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Show t fmV f ' I VI xx volumh II II 1114 TREMONTON II Bond Issue Will Be piscussed by Taxpayers SLEEPING ROOMS WANTED FOR WIVES OF BUSHNELL PATIENTS School bond issue and the to be raised im-fMding, remodeling and Elder county lent of Box topic of dis- Sn at several meetings of the layers throughout the county "!hin the next week. Representees of the Board of Educatlon to 1 k at the various meetings 'U5S and answer questions put weavers who will have to pay600,000 bond isThe proposed the funds 1 STUbethe -- proximate 0ther -- vtine than the Tremonton r Monday, June 25, a meet-the held at be Bngham teitral School Janets of the Friday, under the Parent-Teache- r Meetings will be held at Hwell Friday evening, Fielding, 4day morning; Portage, .MonWednesdanight and Garland, ty A request is made by the. Red Cross to the people of Tremonton, who can furnish sleeping rooms, for use of wives of Bushnell patients, who come there to visit them and have no room accomodations available. Most of the requests are for rooms for weekends. Reasonable prices will be paid for the rooms. Anyone having such rooms is asked to contact Mrs. D. W. Kirkham. CRITICAL NEED AT LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL REVEALED BY SURVEY As the time approaches for the school bond election, June 30, some unfavorable comments have been heard regarding the proposed $600,000.00 bond issue. Believing that if citizens are given the actual facts concerning the need of our schools, they will be in a better position to cast their votes intelligently, considerable space is being given this subject this week. While a large portion of the new construction funds have been proposed for Bear River High, every school building in the county will benefit in some way, according to the school boards announced plan of distribution. One or two outlying communities may receive nearly new school units; Garland needs the proposed gymnasium; Portage needs additional improvements, and other schools, including the McKinley school in Tremonton, fall under the remodeling and repairing plans of the board. Here in the Bear River Valley our common interest is m the high school. Following is a report of ?. survey made by five members of the faculty, and the past and present principals of the school : y- of Education has Vocational Agricultural a number Bailed and distributed Department the following cf letters containing At present, the agriculture scistatements ence room is in a different buildTo Patrons of the Box ing from the rest of the vocational Eder County School District: agriculture rooms. Mr. Bunnell's room is on the second floor of the Members of the Board of of the Box Elder County science building. Mr. Skinner and School District feel that one of Mr. Last's farm mechanic shops is to anticip- are in the farm mechanics build-,re- . their responsibilities need of the This is vrrv inconvenient for tie ate We have given consideraschools. the students. Mr. Bunnell's room ble attention to the conditions should be on the ground floor and of the buildings making up our connected with the work shops. school plants, There is a better correlation and they, for the most constructisubstantial of are integration then between the three part, on and good quality. More than teachers and their students taking of them are trom twenty-fi- vocational agriculture. It also ento forty years old. They ables Mr. Bunnell to exhibit proand made even ducts and livestock more readily can be rejuvenated better than they were when new at and do many other activities in connection with the rest of the only a fraction of the cost of new buildings. With the passing of the farm program. years, we have come to demand Mr. Skinner's farm mechanics more of our school buildings. metal shop is very crowded and Twenty-fivyears ago, artificial unhealthy conditions exist. The wasn't lighting just put into class forges, welding equipment, and of the rooms. presentday painting equipment are all in the Many in improvements heating nd ventila- same room as the lathes and other smoke tion had not been invented. Even tools. Black, suffocating floors were put in some from the forges, the blinding light schools. Insulation to save heat and from the welding apporatur, and the small particles ot paint from improve the accoustical qualities of rooms was unknown. the spray guns are injurious to There has been some wear and those working for any length of activities in the tear on the building which was not time on other should be built covered by annual rooms this shop. Special repairs, but should be corrected now. Howe- between the farm mechanics buildver, the major part of the cost of ing and auto mechanics building in which could be put the forging, (Continued on Page 2) welding and painting, without interfering with the other activities. Cattle There is also need for a larger here. classroom ProductiApply In the woods, leather and conon crete shop it is suggested that a special concrete room be built beCattle feeders in Box Elder tween the science building and the mechanics building. county may soon apply to the farm AAA unty office for beef cattle Rooms in Main production payments under the Basement Government's new a fire trap Building program to the production of meat. There are four classrooms in the Feeders are encouraged to feed basement of the main building, oore cattle, including those purc- where type, art, bookkeeping, hased and those raised to good shorthand, general math, algebra and choice grades under the new and geometry are taught. The ceilprogram. The method of payment ings are very low and light and similar to the dairy payment ventilation are inadequate. There Program also handled through the is one narrow stairway with a "nty AAA office, according to thirty six inch doorway leading to daman A. W. the basement through which must Bishop. Te beef cattle paymproduction pass about 250 students every perents amounts to 50 cents per iod. There is much congestion in hundredweight on good or choice this one entrance to the basement, atte weighing 800 pounds or and it has also been condemned more and selling lor at least the as a fire trap. The classes should fnwuun stabilization price, which be moved from these poorly lightr sales in Utah is $14.25. ed and ventilated basement rooms. This is the first meat pfoduc-ao- The rooms could very well be used Payment made directly to the for storage of supplies and equipJfctock feeder. The program is ment. At present there is a dearth to help hold the 'line of storage facilities for this purinflation by preventing pose. ?T increases in retail prices J';h misht lead to uncontrolled Speech, Dramatics and wiS? ln waKcs arsd otncr cco' Debating factors. Clases at present are held in the The beef cutle production pay little "dark room," 10 x 12 ft. 's available J;nt f Sonic of these classes are held in to all feeders slaughterers who also are the auditorium, the accoustics of t.;rs, provided their catlc meet which arc not conducive to the procedbest results in Y'rocram requirements. J eligible, a feeder must ure. There is no visual education icr!0". f 'Tplication (1) tha: the cattle at least 30 room at the Bear River high. Postlc (2) that war changes in teaching methods SCTC sighed at least 800 and techniques include a vast pro.'hcn S(,ld, (3) that th gram of visual education. It is rroueht not 1..CB than the combination visual ptonod that a little room intlT fricc the Good crad education andt i i theatre :. 1,11 lnc ftfor iV.' cattle were sold tc built in wnicn i t0 an autnori:e infi, sneech. uramaiKs ir,i vkm.ii "Snterer (Continued on page 8) The Board : Edu-atio- n long-tim- e s ve e Feeders May for Payments " in-oas- e 15 n W in-f- class-roo- Lnl J", lais ,1.-1- it-- NUMBER FORTY CITY, UTAH THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1945- - Tremonton Nears Bond Quota During Past Week -- TREMOXTOK'S BOD 4 WAR SJUEETi Legion Auxiliary Elects Officers The American Legion Auxiliary with president Vesta Jensen in charge, met at the home of Mrs. Fern Kirkham, to hold the last meeting of the season. Mary Anderson presented a I program on our country, Cuba. The speaker was Mrs. Lucinda Jensen. The officers elected for the comAUCTION SALE SATURDAY ing year are as follows: Isabella Walton, President; Fiazel Ransom, The farm equipment and live- 1st MISS BEBE STRAND Verna Barnes, stock belonging to the late Moroni 2nd Doris Allen, "Pat" Lundberg will be sold sat secretary; Ann Watkins, treasurer; public auction, Saturday. Margaret Thomas, chaplain; Mary With Park Stumm as auction- Stenquist, historian; Mary Andereer, many pieces of machinery and son, 1st Sgt. at arms and Vesta tools will be sold beginning a 2 Jensen, 2nd Sgt. at arms. Durrell Hughes, principal of the p. m., at the Lundberg home, loAfter the business, a very socated six miles south of Tremon- ciable school for 11 years, and Mendon evening was enjoyed and ton on the highway road. ice cream was served by the host assistant coach at South Cache ess. high school, has been named basketball coach and head of the physical education department at the FAMILY AND FRIENDS KOTICE TO Bear River liieh school, it was anHONOR PIONEER LADY TAXPAYERS nounced by Principal Frank Stevens this week. He will assist Moyle Knudson The home, of Jane E. Brough A meeting of taxpayers will football coaching, assume full with was the scene of much visiting and be held at the Tremonton school duties as summer recreation prorecalling of days gone by Sunday, gym on Monday, June 25, at and instruct physdirector bondwhen gram than discuss 150 friends and the more 8:30 p. m. to ical education classes, in addition rerelatives called wish well Elder Box for on of to her county ing modehne and building new the ninetieth anniversary of her to his basketball coaching work. Hughes is a graduate of the U. birth. school buildings. ' S. A. Q where he won letters in People from all over the valley Tremonton P. T. A., were but devoted his basketball track, seen among the visitors. ComMrs. J. T. Palmer, attentions to M men play. He was birthfrom California the for ing President forward at one named Mrs. observance was day Brough's has been man1932 and since daughter, Mrs. Vera Kroksh. Oth- time Mendon of the Eagles, an members of the ager er casaba independent family who addended were Mrs. outstanding team. Venice Hacallo, of Price; Mrs. The new Bear River mentor has Edith Samuelson of Bountiful; Mr. and Mrs. Linden Barkle, Bur-le- played in three intermountain New AAU tourneys and was instrue Idaho, and Mr. and .Mrs. mental in organizing softball and Brough and family of Logan. baseball teams in Cache Valley. Officers for the new post of Since graduation, he has comVeterans of Foreign Wars of the "A SONG TO REMEMBER" pleted five auarters of graduate U. S. were installed at a meeting AT ORPHEUM work at the U. S. A. C. held last Wednesday night. Commanders from the Brigham and FOLLOWS IN PARENTS Coming to the Orpheum theatre, Salt Lake Posts officiated. FOOTSTEPS The new post will be called the Saturday, Sunday, Monday, TuesVeterans of Foreign Wars of the day and Wednesday of next week, U. S., Borgstrom Brothers' Post is the much publicized show, "A Something of a precedent has Remember." to been started in the Albert Earl Song No. 4220. This picture filmed in beauti- family, since the birth of their first Officers chosen at the organiful technicolor and starring Merle grand child. Mr. and Mrs. Russel zation were: Mirl Wanikcr, com- Oberon and Paul Muni, is a story Mitton announce the birth of a mander; James Walton, 1st based on the life of the great ten pound baby girl on June 15. Borgstrom, Clyde Some of the The baby was born on the first Arnold Han- musician, Chopin.. 2nd selections finest ever written wedding anniversary of her parpiano and Steve sen, quartermaster are featured in this picture. ents. Mrs. Mitton, the oldest Shurer, chaplain. Other positions daughter of the Earls also weighed will be filled later. ten pounds and was born on their This organization was establish- GRANT COOK TO first wedding anniversary. Dr. E. LEAVE BEAR RIVER ed after the H. White was the doctor on both is War and its membership open band teacher at cases. Grant Cook, to anyone who has seen active Bear River high school last year, service in a foreign country. has accepted a position as Seminary teacher at Weber Junior colCLINIC lege. He will continue with his To IMMUNIZATION band work in this valley summer CHANGED DATE until July first, when he plans to Homer Glenn, 19, of Ogden, The regular immunization con- move to Ogden. killed in a highway accident was deducted by the public health last night, when the car Saturday from partment has been postponed SECOND WARD M. I. A. he left the road and was driving month. this June 23 rd to June 30th OUTING HOLD TO overturned, just South of Honey Those desiring immunization for villc. whooping cough, diphtheria, small Richard Niclson, one of the othThe M. I. A. of the Tremonpox or booster shots for typhoid er Mcoccupants received a severe cut ton Second ward is planning a fever are urged to he a t the the leg, and the other two, on 11 ward outing for Tuesday evening, Kinley school, between 10 and ....ielson and Owen Shaw 30th. school athletic June 26, at the high a.', m., on Saturday, June were uninjured. The boys were field. There will be games of soft from Bushnell. marines ball, horseshoe pitching, volley local patrolman inEvan Green, YOUNG WOMEN OF FIRST ball and sports for all. the accident. vestigated WARD PLAN BALL GAME Ward members arc invited to bring their hot dogs and buns, and SUMMER PRIMARY TO Under the auspices of the First the drinks and relishes will be pro- BEGIN AT FIRST WARD Ward Y. W. M. I. A. an evening vided by the committee. Fun will Primary will be held at the First df soft ball is planned lor next begin at 6:30 so make your plans Ward each week during the sumAnvme who would like to he there. mer m ntlis, beginning next Tuesto attend will be welcome The t the 7:30 at 3 o'clock. An opening party about croup will meet l. day A REMINDER will be held for the first meeting city park. r.nd the children of the ward arc Mrs. Ada Shurtz will conduct a invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Marccllus Hansen and family of St. Anthony. sewing class for women of the Hamilton returned Maralyn Idaho, were guests of Mr. and community beginning Friday afTiiwdav 2 o'clock at the high Tuesday after visiting with her ilinaatrr ternoon at jvirs. i. school. grandmother in Freedom, Wyo. aand Wednesday. n t; Hughes Named New Bear River Coach j v h n Vets Of Foreign Wars Establish Post Here Spanish-America- y, Ber-nic- n Accident Fatal Ogden Youth Le-lan- d I Tn.-Jn- -' Leading the field with 2779 votes late Thursday afternoon, Miss Bebc Strand, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Strand, was conceded to be Tremonton's Queen of the 7th Ward Loan drive. Miss Gloria Buchanan was' second with 2,075 votes and Lois Forsgrcn, third with 1,038 votes. Miss Strand was sponsored by the Woman's Civic League, Miss Buchanan by the Jaycees and Miss Iorfgren by the Lions. A great deal of activity in bond buying has been evident the past week starting with the Jaycees sponsoring airplane rides Sunday, In connection with the Wings of Box Elder, they reported an estimated sale of $10,500.00; with four planes being kept busy for over eight hours giving rides to bond buyers. At the war stamp premier at the Liberty theatre Wednesday afternoon, $2,112.50 in bonds were sold, 153 $1.00 war stamps were turned into 8 bonds which were given away and $3.00 in stamps were returned to the kiddies. The bond premier held Wednesday night at the Orpheum netted some $42,000.00 in bond sales. Garland Puzey, as auctioneer, lead the bidding into high figures resulting in many new votes for the candidates. Those in charge of the sales desire to make it plain that citizens should continue to buy bonds, since the preccntage of the local quota raised by Saturday will give additional chance for the Tremonton Queen to be chosen county queen. The girl who wins the contest in her home town will represent all the votes cast for any queen in her town at the county finals. She will be judged as follows: the percentage 372 Pcr ccnt of her town's quota she represents, 37!2 per cent for the percentage of her county's quota she represents and 25 pcr cent for the queen-likqualities she possesses. Box Elder county's finals will be held Saturday evening. On July 3, all county queens will register before 1:30 p. m. at the Hotel Utah in Salt Lake City to begin presentation festivities and entertainments. State finals will be held July 4, at 8:30 p. m. in Salt Lake. Each county queen will represent all the votes cast for any queen in her county. , fr e Report of Cases Handled In Local Justice's Court The following report is submitted by Kleon Kerr, Judge of the local Justice court, of the cases handled and their dispositions since the first of the year: Parking by fire hydrants, 18; Parking in public drive, 7; illegal parking, Main street, 3; failure to obtain driver's license, 18; driver's license not in possession of licensee, 30; speeding, 25; through flop signs and lights, 47; overtime parking, 2; parking truck on Main Street, 5; Parking in bus zone, 7; Parking on sidewalk, 2; supplying alcoholic beverages to minors, 1; motor vehicles not registered with state, 5; reckless driving. I; passing on wrong side, 1 permitting minor to drive, ; double parking, 3; driving too fast for existing conditions, 1; driving wrong side of road, 1; improper use of spotlight, 1; expired permit, 1; drunkencss, 2; operating tractor cn city street, 2. Fines imposed ranged from $1.00 to $25.00. Partially sus- pended penalties ranged as high as $50.00 and 30 days in jail. 1 Georg: Miller being treated for is in the hospital a broken leg. HOSPITAL NOTES Recent Births Mr. and Mrs. Olecn Nichols, a girl, June 15th. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Mitton, a girl, June 15th. |