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Show B Paze Eisht- - EAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER. June 23 to 27 Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Tremonton. Uta- h- "A Song To Remember" :00 p. m. Nights 7:30 3 O NEWS FROM Henry is now stationed North Africa. son BLAIN WELLINGS Pfc and Mrs. Blaine Wcllings of Kingman, Arizona are visiting this week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Welling of Riverside and Mr. and Mrs. Fielding Barlow of Tremonton. HEAR OF FIRST GRANDSON Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Davis of Riverside received a telegram this week from Washington, announcing the birth of their first grandson which was born to Captain and Mrs. Jesse Laurence Davis at that city. the Capt. Davis took part in North African, Sicily and Italian campaigns. He has been teaching at Ft. Bclvoir, Virginia for the past year. Mrs. Davis was formerly Ray Buckley of Provo. Specials SATURDAY JUNE 23rd 10:00 A. M. -- t ' 1--1 f ' ?z , 5.'t-v-i- , due to labor shortage LOAD WITH THE PROVEN Diamond - Rassmann Beet Loaders CAN BE USED WITH ANY TRACTOR 1943. We have a few that are still available. ODELL ROMER HOME ON LEAVE RECEIVES BRONZE STAR Capt. Glen Wyatt was awarded fh Bronze Star medal tor men in connection with tcn'ine miltary operations against the enemy from Dec. 13, 1944 to May 8, 1945 in the United Kingdom, France, Belgium and Germany. With disregard for his own personal welfare, Capt. Wyatt looked after hiis men and officers continuously, always with the object of improving ther morale, health, personal comfort and safety. j Jack Keller Haight, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Haight and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Keller, has just been promoted to M.O. M.M. 2c. He is on an L.S.T. somewhere in the Pacific. He has recently been transferrd from the European theatre. Jack enlisted in 1 SO Q tKJJ White CALL AND SEE THEM OdHl Romcr of the Navy made his wife and family very happy by El-spending four days at home in San in docked shin His Phone 125 Francisco and Odell was able to come home. He left Monday night to rejoin his outfit. merly of Grouse Creek. He is serving aboard the USS Indianapolis. SERVES IN OKINAWA This ship has served several CAMPAIGN since the war and has down Word has been received that ed nine enemy planes and sunk one Deverl Payne, fireman, 3c fought transport. at Okinawa aboard a U. S. battle-chin- , CHESTER NEAL which, through 33 action RECEIVES MEDAL packed years, has never been hit Corp. Chester P. Neal, son of by enemy shell. The Okinawa actTohn S. Neal of ion was her fifth major engage- Mr and Mrs. awarded the been ment of World War 11 and one Tremonton has Islands Campaign Bronof the most dramatic in her long Philippine Star. Battle Corp. Neal left for career. His wife, Mrs. Irene Payne ze in service August 1943 and foreign resides in Tremonton. award he is enthis to addition in same Also fighting in this - titled to wear the New Guinea fortheatre is S 1c'B. Blanthian, L1LENQUIST BROTHERS 1 Arms folded across his bony chest, this skinny Jap prisoner was taken by infantrymen who captured Wawa dam on Luzon. He told his captors that he was kicked in the face by a exJap captain when he fell from while supplies. carrying haustion Shown with SSgt. Andrew Fedoris. cam-naicrn- CORINNE BOY ON DESTROYER Aboard USS Albert W. Grant, at sea Howard Butler, IS, S 1c GAINS PROMOTION USNR, whose father, Howard L. been has Christensen A. Hyruni Butler, lives in Corinne, Utah, is rank the aboard this 2100 ton destroyer, promoted from a Pfc to of a Corporal. now back in action after underreceived going repairs for damage Strait. VALLEY BOYS IN NEW of in the Battle Surigao GUINEA HAVE The night she was damaged the ENVIABLE RECORD GRANT assisted in the sinking of a Jap battleship, scorWith the 14th hits with torpedoes. Command in New Guinea A ing searchlight battalion of the 14th command, under Maj. KENNETH J.' LAMB Gen. William F. Marquart has WRITES PARENTS T5 Kenneth T. Lamb of the been on duty 16 months in New are 1 1th Utah 63 and Chemical Maintenance Co., boys Guinea numbered among its members. The has been commended for meritoriof group has operated as a unit 28 ous service in direct support from February combat operations iJ u tin no. Members of the group belonging 1, 1944 to February 20, 1945 in to the L. D. S. church hold regu- Italy and France. As an electric lar meetings even though there is arc and acetylene welder, T5 no Mormon chaplain in the area. Lamb handled the bulk of the Included in the group are T5 welding repair for his company. professional Lyle Barfus, Tremonton; T5 Tom By his mainHunsaker, Honeyville; T5 Wil- skill, dilligence and efficient contributKenneth Theron liam Potter, Garland; T5 tenance work, Rrailsford. Bear River City; 16 ed directly to the greatly increased mortar Clyde Jennings, Tremonton; T5 fire and efficiency of the Gr. Malcolm loung, Uonnne; ftc battalions which his unit serviced Rov Marble. Bngham; and 15 during this period. The above information was takWayne Lawrence, Garland. en from a clipping from an army that was DEWEYVILLE WAC paper, the "Muzzleblast," his received by parents. ON BALL TEAM L. Wilma Class First Private Ellis of Deweyville, serving in the WRITES LEADER The Leader received a letter 108 Women s Army Corps De Clem Henderson who is now from tachment of Fort McDowell, in in New stallation of San Francisco Port ot serving with the Navy a to is assigned pier deEmbarkation, is a member of the York. He different the on works softball team representing Ft. Mc- tail and from the Dowell Wacs in the San Fran- docks where the troops He fronts European cisco Bay Area WAC league. "Tr me. it IS an expeiitm-- t Pfc. Ellis is the daughter of W. never forget. The ships shall I S. Ellis of Deweyville. j AQr HATS CURTAINS $0 Cottage Sets For the Kitchen Li LEATHER Zipper Style WALLETS t. 7Q, f $0 Qift Fed. tax extra 10 Q&r WOOL BATTS FROCKS 1 AO UMBRELLAS NEW STYLES . Childrens rayon PANTIES with one brunzc bon star, the . camp.tgn Ribbon v three bronze stars; the Biskj Archipelago Campaign Br t. atic-Pacifi- c Battle Star and the Good Coni medal. f LEAVES FOR SCHOOL ? C. M. M. Walter E. Fnd left last week for school in C ' cago. Mr. Fridal has been at b with his parents for thirty rjt able days and now has gone k on duty. - anti-arera- ft ft 1115 r.l I 1 .7 : COTTONS II STYLES J;i Liberty Theatre Tremonton Cffl FRIDAY and SATURDAY, June 22 and 23 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM AQr PAUL KELLEY and VIRGINIA GRAY in per yd. 36 inch DRAPERY 79'c ) :l ) "GRISSLY'S MILLIONS" EDDIE DREW and SMILEY BURNETT in BUTTON-DOW- "BEYOND THE LAST FRONTIER" Serial and Cartoon 7f? Mill THE PICK OF THE . Matinee Saturday 3 CROP N film 3 J :00 SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 25, 26 WORK SOX fro? ?1,00 Size? 2 to 6 - into, becom- They're easy to ingly tailored, take little ironing time! Try one in a crisp stripe, with snow white eyelet flattery. g-- Here Come The Co-ed- s ) gL ' IVWi QQp y.o 0ZJ Matinee Sunday 3:00 p. m. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, JUNE 27 and 28 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM S,iW,CHoeks. BORIS KARLOFF, RICARDO CORTEZ in SEKKSCCKER THE WALKING DEAD" COMING STORES CO. ) You feel free, eager to go places when you wear dresses with tiny waistlines, wide dancing skirts' "THE BULL FIGHTERS" Cartoon: "Ain't That Ducky" Friday and Saturday, June 29 and 30 Double Feature Program "Circumstantial Evidence" "Arizona Trail" uvo $Q QiQ HX? T are young! STAN LAUREL and OLIVER HARDY in For Cash and Pay Less" Gephart FULL SKIRTS I mnwmu. ) Clever styling? No ironing ) 1 ) 2.98 s re- - quiivd? Nothing describes our iK?rky seersucker freaks better than your pleasure in wearing S7 xvTr iv-- . ! Jf;ySf S Sf y'iTvf Nllr f'j yVMf f lMh fliioH1!1 R ; ) ffiifm' r'Wi'l isCS Vilwh Mil ill iif ,; 'i T ' i 1 I V WlTWWmr M ' I I & t? ! ' I 3 kx ' $ I taj MmWlm i ? ' yn 'jjf ''f ml fyi I I j 1 O -- VVn T0 rTl Cartoon: "Mcctless Tuesday" and News SHEER BLOUSES Milady Sizes 32 to 38 Button downs Button downs well styled for busy women! 1 LOU COSTELLO MARTHA O'DRISCOLL - PEGGY RYAN in BUD ABBOTT SUN SUITS "15uy Campaign Bron:c Battle Star; Philippine Island Liberation Sizes to 10 COTTON HOUSE 6 ? Tremonton, Utah i g ANKLETS STRAW THEATRE TREMONTON DON'T LET YOUR BEETS FREEZE in the ground this fall i IACK HAIGHT PROMOTED i -- i9r Fuso-clas- s 49C TOWELS on in Word has been received here that Pvt. Ralph Pierce has been awarded the txpert lntantry com- bat medal while at Oebu island in the Philippines. Pvt. Pierce is now at a general hospital on Leyte where he has been for the past six weeks recovering from a lung disorder. Anti-Aircra- At Gepharts SANDALS Happy Jap RALPH PIERCE AWARDED COMBAT MEDAL VISIT PARENTS Non-Rati- the Statue of Lib for the harbor, head city and then such seen pleasant exI have never as the pressions on anyone's face, . v,. on uiu toot guuu hoys set soil." 21, Orpieum "Eve Knew Her Apples" "Boston Blackie" CORNEL WILDE Starring PAUL MUNI, MERLE OBERON, HENRY BOWCUTT IN NORTH AFRICA Mr and Mrs. Geo. Bowcutt re ceived word this week that their Thursday, JUne COMING, Thursday, Fridiy, Saturday, June 23, 29, 30 MATINEE Sunday -- '' I k Za i |