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Show TKEMONT TIMES TROOPS BY C. E. SHERMAN. UTAH. THKMONTON SUIT UTAH STATE NEWS f 1 mm nniin UlnL DilUIAL FDR IWIIS CAR CRASHED TAUNTING SOLDIERS T RUSSIAN INTO II TRAIN Is HISSED Brutally Whipped for Remarking That Russians Were as Gay as if They Had Captured Port Arthur. Mill Ull'S Hill Attempt Made to Assassinate Grand Duke Nicholas While He Was Reviewing the Troops. NEWS A windstorm at SUMMARY did damage estimated St Louis county, Missouri. Fourteen men in a coal mine at Renald, Prussia Silesia, were killed by the breaking of a rope while their car was descending the pit. A band of Chinese bandits engaged in pillaging along the Sungari river was shelled by a Russian gunboat and a large nummber of the bandits were killed. $S0,000 Id Provo is to have a new bank rith One Man Killed and Another Disastrous Crossing Accidem capital of 50.000. at Melee Wounded as Crowds Were ReturnDuring Twenty-fivmembers of the Utah St Petersburg. Intense popular in St. Petersburg. Grand Duke Nich Grand Army of the Republic are in ating from Ball Game Brownsville, Texas. ion has been created here by olas Nicholaievitcn. dignat president of the tendance at the annual encampment at the brutal treatment of Mile. Smirnoff council of national defense, narrowly Minneapolis. a refined young woman, at the hand escaped assassination Saturday at the a farmer, living Wesley Shaffer, Peter Martin, county assessor of Colored Soldiers Objected to Search of the crack chevalier guards. While a A Score of People Injured, Two of hands of the Imperial guards in the near Cedar Rapids, Iowa, killed hla Summit county, has resigned and AlexDeWhom Will Die, as Result of Being Made Among Their Ranks squadron of these guardsmen was guard camp at Krasnoye-Seio- . wife, choking her and striking her ander Wright has been appointed to and For Accused Criminal, fective Air Brake on an OakIt appears that the grand duke was with a hammer. passing along the Nevsky Prospect The couple had til the vacancy. Fired Several Volleys land Street Car. Mile Smirnoff, who was accompanied personally reviewing the maneuvers twelve children. Jesse P. Krauss of Ogden, employed at Citizens. and putting the troops through blank by another young woman, remarked M. Mackenzie was shot and killed as a brakeman on the Union Pacific, "They are as gay as if they had cap firing practice, when he suddenly was the accidental discharge of a shotby most disastrous Cal. was crushed to death between two cars The Oakland, Port bulArthur." tured startled by the wasp-likhiss of in the hands of C. B. Nichols at gun anTex. Evidently at Bvanston, Wyo. Brownsville, Pedestrians hearing the remark re street car accident in Oakland in lets about his head. Fortunately Cahuenge Pass, about ten miles northafternoon of made because a search Rulon Seibold, aged 7, of Ogden, was gered neither himself nor his horse was poated it, anci quite a crowd collected years took place Sunday west of Los Angeles. in to car avenue an apeffort a their ranks when among in packed and joined kicked In tne right eye by a colt and Telegraph the Jeering. The com touched. The command to cease firPeasants of the village of Tcheneer- eriouely Injured. The eye was cut prehend a negro who attacked Mrs. mander of the cavalrymen suddenly with pleasure crowds from Berkeley ing was immediately given and the soldiers of which the from the into Leon regiment the nik, Russian Poland, murdered four Evans at her home here, and wheeled his squadron and gave the and Idora park, crashed Key entirely from the socket. bullets came were marched back to Socialists upon their arrival in the vil Piedwho she asserted was a negro soldier, from bound route electric to train, command charge with drawn whips The Utah Baseball has their quarters and an investigation league for the purpose of inciting tho "blown up," the Ogden team with- members of a battalion of negro fed- The troopers then charged the crowd pont to the ferry mole, at the For begun in the hope of ascertaining lage A score of per- - from the barrels of the rifles which of peasants against the landlords. eral street stationed tieth at Fort about Brown, troops left. ihem and Mile crossing. laying right drawing. Eureka, Salt Lake and Park near here, entered Brownsville on Smirnoff and her companion, who in sons were badly injured, at least two the soldiers fired ball cartridges. SevW. H. Denny, former mayor and City will finish the season. eral are understood to have, became unruly and fired sevof Williston, N. D., who waa meantime had passed down a side of whom are so badly hurt that death been arrests the Tuesday, banker, made. ISlmer King, aged 15, was seriously eral volleys down Main street. As a street, were pursued. They tried to may result. on a charge of receiving oonvicted One of the grand duke's Injured In Salt Lake City, a hay wa- result Frank were nearly all riding stolen horses, has been sentenced to a barkeeper, is escape into a doorway but wen The was not personalinjured Natus, however, who, gon which he was driving being struck dead, a bullet from a caught. Under the direction of an of in the street car. Those on the Key ly present, advanced the theory that serve three years in the penitentiary. by a street car and overturned. rifle having pierced his heart, and Po fleer they were forced to enter a cat) route train were but slightly hurt. On possibly the bullets were fired by acciSir Francis Scott, bart,,a lieutenant dent, but he considered that beyond a W. B. Thomas was thrown from a liceman Dominge is wounded, his arm and were driven to the guards' bar the street car were most of the mem- doubt there was a plot on the part of of the Royal British navy, retired, waa wagon during a runaway at a lime kiln and hand shattered by a bullet, anci racks, where they were taken before bers of the San Francisco and Los An a number of disloyal guardsmen who found dead at his residence, Dunnald, near Salt Lake City, the wheels pasb-tn- his horse shot from under him. Twenty-thColonel Stenbeckei former. The latter geles ball teams who had just finished deliberately planned to take the grand South Sea, with a bullet in his heart. of the bullets fired entered was over his body, causing instant ree duke's life under cover of the general disposed to turn Mile. Smirnoff a game at the park. It is surmised that he committed smV the home of Louis R. Cowan, many A defective airbrake on the street blank cartridge firing. death. to over the cide. police, but other officers car is said to have been the cause of went through the residence of F. E. Governor Cutler has named the fif- Stark, and several bricks were shoi Interfered and the girl was finally tak- the accident. The PAYf PENALTY OF HIS CRIME. A British launch, the Wingenat, waa flagman at the Key teen men who will represent Utah at from the walls of the Miller hotel, en to the courtyard, where troopers, in route crossing signalled the street attacked by pirates close to Wu ChoWj near a window where guests wen the meeting of the National Irrigation the presence of two officers, adminis- car to elow up, but Motorman Pitt Fred Bond Executed for Murder of China. One of her crew was killed the their After sleeping. to was The man depreciations unable front Charles Daly. congress which meets September 3 to negroes returned to their tered to her twenty-sevelashes with end of the electric carstop. and three were wounded. The pirate garrison. struck the front 8 at Boise, Idaho. their The was whips. Idaho. William Henry Hicks secured girl's Boise, clothing to been have made Representations the Key route train near the of car about $500 and a chest of as if cut by knives by the wire throngs There is a great crop of tomatoes the governor and a request that the of the whips forward trucks. The wheels of the Bond was hanged at C:ll o'clock Friflesh and is her opium. to be removed immediately trucks of both cars fouled and the day morning at the penitentiary for this year according to reports from all negroes avoid further trouble. Advices were received from Hongstreet car was dragged at right an the murder of Charle& Daly. The is a of Utah. Not there parts only from the track its entire length gles by the steamer Mont Eagle to kong To Exterminate Pulajanes. TROUBLE IN MINING CAMPS. good crop, but the fruit Is of an exbefore Motorman Broder of the Key crime was commited at Boise on the the effect that several Chinese firms Manila. Governor Ide has decided route could bring his train to a stop night of October 5, 1904. ceptionally fine Quality. of Hongkong have become bankrupt in of street the Governor Czar Bond was 30 years old, and was to cai Special a pane By Every glass Appointed of appoint commission, consisting The Utah National Guard, with a a a result of losses occasioned by the was the relano shattered and had He in born Cornwall. passengers to Control Situation. Governor Deveyra, Brigadier General Strength of 430 officers and men, left were hurled under the seats and tives In this country except a brother San Francisco disaster. St. Petersburg In view of the reji Lee, Colonel Taylor and three Bait Lake cm Saturday for Fort D. A. through the windows. The flying in Butte, Mont. Bond moved to the The oerrespondent at Aden of the to visit the disaffected districts glass cut the passengers. Motorman scaffold with a firm step and said hfc Russell, Wyoming, to spend ten days resentations of the foreign mining in Mail reports that the Mad London tn camp with 3,000 soldiers of the reg- terests in the Donetz basin with re and hold meetings of the town coun- Plttman was pined under the front oi was not afraid to die. "I am guilty," St. was raided the Somaliland borMullah John has and of car his not been has all "but that he said, Passenger ular army. gard to the seriousness of the situation cils to impress the people with the hurled the street car window charged against me." The drop broke der, killing more than 1,000 of the through of at Uzovka and elsewhere, the governand support under the wheels of the Key route Bond's neck and he was necessity Negotiations are under way for the pronounced the Pulajanes. The train, where he lay for half as houi idead in six minutes. There was not Haron tribe, dwelling in the Ogaden construction of a new hospital in Og- ment has erected the whole coal and in exterminating band outlaw about 100 numbers region, and capturing 10,000 camels. and is a detail of the Oakland fire de a tremor of the body after the fall. den at a cost of '20,000. For a long iron district affected into a special being greatly increased by the leaders before cranes. to was with arrived who have Wetter, lifting partment A coroner's jury has recommended Rudolph time the claim hat 'jeen made that the general governorship in order to be forcing peaceful farmers to participate been hanged at daybreak Friday morn K O Knndson. a wonlthv Chi that better able to control the situation, in raids, threatening them with death WN PLUNGED INTO MOURNING present hospital was inadequate to the the ing, at the same time as Bond if cago contractor, whose wife died rehas refused. These and are the taken recruits a they was granted unprecedented step needs of the city. reprieve by Governor of creating a special advisory com armed witli bolos. The real Pulajanes Five Well Known Citizens of Daven- Gooding until October 3, the date of cently under suspicious circumstances, do not trust them with guns. George Laub, aged 8, was accidentthe next meeting of the state board be held to the grand jury on the susmission of mining representatives to port, Wash., Drowned. ally shot by a playmate at the Sevier act in of pardons. picion that he had poisoned the woconcert with well the new official of known Davenport, Wash. Five Pope's Letter Sole Topic. Consolidated camp, on Gold mountain man. the district. His jurisdiction embraces of who EIGHT-HOUhad been JitIzens LAW DISREGARDED Davepport, 'Paris The pope's encyclical mm his recovery being doubtful, the bullet JTekaterinoslav the southern On the gallows of the state prison enjoying an outing on the banks of from n 22calibre target rifle passing part of Kharkovprovince, and parts of the Don to the French archbishops and bishat San Quentin, Cal., W. H. Trebilcox in Criticising Conabout miles river twelve the Gompers Outspoken Spokane conhis the Cossack ops regarding body. through separation law territory. was hanged for the murder of his wife ditions on Isthmus. of were northwest The Davenport, Addison Cain and his son, of Salt tion ofstep is comparable to the crea- tinues to be the topic of absorbing inthe much abused "satrapiea" terest, but the discussion Is drowned Sunday. The victims are: Samuel Gompers, in Grass Valley on March 14, 1905. Washington. Lake City, came near being drowned to deal with the largely The doomed man went to the scaffold 19 years; agrarian disorders tn polemical, as the Winnie Miss of American Jones, Federation the aged president at Port Los Angeles last week. The central Russia last autumn, of winch lav, not taking ef- A. L. about without 40; Mrs. A. of Labor, issued a statement concernBergett. aged any unusual display of nervthe assassinated General Sakaharoff fect until December, gives ample time L. boy fell from the wharf into the water about 35; Roy How Bergett, aged ousness. of action isthmian canal was the one of the governors, and inti- for reflection. ing the Moreover, the absence ana tne rattier rescues mm alter a aged 28; A. L. Inman, aged 34. mates that the government considers of all high personages, official or par- ard, Milton Whetstone, aged 33, cashier Four of the drowned heroically sac- commission in deciding to Introduce terrible fight against the water. the situation to he equally serious. liamentary, defers an exact determito Chinese coolie labor to the work of of the Citizens' National bank of Lana- rificed their lives in attempting Mrs. Lizie Geisler of Salt Lake, who Disorders and collisions with troops nation of the government's course. pave others. One after another they constructing the canal across the Isth- ford, Pa., was killed, and Daniel Mc- was accused of murdering Mrs. Mar- continue. At Uzovka a meeting was Nothing similar to the inventory riots plunged into the river, only to be mus of Panama, in which he says: Geehan, aged 27, assistant cashier of has occurred or is expected to occur seized by the under current and drawn dispersed by Cossack whips. "The existing law excludes Chinese the same garet Graham, a patient at the Geislei either in Paris or the provinces, al- down either by the whirlpool or the laborers institution, was fatally in and coolies from the United woman's private hospital, the result of Death Claimed Two Veterans, though the actual application of the under current which at that point Is States or jured by their carriage being struck its- possessions. The of any law in December nrohablv Will ncpen. a criminal operation, has been fined Two more members of tuate Panama canal zone is an American by a tro.ley car. particularly dangerous. Minneapolis f2f.O and the murder charge dismissed. the situation. the Grand Army died Tuesday, making possession and It is as much a violaThe Lisbon correspondent of tha Miss Celia Cazier, a Nephi school three who tion of the law to bring Chinese Japs Won't Tackle Uncle Sam. MANIAC'S MURDEROUS DEED. have passed away since the Paris a Brazilian Journal that says coolies there as it is in other portions London. The Daily teacher, aged 23, died suddenly at a commencement of the Telegraph's of named Guerreiro has been arrested our country." present en Salt Lake sanitarium last week as a Tokio Brother-in-Lathat, Kills correspondent says despite and Wife and J. H, Burke of Burlin-game- , campment. there charged with the theft of tha alarmist rumors, there is no danger result, it Is thought, of a blood vessaS Then Slashes His Own Throat. CAR JUMPED THE TRACK. Kan., fell dead while crown of the Brazilian emperor, which of Japanese seal poachof the breaking in her brain. She had been in front of the clerk's desk standing killing In a fit of insanity Emil Chicago in the is formed of precious stones and ers on St. Paul island, Alaska, assum- Eight Persons Injured in an Accisuffering for some timo from nervous Pauley hotel. Death was caused by Berner. a mechanic of valued at $500,000. Batavia. 111., trouble. dent Near Chardon, O. ing a state of international gravity. apoplexy induced by the heat. The murdered his brother-in-law- , Ernest The American ambassador at Tokio, While bringing the body of hla Alma Brown of Provo, who had hi other death was that of George Smith, Frnnzen. Cleveland. O. A car containing fif by cutting his throat with a the correspondent adds, assured the a lonuer member of the First New Mrs. Mary Riley, to Springmother, leg amputated about a year ago, has York & on the Cleveland Eastern Dragoons, who has been visiting razor; slashed Mrs. Berner so severe- Japanese that his government will In- ty persons from Peoria, field, Mo., for burial manufactured an artificial limb for relatives Traction line and into the track in the city for some time jumped equitably eight where she ly that she wil die. and then cut his vestigate carefully died, George he matter Riley stepped and said now the himself, and is hoped Japan miles southwest of Chardon. O., in walking around in Mr. Smith was knocked down bv a own dying within a few min- would not allow the cordial on the train platform and dropped out is a manner that would scarcely raise a norse, winch was driven rapidly utes. throat, some of them relat'j juring eight, seriously The tragedy was enacted at the a corner, just as he was about Berner home. existing between the two countries to and nearly drowning a dozen others to the rails between the baggage and - be in Ilerner Imd hoon suspicion that he had not two sound around III so interfered with an trivial to uvil a take by a street in car, and died soon larpje stagnant pool into which smoking cars. He was natural legs. byi raj weeks, and for some time had ground to alter. the car plunged oeen delirious. death. Lura May Barner, 15 yearn of age, HALF THE TOWN BURNED. was drowned in the Weber river at Frank Mullins was shot and killed, Fought Duel to Death. Grand Duke Nicholas Decline Post KISSED EACH OTHER TWICE. son at Bowieton staby his Chewelah. Wash. After the most Hooper Sunday. J. C. Wilson, who at of Commander-in-Chief- . Between and Fighting was Miss. to It Bulgarians In said that Mullins rescue tion, the Edward was annals of himself tempted Greets Emperor William desperate gun fight her, King St. Petersburg. Grand Duke Nicho Greeks Brings Sorrow to Many. Stevens county, Mike McKale slew las Nicolaievitch has declined to ac was whipping another of his children dragged under by the drowning girl at Cronberg. and that his wife, when she attempted Sofia. According to official reports, and was taken from the water more William Dougan on Sunday at Brown cept the post of commander-in-chieCronberg. Hesse-NassaKing dead than alive. to the fighting between Greeks and Bumen interfere, was struck with the strap were veteran pros- of all tho troops of the empire "where arrived here on Wednesday on a lake. The in her husband's hand. Edgar Hyde Wright, who entered the' lgarians at Ahiotu on Aug. 12 lasted special train from Frankfort at 8:4b pectors, both over the half century martial law exists," which was ten William H. Taft, secretary of war, oervices of the Southern Pacific com- from dawn until 8 o'clock In the even a. m. Emperor William and mark In years, and of violent disposi- dered to him August 4. Whether this Prince tion. has over 18G9 in consented to come to Kwsas and In was course They of and the quarreled pany which seven were and Princess Frederick permitting was decided before or after the atemployed by that ing. Charles of a of Chewelah men to fish in the killed, the two speeches during the camnumber of party make not wounded on the life company for thirty-fivof the duke Hesse Nassau met him at the railroad lake. Both rushed for their years, being tempt grand guns, and at Krasnoyae-Selon August 10 Is not paign. The Republican state central one of the best known railroad men in being ascertained. The fire Is now station. The emperor assisted Douthe twelve shots were More than half the under control known: but the ostensible reason is committee has made king In alighting and then thev kissed gan firing six rounds exchanged, the state, died at Oeden on Aueusr ? town, after McKale's arrangement till the public build including hat Grand Duke Nicholas believes for each on other both at the age of 72. cheeks. The meethad on him stretched bullet first Secretary Taft to speak in Topeka and the dying ings Bulgarian and Greek ing was very cordial. such a post should not be given to a a few days before election. the ground. At a meeting of the county commis- schools and mosque, was destroyed. grand duke, but a merely military man. sioners held at Richfield last week the Lake Captair. is Burned to Death at Thomas Daniels' five children per Drastic Order Issued. Speculated and Lost. salaries of the following officials were ished In a fire which destroyed tho Buffalo. in Oklahoma. Killing Kansas City. Mo. W. H. Hyres, Moscow. Governor General Kaul Increased: Sheriff from $C00 to $760 family residence at Oak Park, a sub Buffalo. Captain James Robinson, secretary of the National Board ot Oklahoma City. Okla. According to urb of bars an edict decreeing that has Issued Omaha. Mrs. Daniels was seriper annuo.; surveyor from $100 to ft veteran lake master, was burned Trade of Kansas City shot and killed a special received from Maysville, I, $200, and superintendent ously burned and may not recover, of schools employers indemnify strikers for the to death; Charles Johnson, and ft himself Saturday afternoon, soon after T Dr. Patterson shot and Instantly and her Irom $000 to $700. days the bitter had been on strike score husband was burned in of t her persons, had narrow he had Informed a director of the killed Dr. Herrod. The scene of the an effort to save his badly would henceforth Incur for penalties There is considerable interest in family. in a fire In the building oc- board by escapes telephone that he was short shooting w;is on the main street of the Provo business circles over a dis- so doing, including the closing of their cupied by the Buffalo Thomas McKenna, a waiter, threw The body-wa- town, and in front of the postofflcc factories. The same edict enjoins the Ship Chandlery $10,000 In his account-- . his child through fhirH. between the agreement Butchers and inhabitants from whom money has & Supply company. The alarm was not identified until Sunday. Hyres Th" is a result of bad feeling Grocers' association and the Bell Tel- been extorted by anarchists under given by Johnson, who rushed Into the came here last year from St. Paul, which killing of window his home in story Cincinsome had existed for time over treel enveloped in II a me. Captain where he was well known as an expert business affairs, the former having nati and Jumped from the window to ephone company, which has resulted threat of assassination to report the in the members of the association tak- facts to the police, failing which they Robinson's escape was cut off hv the accountant. The money taken by him snld his practice to Dr. Herrod and the sidewalk below. The child was Board of Trade later came back into the town and rewill he considered to be tho protectors fire. The fire slightly damaged the St. from the National ing out their 'phonos. dead when picked up and McKenna was lost in grain speculations. Charles hotel adjoining. of anarchists entered the practice of his profession. died on the way to the Thursday, September 20, Is the date hospital. aet for another racing ovent under the Swift Punishment for Murderers. Generals Andre and Negrinr fought Trying to Save Womans' Neck. Preparing For Great Change. Daily Auto Accident a duel with pistols In the park surauoplees of the Richfield Fair and Drlv-inAtlantic City, N. .1 More than six Helslngfors. Finland The trial by Liberty. Mo. It was announced Atlantic City. N. J. One man wa association. Five hundred dollars ty lawyers, representing all the larger hero Wednesday that the attorneys MMUTt martial of the Sveaborg muti- killed and two other men and a wo rounding the residence of Prince Mu- In purses will be hung up, which Is exrailroads east of the Mississippi river, of Mrs Agnes Myers, now in jail here neers commenced Saturday, and Lieu man were badly injured when an auto rat, In Paris. General Andre fired without hitting his opponent, and Genpected to draw some of the best racing particularly those traversing the ter- under sentence of death for having tenant Koohanovsky and Enilllnnoff, mobile collided with a bridge railing eral ani'nals In the state. 20 and 21 years, and on the Meadow Negrler declined to flro. The of murdered the her at Hged Ohio south respectively husband anil the river Kansas ritory boulevard, six miles City, A big Sunday school "eisteddfod" New England states, assembled here have decided to take the cas in (hp five soldiers were at the first slttina from thlf city. The dead man was principals left the Held unreconciled. will be held at Snltair on Monday, Aug. Tuesday to make detailed study of United States supreme court. It n found guilty and condemned to death. Orchard tets in Napa valley, Cal., re Ixicke. aged 30 years, of Phlla list 20. On that day all the Sunday the provisions of the railroad rate bill, Ruff Is now at Jefferson City fnr the All were shot and buried In a common Joseph port heavy fruit crops this vcar. (lolphia, the chauffeur. The other oc- Kalph K. go Into effec t on Weilnes-dsy- , purpose of asking one of the state susehools of the city and of the state which will 29. Batter, manager of the Napa s without Korhanov-sky'court ceremony. The of for grave members the a Justices preme of the erwrit of Aug. automobile were Allftn Fruit Drier, estimate-!- , cupants with other atao. If any of ftip outsiders desire to assemblage father is colonel of the guards Wilson. James Brown and ICftntMlita ror to lake the case on up U he consist of the chief counauthorities on fruit, that California St. Kmllanoff'e fit he mother falls be Petersburg wtll will held. Two contests will sels, general solicitors and other mem alUmd, go at once to WashingSutton, ageel 23 years, all of Philadelwill thla yrar produce between 0 fee held daring the brrs of the legal departments of the ton rih! attempt to secure the writ appealed by telegraph to the emperor phia. Miss Sutton sustained a frao-tnrcday. 200 ono.000 an of pounds a but for reprieve there railroad corporations unsuccessfully. arm and leg orunes. e e aldea-de-cam- p, Krag-Jorgense- n presi-dente- f d e i i s g 160,-000,0- tw |