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Show BACKACHE 18 KIDNEYACHfc. Get at the Cause Cure the Kidneys. 10 GIRDLE THE GLOBE Don't neglect backache. It warns you of trouble in the kidneys. Avert TWO ILLINOIS BOYS BEGIN LONG the danger by curTRIP ON BICYCLES. ing the kidneys with Doan's Kidney Pills. J. A. Haywood, a Expect to Be Gone Three Years on well known resident Journey Will Celebrate New of L u f k i n, Tex., Year in Africa Speak Five "I wrenched says: Foreign Languages. my back working in a sawmill, was laid St. Louis When George E. Holt up six weeks, and and Lester R. Crentz. of Moline, 111., from that time had sailed for Liverpool the other day pain in my back there was begun one of the most preThe tentious whenever I stooped or lifted. expedition? urine was badly disordered and for a ever attempted. These two men prolong time I had attacks of gravel, pose to literally ride all over the face After I began using Doan's Kidney of earth on bicycles. Pills the gravel 'passed out. and my Time is no object ir. tnis long jourback got we.l. I haven't had back- ney, and it is expected that not less ache or bladder trouble since." than three years will be necessary. Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. The first stage of cycling will be Foster-MilburCo., Buffalo, N. Y. gin at Liverpool, from whence they expect to tour England and Scotland, Life is never a burden to the crossing to Ireland, and proceeding who carries her age well. southward to the coast, where they to wealth. will sail for the continent. Belgium. Economy is the road PUTNAM FADELESS DYE is lue Holland, Denmark and Sweden will road to economy. be the first countries visited in the or der named. From Stockholm they favorite the The man who plays will ride toward St. Petersburg, and doesn't always win by a long shot. from there they will turn southward and pass through Germany, France Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup. For children leetbluK, Bofteus the Kunis, reduces In- and Spain. They expect to celebrate flammation, allays pain, cureu wind colli-.- 25c a bottle. New Year's Day of 1907 somewhere in the northern part of Africa, and if The First Quill Pens. Quill pens came into use in 553; the revolutionary troubles do not inter first steel ones in 1820, when the first fere will visit Tripoli, Algeria and Mo rocco. gross of them sold for $36. That the journey will be no child's Another Triumph for play is evidenced by the itinerary of So successful has the application from Morocco. From here they will been in the tratment of ride over the shifting sands of the the children suffring from ringworm, that great Sahara desert to Timbuctoo. the Metropolitan Asylums Board, LonBy this time another spring will don, has been enabled to discontinue have come, and the tourists will pro the use of one of the two institutions ceed northward to Sicily, thence up reserved for such cases. the Italian peninsula, and on up a in line through Europe parallel to Important to Mothers. that taken on its descent, making a Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, turn eastward to take in Turkey and ft safe and nnre remedy for infants and children, Greece; thence to Egypt, through the and Bee that it Holy Land and down to the Red sea Bears the and cycling around the Indian peninSignature of sula, touching at Ceylon. In Use For Over HO Years. From there they intend to go to Tin; Kind You llave Always Bought. (Malay, Turmay, Siam and Singapore. Sumatra and Borneo are the next 8choo!s Spreading In China. A few years ago the foreign mis- stopping places. After studying conditions in the Philippine islands, sionary schools were practically the will be seen, from whence the Japan in Foochow offering only institutions facilities for the acquisition of west- homeward journey will be undertaken, ern learning. There are now at least making a stop at Hawaii, and finally 30 native schools fashioned after the landing at San Francisco. Crentz and Holt will carry recomforeign model. Foochow is a city of 600,000 inhabitants, and these schools mendations from the governors of IlliPost- nois, Pennsylvania, Louisiana, Oregon, embrace about 2,000 students. ers placarded all over the city adver- Connecticut, Kansas and Florida, one tise the opening of various modern of the most important of their cre- , schools, which are springing up in dentials being from Hon. S. M. chairman of the senate commitevery nook and corner of the place. on tee foreign relations, which ina week passes without the Scarcely being extended announcement of the opening of a sures many favors them by foreign consuls. n fr school. Speak Five Foreign Languages. Both Crentz and Holt are members Strange Stcry But True. F. L. Vandegrift has a new story. of the National Geographical society, It is illustrative of the marvelous fe- and carry letters to every society of cundity of the English sparrow. importance in the world. They speak "I was pending Sunday with the German, French, Swedish, Spanish Dumont Smiths, at Kinsley," said and Italian fluently, so that they wil1 Van, in recounting his experience. have no liquistic troubles while in "We had been up late the night be- Europe. While making preparations fore and I was a trifle drowsy. I sat for their journey in New York they out on the front porch listening to the joined the Roy Wheelmen, whose emchurch bells and gazing off into the blem they will wear, and which they illimitable space that lies between will carry in lands here no cycling a shortgrass town and the horizon club's emblem has been carried before. beyond. "Presently I dropped my hat into a bed of Virginia creeper and dozed SHIP DRIFTED 3,000 MILES. off to sleep. I could not have slept more than an hour, for the children Derelict Deering Makes This Diswere passing the house on the way tance in 140 Days. from Sunday school when I awoke. I rubbed my eyes and glanced over in Norfolk, Va. It is not at my hat. In it sat an English spar- maritime circles that surprising the derelict row brooding a setting of eggs. While schooner John S. Deering should have I slept the sparows had built a nest drifted to a 1,000 miles west point in my hat, the mother bird had laid of where she a full complement of eggs and had be- has Queenstown. Ireland, been the White Star by reported gun the work of hatching them." liner f'evic. Kansas City Journal. The Deering was abandoned In a GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP. waterlogged condition off Cape 140 days ago. Since then she 3.0D0 has drifted and many a miles, to Brain Beneficial so No Medicine fine vessel has come within an ace of and Nerves. colliding with the obstruction at night, which would have meant disasLying awake nights makes it hard ter to the vessel striking the abanto keep awake and do things in day doned craft. time. To take "tonics and stimuShip men the world over have heard lants" under such circumstances is of the wreck of the Deering; how she see to on fire like setting the house a line fight against the elefought if you can put it out. ments off the treacherous Carolina The right kind of food promotes rehow the crew held out coast; freshing sleep at night and a wide hope of being rescued and how against finally awake individual during the day. were taken off after suffering unthey of old her A lady changed from way told agonies. The Deering, lumber and says: eating, to Grape-Nuts- , 'aden, was then left to her fate. I been had three about "For year3 Like many of her class, the wreck from indigestion. a great sufferer After trying several kinds of medi- has drifted with wind and tide and nas been buffeted at the will of Bocine, the doctor would ask me to drop off potatoes, then meat, and so on, reas and Neptune, ("apt. Clarke, of but in a few days that craving, gnaw- the Cevic, reports that the derelict was low in the water with only the ing feeling would start up, and I I ate and stumps of the fore and mainmast would vomit everything standing. The wreck is directly In drank. the track if navigation. With lumbe. "When I started on Grape-Nuts- , in her the Deering will drift for an the and bloating vomiting stopped, feeling which was so distressing dis- indefinite period, unless destroyed. appeared entirely. "My mother was very much bothAsylum for Old Horses. ered with diarrhea before commencLos Cal. It has remained Angeles, because her stoming the Grape-Nuts- , women of this city to raise the for not could digest ach was so weak she she money to provide a poorhouse for her food. Since using Grape-Nutshe aged and disfigured horses. The wothink don't she and is well, says men have organized themselves uncould live without It. der the name of the ladies' auxiliary "It is a great brain restorer and of the Society for the Prevention of as sound I can nerve builder, for sleep A largo amount to Animals Cruelty and undisturbed after a supper of of money has been raised, and more as In the old days when Grape-Nut- s will be secured through a series of I could not realize what they meant Thus the society will con bazars. There is no by a "bad stomach." irlbute toward the "Old Horse' and tn nerves medicine so beneficial which will be erected near brain as a good night's sleep, such as Home," the city. Animals that are so aged can after Orape eating you enjoy and decrepit that they should not be Matt." to work will ! purchased Name given by Postum Co., Battle compelled or secured In other ways and placed 1 Creek. Mich. In the "home. a rca on." globe-girdlin- . s Cul-lorn- Hat-tera- s ,yTlec's s THE WHITE RIVER COUNTRY. Ull DEPENDS ON In the opinion of one who has trav- eled much aLl observed closely, the most truly and rightfully contented are people in the United States the small landowners in what is known as the Upper White River Country, anywhere from Newport, Ark., to Carthage, Mo. They are contented because their surroundings are ideal and, until recently, the great, uneasy, disquieting world, with its artificial needs and inadequate compensations, has been to them but little more tangible than a dream. Here, still existent, and by reason of their very rarity at this day and time more delectable than In the past, are 'he conditions which have ever appealed with irresistible force to the independent-spiriteAnglo-SaxoEvery man is the supreme ruler of his own little principality; acknowledging no master save the law and possibly his feminine helpmeet; cringing to no employer; asking no favors from the world, save those that his neighbors freely extend and expect as freely in return. He lives in a latitude where the extremes 'of heat or cold are never known, and at an altitude that insures The richest bounty perfect health. of Nature has been showered upon him with unsparing hand, but it is a question whether he more than dimly realizes the fact. He accepts as a matter of course the fertile soil which produces in abundance every cultivable growth common to the north temperate zone, the surrounding forests of valuable woods and the underlying stratas of precious minerals, the springs and streams of translucent purity on every hand, the wealth of fish and game at his very door, such as less favored mortals annually travel hundreds of miles to find. He is contented, but small credit is his for that, for how could he well Je otherwise than content? It is sad that such idealistic conditions may not continue, but it is written that the present possessors of this favored land must soca give place to others more appreciative of its incomparable features. A railroad has recently cut its way through the best of this region, and the unaccustomed rustle of bank notes and chink of coin wfil eventually to part with his tempt the birthright. So it has always been in the world's history the good things that are ours without price invariably pass from our hands before we come to understand their value. The White River country will shortly be discovered anew by a class of immigrants better capable of judging its possibilities the men who seek modest homes where the "lay of the land'' will effectually prevent crowding by too close neighbors, where their cattle can fatten on free range, where the wealth of forest and mine awaits development by intelligent workers, and where the game and fish offer enjoyable recreation to all who have leisure and inclination for sport. 8tor es to th TEMPER Of THE PEOPLE COLONEL IN DILEMMA Ways of War Were a New Thing to His Understanding. in At the Army and Navy club Washington a number of veteran officers were telling stories, when Gen. Chaffee told this anecdote of Gen. Carr, who died in New York some years ago: It appears that Cen. Carr, at the outbreak of the civil war, had left Troy to take command of a regiment. The engagement in which, as colonel, he first figured was at Big Bethel. His regiment had been halted for rest and refreshment in a pleasant place and had not yet experienced the excitement of a skirmish. It happened however, that confederates were in ambush in the immediate neighborhood and from a safe hiding place they opened fire on the northerners Carr, so the story runs, instantly put spurs to his horse and dashed up to Excitement and a group of officers. bewilderment were apparent upon his the young face as he approached party. "They are firing upon my regiment!" he shouted. "My God! Now what is to be done?" Harper's 6huld Cubans Prove Loyal to the Government, the Insur- rection Will Soon Be at an End. Would Scratch and Tear the SORES. Fie: h Un- less Hands Were Tied "Would Have Died But for Cuticura." "My little son, when about a year and a half old, began to have sores come out on his face. 1 had a physi- cian treat him, but the sons grew worse. Then they began to come on his arms, then on other parts of his body, and then one came on his chest, worse than the others. Then called another physician. Still he grew worse. At the end of about a yeai and a half of suffering he grew so bad I had to tie his hands in cloths at night to keep him from scratching and tearing the flesh. He gol to be a mere skeleton, and was hirdly able to walk. My aunt advised me to 1 try Cuticura Soap and Ointment. sent to the drug store and got a rake of the Soap and a box of the (Hutment, and at the end of about two months the sores were all well. He ha.s never had any sores of am kind since. He is now strong and b i!ihy, and I ran sincerely say that onl) for your most wonderful remedies my precious child would hae died from those terrible sores. Mrs. Egbert Sheldon. R. F. D. No. 1, Woodvllle, the-sore- Conn., April 22. 1905." Treasured Tickets of Leav... Among the late Michael Davltf most treasured posscnlsons wen gilt frames, each of which contained a ticket of leave which wa him after he had served a term of ' penal servitude for his beloved fv: try. io- u Value of $300 Found Single Year. in Havana. All eyes In Cuba are turned towards the provincial capital of Pinar Del R,o. for upon the ability of Pino Guerrera to capture that city deptnds. it is believed here, the outcome of the insurrection. The occupancy by the insurgents of the towns southwestward of Pinar Del Rio is considered to be only preliminary to a movement on Pinar Del Rio. A serums question is whether the population of the captured towns and that of the thickly settled and marvelously rich Vuelta Abajo tobacco region surrounding them will join Guerrera's forces. If they do the insurgent leader will approach Pinar Del Rio in overwhelming force. The outcome depends on the loyalty or disloyalty of the people. It is undeniable thafc Guerrera is gathering hundred,1- - of veterans and others under his leadership and it is impossible to estimate the sincerity of the people in Pinar Del Rio, who have been looked upon as likely to support the government. A detachment of 250 Cuban artll. lerymen from Havana have reached Pinar Del Rio, where they will co. operate with the rural guards ans. volunteers. These artillerymen, however, can only act as infantry, as they have not been trained to use field guns. A hospital corps and other details are following the artillerymen to Pinar Del Rio in readiness foi what is expected to be a short and decisive campaign. The province of Havana is quiet. Considerable sympathy is developing in Havana for General Gomez, who is commonly believed to be too broadminded a patriot to mix himself up fn revolutionary schemes. WILL REBUILD STRICKEN CITY. Material For Temporary Homes Be Ing Distributed Free By the Chilean Government. Valparaiso. About 10,000 workmen are employed in clearing away the ruins here and in searching for bodies Of those who lost their lives during the recent earthquake and fires. In the wreckage of a house workmen found a child alive in a barrel, which had protected it from harm. The naval school is to be reconducted and it is expected that the Lfiadets will be able to resume their studies there in about two months. The sale of articles of food is Btrictly supervised by the city and government officials to prevent any abuses in the direction of increases in prices. In different parts of the city depots for the distribution of food have been the main features of established, which are immense caldrons from which, under the supervision of young women of the highest society in Valto the paraiso, soup is distributed poor. Many of the bfsi, families of this city have decided to go to Europe and stay there during the rebuilding of Valparaiso In general, and of their own residences in particular. Material for the construction of temporary houses or sheds is being distributed gratis by the local and gov- mum Baking Powder Is Wholesome. Dr. Herman Keinbold, the expert German chemist, in a recent official Powders, Making report concerning declares that a pure alum baking powder is better and less injurious than SB cream of tartar powders. He says that if the quantity of alum contained in a Sufficient quantity of baking powder for a batch of bread or cakes for an ordinary family, be concentrated to one mouthful of food, and taken into the stomach of any one person, no matter how delicate, it could do no harm. On the contrary, alum is wholesome in proper quantities. This is undoubtedly the reason the State of Missouri quickly repealed a law that prohibited the manufacture of the most wholesome of all baking powders. So much for Alum Baking Powders. d Immense Steel Plates. The shell and boilers of the new Cunarder being built at Wallsend, England, are said by Consul Metcalf to be constructed of the largest steel plates in the world. They are silicon steel, weighing ten tons each. The boilers alone will weigh over 1,000 tons. Massive Ingots and slabs weighing 12 and 14 tons, are continu ally passing through the rolling mills there for this work. MULES WERE TO BLAME. Stubbornness Caused a Collision In Which Woman Was Killed. Assam Cal. The coroner's jury in the case or Mrs. Khoden, who was killed Wednesday in a collision here between a stage coach and a Santa Fe passenger train, in which accident several others were seriously injured, has returned a verdict that no one was to blame for the accident The collision was caused by the stubbornness of the mule team attached to the coach. County Treasurer Short In Accounts. Concordia. Kan .1. E. Wade, county treasurer, cannot be found, am) the commit; loners have taken county charge of hio accounts and are examining his books. A letter dated Cripple Creek, Colo., was received on Friday from Wade, and In it the writer acknowledges a shortage of $5,000 In the county's funds. He says he lost the money on the board of trade, and warns the officers not to attempt to capture him, saying he v. Ill not be taken alive. Wanted Their Twenty Per Cent. Chicago. Six policemen were over whelmed Friday by a mad rush of men and women who were determined to get the first money paid out of the vaults of the ruined Milwaukee Avenue State bank Receiver Fetzer had made arrangements to pay 20 per cen to B.OOO of the 22,onn depositors, airl everybody was anxious to be MM the 5,000. At daybreak the crowds ewarmed around 'the bank and by o'clock the bank was surrounded by 16,000 people i OPERATIONS AVOIDED Unqualified Success of Lydla E. Pin bMrt Vegetable Compound tn the. Case of lire. Fannie D. Fox. One of the greatest triumphs of Lydia E Ptakhawni Vegetable Compound is the conquering of woman's dread en- emy. Tumor. The ov. th of a tumor is so sly thai frequent ly its pre ienee is not suspected until it is far advanced. : " wandering pains" may come from its early stages, or the presence of danger may be made manifest by profuse monthly periods, accompanied by uinisiml pain, from the abdomen through the groin and thighs. If you have mysterious pains, if there are indications of inflammation or displacement, secure a bottle of Lydia E. Tinkham's Vegetable Compound right away and begin its use. Mrs. Pinkham, of Lynn, Mass., will give you her advice if you will write her about yourself. She is the daughof Lydia K. I'inkham and ter for twenty five vearshas been advising sick women free of charge. Pear Mrs. I'inkham: " I take the liberty to rotifrratulate you on d in-la- the success I have hnd with your wonderful niedieine. Eighteen months ago my periods topped. Shortly after I felt so badly that I submitted ton thorough examination by a plivsiriait ami MM told that I had a tumor and would have to undergo an operation. .Soon after I read one of vour advertise's ments and deeidod to give Lydia E. Vegetable Compound a trial. After taking flvo liottles as directed the tumor is entirely gone. I have been examined by a physician and he says I have no signs of u, tumor DOW, It has also brought my periods around once more, and 1 am entirely - Fannie 1J. Fox, 7 Chestnut IStreet, well Bradford, Pa. l'ink-ham- EDUCATIONAL. Training School for Elephants. There is a training school for at Api, in the Congo State, where 28 elephants are taking lessons. The training operations have produced encouraging results, says the Tribune Congolaise. The Greatest Hoarding College in the World University of Notre Dame NOTRE Handkerchiefs Date from 174J. The first pocket handkerchiefs, utilized in the manner they are were manufactured at Paisley in 1743. DAME, INDIANA joints: Our students study and our students bchaz't themselves 800 Students 75 Professors 18 Buildings Courses In Ancient nnl Modem ftinaire. Enic-lin, sod Economies, Chsiutstry, Itioloo-vHistory, K.ntrt-n- e riirrimv en II. Kiev! ilcni. mid W't gViiranttt fovo to-da- i I'lR, ivti ii srAurs, La,w, Shorthand, Huok-ken- srnci.u. defartmkSt poh hoys I'NKKIt THIKTEKN TERMS: Board. Tuition, and Laundry, $400. Send ten cents to the Registrar lor Catalogue ft You Cannot $ $ pit IP" all rhflamcd, ulcerated and catarrhal corj ditions of the mucous membrane such as nasal catarrh .uterine catarrh caused by feminine ills, sore throat, sore mouth or inflamed eyes by simply dosing the stomach. But you Burelv can cure these stubborn aliections by local treatment with Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic DUTCliTC r II I EH I w Natuan Uk k " Trade Marks, and Mas, a Libel OoprHgbtt De-- proonrtd, l. O. rolui. )ll F St., Wuhliiiitoii, ernment authorities. The government of Ecuador has ordered the commander of Ecuadorean cruiser marines to place himself and his vessel at the disposal of the Chilean government for the transportation of the refugees from Valparaiso to various points. TUMORS CONQUERED SERIOUS the United Never in the States has there been such a demand for diamonds as there was in 1905. Large quantities were imported, but the country produced none. In 903 it produced diamonds to the value of $50. in 1901 it had an output worth $100, in 1900 its production was valued at $150, and in 1899 the country boasted native diamonds to the ralue of $300. Diamonds have been discovered in the United States in four different regions, but their actual place of oriAll nave been found gin is unknown In loose and superficial deposits, and all accidentally. It is not at all improbable, how ever, that some day the original sources of this queen of gems may be The high price of dla disrovered. monds has made the recent search for these precious stones in the I'nited States and Canada keener than over before. Scientific American. 1 Weekly. BABY COVERED WITH STATES history of to-da- y YOUNG UNITED IN DIAMOND THE 37,500,000 which destroys the disease germs.checks discharges, stops pain, and heals the inflammation and soreness. Paxtine represents the most successful local treatment for feminine ills ever produced, Thousands of women testify to this fact. 50 cents at druggists. Send for Free Trial Box THE PEOPLE DIE EACH YEAR In fh United States, alone, trior than a lion die yearly f rum preventable diseases. GOOD mil- HEALTH tills uhy these stflrlling facts exist. 0000 is the oldest hcolih journal in (he wotlii. g handsomely illustmtril n1 ably edited magazine for the home. The price is one dollar a year. Single copies ten cents. Send twenty-fiv- e cents and tltis advertisement for a trial three months' suhsciption. GOOD HEALTH PUBLISHING It. I'AXTON CO.. Boston. Maae. BUCHAN'S SILVER FLEECE DIP It MaoMittolUtbty the beat sheep dip on the market. It cures the worst eases of SCAB without Injuriagtbe wocl. Itistajttl oTttbla In water at any teineratiire. Non poisonous safe. If your dealer kULSQt it in stork, write the CARBOLIC SOAP CO., NEW YORK CITY. WINTER AOhaihfU Wheal, ruv.m. itt "k'HH and sani'tlespfrara it l:, n k us.. (, COMPANY, BATTLE CREEK. MICH, W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 35, 1906 BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT Is a Quick and Permanent Cure for Rheumatism, Cuts, Sprains, Wounds, Neuralgia, Headache, Old Sores, Corns, Bunions, Galls, Bruises, Contracted Muscles, Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Frost Bite, Chilblains, Ringbone, Pollevil, Burns, Scalds, and ALL THE ILLS THAT FLESH IS HEIR TO. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $1. Sold by all Druggists. j I |