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Show Official Directory. COLE BANKING CO. THE TRE MO NT TIMES. At Published Every Thursday Tremonton, Utah. Corinne, I'tah, P rsonal K sponsibility,50.000 Paid up Capital of 110,000. E. H. Sherman Editor and manager tremonton , Chairman of Board, J A Fishburn. ' E M Wyatt. Member " J C Gates. Accounts and Correspondence Solicited. All business with us will receive Fntered as second c lass matter AprS' lft04 at the Port office at J'fremontou I'titli under the act "f congress oi and prompt attention. l can-ful- Interest paid on lime deposits. March 8rd 1879. ' S. X. COLE. Preiiiilciil Subscription rates. One year in advance Six months in advance 0 Year not in advance R- - GEO MELDRUM $1.50 Siirus and Carrhice itainliiiir m men! and make fine food for chickens. Wil They bring 16 cents a pound, and there 1 mi t j.i ices on ath hrst-flas- dun vrk. s d Tremonton great !y . four patents in as many different countries, t he estimate cost of which is IS ,500. but one m m m Yes, pro dtice 10,000,000,000 from it in t n years, and thus .supply the world with iced attain. tl The tiev' V I y.y cjel ;i food And e ted. t w em ! hat ,1 yon wan! to cat, eo( ke( ue way you want it, any "I1 time yon want it. See! I M !.'! mi of timber "? '?.'.V .'. W t... Some lolks can very hinny. I will iust write never could niv ni e it Ls the funniest tliinsi I know China, m VOUKS FOU TODAY, The brown tail moth, which is the plague of New England trees, was imported by Professor TroiiTelot, as an aid in his experiments in producing silk. Now Congress has voted 1 100 .000 for the importation of parasites to hasten the departure of the moth. - a- m . Attorney -; :e: -- T' TIME TABLE. itrshuv. if , the Strict I NO No. 3:1. No. M ' .'12. N. 34. Russiu. "WARSAW, Aug. IS. There were sanguinary conflicts here today with revolutionists who have organized wholesale massacres of policemen, gen dartnes and infantry patrols. These and shot killed seventeen conspirators policemen, four gendarmes and seven infantry patrolmen and wounded a IDon more. Soldiers fired a volley into :i crowd killing fifteen and wounding with ballets and bayonets 180, many I'. A. M. .) lll:-.- t!:''0 :a fi:3:l r (::s 10:81 10 Urigham Corinne rt'ankegan 6:1(1 ):,-,- 10:10 10:23 :: 0:14 10:52 :4H 11:2(1 ti:"". 7:07 11:82 11:85 11:42 12:01 I'.vans Hon it a Central TKKMONTON 'Garland liiverside :" P. I'lvmou'th Washakie 7:2(1 7:38 8:30 Malad The mixed train on this Branch is M. 4:56 4:80 4;18 4:05 :!:"'s 8:50 8:40 ' f,:"l 8:45 H:40 NPlymouth ' Pgt'inontory Terrace Clear Creek i'ark Valley drowse Creek lliverside Willard Three Mile Mantua Calls Fort Dewewillc ( 'ollinstou ' 8:5? 2:52 8:15 7:53 7:15 (The above uradc retails at 11.25 per at 25.00. 20 c. Fielding Portage Rawlins Snowville Manila 2:4.'. 2:25 1:20 TO Geo House Chfti Card 0 W Parsons EJEassctt 10.00 11.00 Baker D Hirschi W E Wbitaker S V Cook Phil Paskett J A Caponer Jas Hadfield S N Cook Ceo J Wells A snap TC Young r J Dewey p Twitioii T I .1 T.()(i u 4.50 at about half price HATS for every Buvei . Almon Wight N C Jeppscn W W Lasley C Children's $12.00 f Suits 9.70 Suits going at " " 14.00 " S E E Hunsaker D B Marble .TTistnmJino. fani' ii;;tii;iv Al Holmgren Frank Walker D Parkinson Thos Law C W Bobbins K II Fridal SHOES Hans Kellar T 1 Here J IV cem on u . j i on HPThorescn x-- v the best deal ever offered iu Utiah. ecr m.... auc oi s,uoe, Ooee ilmeiii. i 1 . 1 20 per . r i ueensware anai naraware Dewey Wood J W Hal ford At your own price if you are not a hog. We are going to reduce will be right. our Stock one half, and the price on every-thin- g We will duplicate any price that Montgomery Ward & Co., or John II Watt You can see OUR Goods before A L Petersen Sears Roebuck will make you. what at you guess you buy when you buy through a ('has Kroksh you buy There you pay for your goods before you see catalogue house them, With a good freight bill added. Try us and save money. A hundred bargains to numerous to mention. CONSUMPTIVES, Thf aftatreigned having daily except Sunday. CLOTHING: t . it. Bear River Secri-- RWalter JE Montgomery E Rudd N J Nlsh $16.00 Malad tSi. 8:23 8:21 7:10 1:00p.m. A. M. B:40 :80 0:07 0:01 25 c. Pesl brands of soap 7 bars for 10 C Tnmofnos npr fan 15 c. Best Beatrice corn, 2 cans for Van Camps' hominy, 2 cans for 25 c. For all classes oi canned goods, prices in proportion. Castor, machine oil per gallon, 40 c. 95 c. Linoleum, best, very heavy, pliable, per yard Charles Cheal A good alarm clock, at 75 c. A complete line of guns and ammunition, cheaper than you Constable can Justice buy of any other house. See our line of guns before you BUY. IIC Vanausdeln T E J DEPART AUIilVK GROCERIES: Andrew Funk ('has Cheal Brigham Sunset inaction O. S. L. That Will Pay. 0) Precinct WW Strife Crows Eicody. in DEAL Commonbrooms, each Constable i 1'.V 3 BILLIE BARLOW, m u. TRHMONTON, UTAH. James N Holdaway Sugar (at this date, per sack at $5.30. " " " 18 lbs for 1.00 Elias Jensen be undersold.) won't to but change, (Subject A E Jensen School Supt 15 c each, 3 for 40 c A good whip. 200 buggy whips, Justice of Peace Andrew Funk A line of watches, warranted for 1 to 10 years, 75 c to 8.00 each. Surveyor Assessor MALAI) VALLEY BRANCH. Art killed and Wounded rsTOHL RRCS'. FURN. CO. S N Cole Recorder Clerk 1 It is eight inches to ten inches think. calculated, therefore, that over 8,000,000 feet of timber is utilized yearly for cof- WE DO BUSINESS! yard.) each. stoves $1.50 Camp Christena Madson One heavy range worth $45.00 for $32.50. Nephi J Valentine. One 7 drawers Drop head sewing machine, worth $40.00, 35 c. Charles E Foxley 10 doz. brooms, sold at 45 c. each, now Treasurer I Complete Et cylnd Prices Willard W Maughan. F J Holton. Dist Atty Chairman county Com. A W Valentine, M B Hart. Co Com 4 yrs E II Jones. Co Com 2 yrs Sheritr Joseph Josephson J VS. ,X"V made i IG s Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum, Ranges, Stoves. Granite Ware, Etc., Judge 1st Judical District 5 the potato world, a careful cultivator might Our Line Wyatt BOX ELDER COUNTY II in C John C Cutler. Governor Charles S Tingey. Secretary M A Bredden. Atty. General J A Edwards. Auditor Treasurer James Christiansen Supt. of Public Instruction A C Nelson. State Senator 1 District Peter Clegg. W Fishburn F Representative X: To protect an invention all over it is necessary to take out sixty COfftl John Shuman. W in our line As any one else in the State J II Hall. Treasurer ill :tl ways give you as low a CASH PRICE DCRoush. SBWatland. STATE HEAD QUARTERS POR WA1.J. PAPHR fins in " ."" flies, which arrived in London the other dav from Brazil . They are mixed with are ' W e w ' Marshall House Painting and Decorating Chinese coffins " Clerk ORWSON, Cashier, One of the strangest cargoes vcr ar ried consisted of several tons of dried If there were " $1 .'.'" an about sixteen pounds to the bushel. The importers used to get only 10 cents a pound, but the demand has increased EMEMBER. been restor- ed to health by simple means, after for several years with a severe lung afltction, and that dread disease Con-s- i WHEN WE PAY CASH FOR GOODS WFi BUY WE CAN LtVC ON THE DISCOUNT. SELL AT THESE PKICES IS FOR CASH, ONLY. TO sufT-Qrln- c I TH AT PA Y, I Mi'Ttox, is anxidiis H I tnpM H on puttntabtiity, su R PASSING references. Pot free OttkU FHiu nti rrit to Book Profltablfl 503-80- 5 Sovonth Street, I fai WORKING- - . to MEN'S SUITS We always look well to the Clothing wants and BUY THE requirements of ur orkingmen patrons. We w ant their t rad e. We make it a point ti furnish then) with the most durable and satisfactory garments that it is possible in produce. We have Tun's of Workingraen's Suits at m K $8, $10 sfsis Tea PttretMSs Ant Otl rK " COMPANY THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE ORANGE, MASS. re mnMo'dl Many Sewing Machine V of qua. ty, " llm " runs out recard-los- s j n.n j to wear. Our cuaranty never We make Sewing Machines to Suit all condition ' stands atthe eftMtrade. The head otellMljrl-ir',l,tami;- y sowing michmes Sold hy i.ulliorl. tl ih nlcrH.iiil.v, N'W i llni roK E. A BY MraWUNRs Ajtent Trrtnonton , I tali. I".. H -- SALP. At fMI 'i. MCIIINLS and c? Ifcc best lufp'.y ,,iV' oi bud. Q'.'. i! a: and Men's Outfitters Hrifcham City, Utah. 1 J Bevel 1m n to his fellow sull'ercrs the means of eure. To those who desire it. he will cheer fully send(free of charge) a copy of the prescription tised . which they will find a sure cure for CoffBTOtPTtOH, Asthma C'ATAitiut, B&OHCHma and all throat and lull s Mai.apii s. He hopes all sufferers w ill try his Remedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing, and may prove a blming.Tflll please address Hev. EowaXO A Wilboh, Brooklyn, N.Y Yours Rjespectfully, Sfe arns & Lohr, CORINNE, UTAH . Don'' 'orpet the Times office when frtYflting job work. 9 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE f Roosenbaums Cash Store, The Popular Clothiers make kud Wat land & Co have the best binder's Don't be fooled twine on the market 2i. by a cheap article. and $12 The fabrics arc selected for neatness and durability and tlieyure right in every way. The Workingmen that buy their clothes here will be sore of bu me Satisfaction as Well as Clothes We stand back on ever) ale we make w ith our ran clad guarantee d ' Money back, if anything goes wrong." Tliis way Mr. Workingmen, please. tc. WE ARE HERE TO STAY I 0 1 Mill Trade Marks Dlsigns Copyrights Ac. rh may AnAn pnnrttnj our hii jin frdrrTtntirtn whether an nscortMin nfHatnti onlckly ItirvtitVm la frnhaMT paieiUtlo. t mNOBOIlK on Patent patenta. pr... f, ,.,. iiiiii'Rt thr-uu- v for Munu X Cu. recalTt P.iletitti taken tprrlnl nnflf, wllliout t'liamn, lu too Scientific flmerican, A nrtt klf. t r!f hanrtaemclr l!liitraid aii arlenilde kramaJ. Terma. 1 a f'oir miottba. $1. Sold trail newadaJer. rnlatli'ii .. r fyiUNN&Co.3R'a Dial" a OtBcv. (Ma k at.. New York Waaalojt vti. I. C- Breed MOINEAU to the Best. NO. 44324. An Imported French Pereheon, weicht 2150, will be at fhas. Schmntr'n miles west of Tremonton forea.aon of 190fl. Terms of service Farm, M0.09Un ial. For further particular apply or write to Tcmonton Horse Breeders' Association. |