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Show DAZED The, Suffering WITH PAIN. of a Citizen of Olyropla, Wash. IN SCANT ATTIRE. L. 8. Gorham, of 616 East 4th St, Olympia, Wash., says: "Six years ago I got wet and took cold, and was soon flat in bed, suffering T MODEST BOY'S VIGIL tortures with my IN BATHING TRUNKS. back. Every movement caused an agonizing pain, and the HIS CLOTHES ARE STOLEN persistency of It exhausted me, bo that for a time I was Young Messenger Takes Dip in Suif dazed and stupid. at Coney Island. Loses Wearing On the advice of a Apparel, and Is Too Bashful I usfriend begun to Tell the Police. ing Dfian's Kidney soon no and Pills, New York. John 1!. lilxoti, a teleticed change for 'he better. The messeuger Imy who lives In graph kidney secretions had been disordered Brooklyn, went to Gene? Island the and Irregular, and contained a heavy sediment, but In a week's time the Other night for a swim. He deelded urine 'as clear and natural again and he would have his bath under the old the pMUfM regular. Gradually the iron pier, and forthwith planted his aching and soreness left my back and clothes in a sandhole, having in mem who then the .ameness. I used six boxes ory stories of took away garments under su-ir to make sure of a curp and the trou. onnstaneM. ble has never returned." Sold by all dflers. 50 cents a box. Apparently he was spied upon, for when he came out of the water two Foster-MilburCo.. Buffalo, N. Y. hours later his clothes were gone. He 'I lie i eul test of virtue coni"s after alleges that at this point of his adciine hours. ventures he took things philosophically and reflected upon the stars. not do PUTNAM KADKLF.SS DYES Finally he took to walking up and stain the liiinds or spot the kettle, except down the beach, still reflecting About U and ' purle. gii ten p. m. a man met him and said: "Say, sonny, is it as hot as all that?" Money talks, especially when you "Naw," said John H. Dixon, messen;give it to charity. ger boy. "It's as frozen as a tall KM, Wlnelow'a s,,,,th.,,: Syrup. buli''.in' In March. For children teething, nuflens the nuruf. reduoee Sfio a bottle. alia) 0 pain, u urea wiudcollu. "Why don't you go to headquarters?" asked the man when he heard A thing ceases to be a luxury after the details of the case. we bave money enough to afford It. "Hate to," said John B. Dixon, "like ALL-NIGH- "beach-comber- n rombauaire, the French explorer, recently was lost in the forests of He got separated from his Cambodia. parly and wandered through the solitude for eight days without any other nourishment than the water he could get from the marshes hi the jungle. M BOY'S IS LEFT ON BEACH this!" But finally the chill drove him up Surf avenue attired In trunks to a charity tent beside police headquarters. Here his pride prevented him from telling what the trouble was. He admitted that he didn't have a cent in his pockets, but the manager of the relief tent had no sense of humor, and In a Pinch, Use ALLEN'S FOOT-EASfailed lo see the delicately conveyed A powder. It cures painful, smarting, nervous feet and ingrowing nails. point. So the boy, after a cup of coffee, set It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Makes new shoes easy. A forth again on his weary way. It was certain cure for sweating feet. Sold Dow one o'clock iu the morning, and He had another swim, by all druggists, 25c. Trial package, L'nllly at that. FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted, Le and that warmed him up a little, or Roy, N. Y. rather left his temperature at the degree required for comfort. China to Own Postoffices. About three a. m., according to After the return of the Chinese mis- Dixon's own he met a man who sion which is now making a tour of had been all story, at night Brighton Beach. Europe and America for the purposes The man invited him to shoot in a of study, the Chinese government inJohn B. Dixon, messenger tends to assume control of the entire gallery. boy, said: postal system and at the same time "Well, boss, I ain't fit to go in pubto abolish all the BOStofficei in China lic places." row maintained by foreign powers. "Aw, .shucks!" said the man. They went to a shooting gallery and REST THAT RESTS. spent an hour, which resulted disas- Rest means rest. "Cut out" worrying. Rest with a capital R. Few persons know how to rest. Rushing for trains and boats Isn't resting. Being elbowed by a vulgar mob Isn't resting. Neither Is staying home and being annoyed by endless details. Long Island People Thrown Into Panic Overdressing, overeating and too Over Antics of Creature Who much excitement are not restful. Inhabits Nests. Over Sunday rest Is best accomto a some restful by place. plished trip Baldwin, L. I. -- That a wild man The Idea Is to discover what best lurks in the woods hard by this vilagrees with one and then to follow It lage there can be no possible doubt. an well as possible. Constable Stephen Petit led a posse Into the haunts of the creature, but was able to find only a few deserted MERIT IS PROVED nests In the trees where the unwelcome visitor had lodged. Residents RECORD OF are in a state bordering on terror. GREAT MEDICINE TERRIBLE ECZEMA. WOMAN ATE THE CONTRACT Mouth and Eyes Covered with Crusts Hands Pinned Down Miraculous Cure by Cuticura. "When my little boy was six months old, he had eczema. The sores extended so quickly over the whole body that we at once called in the doctor. With Document in Her Midst, She Asks, "What Are You Going to Do About Itf" The boom In real estate at Flushing. has landed part of a valuable contract in Mrs. J. S. Eardley's midst ana lly tor the man, John B. Dixon inj his bathing trunks being rather ex stirred up no end of trouble between It We then went to another doctor, her No man too poor to tie and Thomas Pritchard, of Booraem pert ;it tne line game. but he could not help him, and In ou 'lie gray dawn crept on apa avenue, Flushing. despair we went to a third oue. Mat Mrs. Eardley, who lives in Brooklyn, John II. bade farewell to his enthusla; ters became so bad that he had regu sold six lots In ti friend and took to the leaeh agal: Flushing to Mr. PritchNo man wealthy snoufh this time marveling atout the wonder lar holes in his cheeks, large enough ard. Mr. Pritchard paid a deposit, and Ot the unrise. to buy better The sun came up. ant to put a finger into. The food had to Mrs. Eardley signed a contract agreea spoon, for his mouth aeople began lo take to the water, but be given with ing to surrender the lots to him for a Your grandfather was familiar with John It. Dixon, messenger boy, who was covered with crusts as thick as certain price. Prices of Flushing propa finger, and whenever he opened the erty have the good qualities of Tho Bain, 25 had been under the shroud of darkor as as mush jumped up mouth they began to bleed and sup 60 per cent, in one day. Mrs. Eardley and your grandchildren will be. ness all night, felt sensitive, and fan eleel that ;!! the people In the world purate, as did also bis eyes. Hands Don't be misledi there is only one heard of this, and her soul was sad. arms, chest and back, in short the She called at Mr Pritchard's office. were looking at him. Beat in farm wagons, and expert-encwhole body was covered over anc About nine o'clock a man came alon "I want to keep my lots," said she, proclaims Bain, always Bain. and learne.1 his story. He said he wa. over. We had no rest by day or night briskly w"hen needing Implements, Vewnenevnr ne was wo in Oil Ded. we Mr. Tompkins, an engineer, and ad "Madame, you can't," he replied with hicles or Stoves, write ua. We save had to pin his hands down; otherwise utmost suavity. vised Dixoa tn go back to the relie you money, give you good goods he would scratch his face and make "Let's see the contract," Bald she, and good treatment an open sore. I think his face must soothingly. have itched most fearfully. Mr. Pritchard handed her the pre"We finally thought nothing could vious paper, and in the twinkling of an Leading Implement Deafen help, and I had made up my mind to eye she had bitten a big piece out of Vtah and Idaho send my wife with the child to Ku it Mr. Pritchard grabbed her throat-Therope, hoping that the sea air might came a fierce struggle between cure him, otherwise he was to be put hand muscles and throat muscles, and under good medical care there. But throat muscles won. for Mrs. Eardley Lord be blessed, matters came differ swallowed a large chunk of the conently, and we soon saw a miracle. A tract and smiled in bitter triumph at friend of ours spoke about Cuticura her foe. We made a trial with Cuticura Soap "I'll have the law on you!" he cried. Ointment and Resolvent, and within "Pooh!" sneered she. "I've got the ten days or two weeks we noticed evidence in my midst, and I d like to decided improvement. Just as quickly see the court that can find out anyGEO. T. 0DELL. Gen. Mgr. as the sickness had appeared it also thing about It." to And there the matter rests. began disappear, and within ten Houses at Salt Lake, Of den, Logan, weeks the child was absolutely well Idaho Falls and Montpelier and his skin was smooth and white SALMON NEEDS SALT WATER we as never before. F. Hohrath, close Saturdays at i p. m. Presi dent of the C. L. Hohrath Company Confined in Lake, with No Approach to the Sea, the Fish Rapidly Manufacturers of Silk Ribbons, 4 to 20 Become Dwarfed, Rink Alley, South Bethlehem, Pa., From Her Viewpoint. June 5, 1905." It is all very well for pinchbeck husThe name salmon is given in Eng bands and haberdasher economists to NT-JOHN B. WENT BASHFULLY land and all eastern states to a large, deliver BIBLICAL BASEBALL. on luxury and finery homilies THE RELIEF TENT. trout-lik- e fish which lives In the sea, and the evils of extravagance lace, A Canton (0.) theological student In of about the mouths tent and ask them if they couldn't do chiefly rivers, terested in baseball wrote a thesis on and which enters the streams to spawn, chiffons, rubbons. tjekers, and frills a little better. are as indispensable to the weUbeing "Baseball the from Among Ancients," John B. went bashfully, and when running for a considerable distance of womankind as walklngsticka, which are the facts: gleaned following stream he the to and the told the whole truth and this time up returning footballs are fJid whiskies watches, a sacrifice. made Abraham sea after the act of spawning is ac- to nothing but the truth everybody the comfort and welfare of asrl-du- s The Prodigal Son made a home run. PaIn a women the writer the says except complished, laughed attendants, man. London Observer. Cain made a base hit when he killed cific The old males become who felt maternally sympathetic and Monthly. Abel. somewhat distorted, especially through called him a "poor little fellow." Need of Unrestricted Play. David was a great "But I was all to de merry," said the lengthening of the jaws, but the Even In the case of child It Is thrower. with age and season are not recognized that this sphere of freedom John B. Dixon. Moses shut out the Egyptians at the changes much greater than in any large trout should enlarge as the child grows. The relier tent looked up a suit of Red sea. The true salmon, like the true trout. Sully rightly warns: "Nc thing Is mors overalls, and the messenger boy apMoses made his first run when he Is black spotted. It is called in sci- fatal to will growth than nn excess of peared before his anxious mother and slew the Egyptian. ence Salmo salar, and along with the discipline permeating the whole of a friends and told the whole tale. The was the Eve coacher. devil first true trout It belongs to the genus child's surroundings." "Dere's some men," said he, "dat It Isn't bast stole first Adam stole second. Salmo. There Is only one species of that all play should be seder even gets mean because dey're down on der When well met Isaac Rebecca the at Atlantic salmon; It Is found on both kindergarten instruction. Dr. Henry shoes, but a mn wot steals a kid's she was walking with a pitcher. sides of the ocean, and on both sides C. King. does must ha' bin born that way." Samson struck out a great many d On the whole, John B. Dixon said and it becomes sometimes Ancient Celtic Phrase. he thought the loss of his clothes was times when he heat the Philistines. dwarfish when it is shut up in a lake The phrase "his mother's white-heade- d worth the insight he had obtained Into and when it cannot or does not go to PHILOSOPHICAL POINTS. the sea. the wonders of nature, human and boy" is as old as the hills iv Ireland. It appears In many of the The fatted calf never loves the otherwise. Irish fairy stories of the last century. Harnessing the Mississippi. prodigal son. Work will be begun before the year Irish mothers who knew good fairies Truth never runs around asking is out on a dam across the Mississippi always kept the secret for the "white-headpeople to believe It. boy" of the family. Gerald Alas, that fools are prosperous. Is river, at the foot of the Des Moines rapids, for the development of water Griffin, In one of his best short stories, It their penalty or reward? How many of us in listening to the power. It will be the greatest project years ago used the phrase as one he of the kind except the combined works had borrowed from an old Celtic book. tomtoms forget the violins? To think an original thought is to at Niagara, the dam the greatest in We Make Travel Easy. the world except those built by the take a step nearer the divine. in Five A the Nile. British minimum of trains daily via the Atohison, People who need to be continually els, and the watchword of all Nassau & Santa Fe, Colorado to Kan- is be to horse obtained Topeka 60,000 power are not the worth up prop. propped is "Drucula alive or dead." When men become suddenly good and transmitted to factories in the sas CHy, St. Joe, Chicago, Galveston. Dracula has been wandering near heart of the agricultural center of the El Paso, City of Mexico. Ask me the pumping station, which is used to they should be executed immediately. reduced rates. C. F. Warren, nation. The dam will be In sight of about beIt is for some to easier people G. A., A. T. & S. F. Ry., 411 Dooly supply a portion of Brooklyn. He has lieve the states of the three Illinois and Iowa, impossible than the posBlock, Salt Lake City. Utah. also appeared at dawn to Mr. Sirap-ki- n, Missouri, the legislatures of each state who was gathering the products sible. Before It was tnrown down, the having adopted resolutions approving Hired Bridesmaids. of his Plymouth Rocks. The wild man work and promising all possible the A woman in Paris has established a Golden is Calf had still and it son, seized the rubber dating stamp with assistance. The estimated cost of the an agency for supplying bridesmaids mooing around the world. which Mr. Simpkin was about to imwork will be $6,000,000, which Is J100 to young women wno need such at. to successIt Is that an and fiendish with a egg, cry print one per horse power on the minimum pow- tendants and who have no friends. men fathom the of motives fully distore across the railroad track and er must To an capacity of 60,000 horse power. The Each girl receives five dollars for each man idiot a be himself. appeared in a clurr.p of blackberry to a lunatic all men are either cost of supplying power, Including all time she acts as bridesmaid. If the bushes. fixed charges, maintenance, operation bride wishes her maids to idiots or lunatics. appear tn Young persons who are accustomed and all expenses, is closely estimated new clothes she has to the apbuy to visit the kissing bridge at twilight PHYSICIAN SAYS at eight dollars per horsepower-year- , parel herself. now shun it, for the unpleasant experiof cost steam the power in the terrience of a Freeport couple there has Children Thrive on Grape Nuts and tory within 200 miles now being from Its Object Attained. alarmed the community. They were Cream. $40 to $65 per horsepower-year- , with widow opened a matriA Cincinnati rail when the wild leaning against the $55 as a conservative average. The monial agency and married the first man approached and laid a heavy A Mass. physician has found a cure World man who applied. The concern Is now hand on the youth's shoulder, and for constipation in children citing closed. his in face suddenly fifteen cases then laughing Too Appropriate. by feeding them Grape-Nutswung himself into the branches of a In a small town tn California a weeping willow which was on the new hospital has recently been erectbe"Some he time "I writes, ago," overhanging bank of the striam. ed on Salslpuede's street, and th came interested in your food, Grape-NutMiss Conway, who lives outside of board of directors, in lieu of some Having your jewelry repaired or a as curb In for constipation the main portion of this village, de- children. made over. We have just doubled bettec suggested that the hos- our in own thing tried it Having my work shop facilities, and give clares that the other afternoon she saw bear the nkme of the street service. prompt a tall man emerce from the woods His family, I have advised it in fifteen pital cases in which all suffered with con- One mere cautious than the rest sue which was torn threadnnd clothing, Jted that It would be well to knov stipation more or less severe. Tho rebare, was black. His hair way inthe meaning of such a name befon has sult, been absolute in all. relief tensely black, and he also wore a black "I write this that other children making Indiscriminate use of It, and mustache. it is to this man that the present suc be benefited." may Ills eves had a wild and restlsu exHow much better It is thus to bring cess of the hospital is due, for find pression, and she noted also thai his about a healthy action in the bowels ing that Salslpuedes meant "get out 170 feet, which were incased In patent of growing by natural means, if you can," the name was hastilv leather shoes, seemed small and that than to feedchildren MAIN to something less suggestiv changed them with improper food, he apparently had little or no toes. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. some kind of cathartic at of "who enters here, i&aves hope be The wild man looked about him in requiring hind." to overcome constipation. intervals every direction, and, catching light of Grape-Nut- s gives energy to the enan automobile, gave vent to ribald Steel Pens an English Idea. nervous tire system including the laughter and receded Into the II fltf nerves that cause The first steel pens were Invented conthe natural p, o. eox brush. by a man named Wise, in England, M. v.s. HNuan. SALT laki . ii. una Wild men have been seen from lime traction and relaxation of the bowel in 1808. Qjill pens had their origin 4. SADLa. to time In this vicinity, for several muscles, that propel the food mass In the fifth century. Split reeds wer When Answering Advertisements sanatorlnms for the Weak-min- d are along. Kindly Mention This Paper. It is predlgested also, and the blood used before that. withln a radius of ten miles, bti' this food the absorbs as It easily goes Is tho first one who goes to roest. Rude platforms of branches on which through the body, storing up vitality he had been In the habit of sleeping and force for the functions of all the organs. are In evidence. Children especially, should get the right start as to habits of living. They should grow Into bright, strong, OF DEATH. cheerful men and women. Grape-Nut: ,..iV. i 8.ol vo the of the Idence the other day and found Miss wholesome question will do start; a the rest. appetite Salt Lake City Kyle dead. She had died of stomich Children's teeth are benefited by When the undertaker 'retrouble. also. Your dentchewing Grape-Nutturned to his office he opened the enUnder the Direction of tbe ist will tell you that a certain amount velope and found that it contained of exercise In chewing firm food, Is Marist Fathers, aided by the at.nouncemont of the girl's death, necessary to grow beautiful strong, Expert Lay Professors the giving day and hour correctly, 'he teeth. cause of her death, and her biography. Teeth need exercise just the same and Day School for Boys. "nuUlnh(,fitr',?.,',J5;,T Boarding as muscles, if they are to grow lie bc-- m ii eajoje n uasnrpKiMd eUiaale. Sotlfllni ro'xWn ntero keeiM aq ' i ilalsae to five aerewt aaaaasj TS strong and firm as nature Intended nd Cat nnd Dog Like. Srieiititu ommrirlal Brunches, ounferrtiyt 6eTe la tha nm ;"lcal at Inapestlon Obanloal and pltmni Grape-Nut- s m..rln lnltal. A Una Mnaxum and M moral. i(i dt.panoieni Saparat gives the exercise and rare ul 1HU boy a bj a impel on t matter. Patience Yon say they lire like cat erf the bail lodwir gaiaea dartnf aiater linmHua also gives material from Which good 'rill under tbe diraotlun of an army offloar M.nlo of arerr kind a""n ami dog tana lit. the band and he on im.ira tin upecial nature of the Private training for 4a-roileir teeth are made rattle ' eaninr ohool hmn. In fttthor Mitne-Patrice Yes; when she ats kitten . hamlet, atlnantoav " m Aeeatmii a rr reason "There's Rend Trme moderate. ,,inmroll th antiJoU. little ish he growlr.. Yonkers Statesman Road "The to book, Apply for full ptaaf Hook and other particular to The Re. Preeldas. pkgs. L. I., Bain Wagons c n Consolidated Wagon and Machine Company 1 long-distan- land-locke- ed WILD MAN ROOSTS IN BRANCHES OF TREES. ITS , A Prominent Cincinnati Woman Telia How Lydla E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound Completely Cured Uer. The great good Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound is doing among the women of America la attracting Cie attention of many of our leading scientists, aud thinking people gtUSS ally. self-eviden- t To-da- s. DON'T PUT OFF PEHCHED LIKE a vii,i TuMCKT A THEKTOP. Tlio following letter is only one of mnnv thousands which are on lile in the V bam office, and go to prove beyond question that Lydia lv I'lnk-li.(Vegetable Compound must be a remedy of great merit, otherwise it could not produce such marvelous results among sick and ailing women. Dear Mrs. i'Uikham: suf-f- i " about nine montlwi ago I was a gr-li P .n ile trouble, which causal ln nr an I enero fn, extreme nei 'vimimh-b ., from which the doctor 1 ikiM tO hi ve me. tried J.vdui E l'illk- hun'i Vegetable ( otuoimil, and within a l and after biking five ahort Iter, bottle o ill a.i entirely cured. I therefore heartily remtntnotid your Compound a a lenuid feiunlc tonic. It makes the monthly iod riilarunl w ithout Imin.iu.d what uud in h a aft. r so .rs fail lo help you. I am plenxed nt They bar and bolt their doors at night and two or three of tto Inhabitants have set spring guns on their front l""rne8- ' ' have suppressed or painful weakness of the stomach, dlon. Moating, pelvic catarrh, s prostration, dizziness, taint-- " BU t, don't-car- e and " wnnt-tn-be-.ti- feeling, excitability, back-- r the blues, these are sure indl-n- f fprtinie wonkncsn, or some luent, of the orguua. Jn such here in one tried and truo remedy ii K. 1'uiUhaiu'a Vegetable Com- i Union Assay Office ns - BecanH the creature has been seen perched like a wild turkey the story has gained circulation that he has wings. Miss Sempronia Jenkins, principal of the Freeport high school, has called him Dracula, after the principal character In one of Dram Stoker's nov- - 1 l tt IN ' All Hallows GIRL FIXED HOUR Miss Nannie Kyle, He, Pa '"' a handsome young woman of Spring-toltownship, handed n scaled en-elope to William Johnston, an undertaker of Newcastle, two months agD, with Instructions that It be not opened until after her death. The undertaker laughingly took the envelope, and declared that, judging from nppenranres, he would keep It a long time, as Miss Kyle, who was 27 years old. was the picture of good health. He plared the envelope In his safe and forgot about It. Johnston was called to the Kyle re College s s. - ' el ' I I |