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Show at TEMPERANCE DEPT u . c. Edited bj Mm T. I fA cao 0 IV J. C. GATES, 0 Cook Elsie's Birthday Pledge. Rubber ii'ul. A full line, of (it iit' Furnishing Hat. Caps, If you are thinking of buying a party nor any pretty for Elsie's father had joined the was no birthday she went into the kitchen to think. In Mrs O'Hair's shop on another street Elsie often had seen the "For Sale" sign in the window. She looked rount the bare kitchen. There was so little left to sell! only her darling Polly, who sat in a corner looking sweeter than ever. I will do f Fancy gro- II notions. f D Come and try us and be convinced. Will meet all competition for cash. We will treat you right. WATLAND C& COMPANY, Ofnce at Stohl Furniture Store Tremonton, Utah. J. C. GATES, 1 w 1 1 r remonton, o 0 - D tali. I , J. Uill STAHL, I I for Choice Wines, l iquors Headquarters and Cigars. fRRMONTON, TIM"" I Ann cultural BLy. Loneie r H feed ivery L1E325 SCHOOL." GREATEST INDUSTRIAL "UTAH'S Utah ill ( .""'I i G R!.-- x I rices. UXJOt) BROS. PROP.S' it!" Utafc Tremonion Htill hugging the precious Polly, round to the little shop, and she-ra- re GARLAND in breathless haste asked Mr3 O'liairto put in her window the sign. "Doll for Sale," "and please, Mrs O'lB'ir," she added, ill iKIiii two dollars for my Polly." Giving Polly one farewell hug, and leaving big t ars shining oa the doll's curly head she rushed away without once looking back at her lost treasure. Mrs O'Hair, with many exclamations of wonder and sympathy, wrote the card as Elsie had directed, and placed it in the window. The sign attracted many At nightfall a man wearing a passer-by- . a .slouch hat and shabby clothes shambled up and read the words, "Do!! for Kale." Looking a little higher, to a shelf near the window, he saw Polly's big brown eyes staring right at him. With a start, he opened the door and went in. Doffing his buttered hat, he asked Mrs O'Hair the price of the doll. "Sure, you couldn't buy that fine doll," she replied with impatience. "The child wants 12.00 for it, and you don't look as if you ever had that much Kape back, sir! You need not pet mad now; Polly was left with me and I'll take good care o' her." "'Polly!' could it be possible that it really was his Elsie's Polly!" He left the shop and walked quickly to the little Blake cottage, where he had it a not been for three days Elsie le r hi stove the sofu.. weeping ting by should hear mother her. "Oh, father, have you come back?" she joyfully cried as he entered, "I'm so glad you've come, for mamma is very money. I EPH. COOBS, ( Mr Blake kissed his little daughter, id greeted his wife tenderly. What Then John Blake sat down in the only chair left, and taking Elsie upon his lap. asked her about Polly-Pollat the mere sound of the dear name Elsie sobbed as if (her little heart would break "So it really was our Polly, then?" "How did you know, father?" whispered Elsie. "My dear. I think a divine hand guided my footsteps to that little shop to learn of the true heroism of my precI'll show my gratitude ious daughter. In this way," arid taking EM by the band, he knelt by the bedside of his sick wife and promised never again to touch Choice Wines, Lirjtior PREPA B ES Learning is M E N A N wealth to the poor, an honor to i W IT FOE SUCCESS IX OMEN the rich, an aid to the young, COURSE OF STUDY AGRICULTURE Agronomy, Horticulture, Animal Indus, .y. Veterinary .Science, Dairying, Irrigation and Drainage, Etc. DOMESTIC SCIENCE AND ARTS Cooking and Dietetics. Sanitation. Hygiene, sewing, Household Economics, Etc. MECHANIC ARTS Carpentry , Forging, Pattern Making, Carriage Building, Fouudry Work, Machine W ork, etc. COURSES are also offered in Music, Art, a IF L support and comfort to the aged Bacon. Garland ENOINEERINGMechanics, Surveying, Designing, Etc ( i fMMLBCK Business Adminisi ration. Accounting, Ranking, Transportation, Commercial Law, Stenography , Etc. GENERAL SCIENCE Comprising English Mat he matics, History, Economic, Modern Languages, Natural and Physical Etc. Physical Training and Library work .. IK Di CANFIELD Tremonton now located HIS WORK IS ALL r . .. Utak Irrigation, Sewerage, Hydraulics, toads and Pavements, IMPORTANT IS brothers Proprietors, I Stephens Oigara. I Bnlarda Pool and E. Before you decide which school to attend tllat you consider carefully the opportunities afforded hy the AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE OF UTAH- - Its strong faculty mouern courses of study, splendid equipment, moral Hl I mosphcre aud healthful environment; also the low expenses an. the uniform and splendid success of its students. A . . lollars :. l ('!. I IX Supplies Sewing machine Supplies Tin Ware Repaired. REASONABLE PRICES, Shoes Resoled and Repaired KCE, LOGAN, I'TAH. ( ; REPA I R SHOP. UN ERA L I ; T ompanv .Bicycles t 1 EaD 15icycle Oils gardens, piirath Twenty building, provided with the best modem equipment; live stock, farms, orchards, work. A strong faeulti oi and grounds, and 'athletic Held these afford exceptional facilities for thorough of in the of work are Instruction and expi-r- i of America and Europe, charge experts, representing the best institutions mentation. No tuition. Entrance fee W. College opens Sept. 18. Write now for illustrated catalogue. A.NTK Sweat Pads 'Hatterr Tents and Awningl Whips Blankets I A.);. ! I K1M)S OF HARNESS GOODS AND ETC. Harnesses Saddles ADDRESS THE REGISTRAR, AGRICULT1 I DEALERS ( l" Dentafl Weric. i IJarness n monton .ALL OATHS' TlltiMONTOX HTOMIS. UTAH i hrj,Ls eccentric tuljcr came from tfc Con- pledge he was glad to welcome hack ODD FELLOWS all are again L gm, u said t0 have m now Aod workman. a good ,.xce,.nt..f1ll. TIIEMOXT LODGE No 41 . ..... u js (,,p,,(.iliv recommended fur V( happy in tne maae couage. every Thursday at, 7:W p. in, in Frater ornamental cooking and in salads. rightfullylrelgns as queen. nal Hall. E E Little Nellie had been taught never to BROTHl.RllOO!) (IP A.VI.KICAN YOEMAN Bear River Valley Homestead No Ofltii put her fingers into her howl of bread aud milk, hut always to use her gpoon meets the 2nd and 4th Saturday evenier of each month at it p. m ., in the Krut. like a little lady. md Hull, r remonton. AVhrn she visited her grandpa one sum M. B. I art mer she was allowed o eat tier lunch Foreman E. P. Burns out on the stone step. One day a wee ( 'orr.spondent. came up and iiidely puabed white H.O. Wren. A Kochc Secv BessiBiger Contractor and builder. IY1 Estimates pig Carpet Weaver Vhnw. a new loom ami stn prepared to do the best of weaving, Bring in your work. Any WtftU. left at the Tremonl Times office will be promptly attended to. a TUOIUS LAWS. Thatthcr, I'tah. Sulle ne 70. 1 and fl WA NTEl Nebcker Comtiiercial Logan I'tah. Block I' O. miles I '.)". and I wrk Guaranteed in mile South of Tremonton With L.C, Cliristensen and Sons Brigham ( it v. I'tah. I have MRS 2 Scientific Optician i;vi:s Rested pkee Hart All mn(k; S. P. CHRISTENSEN i his little pink nose into her howl of hread and milk. liquor. Elsie rushed over to Mrs O'Hair's and, "Oh! Oh!" screamed the haby. "Be a cried: "You from shelf the Polly sclziug lady; take a 'poon, pig, take a 'pOOn!" are just the bessedest dolly' Oh, you've Little Chronicle. cdmy papa!" and before th good woman could recover from her lUrpriN is a The latest noridty in vegetable El-iand Polly were gone. a to Mttl black potato, which Ml bMI Mr Blake told his former employer the well Iwowb ttd mcrthaut ia London. CM4 tory oi Llsic' pledge, and uu-i. ItaV PEARL SALOON ould it mean? ! Pwprteter. rarland , sick." CLUB Latptorfl and ("traps hoice WINKS, ( "ask A large line A Polly! Polly! I can't sell you! "she cried picking her up and hugging her tightly. "But mother must get well. 1 ought to doit! D ceries. jj find work. That very morning Elsie had run In alarm for the doctor, who at oner pre scribed beef tea and nourishing food f oilier mother. When Elsie, silting by the viudnw, with her dear Polly in her lap, heard the doctor's order, her thoughts What could ; lew to the bare cupboard' does not father do? Father no,no; she room the from care now. Stealing safely complete line A Also, a good line of Buggies. carpenters' strike, which had lasted almost the entire year. Airs Blake's rosy, smilling fu.ce hud grown thin and careworn, for Uer bus band, who was seldom home now, hud become a steady patron of the corner Saloon, where the carpenters met to talk over what they called the "situation." The meagre savings of the little family were gone, and Mrs Blake was too ill to iiiul t'U(l. Wagon, let us show you the Winona, which has no equal. . o FOR HEADQUARTERS Klsie Make celebrated her When seventh birthday, her father gave her a beautiful doll, tu large as herself, with ta r bii; brown eyes, dark curl, anil a dainty white dress with a long red sash. It tea wed to Elsie that she loved Polly, ;is she called her, better than any plaything or playmate she ever had When her eighth birthday came, there gifts, 11 l!o M Advertise with us. It pays HORSES A N D Utalr LLL ON ) MULES. r arc buying sli grades of horses anil iniil" nl the highest market price. horses or mules to sell or if I' ,.u to wish buy or exchange, cull at the yoil Livery and Sale Stables of Fife Bros.. Garland i l tab. PeasnalJ Orakq, For Genera Blacksmithing, BttM Shoeing, Wagon and ( arriau'e repairing . I rcnioriton. .l.tir . |