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Show hewssu515iaet HON. W. H. KLLBUGH OF WEST VIRGINIA PRAISES PEOPLE JSTZJU'SS. PE-Rl-N- A. LACK STRIKE ENTHUSIASM LIKELY TO Fill and hare caused considerable alarm. James H. Sage, a nephew of the late From Present Indications the Russian Russell Sage, declares that he will conHas the Situation Government test the will of the deceased millionWell In Hand and Will aire. i Win Out. The Spanish ttesuner CftbO Trafalga Her crew at sea. steamer British the was rescued by Universal. Four men were killed a1 Sand Lick, Ky.. in a right between the Martin and Hall fact inns. The Martin faction u said to number sixty men. It 1b announ' i(i that Emperor Wit jliam after a cruise iu the Meditarra-- ; 'nean will land at Alcante. Spain. In September ;tml islt King Alfonso. The monthly statement of the director of the mint shows that during July the coinage executed at the mints of the United States amounted to $6,303,- - mm t ... i 4 j eri has been burned a general gL petergburg.With riite formally declared and the ooun- apparently on the threshold of a gigantic struggle, minor issues fade in the background. If the strike inaug-- I urated Saturday gathers sufficient headway to endanger tifct life of the State, it has virtually been decided that Grand Duke Nicholas Mcnoiaie vjtch will be named commander of all the troops in the empire "where martial law exists," which would be tantamount to the decreeing of a military it is possible, however, dictatorship, that the government will not be driv- on n thto ovlranttv as the showing made by gt Potersburg proletariat ,mpresslve A(hough nearlv 70000 worUmen are reporte(i to be out, many of the men appear to be entering the struggle with heavy hearts. The spontaneity withpra0,lc.(1v ,he entire natl0n arrftved itself against the old regime last fail 1s laeklnir: the endurance of the , i 164. Hon. W. H. Kelbaugh. A Cold at Any Time of the Year. Especially in Hot Weather, is J 'ci v Deis pressing to the System. Fe-- i an Unequaled Tonic Tor Suc h Cases, Head What People Say About It. Hon. W. IT. Kelbauph, W. Va. Legislature. 204 9th street. N. E Washington, D. C, writes: "You can use my name and word at all times for Peru na as a medicine and tonic unequaled. I have tried It for a stubborn cold and badly run down system. I tried all sorts of other medicines and paid several expensive doctor bills. . Peruna cured me, strengthened me more than ever, and saved me i money." ...... . .. t i Mrs. Clara Litterst, Seafleld, Ind, says: "Last fall I took a severe cold. I took Peruna, began to improve andkept on so until I was able to do my work." 1 i Foremost of French Veterans. The French government has just pensioned off Francois Geromini, the of the Bastile column. guardian He left Geromini was a character. Corsica 60 years ago to serve in the grenadiers of the imperial guard. He fought in the campaigns of Algiers and of Rome, and also in 1870 with Bourbaki. He was made a prisoner and taken to Darmstadt and at the fall of the empire became concierge of the Bastile. Shows Value of Liquid Fuel. The steamship Goldmouth, belonging to the Shell line, has just arrived at Rotterdam, after steaming from Singapore by the route round the Cape of Good Hope, a distance of miles, in 52 days, without once stopping the engines or checking the generation of steam in the main boilers. This performance is believed to be the largest nonstop run ever made by marine machinery. The vessel was burning liquid fuel, and with so great an economy that enough surplus is left to take the vessel 20 days steaming on her return passage east. 11,-79- 1 English the World Language. The new world language, Esperanto, seems to have already won more advoNo cates than the older Volapsk. however, manufactured language, seems to have much chance In competition with English, which long ago displaced French as the most useful and widely spoken language and which Is gaining faster than ever In all parts of the world. Quite recently the German government has ordered that all railway officials and employes must learn to speak English. In Antwerp also the authorities are urging all tlasses to study English and are providing special facilities In the public schools; the city has become "almost an English-speakinport." In Japan all school children are now obliged to learn our language. A tew years hence tourists from this country will be able to get along there as easily as on a trip at home. With Great Britain, India, Australia, Canada, ths States and large sections of Africa using English, what hope Is there for any other language? "NO TROUBLE" To Change from Coffee to Postum. "Postum has done-- ' a world of good for me," writes an Ills. man. "I've had Indigestion nearly all my life but never dreamed coffee was the cause of my trouble until last Spring I got so bad I was In misery all the time. "A coffee drinker for 30 years, It irritated my stomach and nerves, yet I was Just crazy for it. After drinking it with my meals, I would leave the table, go out and lose my meal and the coffee too. Then I'd bo as hungty as ever. "A friend advised me to quit coffee and use Postum said It cured him. Since taking his advice I retain my food and get all the good out of it. and don't have those awful hungry spells " changed from coffee to Postum without any trouble whatever, felt better from the first day I drank if. I am well now and give the credit to Postum." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek. Mich. Read the lit tie book, "The Road to Wellvllle," in lkgu. "There'c a M son.'' Striking trammers attacked the min. ing force at Rockland, Mirm., and IbI the fight which followed one man was killed, one fatally injured and several wounded Two workmen were killed and over ex- twenty others were injured by the .. ; i ot of nlnnt kniiM the ttio .1 HWfWI J PIWJUH ,.t ' Vincennes Paper Mill company at Vin-- j cennes, Ind. servative liberals has been alienated man fifth a and killed by fear of a revolution, and the lowest were men Four of the population have been is missing as a result of an explosion elements jnt0 what are known aa 0Tgmilei of gun cotton in the works of the coopblack hundreds," and are ready to er Chemical company on the outskirts I.Rntr.r tn(, fight on the side Of the govprnment If the signal is given. of Newark, N. J. Mark Collins, aged 22, was drowned SER0US RUNAWAY ACCIDENT. t while bathing in'Eel river, near Euro- Six Other Persons and Is Killed Babe of one ka, Cal., with two companions, an In njured same fate the met whom nearly Provo. A very serious runaway attempt to rescue Collins. occurred on the boulevafd west has States government The United af the city Sunday night, which paid Germany the award of $20,000 in in the death of a baby and the the Samoan case. Great Britain paid of several other people, lerlous Injury and the the in spring, her damage, of Salt Lake, accomMr. Bodmer a matter Is therefore settled. panied by two ladies, was driving a An investigation of alleged Irregu6ingle butrgy from the lake to town larities in the Philippine islands Is now and collided with another buggy go's MaJ.-Geing in the opposite direction. being conducted y order of was over, throwing tipped of buggy In charge Wood, the inquiry being the ladies and Bodmer out, injuring Colonel Wood, inspector general. them all more or less. The horse then Dr. Bothman Jackson was shot and ran up Center street and at the crossWest collided with a rig killed at Atlamont. Mo., by J. M. ing of Third John E. In which wore Councilman dis-; Woodworth, a hotel keeper, In a his wife and two children and Bott, pute over the management of the ho- Mrs. Herman Grinn. Bott's horse ran In this mix-utel, which was owned by Jackson. away, throwing all the occupants to old an 70, Harry Mitchell, aged he baby, about four the ground, soldier and one of Buffalo Bill's scouts months old, was killed instantly. Mrs. when fighting for the government, was Grinn sustained a broken arm and was found dead in bed at his home, near otherwise injured. Berrien Center, Mich., of old age. RESURRECTION OF FANATIC. robberies of the account On frequent Preol Papa Isio Said to Be Alive and of mail cars the governor-genera- l Trouble. For paring cars such Warsaw has ordered that all Washington. Papa Isio, the bandit stall hereafter he guarded by twelve so soldiers. Strangers are not allowed to and religious fanatic who caused is in Occidental much trouble Negros, them. enter exfor claimant the posthumous latest issued an order with In accordance have reached Washby the Emperor of Russia, the Ameri- istence. Reports instirrecto the that ington can syndicate, represented by Baron Is still alive and has twelve followers, to authorized begin who are Dem Lobel. is assisting him in preparing for movements. work on the further revolutionary railroad project. Army officers do not. credit rumors of and say he was A meeting in the tabernacle at Zion Papa Isio's activity, killed. At the time of unquestionably City, Ills., unanimously nominated the famous bandit's death his hesd Wilbur Glen Voliva for general over- was reported to have been put In brine seer of the church for election in Sep- for identification. tember in occordance with the recent Rebellion In Morocco. order of Judge Landis. London. A dispatch from Tangier By the explosion of a locomotive on Bays: "Highly sensational reports are Kansa the Santa Fe at Mansfield, received here, causing the utbeing E. E. Holmes and an unknown most excitement. Daily, almost hourboy were killed and Fireman E. W. ly, comes Information from the inter-lo- r of the rapid spread of violent Quinlan seriously Injured. The latter agitation. The rebels are conwill lose his eyesight. their military contingents centrating Mrs. Ferdinand Reese, the oldest around Marakesh (Morocco City), the woman in Indiana, and perhaps iu the southern capital, and there Is no doubt United States, died at a Porto, Ind., that a formidable coalition of semi: vassals has been formed." on the 30th. According to documents Independent In her possession she was born in VAGRANT SETS FIRE TO JAIL. Poland, In 1794. Death As the climax to a series of verbal Unknown Man MceU Horrible Town. California winters, in which Mrs. Kate Ross, a Oakland, Cal An unknown prisoner lawyer, and Miss Minnie Jacobs, a profire to the town jail at Niles early WO the set taken part, bation officer, have men engaged In a free fight in the Saturday morning, In an endeavor to escape, and before the blaze could be county Jail in Chicago. discovered or help arrive, was Durnea United the Prof. A. H. Thompson of to death. It Is not known how the States geological survey, died In Wash- man started the Are, but it is that he had some matches conington on the 1st, aged 67. Ho was as his person, whioh the ofbrother-in-cealed about sociated with Major Howell, his In searching his clothing ficials In the exploration of ths law. Grand Canyon of the Colorado. James B. Poslewalt, employed in the Attempt to Assault President of tugal's Council of Ministers. department of the Michigan An attempt was made to Central company in Detroit, Mich., died Tjgbon. on the 2nd, a.ter having fasted forty- - MBnult Snor Jean Franco, president nine days for the denent or nis neaiin. 0f t,h council or ministers, as ne was Exhaustion Is given as the cause of leaving a political gathering at night.his death. Benor Franco had addressed the newlyel"Ctors, after M. Burago, the leading official of the Inaugurated club of of manlftant In the which a crowd a and policeman Bocbitchew district, Itreet stoned the members of the cluh who was escorting him, were shot dead and as Senor Franco entered his car by revolutionists near Warsaw, In re riage a manlfestam attempted to at friends pomvenge for the part they had taken in tack the minister, but ln s al,an t0 G strike of tb. the repression agrarian night movement. Tbe fighting organization of the The Earthquake Clause to Be Inserted in All Insurance Policies. has issued a proclamarevolutionist It Is stated on good Ban Francisco. tion avowing responsibility for the all Insurance of Governor companies authority that assassination, August 3, Block of this city. Many arrests have which have not previously had the been made. The governor's body waa earthquak clause In their polielea will torn into fragments by a bomb. henceforth insert It In all policies wrif- At Bessemer City, N. C, W. M. ten on the Pacific coast. If Is said that Brown, a bridegroom of an hour, was within a short time there will be none shot and killed by John M. Klncald but earthquake clause companies do here Th organized pol as Brown was about to take the train ing business foV with his brldo. It Is said Brown waa niorB s)rnpi,, fnrm of pollc? than under obligations to marry Kincald's wu used in the past sister, but married a KIM Perry J -- S - WhatJoyIhev. G -- 1 or VERY as with joyous hearts and smiling faces they romp and play when in health and how conducive to health the games in which they indulge, the outdoor life they enjoy, the cleanly, regular habits they should be taught to form and the wholesome diet of which they should partake. Hew tenderly their health should be preserved, not by constant medication, but by careful avoidance of every medicine of an injurious or objectionable nature, and if at anytime a remedial agent is required, to assist nature, only those of known excellence should be used; remedies which are pure and wholesome and truly beneficial in effect, like the pleasant laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. Syrup of Figs has come into general favor in many millions of well informed families, whose estimate of its quality and excellence is based upon personal knowledge and use. Syrup of Figs has also metwith the approval of physicians generally, because they know it is wholesome, simple and gentle in its action. We inform all reputable physicians as to the medicinal principles cf Syrup of Figs, obtained, by an original method, from certain plants known to them to act most beneficially and presented in an agreeable syrup in which the wholesome Californian blue figs are used to promote the pleasant taste ; therefore it is not a secret remedy and hence we are free to refer to all well informed physicians, who do not approve of patent medicines and never favor indiscriminate Please to remember and teach your children also that the genuine Syrup of Figs California Fig Syrup Co. plainly always has the full name of the Company of and it is for sale in bottles of one size front that on the printed every package If dealer other than offers the regular Fifty cent size, or having any any only. of not accept it. If you fail to get do other any company, printed thereon the name will beneficial effects. Every family should always have not get its the genuine you a bottle on hand, as it is equally beneficial for the parents and the children, whenever a laxative remedy is required. Bod-mer- a. much-feare- En-glne-er anti-Frenc- h i. pre-lume- d Por-olerlo- j MEANING OF MOLES. On the riirht aide of the upper lip good fortune to both sexes. A mole on the neck, in man or wom- a mole promises great EVERYTHING FREE FOR 150 PAGE ILLUSTRATED EVERY SPORT an, promises a long and happy life, wealth and fame. of A science, or pseudo-sciencmoles has existed among the I'ennsyl- vania Dutch for many years. A man with a mole in the middle of hir forehead has a cruel mind; a woman with such a mole is foolish, idle and envious. A man with a mole on the left side of the upper lip rarely marries, and such a mole ln the case of a woman denotes suffering. A mole on the right side 0. a man's forehead denotes wonderful luck; on the right side of a woman's forehead, gifts from the dead. On the left side of a man's forehead a mole denotes a long term ln prison; on the left side of a woman's forehead, two husbands, and a life of exile. According to this science, no one Is without a mole or two, and these are some of the prognostications that molwearers may draw from their brown ornaments. e, Close Second to American Tramp. The American tramp must look out for his laurels in the matter of stealing rides. A Roumanian recently succeeded In lodging himself on the pipes of the Orient underneath a dining-ca- r express at Costanza, on the Black sea, these pipes affording a sort of shelf about 20 Inches wide. He left his bed in Paris 53 hours later. It is remarked that at tbe end of the ji urney he was very dusty, hungry and thirsty, and possessed a capital amounting to five cents. Sargent's Pictures Rare. Only three pictures by John 3. Sargent have been offered at auction in recent years. A head of a girl weiring a red shawl brought $750 nt A portrait of Ellen TerChilstle'a. 6,0O0 and was sold fetched which ry, Stibse quently for $15,000, and a half lenct'n portrait of a lady sold ln 190:: for $086. In the course of conversation one must change the solid gold of ones thoughts Into countless pieces (4 such small coin that one Invariably ap pears poor. -- Carmen Sylva. CATALOGVE FREE ON BROWNING'S PATENT IN EVERY SEASON REQVEST OLD RELIABLE THE tGtST SrOBTIHO GOODS HOUSI BROWNING BROS. Co., Ogden,Utah MjW7 a if .W V Food tie JmmW Products enabie you to make good mealt oul of "hurry" mealt. Libby't Food Products ra resdy to terve when you get th-yet are cooked SS carefully and ai well aa you could do it in your own kitchen. Ox Tongue, Dried Beef. Boned Chicken, Deviled Ham, Veal Losf ihsM ar but a few of the many kindt your dealer Hi THE BABY AFTER ITS keept. Try for luncneon or nipper tomorrow, some sliced Chicken Loaf. Bonllet, "How to THingi to Eat." Iree M.le H FIRST Km mm Good BATH you writa Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago. WITH Are You Just As Well As You Wish to Be ? GOOD HEALTH PUBLISHING Physicians, Pharmacists.and Nurses endorse Cuticura Soap because of its delicate, medicinal, emollient, sanative, and antiseptic properties derived from Cuticura, the great Skin Cure, united with the purest of cleansing ingredients and most refreshing of flower odors. For preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, as well as for all the purposes of the toilet and bath, Cuticura Soap is priceless. Absolutely pure and m;iy be used from the hour of birth. CO, N ame . AdKXTH. A SALVE RECIPE l.oo NUUKW K m'ii-in- talte, punh -UN. li :i ' it K. our famous all h tiling BMlV. k "I., p'l' iue and Itrnft inns how to w .i,,eii. work fur foj niu triune). IK. WssisS.il IIS, O.O. snsrt, Me., I ..rln. 'In lorm of CSofOjaW Cesf hv Ind ol sll Stall" l'. sm IT"! I . Bnsltin. Porter llrul firm O.rr. al "I ) Its, "All About llt n.. rxjUp, sod Hur x MUOattAlTWCVB. an! THE DAISY FLY KILLER tStMTtrnyw at) Whl'f O III I(i frif. bou' lr iltilnf t'khii, aiMpinir lit oun ii nir fcri vm ' '' '' will not not or n- J:ir anjtMnir. Try thtm onf, ne"!- bi yntf will tt)'-If lth" not kept hr d fi ri 9T9, t for 'l Hawm, UHIIrltalk 4. J.rNfc!,JLl ItntiDht mnd Sold Approved ForeM Reserve and Railroad Scrip for . mrveyea, unnivcyni. iinio.'i.j ui approved Untied Sute Military Homily Land Additional obliers' Recertified Srrip; Warrants; all kind-- , of Land Snip bouaht and sold. II M. HAMILTON, The t'otlland, Portland, Orefom. i,u ft eft stesl NVENTOfR .it tsar thiw, fv.it It may I nur invention bebe for I ritMt'tnlntnient f,,r par. an W,t aave eirrney I Uru!ar 1IIK I'SlkM St Kill lit , nssllisvios, B. C "wr,,;.".".'i Thompson's Eye Water lltmuiliniit tht I 1111s, LAND SCRIP mvs VV'j? lbs" Every subscriber to Oosd Health Is privilened to submit questions on health topics to the editors. Tbe most interesting ef thesi; quenions ate in the (Juestiui Urn. a monthly department of the magazine. OwstS are answered by letter without cost. ( This is but one of many intereseine features of. Good Health, tlf ablest health journal in tbe world A bif , handsomely illubti ated monthly mauaiiue. A quarter and this ad. with your name in tbe pace below will btinv m this b HMNSSM health magazine for the nest IBTSw months. Sample copy ten cents. BATTLE OUDDC, MICH. t UNITSD STATSS THB IW Kilrit. tIsi '.I MV., 'Or. per AND HOWARD E. BURTON. ASBAVFR t He Ml ST. '' Lead. II; II" il. finld. K Oratu JSssaSS i!iiicurCpsr.M. em on anplltlf. list full anit MaillngetiteMn-print, Lend-vllls)- , ii"n. Oontrul and Umplrs work aolieltetf. Colo. In'fernni'e. i.'arbooato National Haas. BpfStSSSII prlee. - '. o 60 Bus. Winter Wheat Per Acr H W. I.. N. I It HI l ll.. H' .S l J. Salt Lake City. alltll, No. 32, la. 190, |