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Show 1945- June 21, . BEAR RIVE Aer Crystal Salt Co., a Corporation NOTICE OF DELINQUENCY A VALLEY LEADER, 11 home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leak. Mrs. Lacl Campbell and child-icof Salt Lake visited this weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George L. Miller. Neil Miller visited last week with his brother George L. Miller Jr. and family at Provo. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Butler accompanied his parents to Jcr ome to visit with their son and brother there. Danes Gain Representation at San Francisco ancni said assessment was duly extended payment of by order of said corporation on the 2Gth day of May, of assessment and the notice of J5 aniJ pursuant to the notice the which to assessment heretofore within pay 'Vtime several amounts set opposite the names of the the paper, of Directors pub-;'2tt- 5 holders share : 4 Number of Shares Certifi- cate No. 101 Chnitensen ! or L Anderson rd tog f or Waldron , Clements , jf f. F. Ogden iCfe 104 2000 200.00 Ill 400 40.00 2.00 21.00 105.00 107.50 500.00 250.00 25.00 62.50 75.00 100.00 210 1050 1075 5000 2500 250 " 134 iyo veto V.f.Robbms 199 01 625 210 1000 423 750 -- 01.! sue Hardin.? A 20 ; k Hardincr ',t a! Harding UVarncr -- lor 35 242 200 246 249 Decker ....268 270 , 1000 151 862 1500 125 625 44 1000 jlNicholas 272 600 280 Olson 2S7 283 291 295 301 251 425 ,, Hunsaker J :icn : Olson 252 n!wn 254 Harding A. a 263 265 A Glenn ,k Hardin? 41. or Mabel "A. Hardin? Shreeve -- a C Olson 1 Hickman Emma or :.A. Whitaker Hardin? -- Nicholas jT. Shreeve : Alien Christensen Stander j Christensen :js 1 Williams la Eiason accordance In 58 500 2926 50 306 2 314 315 317 321 HO 250 200 111S - 2750 .323 1000 165 6266 400 fee 111. said of first SO 275.00 100.00 paid $10. 626.60 40.00 paid $20. may be necessary will be sold at the office of the the 2nd day of July, 1945, to together with the costs of ad-an- d of sale. GEORGE M. MASON, Secretary, Quaker Crystal Salt Company, a Corporation, publication, June 14, 1945. HATCHER j Stone and family of Ogdcn spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Borgstrom. and Mrs. Earl Mr. and Mrs. Royal Robins and Christensen any visited with Mr. nd son Charles visited with relatives E. H. Cornwall of Tremon- - here Sundav. Charles recently re ' s Sunday. rnd Viam turned home from Europe where Evan Borgstrom he was interned in a German and Mrs. Bernard prison for about 10 months. Mrs. GREATER FUTURE for UTAH i IB he u 51 ;K , J-iV an HVf TO future will - ' e UMIU 4e Mrs. Ethel Jensen of Salt Lake and Mrs. Emma Archibald of Garland called on their mother. Mrs. Amalia Anderson, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reeves of Centcrville spent several days this week visiting relatives here. They were the house guests of Mrs. Amalia Anderson. Miss Bverly Hokon of Salt Lr.ke is spending the summer with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Peterson of Honeyville were the guests of Mr. arid Mrs. Ike Newman Sun day. Mrs. Albin Borgstrom attended in honor of the Gold breakfast a Star mothers at the Newhouse Hotel in Salt Lake Thursday. On Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Borgstrom were guests of KSL on the rlarry Clark nroeram and snoke briefly of their four sons who gave their lives in the present conflict. Mr. and Mrs.- Ervin Peterson visited with Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Larson of Promontory Sunday. Staff Set and Mrs. Glen Nelson were the guests of Bishop and Mrs. Joseph Nelson for two days last, week. Their furlough was suddenly cut short and they were called back to San Francisco by the news of the sudden death of Mrs. .Nelson's brother Frank Nello. Frank was well known here, having spent last summer at the home of bishop Nelson. His friends here were shockd and grieved to learn of his untimely death. Mrs. Mary Ann Wight of Salt Salt Lake is visiting with her child- i ren, Mrs. Weslie juunn ana WW T TN 1 A Everyone present at Sacrament meeting Sunday evening enjoyed the splendid talk and musical program furnished by Dr. D. B. Green and daughters Donna and Joan. Bishop and Mrs. J. F. Petersen were Salt Lake visitors Thursday. Pvt. and Mrs. Millard Johnsen of Walla Walla. Washington visited for 10 days at the home of Mrs. Johnsens parents, Mr. and Mrs. George L. Miller. They left Sunday to visit in Provo with her brother, George L. Miller jr., and family. Mrs. John L. Payne of Howell and Pvt. Lowell E. Whitaker and wife were Wednesday dinner guests of Mrs. Nels Nelson. Pvt. Whitaker just returned on furlough from India. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Graver visited Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Ersol Berchtold. Bobby returned to Pincview with them for a vacation. Bishop and Mrs. Jesse F. Petersen and Newton Oliver enjoyed a two-dafishing trip Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs. Perry Stanfill. Mrs. Sne- var Petersen and Mrs. J. Wilford Miller were Ogden visitors Mon- day. Mrs. Sid Petersen and new son; arrived Monday to rest at the! S'' ' Ai MINER MIKE agricultural productivity, which not only produces enough to meet its own needs, but also Ps fill the food bins of the nation; a region of Vit manufacturing possibilities and extensive Jcral resources, only a part of which have "n developed. , "Future development of these resources to "ure broader markets for the State's products more payrolls depends in a large measure ?Pon a 'healthy business climate' which will "jtfte new industries and encourage expansion Peat already here." METAL MINING INDUSTRY OF UTAH 8ltbif "u'Lu.tPPr'dim UlUt4 UrW THE lUHntaf VnU4 BUtw rCl. AM ELECTRIFIED FARM WORKSHOP an excellent expense too. saver and . . . is time-save- r, When new electrical farm equipment is available buy from your Electric Dealer 1 L? 1 1 y i' r -- 'X. i . j 1 i?V3-- - .rmrX . .. sim ..l .. ' UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO. 4- 'Now Open 1 n For Business friends and relatives here. They were guests at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. L. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilford Miller. A family reunion was held at the George L. Miller home Wcdnes.iv evening. Thcv were also guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Shuman on WVdnesd.iv. Mr. and Mrs. Orscn Jensen and family attended a family in honor of their father James Jensen at his home in Brigam Citv. The occasion comhmcd father's day and also Mr. Jensen's birthday. Leonard M. Petersen accompanied Ervin Petersen and Bishop Tnsmh Nelson of Thatcher on a two day fishing trip Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Joseph Oliver and sons Newton and Ray and two grandchildren are staying at the home of Mrs. Oliver's brother. Axel Nclscn. The Olivers were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Petersen. Miss Arlcnc Williams is visiting with her grandparents, Mr. and W. Petersen. Mr. and Mrs. Ersol Berchtold and family spent father's day at the home of their father and grand. father, Joseph Berchtold of 14 4 I for V Mine. Comp.nr II Ohl. TioU 8Uo4ar4 Mining tompanr It P.rk UU ! tUfc Bear River Valley t Hobbs Batteries American Drake-Bloc- k Cylinder Reboring Automobile Glass Pedrick Piston Rings Brake Lining o 1 TV7 3 Brig-ham- Of Tremonton Mr. and Mrs. Orval Grovcr and family of East Garland visited Sunday with Mrs. Grovcr's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Pet-crscr- Newton Oliver was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard M. Petersen at a trout supper Monday evening. Phone 150 J L i j - 4 Pie: &. i party-Sunda- 'Utah UU those Mr. and Mrs. Willard Wyatt of Logan were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Burgess Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Hansen of Los Angeles visited last week with i ine executive Mr. and Mrs. Joe Burgess spent Sunday and Monday in Salt Lake. Garfield, Frances Hill, Mrs. Dona Bowcutt PENROSE "'like ton Mrs. La Von Mrs. ; N. Wight. r i it the proud prents of a baby boy. The Randalls live in Salt Lake. g m-mo- i Gueits at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Garfield Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Jake Dodd from Bountiful, Mr. and Mrs. Vanden-burof Ogden and Mrs. Vern Justinsen of Springfield. r, :ay, at Brigham City, Utah, on Is delinquent assessment thereon, the expense . Word has been received that !Mr .and Mrs. Ken Randall, for mer residents of Tremonton, are ! This group of Danish officials is shown on arrival in San Francisco, where Denmark was admitted as the 50th member of the United Nations Security conference. Met at the airport by Axel C. F. Sporon-Fcdleright, consul general of San Francisco, they are, left to right: Henrick De Kauffman, minister to Washington; Trof. Erik Kusfeltlt and Prof. Hartvig Frisch. with law and the order of the Board of Directors April, A. D. 1945, and as ex- - stock as 4 Sgt. and Mrs. Delhert Woerner of Hill Field and La Veil Simdinner mons were the Sunday R. D. Mrs. and of Mr. guests Anderson. n lad entered on the 24th day of d of yr. V 20.00 100.00 15.10 86.20 150.00 12.50 62.50 4.40 100.00 60.00 25.10 42.50 759.80 5.80 50.00 292.60 25.00 14.00 25.00 20.00 7598 Barnard H. 50.00 S 144 116 117 V. u Amount of Seven and Mrs. Erv Kroksh spent Wed' nesday in Ogdcn visiting with the Glenn Allred family.' n the following described rtock on ac-- , , are delinquent upon levied on the :4th day of April, A. D., 1945, ""L Pae Tremonton. Ctah- - Main Street Tremonton |