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Show he Tretti ull Times ML I'REMOXTON Last Saturdays Ball Game Town Locals. Mrs J W Keatiev lias been 00 list, but is u"v much better. Tremonton Again Defeats the EI wood Second Nine Many Spectators. Mr V f f'uily, In- - sick ri:sbt Deaths . I C ' them." A Th Question. Wheeler and family. Mr .lame- Dr Bather returned but ( raw ford i t.-u- iii Upon motion the claims of J Miss Ella Long of Abingdon, lllinoi las', week at tin some of her uncle Mi A C Murphy She was BC visited from here, by her cousin. Murphy to Feudou Xt to w hit-Miss M M orpin place Miss Long w ill ro to ( 'alifornia to meet her parents eompan'Vd Mis, An h , August Because 11 Friday to much writing I few line. thein. for am so busy to write one story. fork into bis arm. The C ART, '"""'' a hay " every direction and immediately lit: 'dent, which whole town, which hud been momentaii--.- I Tin; Missie Addie ami Kdith Swcrd Sherman Brough v. a- - illuminated is very painful, will lay him up for some ally in dark lies-.byeg-- r vUited at Mr .1 V cdy'- - Mimbn 1 b Hansen Watt a firemen Mames. made The gigantic tune. natiernooii. going from there to Brigbarn 2 b Garfield Kelly was there tight, desperate though h Monday to attend the Teachers' l'.x The Hardware Store is headquarters 11 Win.eler 3 b Christensen water, us most of the mains had tin 111a ; ion if B irkpatrtek Bronson for good goods and low prices. s s been broken b .' the early tremor. Thai .A tl ck of 700 or mure gouts passed f Bloon II Sisson Several of our farmer, have vfctoria theater and the naval club werri i' f (rough Corinne 011 Saturday the 18th hristensen Jensen a new threshing outfit, and besides their utterly destroyed by the earthquake snfl three of the lioek were purchased bv M r e f Far! nwll work, will thresh for "' Kent the National theater succumbed to CrtlJ Radlev. other farmers. This is n li e outfit and r quak and lire. Score: 1 to 3 Umpire, Hall The wideawake business firm el Back they are doing good work. Intait.tUL' large club houses, man hand Sons have put up an attractive Demand For Coa! Increasing, Parley Johnson and H T. Wilcox built noted churches, the naval departm: aaw Hn nilling for hay, grain and produce. new ilt.'de for the threshing buildings, city hull, etc., weie the v sales of tin OMtcl omike. mi; tin PC Kittle, general agent blr.s li li ;:ii: w audit is arranged bettei ti.an tr..w: on the 1 " ti :i hu er'tUHf' Keinmercr Coat company at Salt I.akc.lnv that we have seen befon haps 1:0 that caused by t he quake. has been on a visit to Cortland, Oregon, Ceo Meldrum has some of that Brown i i er ".!'a j ssH ..11 and the Northwest coast. IIo states Unit Gift Waif Paper, which is the rage all as Mi the Southern Pacific lie .squares ami the principal avenues are never in the experience of the Utah coal tf over the w orld ''Ilrcom own his crowded with people sleeping in the dealers, and especially of Jacob Hoerr reports beets better than Mrs W.B Johnson of Wlnnemuca, Kev, open. pany, has he found the month of August t he rain of this week will and savs ever The night of August 16 was rendered visited old friends iii Corinne for a few furnishing the same demand for coal that 5,1 finish f,ne bVu,0,n UP now prevails. dreadful by flashing lightning and pour-recently M w at will meet "There has never been a similar period cables ires the The "1.. T. L." and ing, rain, the electric Wc have experienced a very heavy for us in this month," he said, "and we E Church, every Wednesday at 2:30 p. snapping as a result of tiie constant, a in fall during Monday the 20th. have had more orders to fill than WC m. All arc cordially invited to attend, strong earth shocks which occurred all Scri bo. could. The causes are that the country L. T.L. Sec. that night, causing the greatest coaster- The is expanding in its development. The rain came as a great relief and nation, which was heightened by the Northwest is particularly good; they wme jt nas damaged some of the grain pealing of the flrebclls, announcing the DEATH OF BABY. have good crops; new enterprises rc it has done lots of in various (iiarters good . The heat will breaking out .f tires springing into existence, and the people n. h allflPot.inir now thai the irmund of the city. Kach earth shock was fidOlcndora May the little dauglite of Much of the in- - has had such a have money to spend lowed by wails and prayers from the soaking Mr and Mrs Borneo Smith, died 1st creased business comes as a of the people who were kneeling iu the rain and M M (loss is threshing for John Soin mud. The first great shock lasied four Thursday morning The little one "id expansion of trade with the trans-Pac! M mer, who in connection with mil lie countries. minutes and fifty seconds. Such along! suffered greatly since its birth Win.eler and Mathew Baer, will give came to releave death if, cutting thereby "Much of our difficulties lie in the fact shock has never occurred before in the him a 30 days' run. These are three of of sunlight, which had short the ray that their exists a general shortage of of inhabitant of memory any Santiago. the most extensive farmers In our vicinlabor, and that the railroads are doing it caused the bells of the churches ,0 ''nic, but six weeks and two days pr ity and each have a fine crop this season. vil,us- t0 h'ightcu their happy home. such a heavy freight business that there ring, pictures swung out from the walls, Funeral services were held Friday is always a shortage of cars." Miss Winnie Baker of Corinne, is visit- and there was a great heaving motion of at 10 o'clock, with Bev ing at the home of Mr and .Mrs Clniiies the ground. Experts say that the only moriiiiig and the Schmutz. thing which saved Santiago from com- Cody of Corinne, officiating, in the Klwood little one was laid to rest Co to Geo Meldrnm forup-tdate l!i(i plete ruin was that the motion was einetery . The principal shock wus from M V" BORN to Mr and Mrs J D Burbank Pa,,,'nis of lval1 Paner- - A" Mr and .Mrs Smith have the heart fell Valparaiso to Santiago and Merioilln. tf stthe lowest prices. With nrii. r,f ntrrvlllA aduirhtr - t r with its center at Id mace. The last! two sympathy of all in their bereavement. The new Edison phonographs :md reported doing nicely. mentioned towns were destroyed as also "A precious one from us has gone, B0BN To Mr and Mrs II I Wilcox "cords for sale; the Imst the world! was Quillota, o city of 10,000 iuhnbitaats A voice we loved is stilled. anon. Mother and son doing fine and ever knew ,$10, iOD, t30 and $50 at and situated 2fl miles from Valparaiso. A place is vacant in our home Billie Barlow's 11 k11' a., j ..1 ra,,i,7 0i There was also another heavy earth ll 1.1 uive .,.,Which never can be filled. beets next v ar. Don't fail to call at the Hardware quake Monday night, August 30. Qtiti in his wisdom lias recalled The (iovernor informed the President! BORN To Mr and Mrs Willie Otto- Store and see the 5c. 10c and 1 5e assort The boon his love has give. he had caused the ConstTOOtWU ol that see , August 14. a fine daugh-- ; means to To will ments. $1.00 Tuesday buy And pity. though the body slumbers lu re, on Brazil avenue, in order to shel sheds can all ter. Mother and baby doing nicely. home. tf you buy The soul is safe in heaven." pck ter the homeless families. He estimated BORN To Mr and Mrs C Tollman Mr and Mrs J A Fishburn returned CARD OF THANKS. that the quantfty of provisions on the rdnsday August 22, a fine son. Wednesday from a few days isit in way to Valparaiso and the stock on hand We wish to express our sincere thanks Brigham. there would be sufficient to hist a month It. to all whoso kindly assisted us before Don't Forget DrCanficld, Mrs Murphy ar.d Mrs The water supply, however, is short. did after the death of our beloved baby. Anderson and children, came in from The statement that the approach of Dane at Tremonton Hall. Every ,Mn. ami Mil". Bomko Smith; Carmel, California, Tuesday . Mrs Mor the earthquake was announced by the and best Latest music. Friday evening. will continue naval observatory at Valparaiso tr0 dav phy ami Mrs Anderson ll.nir ifiiimi'i inlii CnroLi in u f..Crowded Out. previous to t lie occurence is crtnllrined Walter Green is delivering his early The news was published in the Chilean Just received at the Tremonton Mere, crop of apples. He has a choice lot and We received the County Court mill on Wednesday, August l"i, the day Co. a fine line of Gents Furnishing Goods press tbfy are bringing a god price. before the earthquake oocurcd. ites today but they were to late for this We are going to be in the n(' Hats. Mrsnd Mrs II C Vanausdeln enterAll reports agree in saying that the issue, so will not be published until Don't forget it. turned at dinner Hundav Mr and Mm w,m Almendral and the southern districts of new week. As this is "our first miss' Hr Francke of Gailand, and Mr and Mrs Columbia Cylinder Grapho phone ?20 Valparaiso suffered the most severely. we hope one patrons will overlook it. R Sbrrnian of Tremonton. MO Columbia Pises and45. Accordlagto some of the reports. Val laqd up. I he diphtheria cases at Thatcher in Cylinder records 4 inch. 85c; 6 inch, 80c, NEARINQ COMPLETION, paraiso may be aaid to haw been total!; the families of Bishop Nelson and A Al- - Latest disc records 0e. Busini it destroyed, being asserted that nearly corn are convalescent . Asther are B0 pende.i and free concert given from be- all the houses which Fred HollMd has the contract for the remained sUodtr.gj ne w cafs developing the decease wilH.tween 1 and o'clock daily. At the have been so shahcu that th" must ti jdislering of the new Baptist Church, m Hardware Store. pulled down. probably be eradicated. tytfMwtoa, had the misfortune to run a tine of North Garland. ai For Sale. , is but-littl- The rain storm we had the other day just w hat the doctor ordered. Mrs Thomas . but is DO.W pun-base- B , -- . I) Compton returned fiom gravel has been isiting North Garland, Mr. v.'". eall I 'f'- - in not improve wit 1 a purchaser. For prices and terms call at good coat of the Times Office . Taylor of Ogden leering Binder Tw inc. the best in net cash at llardwaril Store. with relative I still Improving it 14 . 0. Notice of Registration. Whv bv subscril PLEASE TAKE I The registry book of the Khvood voting precinct will be open at my office iii the Post Office Building on the follow. and UCTODCf ing dates. August NOTICE j.i i Commencing September 1st, litwi, all patrons of the Post Office who have lock- boxes and who send children for the I iMO-18-8- FOR SALE r' n,, Pnnmi ' . Also, those having large lam-ilies must see that only one from that leaeneil. . 0, B. Sukrman, Begistrar. mail, will please remember and send the key. Those having boxes too high , call exchange them for others that can be , i- nip We take pleasure in announcing that Albert Tubbs of Bast Garland we ,lre now : u position to do all kinds die m fiiif ma wfi.ji auyhodj ,,f i,jgh,4rade photography1 in our well oi l, Ol K CO., iapa. equiped studio Matt, Utah. Garland, The Times - . a for sale. If all are takby Sam en we will make a very cheap price; one to that will guarantee a large profit to the . Mr and "Mrs John te - ise has been very sic reported on the improve. w Our loads are getting ' cook-shac- We now have the tow n lots formerly ilmrt, but lati r purchased ow ned bj Mr N ihe mountains the nlherrlmi j j will write a I ill). loot But . . 1. Bolide . ! tr-u- . 11 P c Sherman Dear Sir: Come last week, i hope they will Souu Boush, start up threshing, their grain. KB Sherman, l.oren. lioush, (jeo Slier Two family from Nevada visitiug our man, J II Hall. I'.lbert Sherman and Boise Meed for work done, etc., were al town last week. Mr James Brown and Peter Haws went lowed. ..id Nevada to visit their friends ami relThe matter of granting a liquor license atives. 1. for the ensuing three months to But Mr Willie Ottogary and w ife were Stahl for the sale of liquors, was upon burn nice little girl baby in their place mot ion allowed . in El wood, last Tuesday about l'J:30 A. The Clerk w as instructed to meet with M Her mother is doing very nicely. Mr Fishburn and make arraugenieuts to Beet crop are very splendid, this year. draft a side walk ordinance, us per pe expect there average 15 ton to acres. tition presented by those having the And our second of buy been mowed majority of property by feet, abutting the Main Street of Tremonton. down last week. It is all get wet and Motion was made and carried that I) C spoiled through this rain. Boush act as Street Commissioner and ( ur v busv in harvest people ai was authorized to work poll tax. ing the grain . Bund adjourned. Willie OtTOO City ou Monday wher they had been ill attendance at the Met hodist conference. ' Stokes Mr .fr. . El.WOOT) Washakie. Side Walks of Tremont Came Up Again. saw that they were giving their oppo-- j nents a rub but did not expect that tin Brigbarn this week. j gv in the protection of property. rub would be played by the tuiiff 01 With the tirst terrible shock f thJ MrU A Bmith. wife and childern drove . 17 to 3, no sir-e- e, but the scoring at t he buildings coll seil, their! Ku.iv Cjunnliell. ol Garland, visited at up from Ogden Thursday evening and earthquake, close showed that to be the "title of the will noisfclSUIna Tremendous walls with falling spend a few days at Mr and Mrs home ol Mr S ,2 last week and music." unable in eases were inmates The iniiiiv A Cook's. cm ihe Sunthn even- returned tol.arland ...o . i i i:e hinoe.v was iv.ll escape, rnL. iouiieo JHP' : . 1. .. r. The game, although it was an w ing train, .lean Cole roinc - ... Stone Ware, Granite Ware, Steel Good uei ior the a tierce most storm, by ordi an immediately walk over by our boys, was rly. tnd Tools al Hardware Store. a visit. tf wind prostrating walls that had been gentlemanly game and the visiting team Miss Winnie Taker is visiting this P F Olsen andfamily left Friday for weakened by the A large earthquake and these took thefr defeat manfully. week at the borne of Mr Charles Salt Lake where they will spend about broke trolley wires, which flashed incescrowd of spectators witnessed the game. Schmutz west of Tremonton. ten days at the Adventist Camp Meeting. santly. The second shock was even Following is the line up and the reHiss Be sic Hill and her brother Frank heavier t ho the first. A S Toiler and wife came up from sults of the scoring: culled on friends in Corinne Five minutes u I'trrwnrd fires started jfrf Mr Yoder on business. "vans Tnf.MO.NTOS 3 Ho M and Adnev families Well we have good condition so far. the hills east of Brig No one sick. t.$$fi mm last week breathing the pure Ozone The Town Board of Tremonton met in Our harvesting is over last week, and asting on Mountain Trout ami session Monday evening, August regular soon start up threshing probably neat , truly an epicurean diet. 20th 1900. The Chairman being absent w eek some time. li B R ami Mrs Gilpin and Mi-- s Mr Gates w as appointed to aet in hi.s Mr.lames Joshua and Company was ret UMieil ironi all l.aKe place. A Terrible earthquake was felt at . Vol. Town Board Met Monday Wspcnt tive days in , From start to finish the Tremonlonites W6. 23, The Matter of Grading The paraiso. Chilli, August 16th which,' a doubt, will prove much mm out .1 if vaii ami i. ui . ui astrous than the 'Frisco (piitkc. Tremonton visitors this week. T... In ..! lir.. ,,r.,!,!,k- Mill ,,.,t Oscar Harris of Garland was a business short of .'i.UIMJ w bile the property destroy i caller in Tremonton Monday. ed is estimated at $100 ,000,1)00 and pro! Geo Sherman made a business trip to ably is far in excess of that sum. Order is being maictained with thcUt the County Seat Wednesday. most severity by the military, police a DrJ 0 Pitt returned Wednesday from are einpotjr armed citizens patrol-- w atrip through the Yellow Stone Park. The cred to shoot looters on the spot in .I'ltlioritiesiire Miss Cora Johnson spent two day euer-jUdthe utmost showing . I AlCl'ST ami and Loss of Prop- - e.'ty is Stii! at the . 'l'All THt'BSDAV, Corinne, Utah. ware Store. . I Estimates of xha Number of Peering Binder Twine the best. 14c net cash at the Hardware Store. tf Paint, Oil and col "n ', Great Earthquake At Valparaisf was in Corinne, Tremonton on business Friday. Not being satisfied with the defeat that they have received before from the the hands of the Tremonton "Cults, K wood Second Nine came over to Trc montou last Saturday and received a "bunch" this time that fairly took their breath away, notwithstanding the fact thai two of the regular "colts" were unable to play and the "nine" had to be made dp from some one that was "not of J I BOX ELDKB i ,..,.,,1 ..,;ii, m o mile north of Tiemoiiton I'rank I'rver. li. We wish to family cavils for the mail. accomodate everybody, but cannot afford FOR SALE A good 10 acre farm 10 answer alls from three or four mem- wtj fruit and improve merits, 2 miles hers in one family for the mail that per- - wegt umi , mile south o f Tremonton In haps has already been called for. Those qujro at Times Office. s are supposed to send having FORSA I.K two good business houses, We ask key when sending for mail, location. One blacksmith shop good this as a favor from our patron with tools and five lots and house. Bespectfully, K. It. SlIKKMAK. (let your wall paper at Geo Meldrum's. IB has the latest styles that is all the Tremont Mercantile Co. rage. tf - mile-ea- st . I luck-boxe- Births. n ( i , INCORPORATED- - Our Fall and Winter line of Gent's Furnishings are now arriving daily ami our prices are right. - Complete line of Oonklin's Gloves. Try our "dead Shot" for mosquitoes, Six sheets of Tanglefoot Klv Paper for 5c. Kidorado castor Machine oil for 40c. Sell-,- , : Paints Ready F0SE That's the story, and an interesting one too - at this time of the year when there are so many little things around to be touched up, I5ijr things too 'Cause we can sell you enough per gallon. Bring you r can paint to cover your whole house, inside or out and the Boiled l.cnsecd Oil 63c. per gallon. ham too Buggy ami Wagon Paint si bottom But we'll sell you as little as . want, yu touch just enough to a chair or hench. up e have th most complete line of We'll sell you paint that won't shot dun shells in Northern I'tah. peel or crack, the first time We aiso carry a f. ne of Drugs, Lth hot BUJlBtrikea it .We have u assortment I,, Vedicines. Perfumery, met Article, r", most any color you could Cutlery, Fishing Tackle, Stationary, etc. fancy prieen - j Just received the latest creations in fall C0MK (N nd OFT A COLOR CARD AND street Hats. Also a complete line of, WE'LL TALK PAINT A IITTI.fi. . Twenty-onBmbroiderv Silk. rich . Ostrich plume, for 1.50 each, at Mrs F A Cook's. Riter Bros Drug IKI MKNf M1KC Wril.l COMI'tvV. ( i. 1J1.A I ), Co UTAH |