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Show W. C. T. Edited bv Mn F I. o Coot A 11 0 0000 TEMPERANCE DEPT J. C. GATES, 02 FOR HEADQUARTERS MRS. BARTLETTS MEDAL 0 CONTEST. I LOVLNCU M. MAM, Of Mrs Bartlett legion was nearly a year oW before she saw that it might he a stepping. .ston? to the realization of another long cherished project, a silver, medal coutcst. She-- was sweeping her hitchen one morning when the ideaeame to her with such torce that the stopped and leaned on her broom handle to consider it. Uf course: Why shouldn't they have - j a medal contest now! . Gaps, am! Ilabber Good?, f Gent's Furuishiuc A full line Hat-- B. I. o Wagon, let us show you the D A complete me Winona, which has no equal. n A large im Also, a good line of Buggies. D She had learned j would drill the contestants? She whs not capable of doing it, and the union WATAND 3k COMPANY, Office at Stohl Furniture Store notion 0 D for cash. J. C. GATES, remoul on, J n 1 LtaOE Tremonton, Utah, not alTurd to hire an elocutionist . Mrs Bart kit belonged to a church it) the neighboring town and that very if ternoon her pastor called to see her. He was interested in the I.. T. L., as he was in all efforts to help boys ai.d girl.-- in right living. So he asked how the legion was progressing, and before she knew it Mrs. Harllett was telliug him all about silver medal contests, and her desire to have one in their little v Ullage. she "Hut I don't know as we can, "You see the speaking concluded. ought to be better than any we've ever bad, aid I don't know bow to train the hoys and girls more than I already have. We couldn't afford to hire any one to do it, cither. 1'ev Mr Clark was silent a minute He seemed to be weighing some question in his mind. Then be spoke with deci- D f ! D Come and try us and be convinced. Will meet all competition We will treat you right. who the speakers were . and had organized a little orchestra which could fur-- j nish music for such an occasion. There was just one perplexing question. Who If you are thinking of buying a CO&U STAHL, I - for Clink Headquarters and Cigars. 100001 tali. Wines, Liquors u I'liDMONTON, TA It. ' Co Agricultural )l Utah e e e u S Stable. L ivery GREATEST INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL' 'UTAH'S feed CSi woou hkov Tremonton ood (i jRifffl aiw jr pod ale J PROP.8' Utah sion think can find time to help you if you'd like; I used tn do a good deal of training, and even now, at almost every commencement some of the high school I've been boys come to me fur help wandering too some time how I could reach these mill people. They are hardly ever at heme when I can call on them. If I give a few afternoons to their boys and girls perhaps I can get into their hearts. 1 believe it's worth trying." bo it was arranged that the contestants phot) Id be chosen as soon as possible and "1 1 tjfe GARLAND CLUB Choice WIN Liquors and Cigars EPM. COOBS. Proprietor. Utah Garland PEARL SALOON Choice Wines, 8 P E P A is Learning that Mr Clark should devote a few after-noou- a to the hearing of their selections. Mrs Part lett was to be present at each rehears) Ui note every suggestion so that when the was aloue with the speakers the could helptbem by reminding them of what Mr Clark had said, repeating 8 K S M E N A N" W I 0M EN F OK 8 V wealth to the poor, an honor to the rich, an aid to the young, - COURSE OF a C C E S S IN support and comfort to the 1. aged--Bae- Liquor and Cigars, mikrds a nil V E. 1 Stephens brothers Proprietors. Utah. on. J STUDY Garl mo ENG1 N EERIKO -- Mcchanies, Survey ing. Designing, AGIilCCI.TURK- - Agronomy Horticulture, Animal f rritrat ion , (sewerage, Hydraulics, Road and Pavements. j and Industry. Veterinary Science, Flo. , Drainage , Etc. OOMUKRCE Husiness Administration, Account inc. DOMESTIC BCIEKCE AND AilTb Cooking and i; EcoHousehold Transportation, Commercial Law, StenograSanitation, Hanking, Dietetic, Hygiene, hewing, phy . Kte. nomics, Etc GENERAL SCIENCE Comprising English, Math, MECHANIC ARTS -- Carpentry . Forging, Pattern unities, History, Econoinica, Modem Languages, Natural Making. Carriage Hiiilding, Fouudry Work, Machine and Physical Sciences, Etc. Work, etc. COURSES are also offered in Music, Art Physical Training and Library Work. . , and emphasiug 'A It will help me as much as it does the children," she said as she bade him Bi ft. ft, CANFIELD Is now located at Tremonton Ills IT is IMPORTANT a grateful good afternoon. Four weeks of preparation slipped away rapidly and the eventful night arrived. The village ball was brilliantly lighted and filled with fond parents and lie fore you decide which school to attend that you consider carefully the opportunities afforded by the at AGRICULTURAL COLLEtfE OF UTAH Its strong faculty, modem courses of study, ajdendid equipment, moral success of its student.-,- . and uniform and low the alsu the healthful splendid and iroasneot; cut expenses tuosphcre WORK IS T remonton friends of the contestants . A largo wag on brought several visitors from town besides the three who bad been chosen A to do Dental York. LI. GUARANTEED H arness tJompany DEALERS IN KINDS OF HARNESS .ALL The platform was decorated with potted plants, to be given to those not fortunate enough to get the medal. From its station in the corner (iOOUS AM) ETC to act as judges. the Httle orchestra, composed of two violins, one cornet, and organ accompanimeat, was doing its very best. Yes, Collars Whip? Btanketfl Oils - everything was all right. Mrs Itartfett looked with satisfaction Sweat Pads Halters Terrts and Awnings Harnesses Saddles i j with the best modern equipment; live stock, farms, orchard-- , gardens, parade Twenty buildings wiprovided tii.-sMfff.nl cxc-iiional facilities for thorough and efficient work. A strong fscnltv of fw ,ic in of the work of instruct i"n and expert- experts representing the best institutions of America and Luropt areWritecharge now for illustrated catalogue. No tuition. Entrance fee so, College opens oepl ). mentation .I.rkifc Bicycle Supplies Sewing machine Supplies Tin Ware Repaired. r upon the row of bright boys and girls ADDRESS THE REGISTRAR, AGRICULTURAL COLLKjQrj!, LOGAN, UTAH. who were to speak, until her eyes rested in upon Jennie Lee, the awkward girl the corner of the settee, whose hands livinrr some better WSJ than working in would take the medal. .... . ami feet seemed two large and whose liMII f1 .1... .,"M I null. ODIi PELL0W8 in u.xiai (in uu.A'i..ivi ""i s voice ws a on hhwiut , irs bsitiwv drejs had evidently been made, for some Some of the speakers were too sure of Wd TKSXOKT LOIKIE, No 48 mceta JciDie took )0 m ym one st least two years younger thsu she. bticcess; others were intimidated hy the toojp,, u,)(j jf tK V bav gold BBcds Jennie s torn conlest at the nent fli.ilrict convention, 'very Tbitnday at 7:IiO p. m iu Frater Poor Jennie! fche bad never been call larpe audience: hut when No one MCWJc SUSI1 CO witb me SOU pcrnaps ual Ifall. .v.p mttorhM evervlmdv. V E A Roche, S.U, iv in that too ed a good speaker; but Mrs Bartlett had v hen sh. of Jennie tetflous tli.uik'ht of l.einc ren, Sec R.t).H wbcu at J Out the heart to rcfue her the judges nnaour.cid asked to taki; part. The child had so ti,Mt the medal as award' d to her. The BROTHERHOOD 01 AMERICAN Mil van .m vw mver a" v JiotiK-sieafrw iilta.sures. Win u she was hut a others had not considered bet a riVil, S. F. CHRISTENSEN and now everybody congratulated her; moets tbSyfiod Sd Itb Saturday evening bin deserted little had father her hahy ' and her poor mother, who seemed Btfofeijeh month m '.i i. m., in the 1'rater Scienliiic ( Optician fatntly, and Jennie's tuotucr bml been nroud f hnr duccess asJi nnie herself oal Hail, Tromvntoa. EYE8 TESTED l lll.r. M I! Hart obliged to work iu the mill tn support When it was all over and Mrs Bftrtlctt With shI.e. ( Iiristensrn sad Sou herself and child. Jennie would soon be hud said goodnight " tb- visitorl'oremai wa'.k P. L. to Hrigham't'ily.UtM Bum up thirtetu yi sir; old aut! would then h ave found Mis Lee had lingered Corrcopomlcnt the street'with h r BCbool lu v.ork hestde her UiOth' r. Mrs. want to thank yWi Mu, Partlett," ; "I Karth.it alfted. the said, "for th iuterfAt y..u have tak-- ' I Jvtiuie will do wkII tonight, " enin leunie. I hadn't any idea she hp' file said to herself. 'Mki Ml forget K hat could do k well. Do you kuow, when, I have a uew loom and am w Mr (lark bad she was speaking tonight I tafcfc i MM MrCUrk totd her." Hnite j and 6 Commercial Block do of to tbebea mill work, to the into wesving. .shouldn't she go thought Jeonlc's vuie. a g""d PVI and this MM never shall if I ran help Ijgan Utah I'ring in your work. Any w rk year. I 'hone VO. v o. iiox M t ui-it d tried to teaok her properly tt. I this I couldn't gtf along left at the Trcmont Timea ofles thought iu IT isid he had done remarkably ve.ll 1 year without her help, but I'll manage will he promptly attended to. n WVCS drillitig. but .,,1D.. way, aud if h: can t ihr ikart LiflM hn had ImMMi i u,u. Advertise with tis It payS Ml Ml MS tkomis dfcM KM he wsMt to not Mn I Bicycles REASONABLE PRICES. Shoes Resoled and Repaired GKN KRA Lsr REP A NJCXf DOOR TO iATKi-- SI OR TRKMt mi-;- . c "N'l ' P, K L'TAll N". ' II i I jj Bessinger Contractor and builder. ifrfam KtiunttcM u,r l'lniiai Hart & W A NTKI Nebeker Wc pre-pairt- Bktl 'm law. :w I mile .South of Utah I ) arr billing all grades ALL ON Peasnall of burses; and mules at the highest market price If you have horses or mule to .tell or if! Drake, I e g-- i'.! m. West and IIORSK8 AND MI'EES j -- mile.- - Tremonton . Carpet Weaver All work GuarHtitetl uutde you j vub to buy or exchange, ;t!l MtoUk of ftfi Livery satf Hak OsrisBrd V'.h rjt the tm Vot lieMfal BladttftMiiir, Hena MWttat, i w;-,- n arrlajjc rcpn'nng rrmofrton, n-- ' uuw i |