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Show Methodist. Church Directory Disappearing England. Baptist Sunday School Preaching Sli:YITH: MORKIKO If SiKVICUS. AFTEXXOOS 1:50 p.m. 2:30 p.m. f coMt erosion "While thp qptestloi 10:20 A M Etxjsiko Services Sunday School soil rcilitmatk'U U out of comparative M A 11:30 Preaching Preaching, every alternate t bSipUftOMee iatuis country, tue Skbvices: Evcsinu Sunday at 8:00 p. m. has of late years, sroused consider 15. 7:30 P M Y. P. I . All services at the Methodist church able dUcussion iu Englsiul, oscsuse of 8:30 P M Preaching ! You are inv ited. sea of he atwaiiv llie iHidoubtiil ravages r. at' K. E. GILPIN, Wednesdav Praver Mectine night poUt of tke littortl of the island . The r rananor it m t n si U la niiro mt. A j suli-jec- Pa-to- Tvj bora of Englsnd sre compos d largely S:0- ADVI.MS DIRF.CTOR V, of clay , chalk, or friable rock which All Siihdav Services everv Sundav. The Seven Day Advents hold regular tateu away by the wares of the services will be held in the fraternal Sabbath School at the M. E. hurch. at ocean or the strung currents and tides fall. You are inv ited , 3 n clock every Saturday . p.,...i.j.. r.er, flung the coast. In consequence great A. H. SiurrrcK, Pastor. Jiuvit,.,t. shore have beeu worn i f retches of the and are crumbling fur constantly away are clearing every summer line out now and making ready for new fall good. We . ther inland w ith eauh succeeding year. This gradual destruction lias caused great damages to many tow ns situated on the seashore and has destroyed thousands o! acres of valuable fanning land. Al certain locations, even within the memory of men still living, thelites of prosperous villages uf former times are to day covered by many fathoms of water, sometimes several miles from tin- present i 'Is rather loose money on these summer goods than carry We would them over. EXPERIENCED ara goin t ) give some special and fairly tear things loose. We Rock, Brick, Cement-bloc- k 1 liy every You can afford to carry these goods over better we are willing to pay you handsomely to do it. WORKMAN. All work guaranteed Cisterns a specialty Richard Schw tii. sale:- We Tremonton, Ltafa J this month than we can and D don't want to urge you to buy more than you can use, but o - You WiU Certainly Find shore line. Coast erosion follow ing severe storms within recent years has been so marked Any old thing will do "best" work done iit Watches, Clucks ami Jewelry, onto Bui if you want (he at many points on the English coast that after extended press discussion a Parliamentary commission has been appointed thoroughly to investigate the subject, and if passible to devise means for t he abatement of the injury. While there is little danger that the tight lit tie island" will completely disappear within few generations, there can lie no doubt that coast erosion is causing seri ous loss of land at many points, particularly on the south and east coasts, notwithstanding the areas gained artificially at other points almost compensate for it It has been estimated that in the thous W. .1, I TI U R8 l (iAHl.A.Mi. K, I O ''l'AH. SOMETHING SPECIAL ' urTCement Block Blocks of all Factory for Buildings and Chimneys iis On sale everv dav this month. Factoid East of Boothe's Store, A. B. Manasa, Garland, rti! . and years from 900 to 1900 an area of nearly 580 square miles lias been worn away by the erosive action of the waves and ocean CU fronts, That the changes in the littoral outline of Kngland are due almost purely to the action in the opinion of the geologists who hav e investigate HAVE YOUR PHOTO! tiou presents engineering difficulties id' no mean magnitude, and the overcoming of these difficulties will constitute an interesting phase of future engineering history for we feel certain that Knglish technical men and men of sc ience will tlnd successful means for combating the destructive power of the sea. T Li E I). GARLAND, UTAH . lv A . KENrri' Tremonton I tall A pyERTISIJSTGr. mmimimmmmwmmmmmmmmm - & 1 fyinVmo- A - Cheap advertising like cheap shoes is dear at any price. Our advertisers get results, which accounts for our having the largest advertising patronage in Box Elder county. Call us up and get our rates. ml Tremont Times, Onerifll Orire An Ml re CENT Rakes. SO m wis.Price ftopHSM To Wo rTTr3 CrATl .21-- 2 .07 .05 :tsTV9 .25&.30 R r dan-'ofrom THORNS r. TUS. PINS. NAILS. TACKS or GLASS. r ' S SB Notice tho thick rubber treadl "A" and panotar strip "B" Serious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, can nnd "D," alo rim atrip "H" to preTnnt rlra oattlnff. Thia be vulcanized like any other tire. tire will outlaat may other Two Hundred Thousand pairs now in actual use. Over make SOFT. ELASTIC and Sovanry-fivThousand pairs sold last year. UAKV RIOINU. Made in all sizes. It is liveW and easy riding, very durable and lined Innide DESCRIPTION Tith a special quality of rubbei. which never becomes Dorous and which closes un small nunctures without allowing the air to escape. We have hundreds of letters from satisfied customers stating that their tires have on lv been Dtttamd un once or twice in a whole season. Thev welL'h no more than in ordinary tire, the puncture resisting qualities being given by several layers of thin, specially prcp.it' d fabri on the tread. That "Holding Back" sensation commonly felt when riding on or soft roads is overcome by the patent "Basket Weave" tread which prevents all air fromasphalt being between the tire and the road thus overcoming all suction. The regular price of these Uresis Asp per pair, but for advertising purposes we are making a special factory price to the rider of onlv fa.S" per pair. AM orders shipped same day letter is received. We ship C.O.D. on approval. "U (in not pay a cent until ycu have examined and found them strictly as represented. We will allow csmli discount of per cent (thereby making the price Si. 55 per pair) If you send j enclose this aiivertisemcnt. ve win also send one nKkel . n u, brass iikiikk and hand pump ami two Sampson metal unctore closers on full paid orders (these metal plated to closers be used in case of intentional knife cut or heavy gashes). Tire to be returned puncture at Of It expense if for any reason they are not satisfactory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and money sent to us is as safe as in a bank. Ask yoor roattnaster, Baukt r Kiftr., of Freight Agent or the Editor of this paper about as. If you order a ;air of rill Gnd that they will ride easier, run raster, wear better, last longer and loot: bin r h 10 .my lire you have ever used or seen at any price. We know that you will be so well pleased that when you want a bicycle you will give us your older. We want you to send us a small trial order at once, he :icc this remarkable tire offer. saddles, pedals, parts aad repairs, and Oi are sold by us at hall the usual wUfl.l f everything In Uieourbicycle81'line N DRY for men. dealers and Write big Uiarged by catAlogne. repair WTlle u do not b,lt today, bcylno mttvr MwMI bicycle or a pair psai of tires fiom fnyone until you know the new and v oudcrful offers wc are making. It enly costs a postal to learn everything. Write it NOW. e this spaok is m sua nyrn DOSarc 1 s, Cn-OllnC- 1 think or uenrr lie MEAD i huh i.-t- a wL mmw TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES. of 15 years experience iu tire Result nuking. No VTA II. KKKPvorn i:'i:s ox m 80 j $4.55) at iVIYiV $ Intracfuco NO MORE The Hardware Store, .55 1.20 .90 TIRES ?.N kX FUNCTUHE-PROO- F NAILS. TACKS Will Soil GLASS Is OR Ypu a Sasnpto WON'T LET OUT THE AIK I Pair (CASH fop WITH OnlyORDER Don't forget the FREE CONCERT daily p, m low-gra- ma ll 5 2: ; high-grad- e Graphophones and Records, Cylinder Columbia the best made. and Discs--A- MARKETS hieh-ered- or on (ijiv kind of terms, until you have received our complete Free Catalogue illustrating and describing every kiud cif and bicycles, old patterns and latest models, and learn ofour remarkable LOW and wonderful newoflTtTfl made possible by from factory selling dii ect to rider with no middlemen's profits. WIT SHIP ON APPROVAL without a cert deposit. the Fay Freight and i.w ... titt iTiuiaim mriKe otner ntieral terms which no other use in the world wil' do. You will learn rvervihintr ami ?r i v.i. able information by simply writing us a postal. We need a Rlt'cr Agent in every town and can offer an opportunity to make money to suitable youm; men who apply at ouce. Hardware! Yes, and Stone Ware, too. to YOU our biu FREE BICi'CLB ctIni- line of showinj the rawt complete IS1CYCLKS, Tirtf)S auJ NUVIilirEH.t Pn.lt RK my other niauufHcturer or dealer in the world. Building Material for all purposes in any quantity. 4 IS ALL IT WILL COST o write for DO HOT BUY A BICYCLE Also, Binders, c7Vlowers and from BELL PHONES. .'WBJ":)' Deering m Tremonton, Utah. A.N11 IXI)KI'liNI)l:;NT Binder Twine, they handle the best the WtWamWk i N Confidence in the people you deal with is an important factor in the business world. In letting us do your printing you can depend on us we keep all promises and never misrepresent. Our job printing department is one of the best in the county and you make no mistake in sending your orders to us. 10 THE FOU LGER CO., R A Satisfaction Guaranteed i Chickens Potatoes per 100 " Meals 25cts, Served from 0 a. in. to Telephone connection with both lines (i U A CONFIDENCE Short Order House p. Good meals and Good Room (!cc, this is getting to be a jaw break ing age. First Mayor Dunne of Chicago is called a "parallelopipedon" and now .President Roosevelt is an "unadjusted kaleidoscope." First thing I know some body will be calling "I'ncle Hy" an "iu anecdote" or something finitesiinal equaby its bad. lieing gnat has its draw backs. Ex. Butter per lb. Eggs per doz. 0 R K o Stores at Brigham and Tremonton. : , Wheat per bu. Oats per 100 lbs. Barley per 100 lbs Beef cattle per lb. Pork dressed Pork alive W A 1. 1. ONE PRICH AND THAT THE LOWEST. The Kent Hotel Tomorrow might be to late to have the baby's photo or your family group. It matters not the kind or style you want, we make them. both protective walls and groynes. 'Die question of coast protection and reclama TR EMON TON 0 d believed that the the question, and subsidence and Upheaval of the earth's crust are in anyway responsible therefor. The material which Is carried away after being eroded from the shore is either im mediately borne to the deep sen in sus pension, or is washed along the coast in U la hardly the form of littoral drift, the to estimate possible respective pro portions of the material w hich are thus disposed of, but these proportions may vary from 80 to 90 per cent of the whole, though it is hardly likely that, the proportion carried out to dee) water often approaches the latter figure. The question of coast, protection is a difficult one, and the method in use at present, comprising the construction of walls and groynes along certain areas, results of necessity in the depriving of the foreshore id' the material which might otherwise gather there, Thus while a uniform system of protective walls and groynes running from the walls out in the sea will, for the time being, largely prevent She erosion of the coast , it will nevertheless, by abating or largely decreasing the littoral drift, bring about the depletion of (he foreshore and will ultimately cause the destruction of FISH BU RN'S YOU CAN ALWAYS AT DO BEST is not here advantage to buy what you need, Don't forget that there will be To your Maker Watch Practical LEWIS, HIN t CYCLE n COMPANY. Dept. "JL' CHICA60, ill. |