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Show TKEMONT TIMES BY C TRSVONTOIM SHERMAN. ... I m$ ffifl ftR fill By THE ACEO The farmers of Willard have suffered great loss from the recent heavy rains. The Republican state convention will he held in Salt Lake City on Thursday, September 27th. Hans Gigi, aged 38, was struck by a street car in Salt Lake and sustained injuries which may prove fatal. A. D. Adams, of Salt Lake City, has bet n appointed bookkeeper in the bureau of engraving and priming at Washington, D. C. Ralph Bums, aged 13, was seriously in.i tired while driving a dairy wagon in Salt Lake, a runaway team colliding with his wagon. Members of the Salt Lake and Ogden police forces played a game of baseball in Salt Lake on Saturday, the proceeds being donated to charity. Colonel R. S. Robinson, who died at Fort Wayne, Ind., on the 25th, was Appointed a member of the Utah commission in 1889 by President. Harrison and held that office under Governor Arthur L. Thomas. M. J. Rasmussen, 32 years of age, was crushed to death in a gravity sewer being constructed in Salt Lake City, the timbering caving in while the unfortunate man was working in the bottom of the trench. A report of the cost to the state for the past ten years for the relief of indigent person, shows a total, for the ten years, of $527,189, average per year, $52,718: total for 1904, $113,288; total for 1905, $108,413. J. W. McDonald, an employe of the Southern Pacific, but whose home was in American Fork, was run down by a passenger train near Elko, Nevada, and killed. McDonald fell asleep While on a railroad velocipede. Dr. F. E. Murray, who has for some time past been stationed at Salt Lake City as a veterinary surgeon in the Bureau of Anima Industry under Col. Hickox, has been transferred by the department at Washington to San Luis Obispo, Cal. A cloudburst at Mountain Dell, twenty miles from Salt Lake, swept away the summer cottage of Seymour B. Young, of Salt Lake. The Young family and their guests, numbering about twenty persons, narrowly escaped drowning. Em an Jarman, of Salt Lake City, is In the hospital suffering from a severe gunshot wound in the back. While out hunting, a companion slipped and fell, the gun he was carrying being discharged, the entira contents lodging in Jarman's back. The recent heavy rains that have fallen were of no benefit to the farmers of Ogden valley, and In fact, they .were the cause of serious losses. Thousands of tons of hay, baled, and in the stacks, have been destroyed by the excessive rains, Provo is to have a school for stammerers. William E. Bassett, now manager of the Provo woolen mills and former president of the board of education, will conduct such an institution, which will be called the Utah School for Stammerers. Within 60 days Salt Lake City will have among its facilities for entertaining people a magnificent new auditorium, capable of seating 5,000 persons, and which may be used for large public gatherings, roller skating and various midwinter sports. From the Amalgamated Sugar company comes the information that a remarkable yield of beets is expected this year. At the present time the crop is In a flourishing condition. It is figured that the recent rain added 6,000 tons to the total crop. The Salt Lake City Commercial club, which U ever In the lead when it comes to boosting the city and the Btate, has adopted measures whereby it hopes to arouse an increased interest in the Irrigation congress which is to be held at Boise, Idaho. The formal ion of a company of local people is under way for the organization of a new banking concern for .Jmerican Fork. The building which the new concern will occupy is now Bearing completion, and Is the most modern building In the city. Luke Crawshaw, the Ogden artist, has just completed a clay model of Ogdi n City. The model shows a contour of Ogden, commencing just west of the Union depot, as far as the mountains on the east, anil also the ectlon to the northeast of the city. Bert Jackman, while employed in timbering a well at Bingham, was struck on the head by a fifteen-pounrock which was dislodged from the aide of the well about fifteen feet above his bead, and received a fracture of the skull, which proved fatal. Mrs. Ellen Kinear, wife of David Klncar, residing on the Ivke View road JuhI west of Provo, died suddenly of apoplexy. Mrs. Kinear arose In usual good henlth, ami while prrp.ir ing break fa complained of a pain in her head and at once became d Flood at Mazaltan Mexico. Destroys Much Property and Causes a Great Deal of Suffering. Paso, Tex. Details by mail of floods at Mazatlan, Mexico, state the El that the heaviest lexers are the family's clothing store, Its entire stock being destroyed, and the Cia Industrial y Agricola, whose shoe factories, employing a large number of people, are reported to be in ruins. deThe German Casino has been ocof the the and jail portion stroyed cupied by female prisoners collapsed Work has been suspended at the slaughter house owing to the caving in of the walls. The Cuarte de Ro sales also succumbed to the heavy rains, and the north portion of the Pantheon No. 1 was destroyed. Do ens of houses on the beach were swept away by the waters, which reached a point never before reached since the cape has been built above sea level. Great suffering has been caused by the breaking of water pipes and the complete destruction of the water works system. The water supply was conducted to the city by pipes from a river ten miles distant. Calzada de Puento In flernille, the broad boulevard which connects the city with the sea, has been destroyed. ANOTHER GENERAL KILLED. Liarliarski Shot While Driving Through Streets of Warsaw. Warsaw. General Von Liarliarski acting military governor general of Warsaw, was shot and killed Monday afternoon while driving In a cab. Th assassin escaped. General Von Liarliarski was driving in a carriage from the commander's office to his residence. As the general's driver slackened speed at a place where the street was torn up for repaying an unknown young man fired four shots at Von Liarliarski through the top of the carriage one of the bullets entering the general's breast under the heart. The coach man whipped up his horses and drove at full speed to the hospital, where the general died almost instantly. General Liarliarski had only recent ly been appointed acting military governor of this city. Von HOME RUL.FOR IRISH. I to be Established at Dublin, Directly Elected by the People. London. The Daily Chronicle, fore casting the government's proposed representation scheme for Ireland, says legislative union will not be touched, and that Irish representation at Westminster and the powers of the will imperial parliament parliament not be changed. The chief feature will be the establishment of an Irish council at Dublin, directly elected. consisting of 103 members, the same as the Irish representation in the house of commons with the addition of councillors directly elected for larger areas by electors having ratable value exceeding $100, peers and clergymen being eligible. This is almost the same as the leg Islative council and legislative assem bly of Gladstone's bill, only they form one body and not two. Council STANDARD OIL INDICTED. Ten True Bills Returned by Federal Grand Juries. The first and second fedChicago. eral grnnd jurios on Monday returned ten indictments against the Standard Oil company before Judge Bethea in the United States circuit court. The which contain 6,428 indictments, counts, are nil in connection with the granting of rebates. No railroad was rementioned in the Indictments turned. Each of the fi.528 counts in the ten Inditcntents covers an till d offense and is based on a tank hipment of petroleum products from the refin eries at Whiting. Ind. -- Dalny Opened to Trade. Mr. Mikaoka. Washington the has advised Acting Japanese charge, Secretary Adee that Japan will opei Dalny to the commerce of all nations after September 1. It is to be a free port and no import or export duly will bo levied on articles of commerce Into or exported from imported Kwnn-ToShFrom through Dalny. the same dale ships of all nations will be permitfed to ply and engage in traffic between Dalny. or Talren, as the lown Is now rnlled. and all ports of Janan that are open fo foreign Look Like General Russians Who Trepoff Getting Shaved. An St. IWHIOOHftll Petersburg. of Baron Stahl life the upon attempt Is reported to have been made In the park at Peterhof, but the story Is denied. A number of arrests have, however, been made in Ihc park during the evening. Baron Stahl hears some reeemhlance tO General Trepoff. commander of the palace. A number of officers who might be mistaken for M. Trepoff have taken the precaution to have their beards shaved off. IB 01 WATERS UTAH. UTAH STATE NEWS lilt HIIS YOUTH SLAYS HI TO THEIR half-hour- tober 16 to 19 next, has been issued by J. H Richards, president, and Jas. The E. Callbreath, Jr., secretary. president of the United States, the chief executives of foreign nations and the governors of states and territories are invited to appoint ten delegates each, and mayors of cities and towns, boards of county commisson-ers- , boards of trade, chambers of commerce, minng bureaus and exchanges, miners' organizations, and scientific societies two delegates each. FLOOD IN MEXICO. Enormous Damage Reported Along the Santiago River. El Paso. Tex The latest reports to reach this city from Mexican towns wnich border on the Santiago river bring further information of conditions which have resulted from the continuous heavy rainfall and the overflowing of the streams. The Santiago river is overflowing its banks at Topic, and a number of towns, including Tuxpam. Mexicala and Santiago, have been par t tally inundated. Many of the residents have been forced to leave their homes. The floods have ruined large areas of cultivated land, and the loss to crops will be heavy. CASE OF SUICIDE. Cuban Veterans Take the Field to Put Down the Revolution. San Francisco Woman, Killed by Auto, Havana. Three hundred veterans. Deliberately Chose Death. Infantry and cavalry, accompanied by San Francisco. The woman who General Francisco Pereza. started for killed by an automobile near the was Batabano Tuesday afternoon to cover that district, (ieneral Bernabe Bote, ocean beach, has been Identified as Mrs. ,J of 152uVfe Forty-nintcommanding 100 prominent veterans, avenue. Connolly Her home was near the scene most of whom served on the staff of of her death. The are conthe famous Maximo Gomez, started vinced that the case police is one of suicide, for del Rio by and say Ihe evidence shows the woPinar Tuesday evening special train. Gunboats took to Rata-ban- man deliberately threw herself in Mos200 cases of ammunition. front of the automobile driven by quito gunboats are watching for chauffeur Nieol. h Jealousy Prompts Fireman to Commit Murder. New York Martin Winterstein. 30 years old, a fireman on the steamship Colon, shot and killed Mrs. Annie Lar-Fe29 years old. in her apartments at No. 4S1 Henry street. Brooklyn. Wednesday morning. Mrs Sallie Pruhn. 29 years old. a cousin of Mrs. Larsen. was shot and seriously wounded by the fireman Winterstein was arrest ed alter a hard struggle. He was In fan rtcd with Mrs. Larsen and said that jealousy prompted the crime. Steamer on Fire. Detroit. Twenty one persons, in eluding the captain's wife and two little children, were rescued early Tuesday from the burning steamer Charles A Eddy by the Detroit & Cleveland steamer City of 1 Cuban Trctps in Search of Main Body of Insurgents, But it is Not Believed Battle Will Occur. d Call Issue for Annual Session of American Mining Congress. Denver. A call for the ninth annual session of the American Mining congress, to be held in Denver, Oc- Mackinaw, off Port Salinac. In Lake Huron. All of them escaped uninjured and were brought to Detroit on the City of Mackinac. The Charles A. Eddy was bound down from the head of the lake with a cargo of ore. Fire broke out early In the morning while the Steamer was off t ort Salinac. LEAVING VALPARAISO. Hundreds of Families. Especially the Poor. Have Left Stricken City. Valparaiso. Hundreds of families and poor people, and especially woMost of men, are leaving the city. the commercial houses here have reduced the number of their employ, ps The state of selge is still maintained In Valparaiso, and after 7 o'clock in the evening no one is permitted to go about the streets without passes issued by the proper officials. DEATH MIS BOMB IK HEELS Havana The actual pursuit of Pino Guerrera began Wednesday when Colonel Avalcs. commander of the government f' rces in Pinar del Rio, left Pioneer Merchant Falls Victim to His San Juan de Martinez in search of Own Son, Who Slew Him in Hopes the main nsuient body. The latter is now estimated to number of Securing a Few Dollars Which 2,000 men. If (luerrera's recent statements He Thought His Father Was can be considered trustworthy there Carrying. will be do battle if he can help it. He has repeatedly declared that he does The Spokane, W ash. The body of James not warn to cause bloodshed. F. Sloane. a pioneer merchant of this general opinion, however, is that he cily, was found behind a pile of rocks will soon he drawn into a battle, if, in an alley near his home on Sixth indeed, he does not suddenly assume avenue near Stevens street. Great the offensive. Progress is being made gashes on his head showed that he daily in arming, equipping and forhad been murdered, apparently with a warding government troops to the disturbed disiricts. hatchet, and a trail of blood led from Investhe alley to Mr Sloane's home. GIRLS SAVED BY BROTHER. tigation proved that he was murdered in his room shortly after midnight, his Caught by Undertow at Long Beach and Came Near Drowning. body being loaded into a wheelbarrow, trundled to the alley and dumped Long Beach, Cal. Four young peoagainst the rocks. ple were caught by the tide here Wedson nesday morning and narrowly escaped Sidney Sloane, the of the murdered man, was' taken into being drowned, two of them being rescustody by the police shortly after the cued unconscious and resuscitated aftebody was discovered. At first he pro- r-a . Goudy Twitchell, whose tested complete innocence, but broke is a well known attorney of He father down and confessed the murder. said he slew his father with an axe Denver, of the firm of Goudy & in the hope of getting $500 which he Twitchell. and Mark Quay of this city, thought his father was carrying. The murdered man had been one of Spo- with Miss June Whittemore and Miss kane's leading merchants for years, Leigh Whittemore, sisters, of Salt being the senior member of the Lake City, were in bathing, when they Sloane-Paincompany. were caught by the undertow and carried out The young women were resTRUST COMPANY FAILS. cued by their brother, ,7. R. WhitteLiabilities of Wrecked Institution Es- more, an expert swimmer, who was on the bench at the time. Quay and timated at $10,000,000. Twitchell were carried out helpless to meet Unable its Philadelphia. Three against the strong current. because of the large Los Angeles young men, members of obligations another bathing party, sprang into amount of money loaned on insuffithe water and after a desperate strugnow cient security by its president, gle succeeded in rescuing Quay and dead, the Real Estate Trust company Twitchell after the latter had become of Philadelphia, which up to last Satur- unconscious. They were resuscitated after hard work by physicians. day was considered one of the strongest financial institutions in the city, BRYAN RETURNS HOME. Soon after closed its doors Tuesday. the doors closed George H. Erie, Jr.. Leader of Democracy Completes Trip a prominent financier, was appointed Around the World. receiver. The liabilities are estimated New York. Under gray skies, but at $10,000,000, against which there are. in exuberant spirits and bronzed by quick assets of about $4,500,000 and the suns of many climes during a collateral of about $8.u00,000 which is not negotiable or readily convertible. L year of travel completely around the This doubtful collateral is held most- world, William Jennings Bryan of Ne braska, twice the nominee of the Demly as security for loans of about made to Auolph Segalm, a pro- ocratic party for president of the moter of the city. United States and already Indorsed The man responsible for the failure as candidate of 1908, steamed up was Frank K. Hippie, one of Phila- NewtheYork bay Wednesday afternoon who best known citizens, delphia's on the steamer Princess Irene and died suddenly last Friday morning in received an ovation from large wel his country home at Bryn Mawr. near parties, which went down to here under circumstances, which in coming to meet and cheer the inthe light of today's developments, led quarantine vessel and its distinguished to the suspicion that he might have coming passenger. committed suicide. Mr. Bryan was accompanied by his and daughter, Miss Grace Brvan. wife IMPORTANT TO THE WEST. line, TIRE FATHER Spokane Lad Confesses to Most Horrible Crime. Seventeen-Year-Ol- MUST ROLL IS LONG. Desperate Attempt of Russian Revolutionists to Murder Premier Stolypin. GIRLS EMPLOYED lOH MURDEROUS Nil Qne Girl Drops Bomb Intended for General Kaulbars, While Another Succeeds in Shooting General Min. Late Saturday evening a Odessa girl dropped a bomb in the Nicholas boulevard, fifty paces from the palace People Are Killed and of (iovernor Kaulbars. There was a Injured by Explosion deafening detonation and a wild stamWhich Wrecked the House, No one pede of the promenaders. Two of the Conspirators was injured except the girl, who Being Killed. dropped the bomb. Her hand was shattered. It is supposed the bomb accidentally St. Petersburg. Twenty-eigh- t perfell from her hand before she had sons are dead and twenty-fou- r wound- reached the entrance to the palace. ed as the result of a distardly at- She and another girl and a university tempt to assassinate Premier Stolypin student who was accompanying iem with a bomb while he was holding a were arrested. public reception at his country house on Aptekassy island. The premier St. Petersburg. General Min, comwas slightly wounded on the face and mander of the Sminovsky guard regineck by flying splinters. the riots at ment, who suppressed Among the dead are the premier's Moscow last December, was assassindaughter, who had both ated at Peterhof Sunday night. legs broken by the explosion and subGeneral Min was at the railroad stasequently succumbed to her injuries, tion with his family when he was General Zamatin, the premier's per- killed. The deed was committed by a sonal secretary; M. Khosvoff, former five from who shots fired young girl, governor of the province of Pensa; a revolver into his back, killing him Colonel Fodoroff, chief of the preinstantly. mier's personal guard; Court ChamMadame Min seized the assassin by berlain Davidoff, Court Chamberlain the hand and held her until the police Voronin and Aide Doubassoff, and arrived. After her arrest the girl four women and children. showed the police a bomb lying in the The wounded include M. Stolypin's station, telling them to beware. son, who is seriously if not The death sentence had long hung fatally injured, and a number of per- over the head of General Min, owing ofsons prominent in the society and to the disfavor into which he had fallficial world. en because of alleged harsh methods Of the four conspirators who engiand cruelty. It was General (then neered the outrage two were killed Colonel) Min who commanded the with their victims, while the third, Sminovsky regiment when the people who acted as coachman for the party, were shot down near the Technologiand the fourth, who remained inside cal Institute in St. Petersburg on Oct. the carriage, were badly wounded and 31, and who, it was said, wanted to are now in the St. Peter and St. Paul set the building of the institute on ifortress. fire and roast the students inside. The four revolutionists arrived at M. Stolypin's villa at 3:20 p. m. in a HUSBAND IS ACCUSED. coach. Two of them were dressed in the uniform of gendarmes, the third Man and Woman Shot to Death at was dressed as a driver and was on Portsmouth, Ohio. the box of the coach, and the fourth man was in private clothes. O. While John Harr Portsmouth, Two of the men entered the villa and Mrs. Flora Hughes were walking under the pretext of making an imdown a street crowded with people on portant report to the premier, but they were not permitted to enter his their way to church on Sunday, a man, office. One of the men threw a bomb who is said to be the woman's husinto the reception room and a terrible band, Jarrett O. Hughes, rushed out explosion followed. The house was from a yard, where he had been hidnearly destroyed, the man who threw the bomb was killed, but the premier, ing, and shot them both. Harr stagwho was in his office, was uninjured. gered a few steps and dropped dead Firemen who arrived on the scene before help could reach him. immediately after the explosion found Mrs. Hughes expired as she was bea horrible scene. Many mutilated ing placed on the operating table of a' corpses and a large number of wound hospital to which she had been taken. ed and lacerated persons were lying Those who saw the shooting imme-- : around the spot where the bomb exdiately declared that Hughes was the ploded. man who did it, and a search for him Among those killed was General was made. He was found at the home who during the war with Ja- of his father, submitted to arrest communications. of was chief pan and declared he knew nothing quietly, the was General Zameatin premier's about the crime. personal secretary. Colonel Stein, who was chief of poEXTORTION IS ALLEGED. lice at the Tauridge palace, where the Us held of house lower parliament Porto Rican Fruit Growers Appeal to: sessions, also was killed. Executive Council. SCATTERING THE PULAJANES. San Juan, P. R. The Porto Rico has apGrowers' association Fruit Beys In Blue Are Making Good Citicouncil executive the to pealed zens of Rebels. the proposed new freight tariff against Manila It is officially reported that of the American Railroad company, the main band of the Pulajanes has which will become effective in Novembroken Into smaller bodies. ber. The association claims that an A general movement of 1,000 troops TilCfease amounting to from 200 to 300 through all per cent over the present rate would and 300 constabulary is be ruinous to the development of the parts of the disaffected region of fruit industry. The railroad traverses planned. A part of the province and Leyte south of Rnyog bay has been thousands of acres of pineapple first cleared of Pulajanes. There is no dis- orange lands from which the affection on the west coast except a shipments were made this year. Unfew bands which have escaped the sol- der the terms of the company's frandiers. On the east coast native vol- chise the power to fix rates is vested in the executive council. unteers are bringing in prisoners. T .venty-eigh- t Twenty-fou- r The central comPetersburg. mittee of the social revolutionists has drawn up a proclamation which declares that unless the government forthwith alters its policy such acts as the attempt on (he life of Premier Stolypin will be pursued to the Ut most and government representatives News will be killed by hundreds. conies from Tiflis to the effect that a, Vorontzoff-Dashkoffplot on the life of Count viceroy of the Caucasus, has been discovered and that many arrests have been made, including several officers. Street Car Men Go Out. San Francisco. With the exception and Geary street of the California lines, street railway traffic in this city was suspended on Sunday as the re-- ; suit of the strike of the conductors and motormon of the United Railroad system, which went into effect at 5 o'clock Sunday morning. The United Railroads made no attempt to run cars, and consequently there was no disorder. Further action in the tie-uawaits (he arrival of Patrick Calhoun, president of the United Railroads, who is en route from the east. Dangerous Even When Empty. Los Angeles. A special from Per-riA bursting emptv whisky says: Injuries on barrel inflicted critical son of "Raymond Easton. the The G org boy was Easton. here. li playing on one of the barrels when exploded from the expansion of gases witli in. A piece of the head struck the boy on the forehead with such lone as to cut a gash six inches long nnd fracture of the skull for five inches. Found Solace During Absence. Charles Frye, Chicago. Professor superintendent of the Chiformerly cago Normal school, and who returned to his home recently after an absence of thirty-twyears, which he deel Bed to explain, was on Friday arrested on a warrant charging bigamy. The proceedings against Professor Frye were commenced by Mrs. Clara Goddar l of Herley. S. D who declared that he married her under the name of Chas. Goddard. Professor Frye gave bonds Threats of Terrorists. St. s Deadly Work of Bomb. Berlin. A dispatch to the Tageblatt p o Seekers Carried Sensation Over Two States. New York. Dr. Julian P. Thomas, from Kattowltz announces that a St. Petersburg Official statistics of bomb thrown at Bendzln. Russian Po- the amateur aeronaut, who with his he terrorism of last week show that land, killed Police Captain Jakubik trothor, Jefferson Davis Thomas of and and two policemen, and dangerously-wounde- Augusta. Ga., mad a bnllooon ascen101 officials, gendarmes, police soldiers were killed, 92 were woundThe sion here Saturday evening, returned another policeman. ed, 291 private persons were killed or bomb was intended for Jaku- tn his residence in evidently Seventy second .14 wounded. spirit ifaone were plunwhich street Sunday night, after having dered, private and individual instltu bik. who commanded a patrol lions were robbed of $180,815, and on Monday killed a Jew. The explopassed through two states and reachoftale Institutions of $84 981. Realties sion destroyed the district police an altitude of about 10.000 feet. ing this there were over 150 armed at fice. A detachment of Cossacks fired His ended Sunday afternoon in numwounded a voyage and several to rob volleys banks, houses, etc. tempt! ber of passers by. OakdaU, Sulllian county, this elate. Russian Victims of Terrorism the Hundreds. Run in Balloon |