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Show 1945- - Tarne 28, ZXfc BEAR 1UVER VALLEY LEADER, MONDAY, TUESDAY, JULY 1,2, 3 rtC PP11 I ANA u TURNER, LARRAINE DAY, SUSAN PETERS ervnt in husbana her rwlth is Brough Mr. Idaho. Propeller Cuts Jap ; i 'w there. I f t 4 ' g y July a very interesting account of his training of the last six months in the Paratroopers. Mrs. Edith Wood and son Douglas of Brigham visited her f. iends in Howell Sunday. Miss Gwen Fackrell is spending her vacation with her sister, Mrs. Chester Stokes of Promontory. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Shriber of Garland made a hurried business trip to Howell Monday. Mrs. Lawrence Hawkes is visit' ing in Logan with relatives this' week. 1 he Orson Hyden family are all smiles. They are all moved into; their new home which they purchased from Norman Nelson. The house was moved and put on the new foundation. . Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Anderson 3nd family were Sunday guests at; the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orland Hess. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Olscn have been visiting at the home of their daughter, Mrs. James Nes-seand son, L. Marcel Olsen. They were accompanied by their friends Mr. and Mrs. Thurgood, also of Ogden. Mrs. Glade Nielsen and son Mack have been visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mirl R. Mason. 'I! i ., Marine 1st Lt. Robert Klingman, Bingcr, Okla., who knocked down a Jap plane at 43,000 feet by using his propeller as a carving knife. His guns had frozen because of cold. I iU!l '' wwlJi TREMONTON LUMBER (i HARDWARE CO. Phone 130 LUMBER CO. Phone 11 WILSON HOWELL TO 30 costs in winter 70 on heating LUMBER CO. Phone 148 Miss Bonnie Jones was hostess to her Sunday School class Friday night. The ocassion was a weiner roast, held at the Hillside Springs. An enjoyable time was had by all the young folks. The speakers at our Sacrament meeting were V. W. Johns of Garland, a member of the High Council and Pvt. Burke Jones, who gave v 7 la the historic east the skyscrapers tower the sea and the winding against the sunset roads beckon to a travel hungry America. Now the war demands that essential travel come first. When the war is over, Overland in new, comfort-b!- e Greyhound will take you Luxury Liners to see the east as it is best Ken by highway. Fa. ." i I 1-- 1- in MIDLAND HOTEL R Tremcnton, Utah Phone (5 f ' nil ssisi mil A 13 b 'm TM7 V y TREMONTON lowing a serious operation. Cpl and Mrs. Niel Hansen came noon in social chat with John Sel- home to visit with his parents, Mr. man and the family. and Mrs. M. W. Hansen of Mrs. Moyle Hunsaker recently They arrived in time to atreturned from Texas where she tend the wedding of his sister. Pvt. visited with her husband, Hunsaker. She enjoyed her visit Fleece Lining very much. She and her children Fleece lining of gloves will bemoved to Brigham City last Mon-- j come soft and clean if properly day, where she expects to stay her husband returns from the washed. Turn gloves inside out and whip up dry suds. Use a toothbrush service. for chasing dirt from between finreturned gers. Let the fleece dry thoroughly, Orson Christensen away from direct heat. Then fluff Sunday night from a trip to up pile with a soft brush. and vicinity. He went on a Mrs. P. E. Ault spent Tuesday very sad errand to assist in laying fol Salt Lake. in died who his daughter away She has many friends who are glad Merrium Selman. After to know all seems tQ be well for hot dinner, they spent a delicious the after- d. un-jt- j il Rex-ihur- g n visiting at the home of Dr. and Mrs. D. B. Green. TEMPERATURES 8 to 15 in summer cm THEATRE ANNIE" j Maralyn Larson of Salt Lake is tmm Thursday and 5 her. Mrs. Henry Wagstaff returned to her home in Perry Sunday after spending a week with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Petersen. James G. Able has moved his family to Provo where he has entered the B. Y. U. After being mustered out of the service, James immediately took steps to get into school so he can fit into civilian life in his chosen field. Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Green in Corinne as spent Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompson. Mrs. Thompson was' Miss Orpheum j mill: J 4 Saturday, "GENTLE & Wednesday & JULY 6 and 7 "DuBarry Was a Lady" i r Friday COMING, v vivj Yhw" .wr Your PnwrW 19 j; Tremonton, Utah 88- - s JlizM1 Trn n PJ1 I , i II am E 1 9 Jf UN:ON PACIFIC 1 li y w Mir STAGES. Incorporated MISSES 100 The ward social Wednesday evening was very successful. The Priesthood groups had it well planned and everything went according to schedule. Games were played,, a short, snappy program given and weiners were roasted over the bonfire. All enjoyed the evening. A number of families from here attended the Petersen Jensen reunion Saturday. The family gathered at Willow Park in Logan, where they enjoyed lunch, games and a program. Late in the after noon the group went to Logana for a swim and in the evening they enjoyed dancing at the Crystal Springs. Mrs. M. L. Hunsaker. who underwent a very serious operation at the Dee hospital is reportcdto be sufficiently recovered to he at the home of her mother in Ogden. Her many friends here are happy for her sneedy recovery. Mrs. Orson Christensen is slowly recovering from her recent operation at a Lopan hospital. Although her condition is reported satisfactory, she will not be able to return home for a few days. ALL WOOL DARK COLORS $5.00 h MISSES LADIES Print Sport Jackets HOUSE i. SMART STYLES . . . ALL WOOL REDUCED TO Button Fronts. Stripes and Prints 13 6.00 1.00 Only .... Women's Summer straw Women's White 60 c V Quality Metal PURSES PURSES DUST PANS Zipper compartment. -c Quality JJf Material Heavy Guage, with guard 39 c 2 ONLY 7 ONLY Sport Coats Girls Coats Size 10 Reduced from Higher price ranges 5.00 6.00 Little Miss Mens BONNETS STRAW HATS Af l.UU $1 Painted FLOWERS 30c Each K For the Hair and Dress, AQr eaclifr5C SMAItT STYLED BOYS' WHITE Sport Coats 4.00 sandals 2 "My heart with rapture thrills" . . . and so does yours, at the very thought f again freely touring this land of the free. JACKETS 6.00 A rSt SPORT Two size 10 and one size 12 REDUCED TO Reduced to Clear. Choice - WOOL SUITS Reduced to Clear fev- GIRLS 3 ONLY ELW00D Only Size 7 and All Sizes REDUCED 8 $3- J V SUN VISORS OCr K Speed that new day when your car iU wing its way, with NEW-DAY Conoco Prep in the tank. You'll command new day Power pick-u- p hill climb. In its high Bronz-z-- z Gasoline MENS' r3Pon, coaisi 11.00 -- anti-knoc- rating, too, this gasoline k be strictly new-daYour New-Da- y like our endless 1 wi .i y. Conoco Bronz-- z z output of urlll reflarf tViA full values of casolinpa deepest research and latest progress. Con tinental Oil Company - war-winni- ng SHAVE You want assurance today, that your gasoline is maile to deliver all the performance possible under the current restrictions. So go to Your Conoco Mileage Merchantwhere you ee the big red Conoco triangle. For that sign is his Station . . . anJ mak " (fours W' CREAM Size 33 c y and 39 v |