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Show 1, 13;: ! mtm X UMBER TREMONTON CITY, UTAH, THURSDAY, JUXE 28, 1945 Meeting At fabernacle Sunday co Male chorus, UT 11 UIV t.n.w OPEN RUN Remade. JULY SIXTH treat the wards of members River Stake, according to L ; V-a- r individuals who have The pea crop this year is anthe evening 0 speakers of to be a fairly good one, ticipated j Andre Mrs. and Mr. are according to B. H. Adams, manager of the Rocky Mountain Packing "Clr Anastasiou and his brother Corporation. However, it has refrom Russia during the ceived considerable damage from of the frost and hail. These damages 'Xiution and hearing their made way especially in the northern 'rmon faith world to con-th- e part of the county. :.,;.tt.ajr around the Farmers will start harvesting L D. S. Missionaries in Sadon, England. Thereupon they about July 2nd or 3rd but the canthe church nery will not open until the 6th. igatcd and joined it. Since in active very tiling has been Mrs. J. O .Garfield and Mrs. Anastasiou Mr. Htime ionary, uisinci anu iniiun P. E. Ault attended the Regional ..,i:!rnt. He has translated tne Institute of the Farm Bureau in Li r,f Mormon into the Russian Salt Lake City Monday and Tuesand has had innumerable day. lavage .promoting experiences. of the Some of the members CITY and former BEAR Chorus Male Victory of chorus uenbers of the Millenial British mission are acquainted FOR th Mr. and Mrs. Anastasiou in cooand seek this opportunity, other with the sponsors perating Bear River City will be the the members presenting them to alsof a big celebration on July scene will af the stake. The speakers the with 24, according to announcement o relate their experiences made this week by the committee Englain boys in the military camps in charge, with a rodeo and horse nd. pulling contest as the outstanding attractions of the day. COUNTY Last year this celebration was attended by large crowds from all TO TAKE over the state, and the celebration LEAVE TO this year will prove to be just as successful. Only county teams can be enRobert H. Stewart, Box Elder tered in the horse pulling contest. iunty agent will take a year's Prises totaling $185 will be offerleave of absence, beginning July 1. ed in four weight classes; under Stewart is taking this leave 2600 pounds, under 2800 pounds, after 32 years of service, to make under 3000 pounds and over 3000 extensive study of the various pounds. All those who desire to agriculture problems and postwar enter teams, are asked to contact agricultural devlopments. Park Stumm, chairmon of the conHe will study the fruit problem test, immediately. and soil conditions in the western Other events will be a minature rehabilitation parade, program, kids races and a part of the county, ranges through use of slender boxing contest. The climax of the wheat, western wheat, crested celebration will be a dance held wheat and broumus enermis; also in the evening. study of range deferment. The range rehabilitation study will H. LAUB IMPROVING both mountain and desert PROPERTY BUSINESS lands. from An-visio- l-- d oc-cur- RIVER MAKING PLANS BIG 24th of AGENT YEAR'S STUDY Mr. an of a in-Ai- ! Pfc. Wayne Burgess '"killed in action in tne Okinawa buttle oi May 23 ', was tnc stunning news revived by ins family, iuesday, June 26. 1 his was Lis first campaign after receiving his training at Camp Roberts ana bort UrJ. Pic. bur gess had been in Hawaii and th Mariannas, bu iad not been actual combat. He was horn February 13, 1926, j in Dev.eyviile, the sun oi ii. b. and Holdaway burgess. He attended the Bear River high school where he gamed recognition as an outstanding athlete, especia. ly in the basketball field. Wayne iiad a wonderful personality which brought him a host of friends. On his last furlough, he married Beva Lynn Jensen, formerly or Garland, who now resides in California. She is the daughMiss Hebe Strand of Tremonton, who was chosen to represent ter of Ervin Jensen. Box Elder County at the State finals, July 3 and 4. besides his widow;, Surviving are his parents, a brother, Wendell of Tremonton and his grand j NO Help parents, Mr. and Mrs. James N s ProHoldaway. tiu Bur-ban- Wanted points Riv-tnn- d ly. These studies will be made in with the forest service, reclamation engineer, Director Wiam Peterson at U.S.A.G. and cooperation er experts. Anderson's Circus Here Monday Business houses of Tremonton At last the time has come for an all out campaign to recruit work- will close next Wednesday in ob- ; Ration Notice fed stamps stamps, Rpire E2 through J2. and N2 through S2 will Saturday June 30. Additional gasoline rations may jw be obtained by service men mg furloughs of more than 30 OPA administrator Chester Jwla announced. "Furlough gas J still be issued at the rate of a fon a day," Mr. Bowles ex-"But the limit bong removed for the benefit of casc American prisoners of gct Icave or temporary gW assignments for sixty days in country and for those mem- Ol OUr .irmrvl (t, nuiiio wiiu iv." t!lm ( f f Thompson. Visitors at the Howard Freiss home during: the week were Mrs. Cl ira Skinner of Spanish Fork, mother of Mrs. Freiss, her brother, 3 p. m. Verncll Skinner who has been New officers will be installed overseas three years and Mr. and and citations for bond sales will Mrs. O. C. Freiss of Walla Walla, be given. Wash., parents of Mr. Freiss. i 30 days. Mkz men applying for ratI0ns should ten-da- y fol- - BAND AWARDED PLAQUE b K 2, r Fncc and ration-nrd- . Bring along the mile The 106th Division Band has rationmg record for the car to he Meritorious bcr Pi fnr Superior rcrior-- ; iee i lauut hm division Papers. mance of Duty l'"f I ; r, anJ gnngt tU .1.' Mrs. Erland Thomp-r,of Nevada, arc cck with Mrs. Ford c will Thompsons . 'mc in Brigham in trie y tningscave entertainment wlien t were ouict and when tnc comg laid their musical got tough, they and fought on aside inQfmmrnts riflemen the with the line of Honey Sgt. Alma O. Cook division. ville belonged to the : YOUR CHILDREN WHEN FOR VOTE YOU FOR Pvt. Neal W. Stenquist has re- YOU SCHOOL BONDS VOTE cently graduated from a M. P. school at Buckley Field, Colorado, (An Editorial) and expects to be able to spend a short time at home with his Taxpayers of Box Elder county who are seriously interestStenL. Mrs. W. and Mr. parents, ed in the future welfare of their children, regardless of the quist when he is transferred to a school district in which they reside, should po to their voting 0 new location. places and vote in favor of the School Board's proposed Neal's brother, Cpl. Carl N. bond issue. Stenquist has writen from Guam After attending the first public meeting and from what saying he is kept busy with his information we have been able to secure concerning the actual Bomber command stationed there. conditions within our county schools, we favor the passing of (Continued on page 8) $G00,-000.0- ofBeginning July 1, new post made it have fice rfegulations new that subscriptnecessary ions or renewals to the Leader for those whose papers are addressed to Fleet Post Office, can only be accepted upon a written request from that person, and applies to all members of the Coast Guard, Navy, and Marine Corps who receive mail in care of Fleet Post Office. Those whose paper has not ex , , . n nircu ry luiy i. mmh i.i.i.i. .1 ,f.. .1.1. un. im .,..' paper up umn will have to be when the rciuest made for renewal. new regulation has been tn rrwrvc shirrim.' space land prevent nonessential mailing The Leader must tile the ' quests for postal inspection. & .... i " ...-- .i 1 e tertained. The state winner will receive a trip to Hollywood, a screen test and a date with her favorite movie star. Those who attended the county affair from Tremonton were Miss Bebe Strand, and mother Mrs. Oscar Strand, Miss Lois Fors-greMrs. Adam Brenkman, local bond chairmm, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Shriber and Kleon Kerr. Mrs Brenkman, reports Tremonton has been doing a fine job in putting the war loan over. However, she still urges everyone to buy an extra bond to put Tremonton and the county well over the top. At the state finals, a high of the county quota will help Miss Strand to become state queen. n, per-centa- Bearfax day at the local high school has been delayed a few days for two very good reasons. First the yearbooks are not ready; and second no orchestra was available. The day has been set for either the 20 or 21st of July. Final announcements will be made in a later issue. Returns From Trip To Coast Dr. Wm. E. Hawkins returned Saturday after an extended trip to California where he visited with relatives and friends in San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Hollywood and Oakland. Dr. Hawkins was in Los Angeles when Generals Pattori and Doolittle arrived there. While in San Francisco he visited the World Conference. EARLY BIRDS WILL SEE SUN ECLIPSE Only the "early birds" will be able to see the total eclipse of the sun by the rmxm on July 9. The sun will rise at and the eclipse will be over about scv- n cn-tc- Scientists arc puzzled by this un usual spectacle and many expedi the bond issue, if only on the merits of the sanitary and tions will be sent to Idaho, Mon lighting improvements, to say nothing of the abolishing of a tana and Canada to study this fire-tra- p hazard at the highschool, and the additional floor strange event. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Pvt. Dale Hansen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Hansen of Tremonton, is home on a furlough. Pvt. Hansen has been Calitraining at Camp Roberts, fornia. Following nearly a year of waiting for needed priorities, Leland J. Hansen announced this week that work would start immediately on the installation of a modem locker ?.nd quick freeze unit in the Daryl building north cf the post office. Latest and most modern locker units will be installed and the plant will be in operation within a few weeks, according to Mr. lian sen. d Bebe Strand, Tremonton's candidate for the county War Bond Queen contest, took this much coveted position when the judges lendered their decision Saturday evening at Brigham City, placing top honors in every phase of the judging. The contest was based on the town quota, 3 7 A Por cent; county quota, 37'2 per cent and her queenlike qualities, 25 per cent. Janice White of Corinnc, came in second, with Brigham's candidate, Dantzel Wh.te, third. Judging the candidates rfpear-anewere Lt. Rebecca Mclver of Bushnell, Mrs. Abel S. Rich of Brijha.m, and Kleon Kerr of Tremonton. Mrs. Adam Brenkman, Ernest Freeman, Carl Shriber and J. Leo Nelson were judges for the quota percentage. Miss Strand will compete with other county queens July 3 and 4 in a state wide contest at Salt Lake City. Here she will be royally en- BEARFAX DAY POSTPONED Locker Service 1 n DALE HANSEN HOME ON FURLOUGH To Install Branch teter-boar- d NEAL STENQUlST EXPECTED HOME Pfc. and Mrs. McDonald Thompson and family have arrived home from an Army camp in Louisiana, and was mustered out from Fort Douglas last week. He has been active in the Aleutians and has been in long enough to accumulate the necessary points to be discharged. He is happy to return to civilian life and they expect to make their home in Elwood. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Junius servance of the Fourth of July, but there will be no celebration or formal activities held for the occasion in this vicinity. Tin's is one more thing that might be laid to the manpower shortage, as no kwral civic oigani-nt- i m volunteered the sponsorship .f tnc day. The circus which comes to town Monday will have to provide entertainment of those who will be unable to attend celebrations in other towns. ers for the Food Processing plants Early Monday morning, July in Box Elder County. The next 2nd, with the rumbling of heavy three months all the pople on the trucks, the neighing of horses and will be asked to cooperate county ponies, the screeching of monkeys, in filling the gaps in the front on the trumpeting of Susie Q, the home production. The big job now elephant, everyone will know that is food processing at the local canBud E. Anderson's All American neries and to man the organization Circus has arrived in town. for peak production, which means all- The Bud E. Anderson's doubling the present pay roll and Amcrican Circus brings to Tre 'J keeping up with the turn over. monton an array of diversified en isn't an easy job when the other tertainment with thrills, chills and It and industries have already laughter; presenting wild, as vvel; plants taken over a large share of the as trained, domestic animals, Libavailable manpower, but the workmonk-icserty ponies, Manege horses, Th Great Wilkin's Family of ers must be found. These firms on starting operation the comaerial artists and tight rope walk- plan in the canning of peas, week, ing ers, as well as juggling and and are out a call for men, sending acts; Leon Snyder and and girls 6 years of women, boys Company; the outstanding Frazier and Those older. desiring work age Family; Chief Keys and his In- between 16 and IS years of age dian Princess wife in fancy riding, work permits from secure must trick roping and shooting. their school coordinator. The big feature for all kids is Register now for this worththe presentation at each perforwhile work at the United States mance of the Rodeo Ranger and his well education white horse Employment Service, 1st Security Tonto. The Rodeo Ranger exhibits Bank Bldg., Brigham City. Tonto under his $2500 saddle. BLUE STAR MOTHERS' Last but not least, as with ali MEETING ANNOUNCED circus clowns, clowns, clowns to Announcement of the next keep the audience in an uproar of of the Blue Star Mothers the meeting even presenthrough laughter made was today by Mrs. Adam tation of the more serious and Brenkman. The meeting will be thrill acts. held in the Utah Power fc? Light auditorium Saturday, June 30, at flews Jrom Zkc Service Men Mcdonald Thompson and family home FOURTH CELEBRATION IN TREMONTON For Food cessing Plants silver-mounte- for study will be J. H. Laub, who recently purieese and butter factories, gradi- chased the Scott property on West ng of rams, wool pool sales, and is beginning to conMain street, operative marketing of beef cat- struct additional space at the rear of the La Gra Shop to enlarge the He will also study the Bear locker space of the O. P. its tributaries, including the present store. proposed addition of the Green Skaggs iter and the resulting water suppOther Belie Strand Wins County War Bond CANNERY TO a to be a spiritual ELDER COUNTY'S WAR BOND QUEEN E Contest Crown ?S'ake Presidency are furnish-special program next Sunday in the stake at eight o'clock k promises DOX Maine Burgess Killed In battle FORTY-OX- I , Lew,! ' space netded. Notice We believe the school board members have most seriously considered the needs of the district, present and future, as The new Borgstrom Brothers' far as it is humanly and reasonably possible; and their and proposed improvements indicate the intend- Post No. 4220 of the Veterans of ed fairness of distribution of the funds where they are most Foreign Wars, wish to notify the reco-mendatio- ns parents or relatives who have sons relatives in service overseas or or To vote against the bond issue is to vote against the in- discharged soldiers that want to creased educationanl advantage which your children are cer- enter this organization, that applitainly entitled to in view of the present trend in public school cations will be taken at Steve's instruction. Boot Shop. When you apply information bring concerning the the at the, public meetings throughout county Attendance , , ..,.11.. and ii v. when where born, c mc nu.-- following: nave uocn oissa oinuir.;i miwui. hhu nwi-m,serial number, rank and the ,,.. the ....,...,... ...mi hi i w""ini iu muitaio imi cir m aiurua".' school system in the county. Your absence outfit to which the soldier be nore longed at the time of his departure will indicate otherwise. overseas. Do .vour part to provide the school board with funds and vou place the responsibility upon them to see that these funds Mr. and Mrs. Albert Earl and f nf !l A V(l tlfPlll tl'icrlf CMWinf f.V i nwi cnticfnAlnvill' family visited Sunday in Malad with Mrs. Morgan Mifflin. your school children. needed. i. i. c iiui a. l,4,. up-to-da- te T1 |