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Show -- Page Two Mr. and Mrs. T. Wilford Miller and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Miller j ' Sunday afternoon with brother their George L. Miller,; is in the hospital with a brok- visited en tended the special meeting of the Key Board club at the Ltah Po er and Light auditorium Friday evening. Newton Oliver of Los Angeles, accompanied Boyde Peterson on a fishing trip Saturday, Mrs. Mabel Hobkins of Mar-whtinez, Calif., visited this week with her aunt Mrs. Fred W. Petersen. Boyde Petersen and Mrs. Fred W. Petersen accompanied Mrs. Hubkins to Brigham Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. tdmond ishuman and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Peterson were in Snowville, Sunday where the men attended the meet' Seving of the 105th quorum of enty. Mrs. Arden johanscn of Ogden visited Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Petersen. Mrs. Sarah Shuman returned home Saturday after having spent two weeks visiting with her daugh-Logaters in Salt Lake, Ogden and Brig- ham. Mr. and Mrs. George Hewett, Miss Verlene Nelson of Willard, spent the weekend at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nelsen. George L. Miller met with a painful accident last week while fixing a derrick. He is now in the; hospital with a broken leg. His many friends wish him a speedy -- PENROSE j cs,. and children and Miss Marva F.irkn-were Sunday dinner and Mrs. Lrsol Mr. of guests Berchtold. Keith Bosley of Ogden is visiting this week with Lynn Shuman. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Highfield and baby visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Preston Petersen. Pvt. and Mrs. A. L. Smith visited in Logan Monday. Mrs. J. Wilford Miller, Mrs. Doris Johnson and daughter, Dixie Sue and Mrs. Fred Barfus were visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Marba Stanfill and Mrs. Anna Petersen were Ogden visit- itors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Petersen, Mr. and Mrs. Mont Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Engvor Petersen were Friday dinner guests of Pvt. and Mrs. A. L. Smith, who is on furlough from Camp Roberts. Mrs. Leonard Peterson and children Fred, Dee and Myrna at-- j n j j 1 EE" S . . SEEDS . . FEEDS The Fielding Merry Mixers club met Monday at the home of their instructor, Mrs. Blanche Hansen. The week's lesson was to prepare different kinds of meat which was carried out very successfully. Officers have been chosen with Bonnie Kay Hansen, president; Bernice Petersen, Pauline Packer, secretary; Lois Petersen, song leader; Colleen Packer, programs and Va Loise Petersen, reporter. The club plans to go forth with their summer work. Va Loise Petersen, First Lt. Audie L. Murphy, At the last meeting of the KitTexas, is the most decorat- chen Cadets there were eight girls ed American soldier. He has every milk drinks and decoration for bravery save the Le- present. We made toast. won gion of Merit. Murphy tbg Dian Nelson, Congressional Medal of Honor by reporter. beating off 250 Germans and six tanks at Colmar. Farm-ersvill- e, AN ORDINANCE recovery. An ordinance amending Section Newton Oliver of Los Angeles 5 of an ordinance prohibiting dogs and Sgt. Emery Nelson were the from running at large and from speakers at meeting Sunday even- hunting waterfowl and game birds ing. in certain seasons of each year, Captain and Mrs. Russell Lund passed by the County Commissionhave gone to Colorado after hav- ers in regular session the 21st day ing visited with her parents, Mr. of May, 1945. and Mrs. Perry Stanfill. Captain The Board of County CommisLund came here to attend his sioners of the County of Box Elwife's graduation exercises at the der ordain as follows : ' U, S. A. C. in Logan. Section 1: That Section 5 of that ccertain ordinance prohibiting at large or dogs from running from hunting waterfowl or game H birds during certain seasons of each year, passed by the County Commissioners in regular session on the 21st day of May, 1945, is hereby amended to read as follows ELECTRIC MILKERS, SEPARATORS ILK COOLERS AND will lighten the routine and save many hours of time on your farm every day of the year. When new electrical farm equipment is available buy from your Electric Dealer Mw WE BUY ALL KINDS OF GRAIN TREMONTON UTAH POWER The Tremonton Sew - What Club met at the home of Erma Rae Hall. There we all cut ojit our slips. Our next meetings were held at the homes of Carolyn and Sharon Kerr. Here work was done on our slips making them almost complete. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostesses. Leah Stenquist, reporter. The weekly meeting of the Pots and Pans club was held at Gaye Laub's home on June 27th. We have changed our names to Pots "V "V "V i & LIGHT CO, : "SECTION reporter. 000 PHONE 41 reporter. meeting was begun by singing songs. We worked on our slips. Delicious refreshments were served and all members were present. Sherrie Peterson, SOYBEAN PELLETS FEED CORN STEAM ROLLING 0 GRINDING CLEANING I9i: t; The Handy Hand club met at the home of Anne Wood. The 000 28 4 H f Wholesale and Retail Thursday, June reporter. News of4-CLUBS SYSTEM MEMBER FEDERAL WAREHOUSE -- and Pans. Our lesson was on milk drinks. We enjoyed the afternoon. Joycelyn Bradshaw, Most Decorated G.I. o Pic and Mrs. Melvin Grover! Tremonton, Utah- - BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, 5. Penalty. Any Lewis S. Wight, chairman, from hunting waterfowl and efc for the violaconvicted person birds in certain seasons of dt:h Joseph A. Nielsen, tion of this ordinance, or any Orlando Allen, year, passed by the County Cor.v part thereof, shall be punished Members. missioners m regular session tvi by a fine in any sum less than Those voting nay: None. '21st day of May, 1945, to be a Three Hundred Dollars ($300.-00- ATTEST: or by imprisonment not to J. Edwin Baird, County Clerk. true and correct copy of the orjgi' exceed six (6) months, or by nal ordinance passed by the Bold both such fine and imprisonof County Commissioners on h STATE OF UTAH ment." 18th day of June, A. D. 1945,! SECTION 2: This ordinance County of Box Elder ss. f voting aye. shall take effect fifteen (15) I, J. Edwin Baird, County Clerk Witness my hand and seal days after its passage and first in and for Box Elder County, 18th day of June, A. D. 19451 Utah, do hereby certify the fore- (SEAL) publication. J. Edwin Bair4 Passed in regular session this going Ordinance amending SecCounty Ckr! 18th day of June, A. D., 1945. tion 5 of an ordinance prohibiting Date of Publication, June 28, 1943 Those voting in favor: dogs from running at large and j i ), Saturday Is The Last Day P. ; L could fire those mighty "V Lockers! Lockers! Lockers! IF Yflll sA , I ack-ac- k you'd give 'ec both Are Now Available guns, I ! barrels! i Finally after one year's delay waiting for priorities the lid is off and construction has begun on a Branch Locker Plant of Lees Locker Storage System Which Will Occupy part of the DARYL BUILDING North of Post Office in Tremonton Machinery and modern steel lockers are now on hand so within a few weeks the plant should be in operation i... .. my i. i.. .i n .n iii ,, 'umJLZ-immMjf- a . . . and that's just what you can do in this mighty 7th War Loan Only People Having Deposits Paid Will Be Assured A Locker MAKE YOUR DEPOSIT AT Bear River State Bank or Lee's Locker Storage Tremonton or see near the High School Leland J. Hansen Phone 118-J- -l Tremonton, Utah or 52 for reservations in either plant T In tn tliie !mA iiiu uuic laai f l nauJ tueen two cat mere war loans. This year, the 7th War Loan must raise almosf as much as two loans last year. That's why you are asked: twice as Bonds Buy in this mighty 7th War Loan! many C W mm Bear River Valley Leader |