. 4:55 4:30 4:13 4:05 8:58 3:50 3:40 3:25 2:55 8:21 2:52 8:15 7:52 7:15 2:45 2:25 1:20 daily except Sunday. """tt pw -- ""t wmm ESS55SI Hi tuuwA iWwHfi Stmmr P 0 ) 'Hun Ml Fort Dewey villc Collinston MALAD VALLEY BRANCH. 31 zAnd Prices That Will Pay. GROCERIES: Best brands of soap 7 bars for 25 c. 10 c. Tomatoes per can Best Beatrice corn, 2 cans for 15 c. Van Camps' hominy, 2 cans for 25 c. F cr all classes of canned goods, prices in proportion. Castor, machine oil per gallon, 40 c. 95 c. Linoleum, best, very heavy, pliable, per yard (The above grade retails at 11.23 per yard.) Camp stoves $1.50 each. One heavy range worth $45.00 for $32.50. One 7 drawers Drop head sewing machine, worth 40.00, at $25.00. 10 doz. brooms, sold at 45 c. each, now 35 c. 20 c. Commom'broorns, each Sugar (at this date, per sack at $5.30. " " " 18 lbs for 1.00 0) (Subject to change, but won't be undersold.) buggy whips, 15 c each, 3 for 40 c. A line of watches, warranted for 1 to 10 A good alarm clock, at 75 c. 200 I URSERYn W W Lasley E Hunsaker D B Marble J Dewey C E Twitchell J R Standing Malad E R Hartley James Coil Bear River Al Holmgren H P Thorcsen Frank Walker Dewey Wood Fielding D Parkinson J W Hal ford Portage Rawlins Thos Law John H Watt Snowville C W Robbins A L Petersen K H Fridal .Manila Chas Kroksh C TO CONSUMPTIVES, The undersigned having heen restored to health by simple means, after suffering for several years with a severe lung atlietion, and that dread disease CONSUMPTION, is anxious t(. make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheer fully send(free of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure for CoHSUHPTIOM, Asthma (.'atamui, Bronchitis and all throat and lung Maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his Remedy, as it is Invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, w hich will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing,will please address Rev. Emv akd A Wilson Brooklyn , N .Y A good whip. years, 75 c to 8.00 each. A complete line of guns and ammunition, cheaper than you can buy of any other house. See our line of guns before you BUY. Brlgham Sunset Junction WORKMAN. nunnpfK IIUUUUMU Chas Cheal HC Vanausdeln T E Sccrist R Walter J E Montgomery E Uudd N J Nish Plymouth Chas Card Promontory Geo House G W Parsons Terrace E J Bassett Clear Creek S E Baker Park Valley D Hirschi WEWhitaker Grouse Creek Phil Paskett S W Cook Riverside J A Capener Jas Hadfield S N Cook Willard Geo J Wells Three Mile TC Young Almon Wight N C Jeppsen Mantua Hans Kellar CO0. STOHL BRCS'. FURN. District OBER f B U RG E CLOTHING: $10.00 Suits going at " " " 14.00 10.00 0.00 $1-2.0- " " " ' " " f Chld',en 0 9.70 J 7.00' , 8 buf ,at about nair price HATS A snap for eveyr Buyer. SHOES Here is the best deal ever offered in Utah. cent off on every grade of shoes. See them. 20 per Queensware and Hardware At your own price if you are not a hog. We are going to reduce our Stock one half, and the price on every-thin- g will be right. We will duplicate any price that Montgomery Ward & Co., or Sears Roebuck will make you. You can see OUR Goods before you buy you guess at what you buy when you buy through a catalogue house- - There you pay for your goods before you see them, With a good freight bill added. Try us and save money. A hundred bargains to numerous to mention. WHEN WE PAY CASH FOR OOODS WH BUY WE CAN LIVE ON THE DISCOUNT. SELL AT THESE PRICES IS FOR CASH, ONLY. Yours Respectfully, Steam s & Lohi CORINNE, UTAH JONES, ArrOSIWT AND OOtWSEl,I)H AT LAW. Practices in all State and Federal Courts and before the United States Land office. Hficc I'.KIGHAM nrr RoaenbeuaTs CITY, 0 No Diseased; no Dried Up Trash . Ston . UTAH YEARS' XPERiENCE GO Here, but good healthy stock. Apple trees $10 per 100, two years old and five feet tall. None better. Place Your orders now iupiisjmi" i j .... hi ii in i i you need. O mm ESI ESS3 ESsl 'rswr" M Breed to i D. S. LOHR, TAIL COIUNNK, KsissiSssSBI TRAOt Markt DtSIQNS Copyrights Ac. n kotrh nitd 1portitlnn mo Anrotip i.H"fl onr MOflrtnlr opinion fro whethp an i',vpi,tlon li pntbahlr phloninbM, ('oniromnrn-MHUNOUOOK " l"tmu imtrlctlyotiliili'iiilMl. it fre, Olrt't SMttey f"r (vtirKiK pntpnts. c. rorctvc 'dents tnien thr.,iu:li Minn, t;' rial notice, without ohsrtfo. In the mmmmmVZm3TV IHsraflBW f"l uhat - I iLrwnTy O MOINERU hnndpamtlr I1iitmt0f1 wklr. Intlofl of tiny prientlllo Journftl. nr ; four tuoniiin, fl. BOM tUNN & no.3e,B Iirdii'h offlce. ti T iriroot rtr- - 1rni!, bfu nen'sirtrftlprg. t'A I N0 44324. TemontM Horse Freeelers' AsrcioT?(wi New York F St.. WoiMugiun. D. the Best. An Imported French Perchcon, weight S150, will ij at ChM.Schmntt's Fnrm. 2H milos west of Tremonton fnrsrason of 1906. Terms ot service 20.00 :ive Ml. For further partioulsrs apply or write to Scientific Jimerican. A TO WE ARE HERE TO STAY , Located on the west bank of Hoar River in Corinne. 40,000 Fruit Trees, and Rosea. Come to the Nursery and select your trees and save a good sura of money and get Trees that GROW. ORANGE, MASS. Many Scwlnj Machine) arn madetosell reerd-l- s wr Home" it made ot quality, but the " to wear. Our g ,atanty never runs out Wo make Sewing Machine to suit all conditions t llonn" stands atthe cf the trade. The " dead of all sewing machine Null 1st Judical M B. H. EWINliACHSNE Ware, Etc., F W Fishburn Willard W Maughan. F J Holton. mm Dist Atty B Chairman county Com. A W Valentine. have bought the Blacksmith Business of Peasnall and Co Com 4 yrs M B Hart. Drake. I will run ;i first class shop and do n Co Com 2 yrs E H Jones. General Blacksmith Business. My work is all Sheriff Joseph Josephson guaranteed and will be promptly attended to. Treasurer S N Cole Recorder Christena Madson Horse Shoeing A Specialty. Clerk Nephi J Valentine. Charles E Foxley Attorney James N Holdaway Surveyor 7 Pr. Assessor Elias Jensen TREMONTON, UTAH. School Supt A E Jensen Justice of Peace Andrew Funk Constable Charles Cheal Precinct Justice Constable Rock, Brick, and Cement block Andrew Funk O. S. L. - Complete. WE DO BUSINESS! BOX ELDER COUNTY Judge Here "am" your ft .SO for the best printer's paper on earth! Wouldn't do Without it and stay in the United States. ARRIVE It seems to get better and belter, anil makes us feel better, and our better half NO 88. No. says she knows we ure better since reading it, so you had better keep it coming -- s Ranges, Stoves, Granite Etc. John C Cutler. Charles S Tingey. Secretary M A Bredden. Atty. General Auditor J A Edwards. Treasurer James Christiansen Supt. of Public Instruction A C Nelson. State Senator 1 District Representative All linotype records were 1st when Charles A Nichols, City Herald Operator, set 108,800 cms nonpareil in eight hours, correcting his own proofs, The former worlds record, !0 ,000 ems nonpareil was made by Geo A Green of Boston at a competition Chicago in 1806. Ex. We agree with the Republic an of Salt Lake City when it says: "Of course there arc many readers who demand raw meat in their newspapers. They want to see some one slashed Up and down and across the middle. They come and tell the newspaper all about some hated Individ ual, and urge the editor to "go after him, and go after him hard." And they never fail to add: Don't say anything that will implicate me." That tribe is a big tribe, but it is a cowardly lot. Net ft member of it is ever useful to a paper without provocation and, without thanks for the service that has been rendered .' Our Line Wyatt in our line Peter Clegg. Cisterns a specialty broken July Richard Schwab. a Salt, Lake l W C your sympathy. John As any one else in the State Governor The Czar can always run away when it come to the worst. Don't K- Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum, GEO MELDRUM House Painting and Decorating In utomobling, a drunken chauffeur distinct disadvantage. It the passenger also to be sober. CASH PRICE - I STATE HEAD QUARTERS FOR WALL PAPER is a DCRoush. SBWatland. J H Hall. Marshall REMEMBER. We will always give you as low a John Shuman. ,78 Poor roarkmanship is quite a factor in the longevity of the Russian grind dukes. " Clerk OHHISON.. 11.25 $1.50 " " " D. 'LEASE Chairman of Board, J AFishburn. E M Wyatt. Member " ) C Gates. and careful! attention. 8. N. COLE. President, Subscription rates. One year in advance Six months in advance One vear not in advance $.50,000 Personal Respoasibility, Accounts and Correspondence Solicited. All business with us will receive prompt Entered as second eiass matter Anri' 1904 at the Post office at Tremonton I'tah under the act of congress of March 3rd 1879. i25KJHEI TREMONTON f'orinne, Utah, Paid up Capital of 10,00C. mm Official Directory. COLE BANKING CO. K ft ttKV STAlsii3iHBBi' MUiMMttssHMts |