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Show -- Page Four Tremonton, Utah BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, SOCIAL NEWS from Hollii: HfcJ&J Looking at f iiOLLlH'OOD KEYBOARD CLUB f V TF.R TA IX ED Wins Opening Race audience and influence is hence a world-wid- e claimed for the product of the Hollywood studios. There is ample external evidence that this claim is Indeed, it's only not exaggerated. in the last few years that the public has become even dimly aware of fBe screen's inhow fluence really is. And of course we of the Industry itself are the last to learn these things. We can't see the forest for A WORLD-WID- E the trees. Well, there are a few fundamentals that we can't get away from in evaluating the state of the world, present and future. One of them is that if we're going to go on having wars all of us are going to suffer no matter who wins the victories. Have you ever stopped to reflect that back in 1917 and 1918, when our country entered upon its first exalted crusade to make the world safe for democracy, nearly all of the present leading stars of motion pictures either were not born or were pretty young? There are some exceptions, of course. Covering the Globe Today they are serving the flag on g fronts where duty all the has called them. They are flying airplanes, burrowing into foxholes, helping to man carriers, battleships, cruisers, destroyers, submarines. They're accomplishing dangerous missions with cameras, waging the deadly war of propaganda in which our American ideas and ideals are the high explosives. Where are their children going to be 25 years from today? Our statesmanship of today is America's legacy to its young men and women of tomorrow. Where is it going to lead us? You might be surprised to realize how many toddlers cooing and gurgling in Hollywood nurseries today have a life and death stake in the answer to those questions. far-flun- Bumper Crop Surprised? When I compiled a list of Hollywood babies born in 1944 and I was astonished. I'm not drawing any distinction where babies are concerned, but one can't name them all. This war has taught us that we are really and genuinely a' democracy; that our army, navy, and marine corps represent the people and are in very truth the people. So, from the ranks of our professional artists, here goes: Alice Faye Harris and her husband, Phil, have two baby girls. Same for Betty Grable and Harry James. Orchestra leaders both, the fathers, and famous, too. Glamour boys. So' s Dick Haymes a glamour He and Joanne Marshall boy. Haymes greeted a new baby last 1945 and Mary E. the Keyboard ciuh ar.u their nit,tl;tis at the Utah Power c Liuht auditorium Friday r.i'ht. The Mi&cs N&one and Mar entertained with piano Mrs. Guy tolos and ensembles. Johnson and daughters served to the guests. Members of the Keyboard Club are piano pupils of Miss Mary E. THE 6 r .7 . If You t FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JUNE 29 and 30 Double Feature Program MICHAEL O'SHEA and LLOYD NOLAN in non't miss "CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE" KITCI and TEX RITTER and FUZZY KNIGHT in Used le: Must w Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Hansen of Ehvood anouncc the marriage of their daughter, Gertrude to S.Sgt. Hataway of Miami, Florida. The wedding took place Satur. day, June 23 in the Ekvood ward chapel with President C. E. Smith officiating at a double ring cere- 1 Of MCVil STARS" Hollywood you moke this YOUR OWN Jockey Bobby Permane presented d face after lie bad this won the opening race at Belmont Park, astride "Dusty." Eobby and mount weren't leading all the way. mud-cake- apprec: Matinee Saturday SERIAL and CARTOON IX CHURCH VEDD1G for SEATED o:vu SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, JULY 1, 2, 3 i jremontoi ...your heart GAE DEAKIN UOXORED with new excitement!.. When his story unfolds . fie screen will shine mony. ADAM'S beat will . . with new glory I h1 A v. i Y Gtcwvvto respe 01 4THE KEYS fO sister-in-la- NOTICE DERRICK CABLE s HAY SALT e GALVANIZED PIPE Creditors it vouchei mi l minim 3Tremontoi rkfore the .ID, 1945. The ; Estate News and Cartoon ''Kill Kenny Cat" Mat. Sun. 3 :00 WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, JULY 4 and Double Feature Program 'alter 5 Mrs. Ethel Miller was hostess to her bridge club last Friday. Special guests were Mrs. Leon Christiansen and Mrs. Anna Miller. Prizes went to Mrs. Eulaila Cornwall, Mrs. Idclla Allen and Mrs. Leon Christiansen. e A Nice Selection of DINNER WARE (, G. r Adminis ;ite of 1st ill GALE STORM and JOHN BROWN in "FOREVER YOURS" lno: ARTHUR LAKE, DALE EVANS in ABS "THE BIG SHOW OFF" Establi COMING BRIGHA Matinee July 4th Carton "Lost and Foundling" Friday and Saturday, July 6 and 7 "DOUBLE EXPOSURE" "SONG OF THE RANGE" Serial and Cartoon Matinee Sat. 3:00 Clear F SCREEN DOORS all sizes 0 Estate ITEMS SALES i!!lllO:i!!!!!!ll!l!rjl!l!!:!!l!l!!!!!IIIII!l!l!ll!l!jilIlI!U!l!!lll!l!!II!!lll! fee 32 "Many j Beautiful Pattern GARLAND BRIDGE CLUB FETED The members of the Garland Bridge club were graciously entertained Friday night by Mrs. Wesley Gcphart at her home. Mrs. Ralph Bishop, Mrs. Lc Grande n'emcnton jj Burton and Mrs. Gam Capener mmmmmmmmmSk ' received prises. A delicious lun 1EP TREMONTON SLUMBER & HDWE. ! SPhone 130 plain I "Iff! I 1Lm ,( 1 Trac Cq l '"sO 3;'- 1 - VTvx M I ill 'R'-:'!''C"-ai, i'f - Ut ) our "echani or you ACI ELEC I Choos ol What a responsibility rests upon these young Hollywood fathers and mothers of little ones brought into this disturbed world! We hear on all sides that what the I asked Gone Fowler how he was coming along with "Goodnight. Sweet Prince." He said, "We're at a complete standstill. I may have to sell the thing after alL Isn't it funny? It's like a man standing on a street corner selling $5 gold pieces for a buck and nobody will buy. I've had fabulous offers for it, but nobody is willing to take it free." He wants all the profits to go to the motion picture relief home. . . . Lana Turner now refuses to do bathing suit pictures for magazines. further the Cour THE KINGDOM 2Cv CINIU J a FEOBATE Looking Into the Future And Twas Ever Thus 1 IG.B! daughter. world needs and Is crying aloud for Is leaders. Leadership. That, I think, no one will deny. Fathers and mothers of this day, If you don't want to go through a repetition of broken hearts, sorrow, maimed bodies, wrecked minds and nerves a generation from now, better be looking alive right now! Estat ! chcon was served by the hostess. Mrs. Ed Deakin delightfully enhonshampoo o luxurious product lo The chapel w as beautifully deco- tertained at a party given in octhe her of daughter Gae, glorify th natural beauty of your rated with many flowers. The ta- or her twelfth it casion soft and birthday hair by keeping being clean, ble holding the wedding cake was . lovely, full of radiant highlights. covered with a cloth of Philippine anniversary-- Dinner was served to after which they enjoyECONOMY $1.25 TRIAt 39c embroidery and was attractively ten guests show. a ed SIZE SIZE. roses. and picture decorated with pansics a in beautiful was bride The gown of white satin and lace with KLEOX KERR SPEAKS DRUG fingertip veil held with a white TO CIVIC CLUB cornet. She carried a bouquet of John T. Hansen of Tremonton rosebuds and sweet peas. Her sister Kleon Kerr was the speaker at is in a Britjham hospital receiving Civic Club meeting held last the was blue in Helen Hansen, net, treatment. maid of honor and a Thursday at the Ted Cochran Colleen M. Hansen and a cousin, home. His topic was the San FranlllliHM Delores Hansen in pink net were cisco Peace Conference and the HAttD-TO-GE- T bridesmaids. I wo small cousins peace plans. Rclla and Zella Hansen in blue Light refreshments were served of red satin carrying tiny bouquets by the hostess. flower buds were rose girls. Cpl. Don Hansen, brother of the bride HOSTESS TO FRIENDS o was best man. Mrs. Mac Young delightfully Following the wedding a delic ious supper was served the guests. entertained a group of friends at A dance was held in their honor, a bridge party Tuesday night. to which all their friends were in- Prises were won by Mrs. Verna received Wood, Mrs. R. B. Waldron and vited. The newly-wedand useful Alice Brough. gifts. many lovely The bride is a graduate of the Bear River high school and has been working at the Ordinance FRIEXDS ENTERTAINED AT GEPHART HOME Depot in Ogden for the duration. was accompanied Sgt. Hataway Weekend guests at the home of here by his mother, also of Miami, Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Gephart in who has spent two weeks as guests eluded Dr. and Mrs. Emery Ar of Mr. and Mrs. Hansen. gyle of Clearfield; Elisabeth Mc Gertrude has a vast host of Goy of Pasadena and Lt. Jenet friends who wish her much joy Meissner of Bushnell. Mrs. Clyde and happiness. Gephart of Sacramento has also been a guest at their home for the past three weeks. ENTERTAINS CLUB can now summer. twin girls. Velot and Yolanda produced a son. Benlta Hume and Ronald Colman countered with a daughter. Here's Ruth Hussey and Lt. Bob Longnecker adding to the female population; also the Eddie Brackens. Donna King and Lt. James Conklin, the Bob Crosbys and the Gregory Fecks relieved the monotony their babies are boys. And so we come into 1945. Rita Hayworth and Orson Welles were the first big time Hollywood mamma and papa of the year, and theirs is a girl. Eleanor Powell and Glenn Ford countered with a boy. Maureen O'SulIivan and John Farrow promptly announced a feminine addition to their growing family, but Susan Hayward hit the jackpot with twin boys. Jess Barker's the father. The Jack Carsons added a baby SHAMPOO 'Francis0 "ARIZONA TRAIL" studio ' anJ (r. this Tremonton COUPLE TAKE VOWS la?4Wr - Liberty Theatre t Burns. 7Htf IB Girls and More Girls My! Look at the baby girls in my list! Here's Ann Sothern with another; the father, Lt. Robert Sterling. Ken Murray comes along with a boy. Good for you, Ken. Martha Raye and Nick Condos had a girl So did Jean Rogers and Danny Winkler. And what's this? Nancy Coleman delighted Whitney Bolton's masculine pride by presenting him with ' 194- for the Ma.-Kj- ill C&ik- jff 28, 1 J..ck J .hnson Hum- - Liit by Western Newspaper Union. Thursday, June Mrs. A. W. Beck and sons Jan and Mrs. Duane and Jeffery are visiting with Mr. week. r c.iinc J 7eleas?d -- H Luxuriously New Box Spring Mattress 212 Coil Pre-wa- r Inner Spring Quality 39 .50 Several distinctive styles and coverings to select from. All first grade materials and workmanship. - Tables - Mirrors i( , Chairs IE p: t All to add comfo rt and Beauty to your Home. Musical Novelties (PJ7DW Howard G. Freiss, Owner LIVINGROOM SUITES and Tremonton Sheet lIusic e AH 'cue |