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Show Th e Trembiit Times. TBEMONTON From Our Town Locals. , , a Ryan of Corlaaje visitor in town Moodav. I.'d Mrs ius Who Report The Conditions Of Our Surrounding and children arc spent with friends in Salt Lake D Haws T. a few davs Deeritift Riuder Twine the best. j Los Molinos, California non Editor of 'Fremont Times, i. lie Iiniuruuce qwhcuui , nail, IU. has been in Halt Lake and Ogdcn for the V . ... - ff-- ll past ten davs, returned 10 I. Tremotitoo, day. OW Meldrum has some of that I'TAH. THURSDAY. '1 clots to it. It is thought tlint some omf threw t lie stub of a cigarette in the dry imo L'rtisa there and the tin- started from it TUt, Co!iHSUin IJilck,t ilr,,aJ.. hours, hard work, got the best of the fire, and Hy Jensen stood the bill for - - f t 0j the spring and locate Jin Vtah. The OomwncitJ will miss one of their best friend.-- , and physicians in this part of Utah era bloom the whole year round. Brown! I see by your most valuable paper that '4 Pide IW. AUGUST M, Vol. of the l.ftriun of Honor, which ceremony of the mili occurred in the COUrt-Vartary school, and was rendered doubly impressive from the fact that it was Ml On A this very spot where the buttons and lace wi're stripped from his uniform A Sergold Quite and his suord lirokeli in two. twelve ious Expe dience F Few men in history have j ears ago Miss Ella Crozier. battled o .successfully against so gftat , odds as has )re There are many Klla Crozier had a little e pe rence last recorded who have struggled heroically Im k tlia'. M time. ou of 100 would have for Justice, hut have died before it was proven fatal. attained As .he hay dertfek started up empty, All UMHM Rjoieei with th. good i ihe, in a sj i .: of fun grabbed hohl of people of France in removing he awful the teeth aud started up with teua in blemish from their national military his tension of releasing heir hold as soon as ' . t'ry she had liecn carried (dear 'from tin g.onnd, but the machine, went su fast Not fee. that before the realized the position she w as iB si,c ivus so hiirh above the ground t cit site was afraid to loosen her hold i State f Fiali t fid so held on until the fork reached its 'omity it i,o.x Elder, j n the Manila Precinct of said County highest point. She then saw Niat the Luck v:,s beyond her reach, and that I Inn (in iny possession the following could not be rendered her from f described estray animals which, if not that source, and as she had on t pair of c. aimed aud taken away will be Sold at Proved To Be r t'n-- tl 1 No Town Locals. d errick For Fun ,,,. Doctor Frciday is packing his furuiI arvfea a tmm linnu If it IIUIMM n t U tire OH i II !T tl) UlOVe IjV I he lirt of The doctor intends gotag will come raein: for this September. mwatMr.l r i" nr i icornf.a rron ;am wh. rc we have "Good Back enal on a visit of four or live Summer Time" and where the !iow-- j months then he intends to come west 7 R C Fryer, landlord of the Planter's hotel at Dewey ville. was in town Mon-- ! VI Dear Sir: ' Sunday nijht. cot refreshments for the crowd. He was Very thankful and loud in his praise to the crowd for the loud work they did for him. Mr Jen B was very much scared for a time Friends and Neighbors. 14c tf net cash at the Hardware Store, BOX ELDER .1 iorresponucnib busimss . """ ( reported l i.n the si-l- p Mtss Alhe Shermait left Tuesday unlit for a spin through the adjoining country going by way of Garland. ( ollinstoti BtlWt Dam Mendop Weilsville and She Logan, roMrniiip home Sunday be Wo'lsville to at Friday t expects witness the ball VMM wWm will bf plu t'd b WeUsvsHc ,,, xHsK , Ut: 1 1 ..'., ,n and Hrigham on ae.f.i,ani..f sk,... ,l(,r mnU lrit, 4. n Sunday the lttt h ii's't .Kev Mr II H leer will preaoh his farcwoM sermon Mr Fleer s (votk w.ill now be (uRfa the making great improve Mr Fleet MeihiKLst Soi i. U is Ogdcti I think the greatest improve-mein Tiemonior. has made many friedl as made by your cal land agent. The Drue Store at ColliustOO, has ai and viomity who w ill be son y to hear oi Mrs 8 B Wttiand and Mrs Wyatt ,'s no wettJer V S Pett "took to the Idaho. to Mftlad City moved ready made in hii held of labor. the cfcaagf, went to Salt Like City Wednesday to woods.'' All of this improvement gives where it will be opened for business We ta'ke pleasure in itnnouneing tiUtt olcaiu optica! treatment. me great pleasure about the 1st of September, when it will we arc now ,n i position to h all kintU 1 w ill Paint, Oil and Brushes at the Hard old prescriptions, try to give you an ofjbeanle to refill of high grade jiloitogruphy in our well tf this ranch and its doings. It is 16 miles Tll(. Coilluaton Drug Co. oilers a word of ware Ston' Thk Focloi k Co., eqtiiped studio north and south, along the Sacramento thanks and appreciation for the patron rather large gloves, her hold was poor, Mr F A Cook and Dr R II Dunn made public auction to the highest cash bidder Oarland. I tab River Bottoms. Now I will give you an f t u, people since it has been hi and there before the eves of nearly a at rjwood my CCtideUCe, in Munila I'r" a flying business trip to Brigham WedP A HaMOn of the Arm Of Anderson idea of the machinery in use on this business in ( 'oil hist on But there is wb4o7.cn people, she relaxed her hold and (duet, on Tuesday, the 21st day of Aug nesday A Hanson shipped Me liist two cars of ranch and, also, the number ot workf,,-- t to the ground, striking on ust JUOd at the hour of 2 o'clock P M 0f tt Drug Store in col.insiou w itii frn v , , , , of . the year-olZola, daughter eight this v ear's grain crop out of T'romonioR nanus mat are eraptoyea uere. orout a nlivsiciao. oik- oi the timbers ot the derrick. With is ill I.S: of OF AM.M DESCRIPTION Thatcher, Bishop Nelson, hist Saturday This is a good starter and TJl(.rt. wcn, 15 m0we running this n a him oijioho John Standing Jr., has started in busi- Uoiiatciy nowever, sue w ill be followed by 12 d,til shipments b a six diphtheria had of which season, having to any extent. Miss t'ro.ier may COO'ne red and hi:e cow branded B ties.-- at Collinston, in what used to be tin There until local Stone Ware, GraURe Ware, Steel Goods f00t cut, aud 3 with a five foot cut. There OUT spring shippers Ill will handle a i,. aider this n very lucky experience BootUe building. on L'J'l shoulder; 1th sucking calf. In th" Store. er of Hardware tf were 3 combined headers and threshers, isH very lir" and Tools at valley graio p A Is Goods of fancy groee. its aud One red and w hite muley heifer, brand us foot and swath an this year. eighteen Jacob Hoen thrcsJied three acres 0f cutting the same grade of tine candies and cigars ed I on left ribs. Don't Forget It. ing HvJ head of mules, each, and 1 cutting Coli barley that wen: 85 bushels per acre. Mr HeberStob) weir to Unchain Sal that the Drug Store carried when in Due roan cow (with suckiriir calf left foot swath run by a fifty a twenty-fivMrs He is also on left urflay ewhins t fiiuston. Call and .see him spend Sunday Beery hind fool crippled, branded )Snce ai Tremouton Ball Oats are going from 80 to 100 bushels H. P. Engine, They commenced work the agent for the 0oden Steam Laundry Stohl who had been ill llngham several Friday evening. Latest and best music, rffag, per awes June 20th and are still running. A Leader. days returned with him Sunday .eight One liliiek mulev heifer, branded The Hardware Stote is headquarters From BO to 300 work hands are emNEW ISLAND FOUND. left shoulder tf ployed and about 200 head 6f horses and for good goods and low price:;. Notice oi" Registration. ( lue red cow br nded 14 e, mules are used. left Dccring Hinder Twine, the bert Parma- First Photograph of kupldl (irowine I will give you another idea. There i. fcl't cash at Hardward Store. ribs ;j on left hip. The registry book tit the Liwood tion Is Made. good bed land enough here to raise beets office hrauded Cue red east in heifer, north is the located Woodruff The Garland CkrtWng Co., id Garland, to voting precinct will be open at my supply a factory like the one at (ar-lanfollow on the. from 1'ost was I'tr.hJ Office Word received Taeotna, in t in Building em part of the beautiful State of iias S(dd their business to the Pouiger let! nils, ., on le hip. for a run of over 100 days, for most and etobor IS- dates. and is surrounded wi;b land and water. Washington August 9th, that C:.,t Ing August ' !ne red yoarl ttl heifer Co., of that place brand"d of this laud will raise beets without horse-lli-of the stflamsliip Northwest and sle ep A B Maoausa uas just pticchased the water. The beets just across the river mosquitoes, left ribs , :i on left hip. E B SumtMAN.. Itegistrar from the north a photograph on ern .'brings tbik Saloon property fc Tremouton- A are almost leadv to dig. me in est were Said taken by tincutter rays l revenue of oiiieer 2 Hh At thu place, on the July the; taken .Vjjn li evuientally thinks Tremouton property Kd , w io ,. ?;.,,,.r . won hf ! tth i'io - 'IK isl VI: lii.s. T went rtow-n?s l::su:-afia time. seeo'sd bad thffc Perry of the new.y.formed island whh h is great for ttis shepanls (food'h. Idings, .spdn nn artiHl about a plai) l had in 1908, lies fifty miles west of Dutch harbor, to the fair grounds aud nu t a has made within a month. purchase n regard tot!iUiuK,a ,rip arpinci t 'n vltt.KH K ROKsn I him asked between t he lionoslof islands, The Khinc and Moselle Insurance Com lead man directly pencils. j selling But Ben MeQueeu was awarded the con- - the world after selling my furs. r for Manila I'rerim Pound! wifi It epi how business was. He said, he couldn't commonly known as Cast 1c Islands. pane of Cm many has decided that:it tract for the building of th addition to have not been able to ct the gun ari.Line of liabilis;es 13 (WG.ftOO its first I a made 'its not pay weut to the hotel, picked up appearence during kick. wanted, so I have had to arrange another the Fast Garland school house. com The 000 feet high that rend aud is now ing from the cor.tlagratlon. On Monday of last week the Ot.eis plan. The length could not lie ascenaim Ao one wreck. railroad ,ike this: pany loesmm carry an eavfhipia'ive clans' Big which I winWo sell, and as I saw hand House of Malad city tool 'ire and burucd and it L ptosumet'; at the local (dlice 6b hurt: Ten Texas steers and a brakeman as the Perrv could not get cb.se enough from the paper published at Gridlcy, to the gro tied. In the building there; The health of the people here good the bead officials an pifttlmj forth the ytUJi While I was at the hotel the to make an accurate measurement - nnont,. ' H,ut (to,,-,- , mnv ,i irro,t art niniu' was also a printing office and a law office.. uoliceinan took out three Chinamen and Clouds of steam arise from its summit no more sickness having been reported plea of ' an act of Providence." ' water. it ' VUV. VI is surrounded by boiling an irishman. So I followed thettt. The and Managw Msithias hsi made vigorous Quite a number of our people have r decided to raft ray wood, in high water. Chinamen had been smoking opium turned from a pleasure trip in the nioun efforts to have his company pay the Ker Gilpin preached his last sermon dowu t0 tba, point j Uavc a ni,c ,.lnd twA Urn.. 1,.L-,D A rv I r r . r fw?nir f Claims Of policy holders, particularly the f,,r 5 tains lot this conference year m the iocal M in Vi mile, and I have already mancd out Tl.n xuys smaller' lesi itote ones i ney qtubk ana aisturoiog tne peace last Sunday eventng. tt M my course. T wW po (Iowti the fcUuU of Starvation We are pleased to announce that Mark Dying were taken before the court. The judge that the new pastor wiH preach Leavitt is up and around again after a imenloKjv(,rimI come t(, m Featbt.r SALE. said to the first Chinaman, ' what is pormer Sa, Laker Is Pasttos Ta Secure the here a week from (he coding Sunday . , oan Also MlaS Clara Smith illness serious !aku tQ mj, gt; " He. sin name.'" ,Ab said, is weU lited in this commuuUev Gilpin your Holy Ohoat. who has been on the lick list lQ iirmey for lhe watcr nms ovcl To the next Chinaman days," "Thirty ity and we believe that it is the desire of he U)p f ne (rood milch cow l'OH HALK MrsKinu.a (trover has returned from dariflg biffh ,YlU,r, he said, "what is your name?" He said Special to the Tribune bit congregation that he be returned for 8q , m remontol' Mi , tan mile north my wood .Parker, Idaho, after visiting with her .miles east 10. -S- lowly to and Colo davs", DENVER. Urn "Thirty another year. Aug. 'AhChung". jdowu there. Coal is $11 a ton and as 1 Frank 1'rvcr children he again said, "what dying from starvation in a the Chinaman next j 1908 intend to make this trip iu the winter I Go to Geo Meidrum for M .John Leavitt and family wlnbavc f y.Qft SAlfL- - A n tod " acre farm He answered, "Ah hack in the nar of lo West Kiowa lis vour name?" 15 A latest patterns will miss the gnats and the smell from Mr and patterns of wall paper. his with been visiting ,) imjuoie ments, M milw parents, tfo fofjj ." Then be said j street, K II Corniah lies in bed waiting the tubs, lint I w ill he in the fog aud bung." "Thirty days tf at the lowest prices. Prl home Mrs .John Q l.euvitt, returned j ml,. aouftrO f 'ftromoiiton. h. W(,sI to the irishman "what is your name?" for the holy eho-- t to enter his spirit . , cold damp winds, but that is th" time ., , dav rncT Oflice. at Times He said, "Ah bell, I suppose it's thirty Seven women and two men. in addition quire will make my mark for the cold will iu residence attended mv between of our care Garland, people Quite I number davs anvhow." Willie 1 was in Wood-- , to his wife, tirav night and dav bv his FOR HA I.F- two gei'luisrlness'liouses. , make them jump at mv wood like the and the CompiiEy s Central r arm. Find Hand Concert .Sunday niirhl which He invited me jdc The neighbors have been disturbed rulT, I met a friend. fish at the buds on the trees. good U'ation. One blacksmith shop e r please leave, same at Times Office or down to his place for dinner. I asked by the lamentations of the Holy Ghost was enjoyed by all. with tools and five lots and house. Now I will write you a fish story. It at my residence. Mks Geo Athtim, OarHe stid in SW Mod j devotees and tonight notified the police hills look quite Mark since he lived west Our where bin He told me is about Mr H M Wvatt. land Utah. An officer was .sent the tire last Friday night, and we are Get your wall paper at Geo MeHlrum istrcet. I asked him where that was. I 0f the disturbance i he went fishing one dav in July and all hi 'He said it was 2:H0 clay after a heavy to inform them that they must be more thankful to say that Ri damage was j has t he latest styles that Mrs Perry Potter returned from Hex-- : w,u,n bc ftt a Jjjb,)le ou bjs ,M tf done by the blaze rain. I took my brother w ith me I was quiet in their manifestations fag''- .mrg.Idalto, on ftunday, where she toaa thougkt be had, Ml, 8o he pulled, . a i. ... a . aiL look not at here would from the girls met Cornish and his family came Mrs Oscar Harris was up our way dc me oeeu Mu.,(; w,xu inenua i , , fl , Dune(l bim in UQtil he tttrilC sorry He was h livcrins some of the fine fruit, which w" s",rle1 ,() dance, quite a ;Salt Lake two months ago. Aftnvard three weeks. to the nolo theu the line broke aud! the too, I was well dressed. He bad powerful man weighing approximately None liner can I he new Edlaon nhonocri , is nTid,Ltisb still kent ooknc at him. b'l,lnn in her orchard So he ran surprise F0SSE a old is 1100 mere on mv of a to now reduced . but but sheep pair pounds 0), found anywhere records for sale, the best the world to a stone, pile, got a couple of stones and nothing herder shoes, and a long tailed mlmtkHatl skeleton. Ju I v 17th, according to Cor- . , k- -t mm n .nn waiain- TTVI Hmw , VIU, C.V', tC'J IIIU VVW U un it UtCUl Ai, tilt. Ml ijui WVi Lars JoJmson. , Hrv:oat that rny uncle, nUb, he received an liupimtlon from th i That's tht; story, and an inter n o ., o o wuiait'U II, u. iau , too at this time wore on a mission, fourteen years ago,i Lord to fast, in order to secure the. Holy esfing-onCo. Mercantile Tremont Mrs J fhc cn is of the year when there are Kcatlcy reputed and a pair of pants, but how Gliost in his spiri: . and. (Htrtfog a few' buck the fish was lust coin? awav. so. many I'ttle things aroumi iNcokPok rio.' that bov did dance, drops of water every second day, he has lint he , - niakinz iiretiarations to.he touched up. Kijr thinRi-too- The sheep herders will give a fre.J partaken of neither food or drink in the ! V T TroeH. represent iig Harness Wx .. m i i Mil Llllh tn, i will hiii nn mivii Sells. Six lieet- - of Tanglefoot Flv n ,,inm r "" th" Tr01lt ,ind A Co, the Davis County Nm.cri,,, Hoy, iwenly-fon- r days f' llow ing. The police 'Cause we ran sell you enouKl , hli nf Mt -- t w, ,, ,ltM whM he on the IWth day ol will take up the matter with the City Paper for So Crhto of , . MU rtab.wU. go to Hrigham City. Utah. paint to cover your whole Ptk .f hftS sont to Mont.on, , 4 fr'im louse, inside or out and the Kldorado Castor Machine Oil for 0c. Kv"r.v,"",-A,U'"M' lm the interest of hi, Co., Wd ' Physician tomorrow Monday. w.r.i & Co for a pair of husking tco. barn Elder county are invited, will be gone for two or three weeks, per gallon Ilring your can Bait we'll t& you 8 littlo as a pair f sborl fitee, wjl, Ell C Anderson. wbeu be will return to Tremouton, and. n.,r . runnin .. doc. per gallon. Moiled J.cnsecd knM just enough tc you want.The Vindications or bench. chair a touch make H for some time. And up my$ bo u 0!im, (0 ridc tr, shor, of Dreyfus. Buggy and Wagon Paint at bottom We'll sell you paint that won't EI.WOOI) WAS VICTORIOUS. I Don't fail to call at tho Hardware the first fish he sees. Now if this had price- pfel or crack, the f.rst time it Mr 10c assort-see from 15c and but aud the come Store 5c, j Wyatt anyone of line We most the Fireside the hot sun strikes it. have and Karin with We acrec complete The hall game Saturday was an easy , Wo r m dose to .00 bad WOHld To ,u i i H will .. siHHortment. .. vp a Lur take, bare been a mentt. .,1. in .xim-rilee means to buy i iau. ..j i u oi .iiot .un Aliens T he score was " - ha ITMatt says llial ail innresieo m1A victory for Elwood C IW'I Vue. IIUI 1177. niO"I Frank Sorter. tf Viy all you can pack heme We aiso carry a full I'm- of Drugs,, to 7. Our EI wood boys felt better ovei has anxiously followed the details inei fat.v Columbia Cylinder Oracboph one Jin their victory and we are glad to see then dent to the v indication of Maj r Alfred ixlieima. Perfumery. Toilet Artioiea, COM. m M BETAfOtSR CARD kHk Ihe culminating event at f Cutlery , rMtbiug Tnekto. Stattoaary , Me , and up. CMumhia Discs ?rto and M win part of the games Dreyfus. Ml LI. TALK 'PAINT A UTTLE. ' 'Cylinder records I fneb, 2fic. 6 inch, fOc rjrej fus' uphill light for right and jnat- j Uf R n.inn ftf San Pran6tn0 h nw ice occurred on the t'lst of the past Business sua-- ! Latest disc records The Trrmonton Cufe has ( hanueil n Tremonton .with ,,ormH nf.)t y FrWty lfrB00B K)- Jensen came very when the Major . France, at month Mr Paris, Drew sold his t has intrest .pended and free concert given from he fitor(. ,lr)th ,,iephonr-- . wr b,3 Lumber yard hy flrc :i(;;ment a;-MOeired the rank his of in I uniform full .ween 4 and I o'clock daily, At tho l the fire starts in m P Mr , mal the who iemi buiet rtter, UTAH no;'-- vet oraer ;aHLAN1 -, :ross of Chevalier of the Nit- ual Order lardtvarc of the yard wher" the wagon road passes m to- a. ilt Wail Paper, which over the world. is the rage ail Tremouton tf meats, but j is Fstray 1 Im U , I out-fin- a- ' . j f,, , - - i . . j . . Woodruff. i '.'l-'- i'i , H- - s 1 i T c L, h-- 1 1 . North Garland. ) V A I a s i " " 1 1 . Sacra-txpecte- L. iFM . j ' . two-roo- ' - . . : . Paints Ready , .!.,., f, .u..r.K. iv - - , ..... high-wate- r f'-- ll; 111 M, . . ... ' - i r ColHriStOn, Utah, I. Riter Bros Drug Co 1 - |