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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, I txt vrrn Paze Threi Tremonton, Utah- - Bone Electric Generals Watch Front Line Action OF THESE ITEMS L fire Insurance ' AutomoHle J Average wuomm Lwbilny Damage public Comprehensive I Cheaply Constructed Smoke House Useful of Surety Bonds J Fire , jfcjl and J I I mnc . n . 1. . c and Keiiawe T ? ': iaMES BROUGH REALTORUTAH j. S 9 ' A i i y ) m?ih&7M0f2.48 4 f, v, CEVERAL types of smoke houses are proving satisfactory. The kind of house to be selected will depend largely upon the volume of meat to be smoked, as well as offseason use that may be made of : 1 Quick r C Building May Also Serve For General Storage Use Auto Medical Real Estate Loans ..L:! . now becomes Authorized J j ..." .... . . headquarters for prompt 4 4 X "1 end expert service on your Maytag Washer the house. ; .f i. : ., g Where an "A" shaped smoke house is used, the wall or sides Marine Maj. Cen. Lemuel Sheperd, holding walking stick, and LieuIT IS with extreme pride and satisfaction that we look toward the should be made of boards about 9 tenant General Buekncr, center, watch front line action from an Okinawa future in acquiring this franchise for Maytag Sales and Service. Shir- - feet long, in order to keep the meat ridge as their forces storm Naha, capital of the island. The conquest of if- - Hiff Beard and Mrs. no new about 5 feet away from the fire. this island, at frightful cost, possibly wound up the long and arduous For the present, sales of course are out of went to Brigham Mon- - The ;,v Beard walls should be spread Btraiegy of "island hopping," which began with Guadalcanal in 1912. sloping Sam Green the Uncle awhile. for But when honLight gives Maytags yet attend a party given in 7 feet at the bottom. The house 8 handsome new those for on start Maytag ;,iVW Heard. production Maytag to feet long is large enough for the Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hansen Postwar Models we'll be here with your new Maytag right ia smoking of a large number of hogs, and children of Tremonton, were our front window. C. Beard as usually the Canadian bacons, Mr snd Mrs- Shirley Sundiy guests at the home of boneless butts and the bacons will few a In the meantime, let our service experts keep your present Lake to Salt spend Mr. and Mrs. Orland Hess. t,ft for come oat of the cure three or four Fourth Plans are underway for a weeks before the hams are ready to Maytag Washer or Ironer working faithfully 'till that bright day A Father's Day program was smoke. A Howell. celebration at comes. We use only the genuine Maytag factory parts. Come in and conducted Sunday under the direc' of July use the barrel Many for with some ball smoking tion of the Howell Primary associvisiting see us or telephone. game, vfr and Mrs. Steve Hales spent meat. The smoke should enter the a rodeo, races for the child Anderson with Mrs. team, with Jean ations, in Preston, visiting Sunday barrel through a tunnel from a fire TREMONTON PHONE 131 Mr' and Mrs. Don Elwell. as much as 5 or 6 feet from the and Verda Nesscn conducting. A ren, horse racing, pulling contests and dance the in a tribute fathers evening. to was given by barrel. A sewing club is being organizFor the other type of house illus- Mrs. Grace Munk, poems by RobEd-ja- r Mrs. and Hill Mrs. Seymour ed for the young girls of the ward. almost and LaVada Wood material trated, ert any Deacon; may Nelson motored to Salt Lake be used for the walls. There should Saxophone solos by Ray Sorensen Mrs. Jean Anderson and Verda Nielson and son Richard and business Friday. be some small openings or cracks and Farren Anderson; vocal solo, Nessen will be the leaders. gave the tribute, Hazel Riser and daughter Lillian and her two child' at the top of the house. The house Fonnesbeck has La Von G rover Lt. Stanford Meda Jones; chorus, Melba Hangave two musi- ren from Idaho Falls came to visit walls should be at least 7 feet high. his post after a cal numbers. Reed Mrs. Guy Ballard and daughter left to to Ranae Darlene report sen, Hyden and Oyler, recently at the L. M. Holman home. leave. ileen spent Saturday in Logan Payne. Gifts of appreciation were thirty-da- y discharged from military service The following people called at visiting. distributed to all fathers. Joseph Burke Junes is expected was the and told of his exTREMONTON ; - H-r- HOWELL - fa-?- . E Smoke Houses for Every Purpose. aAM!MAL One mm Day Only JULY 2nd MON., TREMONTON Afternoon 3 8 o'-clo- ck 2 I Sponsored By American Legion Admission Children Adults 50c $1.00 All Tax included. i 1 i. IMtgMamT Programs were presented in Sunday School and Sacrament meeting in honor of our Fathers. In Sunday School, Pearl G rover gave the tribute, Ruth Hansen and Leah Oyler furnished musical the oldest a numbers, response by father in the ward was given by I. L. Isaacson. In the evening Ruth Holman speaker periences in the South Pacific. The program was under the direction of the Elder's Gospel Doctrine class. A birthday party was given by Mrs. Reed Oyler for her young son Jerry at the home of Mrs. Leo Oyler. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Zundcll and daughters of Brigham City, grandparents of Jerry. Mrs. Lyda Carter and Lucy Holman spent Friday night and Saturday at the home of L. M. Holman. Saturday the Holmans the wedding reception in Brigham City for Mary Lou Hob man. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ruel the home of Mrs. Dorris Peterson Sunday; her niece, Mrs. Stanley Mansfield and daughter Susan of San Diego, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. H. Mansfield and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Isaacson of Ogden. Mrs. Dorris Peterson entertained at dinner Tuesday for Mr. and Mrs. Will Bowcutt of Riverside, and Mr. and Mrs. Matt Sanford and two children of Tungston, Nevada. The M. I.. A. are planning another afternoon of sports at the grove Saturday at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Sophia Larson, Mrs. L. M. Holman and daughter Ruth and Mrs. Ruel Nielson of Idaho Falls visited Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Gus Larson. iM SI 1 ' home this week on his first furlough since entering the service last December. He has been taking paratrooper training in Atlanta, Georgia. AUCTION SALE King Tut Contributes Pest Resistant Pea Evening o'clock The floor dimensions may be as little as 4 by 6 feet. Small one or two car garages have been used satisfactorily for smoke houses. The storm cellar or storage cellar may also be utilized. It takes about 30 hours of continuous smoking to finish the job on hams. A small fire can be started every morning and allowed to die down during the afternoon, or the smoking can be done continuously. Mrs. Dorothy Loveland and children of Yost are visiting with her parents Bishop and Mrs. Oliver M. Munk. t has Mrs. Lawrence Hawkes been visiting in Pocatello Idaho, with her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Nielsen. The Relief Society closing social was held Thursday afternoon at the home of President, Mrs. Veda Mason. The time was spent in crocheting wool medallions to be turned over to the Red Cross. A delicious tray luncheon was served on the lawn to the members. A very enjoyable time was had by all f 2:00 i $ P.M. 4 f ' Moron Pat" Lundberg's Residence '.'4 SIX MILES SOUTH OF TREMONTON I The RODEO RANGER and JONTO with his $2500.00 Saddle. Come See The Camel Family Mother The The - Dad Baby greatest Show on Earth for The Price. Show 6 to 60 KIDS for all At the Air Forces Tactical center, Orlando, Fla., may be seen growing a new specie of pea, "King Tut." The original seeds from which these vines sprang were placed by Egyptian priests in the tomb of King Tutankhamen, 3,300 years ago. When Howard Carter found the peas in the royal tomb of King Tutank-hame- n in 1922, he sent them to England. A few later found their way to America, finally coming into production at the AFTC in Florida. The department of agriculture pronounces them as a specie previously unknown in this country, or deany place else so far as could be termined. The remarkable thing about these plants, whereas the usual worms, lice and beetles continued to chew they vegetation, up surrounding inspurned completely the Egyptian If further experimental truders. work bears out present ideas, the King Tut peas promise to become a wonder crop in the United Stales. Arranging Ideal Darn The Andeison Liberty Horses XTRA - EXTRA Susie Q the Elephant World's Largest BORRY SOCK GIRL Xow i$ the Time to Bar boxds uy Circus tickets later. The ideal barn will be arranppd for "circular travel" to eliminate dead-entrips and backtracking. The doors and gates will be located for convenience, not from habit. so that Hay chutes will be provided more hay need not be carried milk than 15 feet. Easy access to house will be provided. Work room for all tools and equipment will be provided. Proper and adequate In stable and lights will be provided handy. barn. Have bedding d ON HIGHWAY ROAD Cash Term of Sale LIVESTOCK HOLSTEIN MILCH COWS 2 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS MACHINERY 7 3 WAGONS 2 SETS HEAVY WORK HARNESS John Deere REET CULTIVATOR 1 John Deere REET PULLER 1 John Deere Potato CULTIVATOR 1 Western 1 CULTI-PACKE- 1 McCormick-Decriiif- f R MOWER Park Siumm AUCTIONEER 1 McCormick-Deerin1 McCorimick-Deerinf- HAY RAKE g f SIDE DELIVERY RAKE 1 John Deere WALKING PLOW 1 Oliver PLOW 1 FRESNO SCRAPER 1 Set BOR SLEDS 1 REET RACK 1 Set HAY ROPES and CABLE 2-W- Other tools too numerous to mention. J. Leo Nelson CLERK |