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Show THE TREMONT TIMES. Published Every Thursday Tremonton, Utah. I". R. Sherman Editor manage) l0,0W. iiesponsibility . J50.000 IVr-onu- I (jhairman of Hoard, J A Fishburn. E M VVyatt. ember " " J C Gates. Accounts and CaffSMBMdence Solicited. All Entered as ceeona class matter Apr!! 004 at the Post office at .Tremonton Vtah under tbej act of congress of March 3rd 1&9. buiness with us will receive prompt " and careful! attention. 1 r Coi D. $1 St CASH PRICE reasurer John Shuman. Marshall ' Siirns auii Carriage uaiiiting neatly dont work. Will uit ct prices on tirst-clai- Utah. Tremonton r T- - 'r .ir- - r ' 'r r- - r- T-- r iSfK ?'r- Jr- ,r- - r- - T - On the Hill. yes, we have a College the pride of all our land: 'Tis here to bless our nation as long as it shall stand . Jt has gathered strength in sjl opo, nature seemed to sleep, And now it .stands in (.'lory while true hearts beat. There other spot is no land In bite Ui security of nations for planting it aright And loyal hearts will never tn to rind another site. , Our rich and happy State proclaims to every nation That we .stand for truth and right audi higher education Tor here 'mid Nuturt 's In antics, where virtue tills the air, Our CollCCC rears its ". m spire, it Placel Jrh Sal m good bed. Ami itei what you want to eat, cooked the way you waul it, iuij ol time you wanr it. See! Tri get r ail our favored lu re our College on the hill could stunil (Sod t-- 11$ s '"KB s m Kit1 . And we thank the .1 and willj Bar ow t x m m m m ;i Some fdk.- - can never could be so. my nam?, know b M I very funny. will write I the funniest it in gig m jut 1 . VOUKS FOB TODAY. 4m BILLIE BARLOW. M x , Vfi,,3''.3e;la'if!,3'f,3''A2,i-- O. S. L. light goes everywhere MAI. 'Tis here our son.- - and daughters, real i Kings and queens of earth, AKRIYi: May tread the path of wisdom and (lad No. ai NO Xi. their real worth The .siren's voice is silenced, the .Master's m D voice iv heard 5 I With a daily inspiration their heart of hearts are stirred , TIME TABLE. AD VALLEY nothing now to four i.It planted lafe and strong Upon solid rock, To bless the unborn ages the Cod's most in favored spot. II. AITKKI.KY W 'I'. A, M. No. 82. No ' !i4. J 10:27 10:81 ID.!,; 10:52 11:20 1I:H2 11:35 11:42 12:01 1:00 patents r, O Waukegat I'.vans :!i:i t:H Monita Central TREMONTON (iarbmd Riverside Fielding Plymouth Washakie Malad BM4 ti:4H :55 7:07 7:10 7 20 7:H p.m. B&Q Tlic mixed mill TRADE-MARK- S promptly obtained in ktt eoautnw, or ao fro. woobtiua tnaai PAY. admlta THAT IlioroauhlT, Rt our expellee, Htid L' lp you ti Ftioroej!. bond mod. l. phuto or ikati h for FRCC rrport '.'0 srfirj.' on patastoUlltj, prartir,-- . SURPASSING REFERENCES. or froe 1'fudo Book an rmntaUi' riiuan wiiai tt Hrigharn Coriune ti.20 ti:2h 10:10 ' 10:20 train on tail llraneh is 4::S(. 1:0; 41 3 8:01 4:041 8:55 8:80 8:48 i:58 S:pl 3:35 2:55 2:52 2:45 8:80 :U0 8:83 r:21 8:15 7:52 7:15 WORKING-MEN'- o S SUITS . Before You Furchiso Any Oth THE NEW HOME SEWING MaCHiNE ORANGE, MASS. o Many Stwfnc Matthias, arc ma1otoa!l ragarrt-IcW Home " Is mad of qudlity. but tlio " to vnar. Our cuaranty never runs cut Wc make Sewinir Machine to suit a.l conditions tai itrada, Ttia " KW tamil MWtrig mai h nos lual cf e'.l Illh-Krnl- e Id nulliorl.eU dealrr- nlj . Bsan" l.j ram I i . Itwi , KWfNfl MACHIM Roosenbaum's tin. A feltppiy of the best Oil aud The Popular o needles CASH DEAL af A w Co Com 4 'o Com 2 yrs yrs . Valentine. M B Hart. E H Jones Sheriff Treasurer Recorder Joseph Josephson S N Cole Christena Madson Clerk Nephi J Valentine. Charles E Foxley Attorney James N Hoidaway Surveyor Assessor Elias Jensen School Supt A E Jensen Justice of Peace Andrew Funk Constable Charles Cheal Precinct Justice Constable GROCERIES: 25 c. Best brands of soap 7 bars for 10 c. Tomatoes per can 15 c. Best Beatrice corn, 2 cans for Van Camps' hominy, 2 cans for 25 c. : . c j i i.;,-- . tn au ' pr,cea 111 prupuxuutt. Cldssfs OI cfnne(lj Castor, machine oil ner eallon.40 c. 95 c Linoleum, best, very heavy, pliable, per yard i (The above grade retails at SI. 25 per yard.) I Sam? l?1:50.iz.uv. wurui ipia.uu xur ,oo One 7 drawers Drop head sewing machine, worth $40.00, at 25.00. 10 doz. brooms, sold at 45 c. each, now 35 c. 20 c. Commonlbrooms, each Sugar (at this date, 620) per sack at $5.30. " 18 lbs for 1.00 vjnt; iiectvy i tinge CSubject to change , but won't be undersold.) A good whip. 200 buggy whips, 15 c each, 3 for 40 A line of watches, warranted for 1 to 10 years, 75 c to 8.00 A good alarm clock, at 75 c. c Junction 11 Plymouth Promontory Terrace Ceo House Waiter J E Montgomery ' J Nlsh E Rudd V, Chajf Card E J Bassett W Parson ,1 Willard Three Mile Mtntua CLOTHING: 116.00 Suits going at 41 " 14.00 " " 10.00 " - 9 7- - j 7.00 ) .... " ' E Whitaker S N Cook Qeo J Wells Suite ,at about half price HATS 8 W Cook .las Haritield ACapener T " (.00 S E Bake V each. A complete line of guns and ammunition, cheaper than you can buy of any other house. See our line of guns before you buy. Andrew Funk Chas Cheal HC Vanauadcln T E Seerist Brigham Sunset ark cAnd Prices That Will Pay. A map for every Buyer. C Young Almon Wight X C Jeppsen Hans Kellar Calls Fort W W Lasley E Hunsakcr Here is the best C D 1! Marble J Deweyville Pcwey 011 011 every C 8 Twitchcii J Coliinstou c'enl Blinding grade E K Hadlev Malad James Coil Bear River Al Holmgren HPThoresen Frank Walker Dewey Wood Fieldiug Jf own At r SHOES detil ever offered iu Utah. or siioes, sec tliem. 20 per Queensware and Hardware inarkinson Portage Rawlins Snowvillc C W Robbina Manila K H itaitord ,l(din II Watt A L Petersen ,i Thos Law TO Fridal ( lias Kroksh CONSUMPTIVES, The undersigned having been ustoreg to health by simple means, after sutT- Bring for several years with a severe lung allietion, and that dread disease , is anxious U. make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheer fully send(frce of charge) a copy of the prescript ion used, which they will find a sure cure for Conscmi'Tiom Asthma Catakhii, Buonchitis mid all throat aud lung Mai.adiks. He hopes all sufferers will try his Remedy, as it is Invaluable . Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing, and may prove a bleat ing,will please address Rev. Enw.vRi) A Wu,M)N, Brooklyn, N.Y you are not a hog We are goinR to re(JUCe your price our btock one halt, and the price on every-thm- g will be right. We will duplicate any price that Montgomery Ward & Co.. or Sears Roebuck will make you. You can see OUR Goods before you buy- - you guess at what you buy when you buy through a catalogue house- - There you pay for your goods before you see them. With a good freight bill added. Try us and save money. A hundred bargains to numerous to mention. WHEN WR PAV CASH TOR OOODS WE BUY WE CAN LIVE ON THE DISCOUNT. SELL AT THESE PRICES IS FOR CASH, ONLY. TO WE ARE HERE TO STAY Yours Respectfully, Stearns & Lohr, CORINNE, UTAH Watland & Co have the best binder's Pou't be footed twine on the market "Ji, a article. by cheap laHHalH fA Don't forget the Times wanting job work. ' it fSl!J' ' aSfaaaaaal ofiiee whin 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Copyright Cash Store, &c-- h mi! f1nrlpt ton ma Aitm Mnrttif a oulra'T atcwtAin out opinion fr wlitnber an I'mininit.n I'll"'""11 irt!H".i rronnpiy tWtv.iin.it'n'U' HANDBOOK ( t. 'aint '. n for sviririr ruin U. font frp. OMest wen-'Tnr'unrii aiuun to, rwvive rtrn?a tb tttcinl iiotsa-- s wtri tut uharifs Br MOINEAU i I At !.). and up CO. TREMONTON. UTAH. 0C8I0NB Sbll IfniAraf, Agent. Tremonton I and $12 The fabrics are selected for neatness and durability and they me riglll in every way. The Workingmen that buy their clothes here will be sure of buying Satisfaction as Well as Clothes We stand back on every sale we make with our ron clad guarantee of " 'Money back, if anything goes wroug This wa Mr. Workingmen, please. COMPANY Judge 1st Judical District Willard W Maughan. Dist Atty F J Holton. Chairman countv Com. , We always look well t the Clothing wauts and requirements of our VVorkingmen patrona. We want their trad We make it a point to furnish them with the motst durable and satisfactory garments that it is possible tu produce. We have line of VVorkinffBien'B Suits at $8, $10 Peter Clegg. F W Fishburn HON ELDER COUNTY 2:25 1:20 to OX Sovonth S , 4:55 daily except Stinduy. D. C. WASHINGTON, Stroat, S03-B0- P. M.. A. M. 0:40 9:80 iM. STOHL BROS'. FURN. District Representative Riverside 'to jj I 1 alley 1) Uirschi Grouse Creek Phil Paskett DEP.UM' :1 ;SS State Senator I . Send out the joyful tidings to nations far and near, 0 sing, our College prospers, there is I Clear Creek BRANCH. ' WE DO BUSINESS! A C Nelson, . New Song For the People. Complete. Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum, Ranges, Stoves. Granite Ware, Etc., Etc. John C Cutler. Charles S Tingey. Secretary M A B redden. Atty. Genera! Auditor J A Edwards. Treasurer James Christiansen Supt. of Public Instruction House Painting and Decorating Our College A s our line .'n Furniture, Governor is a necessity State fc-- - tl.jU) Extreme heat prevails everywhere, and in the large cities the, air is stiffliog ocn at midnight. In New York city the' neat is so intense, that, according to one day s report there wore BO deaths and hundreds of prostrations. Think of these facts when you are inclined to complain, here in Tremonton, where bedding at night in tin; Our Line W C Wyatt ST ATI- ee As any one J H Hall. .75 0J We will always give you us low a DCRoush. lerk OKMSON. Cashier. K President, Subscription rate.1-- . ne year in advance Six months in advance year not in advance M ' SB Watland. Interest paid on time deposits. N Please Remember TREMONTON dan. Corinne. Paid lib Caj.ital of And Official Directory. COLE BANKING CO. At Clothiers and Men's Outfitters fsn 111 Scientific American. BHgbMI City, Utah 0 trvat A haielaotro'Ir lHihtraia.: nf. whIi. mlalKin 'if any )niina.!' Tariua, S.T -a re"6"iC'TTaf ; !mr iuiiib.fL -! MUNN & Co.38- "- New York Imported French Pen be n. '.'H miles west of 'ftrmont' 30.00 live al. For further p Ail Farm, Tfmonton Horse e f ' rc.ee, s Jt |