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Show 1915- - 21. .i,v June BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER,' ! Dr. UAvryt SAL t s P'Y ,rh mm l-- ,;i wth SOCIAL NEWS LITERARY GUILD CLUB MEETS Mrs. Verl Anderson of Garland was hostess to the Literary-Guilclub Thursday. Alice Hamilton reviewed the book "What Became the of Kirs. Bolton," by Louis Brom-:iei- whtn my d ATTEND FEDERATED VJ CLUB MEETING The annual meeting of northwest district of the Utah Federation of Women's Clubs was held Saturday in Logan. Those who were in attendance trom Tremonton were Mrs. Ferns Allen, Mrs. Leland Harris, Mrs. Sidney Johnson, Mrs. D. W. Kirkham, Mrs. Max Laub, Mrs. Merrill lit Laub, Mrs. Mclvin Wood, Mrs. Sunday evening the Study Club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Calderwood. Patriarch Mrs. A. L. Cook and daughters James Walton gave the lesson. ReMrs. Raymond Hunsaker, Mrs. freshments were served by the Ralph Winterton and Phyllis Cook hostess. attended a reception given by Mr. THIRTY NINERS and Mrs. Charles Osmond of in honor of their daughter, FETED Mrs. Erma H. Anderson was Aurlene and Capt. Robert hostess to the 39'ers club Tuesday Sunday they attended a shower evening at her home. Luncheon given in honor of Mrs. Emmett, was served after which the game by Mrs. Horton Miller and Mrs. '"Help Your Neighbor" was played High prize went to Melba T. Was-sonrig Robinson. low prize to Bcrnice Oyler MRS. ED FROHK cut prize to Va Lainne Austin. Miss Yevonne Summers was a ENTERTAINS CLUB Mrs. Ed. Fronk entertained her special guest. bridge club in Ogden. Prizes were won by Mrs. Mel Wood, Mrs. SMITH RHEAD WEDDWodrow Scllcy of Smithfied and ING ANNOUNCED Announcement of the engage Mrs. Arch Richardson. ment and approachcing marriage of Miss Nona Smith to J. H. LAUB FAMILY OBSERVES ATTEND OGDEN RECEPTION DRUG ADAM'S Og-de- MEETS $1 BUREAU Farm Tremonton .. nvf Wednesday at the of Mrs. Clara Fridal. After tWncss had been taken care Vson on how to mend elec' Mrs. J fixtures was given by jois Wooley. assisted ii r-- by Fanny delicious chicken rved a n Em-met- t. East 'ae hostess, Miss J.mae Marble delightfully entertained a group of her friends Friday evening with a supper given at her home. Glen Wyatt and Mrs. Ted Coch- STUDY CLUB ENTERTAINED ran. cf r.. JANAE MARBLE ENTERTAINS f- Tar next meeting, an outing .fowl Springs, will be held i, FATHER'S DAY AD , ,,U i muJ BIRTHDAY v. mum ind Mrs. U 5 E. Bissigger ot rrovidence Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fi. ,.,,'tt, tKfi'r snn and errand' o i j have their Laub -- i IlamedM T Vr. 1"' Lj VWUI lu'r. . T A. J- - were pleased to family all home to celebrate the double occasion of Father's Day Utah will pay cash and the birthday anniversaiy of for dead or usless cows, horses, Rex and Max Laub. sheep or hogs. Phone Tremonton or Garland 35 J3. sl5 tfc guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. McDcrmaid of Salt Lake. CASH for Live Poultry. H. A. Gam, 453 Nf 2nd West. Brigham ENTERTAINS IN HONOR Phone 693. to OF DAUGHTER Laub entertained Merrill Mrs. TYPEWRITER RIBBONS for 12 little guests at a party given in sale at the Leader Office. honor of her daughter Arlene. The occasion was Arlene's seventh MALE HELP WANTED. Men are needed at Sperry Flour Co., birthday. at Ogden for essential work. Jobs are open for warehousemen, seed MRS. M. W. MOORE packers, flour packers. Good wages ENTERTAINS GIRLS and Moore Mrs. M. W. daugh- and working conditions. Referral a from U.SS.E.S. necessary. Phone entertained Beulah Marlene ter, of girls Wednesday night. 8811, Ogden group The evening was spent playing GiBpjTFmETI musical games and a dramatic skit at Utah Hatchery, Brigham City was delightfully given by Joan Strand. FOR SALE Wood bar harrows. Summers and Astrid May . i.i Jerry Thomas played two piano oeet cultivators, norse mowers, then was horse tractor The selections. mowers, group dump rakes, side delivery rakes, 2 large comserved a late supper. bines, 2 new Jaeger model The guests were Geraldine Joan Summers, Astrid May water pumps and 1 new Oliver 70 Strand, Darlene Davis, Donna Lou tractor on rubber. Rucl Robbins. tfc Peckenpaugh, Emma Rae Hall, Phone 72 Rl. Jean Mortersen, Gloria Schaffer FOR SALE 2,000 9 and 10 week of Bountiful and Jerry Thomas of old Phone 263W, Logan. turkeys. Boise, Idaho. 2tc. J.. ivionr ounuay. 1 I C 1 Out-of-tow- n 96-R- . - . Rob-bin- TEMPERATURES REDUCES 8 to 15 in 20 SAVES summer TO heating costs in on m iuUH It msHt yuuwli I 30 winter at bun RONTON LUMBER HARDWARE CO. Phone 130 H STATE S. NORMAN LEE LUMBER CO. ABSTRACTOR Phone 11 WILSON 4 HAILnTFmE 5? Established 40 Years BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH LUMBER CO. Phone 14S for haystacks and grain fields. See James H. Miller, Phone 764J Brigham City. WANTED: A car in good dition. Call Mrs. R. D. con- Macfar-lan- e let. at 32J4. FOR SALE: 1932 Plymouth sedan and light trailer with panel sides. At ceiling price. See J. R. (mm Drake, at Bert Price residence, ltp ineITpkis 32 Rhcad is made by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith of Fielding. The wedding is set for Friday, June 22 in the Salt Lake Temple. Jl Garland. ltc. Mr . Tractor Owner Daring the lull between spring planting and harvesting, why not have your TROUSSEAU TEA GIVEN FOR BRIDE OF WEEK Prominent among the social events of the week, was the trousseau tea given Tuesday afternoon in honor of Miss Nona Smith, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith at Fielding. The guest of honor and her mother received the guests, and her( sister, Mrs. Mel Foxley was in charge of the display rooms. Spring flowers were used in decoration of the tea table andi various rooms. Assisting at the: tan.e were Mr4. Jam,es Walton,! Mrs. Ardes Adams and Miss Vesta Ferri. Caterpillar Tractor checked over by our expert mechanics Many expensive delays during the rush harvest season can be avoided if your equipment is in tirst class condition. ASK ABOUT OUR JOHN DEER 22 in. STEEL THRESHER JOHNSON FAMILY GETS TOGETHER Equipped With Rubber Tires Mrs. Jarvis Johnson had her family all home on Wednesday evening for a chicken supper. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Johnson of Malad, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Johnson, Garland, Mr. and Mrs. Herald Robertson of California; Alton C. Sorcnscn of Logan; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Johnson, Riverside; Mr. and Mrs. Lavor Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Car- lyle Johnson and Vcrn Johnson of Fielding. Mrs. Geraldine Monson and son Johnny of Garland were also guests. A pleasant evening was enjoyed by the group. REPAIR HEADQUARTERS Tractors, Power Units, Combine Motors Magnetos, Carburetors Let our experienced shop mechanics put your equipment in Tip-To- p Shape for Spring Work. Accetylene and Electric Welding PETERSON Phone 90 ENTERTAINS FOR SON'S BIRTHDAY Mrs. Newel Payne entertained at a birthday party given in honor of her son Orval. Fourteen of his friends were present. A dainty luncheon was served and games were enjoyed by all. 4 1 Page rive Tremonton, Utah CARD OF THANKS We the family of LcRoy Holmgren wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our many friends who assisted us in any way at the time of and immediately following the recent death of our husband and father. We especially want to thank those who took part at the services those who sent floral offerings and those who offered their cars. Mrs. LcRoy Holmgren and family. TRACTOR Albert Earl, Mgr. Tremonton and Rev. and Mrs. J. S. Bouton, parents of Mrs. Moore, from New-ioIowa. LOCAL NOTES n, Mrs. Jarvis Johnson of Fielding returned home recently, after spending some time in California visiting with relatives. She visited her daughters, Mrs. Herald Robertson, Mrs. Rhea Booth, and Mrs. Beth Green, all of Culver City. She was also a guest of her neph' ew, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Knapp of Pasadena and two nieces, Mrs. James H. Toylorand, and Mrs." Erma Malachoon. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Moore have as their house guests this week, Mrs. C. J. Elliot and son John William from Garner, Iowa, Utah Oil Refining Company offers you savings and protection on products of traditional high products that quality are daily necessities on your farm. Hundreds of SERVICE FOR ELECTROLUX Cleaner and Air Purifier SALES and SERVICE Call RONALD HALES Garland Phone 32 R2 ii farmers have already arranged with us for their entire year's require- ments. Get the full benefits of this popular offering for future delivery. No payment is required with your order pay only as goods are delivered. Check over your requirements now ask then phone, write or your local Utah Oil Refining Company "distributor for details. w m m r r r - vr i THIS SPECIAL Portable Milkers, unit, only $149.50 ltc complete. Gambles. FOR SALE-Natio- 2 nal cow rcRLE heavy duty radiator. Gambles, ltc WSTiLNGTiAl ing. Done the way you want it clone; work guaranteed; work done ltc reasonably. Gambles. waIttJdc suitable for professional practice. Phone 9'VJII. ltp 'SLwKli fill . .. a l 1T. ..as great respect tor trie uml Army iruc. ...noi "ierU: acon on every front . . . relied on its poweriui CMC ' ' engine to naul nim and hi upPlie through mud mire and ahellfire. New GMC commercial truck en- (Ifltg Will 8'Ve ' th yU out8tanJ'n8T power and performance, too, ' patterned aftep thi Army "Workhorte" engine. And t Conerve tn and performance of your war-ipower orn truck. get CMC original Preventive Maintenance. ?oym(i Pla Aiiurti You of f toweif Available p fight. L. m J" Cr Wayne 0- li - R sandall motor 'II Nil ll fli rVl co. Tremonton WANTED TO RENT Business huilJing in good location. Call R. B. Garner, 96-J1- SALE Gchl portable hay and grain chopper on a '42 Ford truck. In extra grxd condition. Rcll'e TuJdcnham. 685 N. 2 E, tip Login. 1 JqYsALE 1 D:me type water heater, water tank. All pipe and fitting1?. 1 two hole laundry stove, with, water ackct. hot plate. Plate 1 used same as electric range. New and used deep and shallow electric pumping systems. Oil water heaters. J. G. BURGESS TLUMBING two-hol- e COMPANY Phone 108 1 WVBT M VKTOY . . . BUY MORI WA com- plete with 40 gallon, extra heavy lOHOi Rudy Miller DISTRIBUTOR rum 7j , JTV CASOUHE UTAH OIL REFINING CO. Tremonton FOUND Lined sheep skin coat. Call Cliff Kerr. s Tour local Representative for Utah Oil Refining Company Av |