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Show Pete Mattson of vndin? a few J ...Mrs V--' tSrMn,n Mrs" Harry a flight Air a lr 7 ier for 194-- June 28, day, '.),.-- n BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, Mr .and Mrs. Shi: Icy Beard left Vitits Girls' Camp Are In Need If You RANGE Wtmiss this opportunity Sed cabinet modeh RANGE I'sed less than a year. Must be seen to really 'appreciate its value, ' Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Laub. children who had been M r. and Mrs. A. L. Cook were Bennett were in Salt Lake and Their two Laub home returned the at , , visiting , t Morgan visiting. Like with them. Salt to the funeral scrviees of a nephew, La Rel Boothe. He was the victim Mrs. Harold Holly of Salt Like Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Everts and anJ Mrs. Alvm T. Dickens of of a plane crash. week-enLos Angeles were . . guests children of Silctz, Oregon, spent RMrsB' WllJronMr. and Mrs. C. O. Hendricks of sister, Mrs. Earl Shuman. of Fielding were Sunday dinner Mr. and Mrs. W. MeDermaid guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Laub. Mrs. Eva Turner and Mrs. La- (,f Salt Lake spent the week-enrella Shuman accompanied Kirs. Hazel Nicholl of Sandy to Helper on Friday and Saturday for a Re- bckah official visit. y Dr. and Mrs. L. D. Hyde of Rupert, Idaho, were week-enguests of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse L. d Heatrola Estate for Sale. ItBURGESSCO Utah fremonton NOTICES LEGAL Guests at the home of Mrs. Olcna Homer during the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Hal Mor ris and daughter Nancy Ann of ocia bpnngs, Idaho, and Mrs. William Bailey of Lcs Angeles, California. Mrs. James Moore accompanied them back to Soda Springs. She had been visiting with Mrs. Homer for three weeks. Visitors at the Ferris Allen heme over the week-enwere Mr. OBiTE and GUARDIANSHIP 'end Mrs. J. C. Jensen of Salt Lake NOTICES information consult and Mrs. Allen's sister, Pvt. Hazel ;j further Jensen of Bushnell. Jier or urn tie County respective signers. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Ewer had 0T1CE TO CREDITORS as their guests Thursday, Mrs. Ewer's sisters, Mrs. J. O. Rinder-knech- t Estate of Moroni Lundberg, of Providence and Mrs. Deceased. Forest claims of Logan. John Creditors will present ;,i to the undersigned Ivliss Geneil Ewer is spending a Tremonton, Route 1, Utah, on few days with her grandmother, .More the 23rd day ot Uctobcr, Mrs. E. Robinson in Providence. .ID., 1945. Charlet Lundberg, Mrs. T. A. Carter visited with of the The Administratrix brother J. W. Ault and family her Estate of Moroni Lundberg, in Logan Sunday. Deceased. Viirer G. Mann, Attorney Miss Jenae Marble is visiting in T Administratrix Salt Lake for a few days with of 1st publication, June 14, friends and relatives. MECHANIC WANTED To Take Over Shop on Percentage Basis Mechanic gets 100 ABSTRACTOR Years Established 40 CITY, UTAH BRIGHAM ported and Air Purifier and SERVICE SALES Call I THIS YOURSELF. Feel TRY with your fingertip the SiALD HALES TEST SAME LOAF SECOND DAY. Garland R2 32 7ione f i iw : You'll prefer Mrs. Wricrht's tender Bread to your present bread, or your money back I GUARANTEED for sale at the Leader Office. are needed at Sperry Flour Co., at Ogden for essential work. Jobs are open for warehousemen, seed HEADQUARTERS gTBbTffdI for at Utah Hatchery, Brigham City FOR SALE Wood bar harrows, 'Tractors Power Units motors Combine 1 Magnetos Carburetors PTIUl'iannn1 clxin Thames keeD vour JWpment in top shape (t OUT Or fifM Vnnr ACETYLENE ELECTRIC and WELDING poose The me lu-mc- Safety h HINMAN low vacuum MILKER w10:inch J.s fast milking- with 'ner production. low-vacuu- IN AND ASK FOR PETERSON TRACTOR SERVICE I)FT I, Al'rt P90 tt beet cultivators, horse mowers, tractor mowers, horse dump rakes, side delivery rakes, 2 large combines, 2 new Jaeger model l1; water pumps and 1 new Oliver 70 tractor on rubber. Rucl Robbins. Phone 72 Rl. tfc 4 riAdlTaiTl for haystacks and grain fields. Sec James H. Miller, Phone 764J for Mi ir ry forIiaTx and grain chopper on a '42 Ford truck. In extra good condition. Rolfe Tuddcnham. 685 N. 2 E, Logan. FOUND Stray horse in vicinity of Collinston. Description: Light bay marc, weight about 1450 lbs., on left shoulder. Branded Bar-O- Anyone claiming ownership, contact the Sheriff's office in Brigham City. (y2&'ltc: ci Earl," v Mgr. 5 ..L.!.i.M.o":..chNoppidoa OLIVES ffi&R Tflfl. LVjVJtJ SAPEWM ii 35 14 PEANUTS 8 FOR SALE House with One 3 room and """'a POP CORN Ir PLUMS REMEMBER 1 ib. 7 10 8 Sweet Juicy lb. Small Size Produce prices Muhjert to daily market i Vir i 'mi Mm. -- n i ,.,m.ia a, .. ... iiniii n k: J 10 ib. .. Independence Day r'in im,m Urn yr in' SIRLOIN STEAK LAMB LEGS Youni? Gunranteed Tender A tirad Spring Lambs PORK SAUSAGE rr-:- 42 Halibut Delicious Meat Flavor Lamb Roast Lamb Lhops . 17 I'M NO SHOPPIN- rf POOR PAT I Wt RE AU. ATA HIGH TCNSCN. THESE CAVS. NERVES IT'S NOT THE &- ITS THE HUVHUTy 7 r?FRAV J ANGEL-CHIL- E. I LIKE CIVIL ANSWERS TO EA5IL Mild 37 32 REASONABLE QUESTIONS ! v-- NO-AN- 2 lb. Airwnv. A Selected Mild Blend WHY, IT'S ACTUALLY A PLEASURE TO I O 34 box 73 lb. tw.: v.urrcc "Arprr .. ...r, .., 78 ,, 20 4U de,b Western Dutch Mill American JH!1 32 DON'T BARK, AT PEOPLE --AND I DO BUT , . yr yyr jr ygr CHEESE .,38 Grade lb. ygr ygr PRETTY CAN'T P.AV I'M L0CKIN& PM"! CM GOINw ro INTRODUCE FORWARD TO vuuiuaumc THE JOB, FKitrtusur EITHER, WIN& 6H0PHEKE. r? (f Cf I 2 doll fin. KNOW ltc ,. MAIDCN'8 PRAVER. ltp 8 ' JUST THE ansipVEk to vouK I bugey. 8 BENDLTwASHER, like new, for sale. Call 54 J2. 25 a:...b. Meat cuta requiring red points are plainly marked apts. Very desirable location. Make us an offer. Call 141. hp Phone 72R1. WEDNESDAY JULY 4th W 1 WANTED-Chil- CLOSED ALL DAY 15 ib. CHERRIES ORANGES STORES VILL BE 10 19 LEMONS issn LETTUCE ...lb. BEANS.. Tender' Go,den Bantam OCDRt ..lb. Rod No- - 1. .!l!!.t.:..R..R'pe. 17 FRESH PRODUCE FOR SALE Red spring fryers, See LclanJ Johnson, Thatcher, ltp LOST 9 ft. hanue telephone shovel, urgently needed, cannot be replaced. Call Telephone office, c Tremonton. FrLi'r;!:! 2 7 CANTALOUPES Goldon Center, Vine Ripened Jumbo ATACC1 TAIS Solid. I JiUlU I l ltlpe for Slicing 4. Jik. k. 2 9 NATURAL Sk TO 22 38 Black, for Those Canterbury Who Want the Best 4 lb. RAISINS Large Seedless lb. pkg. 22 CAKE FLOUR:.-2- 6 12 , ... MUSTARD ji. 2 14 SALADETTES DEVILED MEAT PURITAN DEVILED HAM J. 8 ffu JJr Serve with Cold Salads doz. A Grade, Large A. J. - JUICE Autumn, Grape Juiceqt. Summer Drink, ZEPHYR Assorted Flavorsos. 8 JUICE Del Monte.No.Tomato 9 tall ca . JUICE Sunny Dawn, Tomato 47 oz. 19 W o, Breast Lamb James Ncsson, Howell TEA 20 RELISH Brigham City. m - ME packers, flour packers. Good wages and working conditions. Referral from U.SS.E.S. necessary. Phone 8811, Ogden Loaves 2Q-o- z. mida y sa vines- MALTffiLTWAN REPAIR Mr. and Mrs. Jesse L. Roberts spend Sunday evening in Willard. i BEETS TYPWRrrRFTBONS" - i ' Again the second day, run your finger over a slice of Mrs. Wright's RronJ Win 'll finrl if cfill tender still fresh. You see, it's made with lots of milk and plenty f -r . wi sugar; "S'ik CLASSIFIED ADS p economi- - I soft, even texture of Mrs. Wright's new Bread. That means it's extra tender fresh as morning dew. Try it and see. Mrs. Lynn Bennett and two children of Salt Lake were the week-enguests of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Bennett. CASH for Live Poultry. H. A. Garn, 453 N. 2nd West. Brigham Phone 698. to 74-- i i ADAM'S DRUG re- 96-R- 4 , j as good. will pay cash Utah for dead or usless cows, horses, sheep or hogs. Phone Tremonton or Garland 35 J3. si 5 tfc S'f reiJiti 1 . I f Get a loaf of my new bread a test it for tenderness FOR Cleaner j i if ':1 d ELECTROLUX j LSI? ?ate LEE - nd tset brttthing. Keep supply on hand. It riace Rials WINZELER MOTOR COMPANY ? NORMAN j i t f in their nostrils Here's an inexpensive way to make place mats for company or home meals. Cut dull finish oilcloth with pinking shears into mats 12 by 18 inches, center runner 12 by 38 inches, straight edged or scalloped. Paint the pinked edge with a border of oil paint and monogram it. SEE US TODAY s ..niii-W- 1. ril ... htltnt or cleansing ratal wash whtn my Vl thicks havt (logged nostras Ii r"" trouor upper respiratory j fcri. It footenf mucus Mr. ana Mrs. j. v oeager or Salt Lake were in Tremonton the first of thr week for a few days. on Labor. Owner gets profit on Parts and Accessories Sold. d Merrill Laub underwent a operation Tuesday at the hospital. His condition is I slltinyV Dr. i i Mrs. C. J. Carlson of Midvale is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Ray Ashcraft for a few days. I i kt nun d ; Roberts. tint XJ :W - - - KITCHEN also j d . M:ss Arlcne Moore enjoyed a three-davacation at the Girls' Camp in Logan Canyon. She was a guest or the girls of the Logan Tenth ward. ive Page . Friday for Cleveland, Ohio. f ' Attend Nephew's Funeral JNOTES Tremonton, Uta- h- 3 l FOR DIMNn TONKXT "VS J'TJ j .''''-r"- v V' ' - XI fa-- v; i FRIENDLINESS AND COURTESV ARE JUST SECOND- NATURE TO 8AFEWAV! - .Wjl W |