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Show What Is The Matter With AND C. THORESHN I 1N0I W. J Kerr? HE'S AIR10M1. Baptist wrz 1 Sunday Prea.hing ' f. a if 3D a b w a ,0EH o BCeVnCS. '.nrrHNOON "WTH ANSWERS: Methodist. Church Directory :JW 2:3l)p.m. Erranno Btsnris. )0:30 A M 9uudav School The following, trhieh if. tt,ken from A M llsH PmtcUtg preaching, every alternate he LofM Journal, i an artic le krrittM Kvlsisu- StttMCEH. Sunday st S:00 p. m. by 1 C 'i hoiscu of Cache county, in the B. Y. P. . : SO P M I church All services r,t the defence of President Kerr of (he A C of 1 i 'rescuing ?;w invited you ( cub so eoinrucnilaljle that we and It T. GILPIX. Pastor. Prater Iffltlwf Wednesday night at it here. reproduce ' 8:00. MOVENTS MtBCTORY. Editor Journal SALE. CLEARANCE AUGUST p m. : N 4'Is 'N j . : Rumors detrimental to t he character All Sunday Services even Sunday. The Seren Day Advents bold regular and ability of President V J Kerr of the service will be held iu the Fraternal Sabbath School at the.M.E. Church, at Agricultural College, have liually found 11 ill. Vou are in ited. S o'clock every .Saturday. Everybody . their way into C'atlie county by the aid A.li.SHAnic-K.PaRtorinvite,. of machine made politicians and other pretended friends of the College, and are being circulated by tlietn. aud the inno cent and ignorant, to the injury ot the Hock. Brick, ami ( Vment-Moi-College cause. Everybody ought to know, at least iu Cache county, that tbM rumors are without foundation in fact. They orig All work jruaraiiteed Cisterns a spetifthv inrted, and are maintained and circulatTremonton, I fcah Richard Schwab. ed solely by the enemies of the College and the selii.sli friends of the Cnivei-mIt is said that President Kerr "is too We are clearing every summer line out now and making ready new fall goods. them over. We are going to give some special sales every day this month and fairly tear things loose. You can afford to carry these goods over better than we can and we are willing to pay yoa t handsomely to do it. WORKMAN. tory wou. A strong supporter of the consolidation of the College with the Pniversity at Salt Lake recently said to the writer You secure President Kerr's resignation from the College and we will have him appointed president of the University at once, and you may have Prof WidtBOe or any other man in the State yoa may desire, for President of the College; and we will drop this tight now, and risk the consequences." Yes, President Kerr has been "two smart" for the University people at every turn in the road, including their recent raoi e for an extra session of the legislature. They have failed "to down him" by fair or unfair means, w ith far the stronger backing in the numerous public attacks upon the College; hence they have, taken to ambush aud as char- n'ter assassins ate t lying to stab him in the: back. They are ottering rewards for I discs from Cache COUCt to betray him. President Kerr is not "arrogant." but w too " high mm (lott to allow hiMsell j. iul the College cause to be trampled upon by its vicious, or even to condescend to their questionable ways of warfare. Is he "extravagant?" No! not by any means, as compared with the University people. No doubt in his endeavors to checkmate them he has overreached him self at times; hut had he not put on hold front" and made strong demands fur the support of the "school of the people," it would surely have been severely crippled long ago. That he is wasteful is not charged, for it is to nroll known that President Kerr is as close and economical a disbuscr of private or public means, as can be found a;. y where. Asa college president, he has no equal in this state, and all friends of that in- J. VV. H I i AH1.AX1). t I A A. B. Manasa, ( t Certainly Find here II. SOMETHIN G SPECIAL rCement Block Factory Blocks of all desigtfs for Buildings and Factory East of Boothe's Store. Will To your advantage to buy what you need, Don't forget that there wili be Maker Watch :. don't want to urge you to buy more than you can use, but You "best" work done and .Jewelry, goto Practical LEWIS, BOOTH E'8 ST o o Any old thing will do himnevs Garland, o this month. On sale everv day 6 talr FISHBURN'S YOU CAN ALWAYS AT DO BEST HAVE YOUR PHOTO! ONE PRICE AND THAT THE LOWEST. Stores at Brigham and Tremonton. DO IT NOW! O The Kent Hotel cylnd Short Order House Tomorrow might be to late to have the babj photo or your family group. It matters not the kind or style you want, we make them. Meals Sorts. Served from ALL WORK GUARANTIED. p.m. (jlood meals and 0 a. m. to CONFIDENCE Confidence in the people you deal with is an important factor in the business world. In letting us do your printing you can depend on us we keep all promises and never misrepresent. Our job printing department is one of the best in the county and you make no mistake in sending your orders to us. 10 Good Room Satisfaction Guaranteed. Telephone connection with both lines ' THEFOULGER E A KENT CO., A Ul.AN ). TAIL C I i R Tremonton I P'r Utah A I)V7HTI81X(;. ffi HA, Cheap advertising like cheap shoes is dear at any price. Our advertisers get results, which accounts for our having the largest advertising patronage in Box Elder county. get our rates. Wilson Lumber Co., Si Mi& A 8 P rice Ejn: ml if i 1XDEW.N DRN'l' AND "John dear," says tho fond jvife "I niacin.; through an old trunk and I found a poem you wrote to me bi ton we were married. Don't you it read me tn to you?" want "Amaryllis," declared the husband, a desperate gleam coming in his eves, "if yon read that thing to me, I swear I'll gat that old picture we hud taken, in which you insisted upon resting one hand on my shoulder and holding one of mv hands in your other one, and have It framed and bun," in the library' I to-da- l'ltCNES. fr- - or ou artv kind of trrms, until von have received our complete Free aud desrrlbfiifr every kind of and bicycles, old patterns nnA latest models, and ll am ot our remarkable LOW PRICES aud wonderful new offer, made possible hy selling from factory direct to rider with BO middlemen's profit. WE SHIP OH APPROVAL tnlkmU a cent drposit, Pay ta Freight and allow lO IliiyR Kree Trial and make other liberal terms which no oilier house iu the world wit' do. You will learn every thing and get much valuable information by simply writing Ota postal. We need a Rh'or Agent in every town and can offcT on opportunity to make money to suitable young men who apply at once. high-grad- e Rjakes. Building cTVIaterial for all purposes in any quantity. En Biiuffei niDCDDnnc rnwur Tince unco ipoiju Regular Prion $8.50 Hardware! Yes, and Stone Ware, too. G raphophones and Records, Cylinder and Discs All Columbia the best made. YOU f .u write f.r our big KKKK BIO CUE catalogs sliowniK the most corapiele line of hrKh-rsde BICYCLES. TIKES amf MJttDJtlKa nt Hll era BELOW auy ether manufacturer or dealer in the world. DO NOT BUY A BICYCLE Also, Binders, cTVIowers and was rum VVSUti IS ILL IT WILL COST OENT Deering. 0.THOSE8EN. Call us up and Tremont Times, Tremonton, Utah. Binder Twine, they handle the best the stitution, that believe jn "fair play," can well afford to stand by and defend PivKident Kerr against the slanderers: Yours for the College, l We BM But if you waul the on Wfttches, ('kicks rather loose money on these summer goods than carry We would EXPERIENCED smart, arrogant, highminded , extravagant , etc. , etc. ," and that "if be was out of the way the fight on the College would cease." These accusations have been made repeatedly by the. enemies of the College to its friends and defenders at the battles in Hah Lake, and if they could only secure President Kerr's head it would always have been considered as their vic- for x-- pair. t J .80 r -n a mm i - r v a cr Introduce MM NAILS. Will Sail 'ou a Sample UkOR y WON'TGLASSLET To Vo I rvnuiunt e TACKS "fr for Only (CASH WITH ORDER OUT THE AIR $4.63) u MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES. R ult of 15 years experience in tire Halting. No danger from THORNS, . rUS. PINS, NAILS. TACKS or GLASS msu mm Notlee thn thlelr rubtxrr tread "A" and punotu rn "II" and "D," also rim strips strip "H" to prevent rim en ttlnc;. This tiro will outlast any othe mako SOFT, ELASTIC aod Chickens i..us pUBCtUTSS, like intentional knife cuts, can Vulcanised like any other tire. Two Hundred Thousand pairs now in actual use. Over Thousand pairs sold last year. Sever,ty-!iv- e EASV KIUIMU. Oti'CRIPTIOMt Made In all sires. It is lively and easy riding, very durable and lined inside a of never which becomes wuli rubber, special quality porous and which closes up small punctures without allowing the air to escape. We have hundreds of letters from satisfied customer! Hatine hat their tires uaveouty been pumpco up once or twice in a whole season. They weigh no more thai M ordiaary tire, the puncture resisting qualities being given by several layers o? thin. Bpe tivcliarcd fabric on the tread. That "Holding Back" sensation commonly felt when riding; on aspl or aoit roaiLi is ovticome by the patent "Basket Weave" tread which preveats all air from being squeezed - out between the tire and the road thus overcoming all suction. The regular price of these tires is - i r pair, but for idvertiataft puriw s we are making a special factory price to the ndrr f only k ," pet All orders shipped same day letter is received. We ship C.O.t). on .m do not pay e cent until you have examined find found them strictly as represented. approval We will allow a rash dieount of s percent (thereby making the price 94.56 per pairj If yon send M I f stl WITH OKDI.i: and enclose tins ndverti'ement. We will a so en(t nn. nirVl brass hand pump and two Sampson m"tal puncture closers on full paid orders (these metal plati pan eture closers to bi used in ense of intentional knife cuts or heavy gashejj. Tires to be rc turnei! ,1 for il ot It .my reason they are not satisfactory on examination. We art p. rfei (K i (liable and money sent 16 us is as nfr ii? in a bank. Ask your Postnistrr. Banker. Kapfessor Freight Agent or the Uditor of this paper about us. If yoa order a ,air of these tires, yon will find that they will ride easier, run faster, wear better, lrt longer and look finer that, any lire you have ever used or seen at any price. We know that vou Will be so well pleased hat when vou waul a bicycle you will give us your order. Wc want vou to tend us a smsl. trial at once, nence tins reniflritnoi. ttri .iter. l. .v.d rr-::saddlos. miMa. pa-and A IrYC I rvlMnrr in the ' by us at half the n .1 ch rd by dealers and repair men. Write for our big MI'MltltV catalntpic. uu mjT I II I N K itr U Affyr flf A IT vdwine usp.vra posiai loosy. anj rJU wonderful offers we are making It oolv :in Write It ' FVtatycs per 1X WM Don't forget the FREE CONCERT daily from I I TREMONTON MARKETS Wheat per bu. Oats per i 100 Ibt, Barley per 100 lbs to 5 p, m., at The Hardware Store. i UTAH. I m SMON HON, 1 Beef rattle per lb. Pork dressed Pork alive Butter per lb. Egg per doz. 4 .'J0&.26 m KEEPYOIJB EYES ON THIS SPACE. fJCVj vSpjl j- I" I tiii.e flO i.ticrrD Vl'flO iCft'UritACOi f W WMI bullt-up-wh- OYCU CJOWPANY, t , ld Oept, "Jl" CHICAGO, ILL |