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Show Tremonton, Utah BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER. Paze Six to i- ? A. Munns. and Caroline home Sunday returned Wagstaff . , .1. - l. Misses Barbara - &.r? A-- .1 nome or meir aum, ivn. .mu Wm. Petersen and family. ' afternoon, Primary Tuesday r Was IlCiU IUI BeivtJjvvKi&jt-- I SOYBEAN PELLETS FEED CORN ' STEAM ROLLING - ? r umuim. nlivincT a.imcs. C SVICi.lt knnr J ftcshments senxd. were j i iv- - I GRINDING CLEANING LIK .v. - was given they enjoyed a . f .o ; , l C.t : V" Rc' t .J. if t Dewitt Grandy and Mrs. daughters are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. r t mm 13 Army sports The army buys baseball equipment annual:, to fu a v.aiiia. soft i teams, and the navy 8 more than 11,000 and 22 000 tively, v Wholesale and Retail 009 21, j,o fer'j MEMBER FEDERAL WAREHOUSE SYSTEM Thursday, June Mrs. Delose Udy and daughter Mr. and Mrs. J a , Barbara and her mother Mrs. Ed .nrnf. rvvn Rader and Mrs. Lila Rader of relatives in Silt Lake C Corinne went to Logan Thursday. War Crimes Conference in Session wm -- i To Thawing Water plpes f prevent an outdoor a!. enclose it ,i dust. hBn . ; freezes, open all faucets leadv! it. then apply heat to that ,J the pipe nearest rimv , ; j ' - ,s wun a Djow .orcu. is to wraD an eVtri. around the didp nr mni.. I ' ' - Notice of BondElectioi 3 n 999 i I THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF BOX ELDER COUNT SCHOOL DISTRICT, BOX ELDER COUNTY, V I STATE OF UTAH WE BUY ALL KINDS OF GRAIN J i ' f? ,J;,r, 11,1 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a fecial elcj Box hldcr Cour will be held in Box Elder County School District, which at 1945, of election:!, 30th June, day State of Utah, on the have who a proper, voters paid the registered hall be submitted to such next the preceding year said district, during tax. within : following question, "Shall the Board of Education of Box Elder County School I of Utah, be authorized to f District, Box Elder County, State the amount of Six Hun-in district the of bonds sell and issue dred Thousand Dollars ($600,000), in denominations of One I Thousand Dollars ($1,000) each, numbered one (1) to Six Hundred (600), both inclusive, to bear interest at a rate not f per annum, to! per cent to exceed one and in numerical and mature to serially 1945 be dated July 1, of each on of July prior payment, order, without option i venr as follows: iv.i-- t CrtJ.uuu 1940 $15,000 I '1955 55.000 1Q47 15 n00 1956 55,000 1948 15,000 I 1957 55.000 1949 15,000 f 195S 55.000 1950 20,000 J 159 55,000 1951 25,000 I 1960 60,000 1952 25,000 1961 1053 55,000 35.000 for the purpose of raising money for purchasing school sites, for building or purchasing one or more school houses and and plying the same with furniture and necessary apparatus, the for improving grounds?" Here is a view of the scene in the law court of London as the United Nations War Crimes conference opened. Great Britain's Justice assembled Wright (standing in center background) is addressing the United Nations delegates to the conference. 1 TREMONTON PHONE 41 r I -- dec-th- to-w- it with Mrs. Price at the piano. spent Sunday with relatives in Cpl. Dean Haslam from Wells-- ! Honeyville. town folks attended the wedding ville Mr. and Mrs. Karl Benson and was a guest of Mildred Love-dance and shower given for Mr. land on Sunday. He is home on two daughters and Miss Nora and Mrs. William Fryer held at son of Logan, Mrs. W. W. Mc the 21st ward in Ogden. Burbank R. Mr.'. Mrs. A. Laughlin of Berkeley, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Lish and received letters from their sons, Mr. and Mis. Ora Hyer and son family came from California, to Douglas, who is in Luzon; Lowell Dick ot Ogden were dinner guests visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. in Okinawa and Odell, in Kassel. of Mr. and Mrs. John Ward on H. A. Lish and other members of Germany. They have had no word Father's day. the family. from their other son Kenneth, for Mrs. Lila Metzguar of Salt Lake Mrs. R. N. Gardner attended a long time. The boys were well has been visiting here with her the May family reunion held in and wished to be remembered to parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry 1 DEWEYVILLE Elia-furloug- h. Tuesday Mrs. Dewey Pierson and daughter Sandra of Brigham City were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Pierson. Tuesday at Relief Soeiety, several of the ladies worked on a quilt, during the afternoon President Margaret Fryer served ice cream and cookies. Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Jess Earl and children motored to Cokevillc, Wye, to visit relatives. They were accompanied home by Joyce Hunsaker. Thursday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Duett Loveland and son Gary, Mr. and Mrs. Axel Hassell of Dewey ville and Nwman Hunsaker and Mrs. Kenneth Burbank and son of Honeyville went to Blacksmith Fork canyon where they enjoyed the first day of Logan canyon on Friday. Mrs. Lurinda Clcmmets had as her guest, her father from Salt Lake City on Father's day. Mr. and Mrs. N. Peter Marble attended the funeral service of Roy Holmgren held in Bear River City on Friday. The arrival home of Carlyle Gardner of Bear River City made his many relatives and friends of the valley very happy. He is a grandson of Mrs. R. N. Gardner of Dcweyville. J. W. Ault and son Wcss of afternoon, Mrs. Duett Logan, on a return trip from Salt Loveland entertained a number of L,ke City, called on Mr. and Mrs. youngsters at her home, honoring T. R. Ault Sunday her son Gary on his eighth birthSaturday night while shopping on the Games and were played day. attending a show in Brigham lawn and refreshments enjoyed by City, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Chidester all. and daughter were shocked to At the Relief Society meeting, learn that their car had been deon July 3rd, a demonstration on stroyed by fire. A short in the frozen fruits and foods will be giv- wiring was the cause of the loss. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sudbury en by Mrs. Hansen of Brigham were fishing Saturday. City. Mrs. James Dixon has gone to At Sunday school a special pro- is stationed who husband her visit gram was given honoring the fatlv in Philadelphia. ers. Selections honoring them were Mrs. Ruth Cannon spent two eiven by LaDean Barnard, Neil days in Ogden last week. She also. Lish and Mrs. Etta Gardner. A visited Mrs. Hilda Coal at Will ciannct soio was piayeuIIny If'M jvrna-reard. Jean Loveland. A rose was Mrs. Aubcry Slatter and daugh- presented to each father. ter Viola of Bonneville, visited her Sunday evening at Sacrament Lish Milton Johnson was the Mr. Mrs. and Lloyd meeting, parents, and family here on Sunday pedal speaker. Mrs. Johnson and Friday night a number of our Mrs. Miller rendered two duets :) J all. Tubbs. Chris Hansen is home convalescMr. and Mrs. Ronald Hales ing from an operation. His friends were Brigham visiters Monday. and family arc happy over his conMr. and Mrs. Art Zundell of dition and wish him a speedy Brigham were here on business Monday. A shower was given Saturday evening by Leone Macfarlanc for Beth White Hansen, a recent bride. Fifteen girls were present Said election shall be held in the five (5) school represent! and the bride received some very the jd. precincts and the polling places within said precincts and Mrs. June Harris of Twin Falls, nice gifts. follows: as are election the conduct who have been appointed to called to see her aunt, Mrs. Geo. Ward Tuesday. FIRST SCHOOL REPRESENTATIVE PRECINCT Faye Hadf ield of Salt Lake spent the weekend at home with her Place Judges Of Election Voting District parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Had- Nell Nessen, Jack Forsgren, Meda Jones field. Howell School Howell, Blue Creek William Hurd, Jr., Mattie E. Nelson, Lois Arbon Mrs. John Allen, Mrs. Charlotte Snowville Snowville School Burnett Marvin School and Mrs. Lewis Jones, Vern Kempton, Earl Teeter Stanrod Clear Creek Clear Creek, Udy Charles Montgomery, M. A. Smith, Blanche Oman were in Brigham Monday on busi- Yost Yost School ness. Curtis Nelson, Philbert Lind, Vida Lind Junction School Junction The Howard Capener famiiy Grouse Creek Grouse Creek School Winfred Kimber, C. C. Toyn, Frank Lee Lucin School Mary Erquiaga, Aussunta Ianni, Nell Barlow Lucin, Lakeside Priscella Wells, Doran Nicholas, Grace Woodward School Boothe Valley Boothe Valley, and Promontory John A. Vance, Ivan H. Burton, Lizzie Herschi Park Valley, Rosette Park Valley School sup-- RIVERSIDE I fishing-T- uesday I A Suggestion: Have Your FARM IMPLEMENTS REPAIRED NOW Why wait until you are ready to use them? I 1 1 (l-1- one-hal- d H. C. ROHDE , ' Blacksmith and Machine Works "Mends Everything But People's Ways" SECOND SCHOOL REPRESENTATIVE PRECINCT Judges of Election Place Voting District Garland S. Cullimore, Venna Hess, Marguerite Rich Essie S. Peterson, Lola Oyler, Lola I. Graver Garland School L. D. S. Church L. D. S. Church East Garland Riverside Fielding Collinston Beaver Dam Plymouth Portage Pearl j j Thomas J. Udy, Mabel Hadf ield, Marion Hales Florence Gam, Ruby Farnsworth, Alice Coombs Tames A. Petersen, Jaunita Bigler, Marie Lctler Mrs. Ruby Bowen, Mrs.Venice-L- . Bowen, Mre, Anna J Rudd, Mrs Jfeanette Josephson, Mrs. Marvilla Rachel Gibbs, Bernice Darley, J. Hyrum Gibhs Fielding School Collinston School L. D. S. Church Plymouth School Portage School j f ; BoT-Wm-. Pice THIRD SCHOOL REPRESENTATIVE PRECINCT ir ? 7 A WALIL-TdPN- E j Judges of Election Smoct. Corinne School Laron G. Anderson, William Wood, Martha M. Jensen Bear River City School Edna Christensen, Mae A. Anderson, Lucinda Elwood School Eva B. Hansen, John Bronson, Lavon Garfield Tremonton School Lavon Crystal, C. R. Stcffen, Lois Christensen A. N. Wight, Roy C. Anderson, Mclvin J. Wood Thatcher School L. D. S. Church Eva H Peterson, Viola G. Schuman, Luctta Leak Bothwell School Ella Anderson, Jennie Firth, Alvin Evans Place Voting District Corinne Bear River City Ehvood Tremonton, 1, 2 J t Thatcher Penrose Bothwell FOURTH SCHOOL REPRESENTATIVE PRECINCT Place Voting District Willard Perry Harper Judges of Election Hannah B. Nicholas, Iris Wood, Susie Facer M. W. Peters, Zola Davis, Elzada Young Lucille Wight, Richard Baty, Iretta N. May George Wintle, J. M. Grant, Olga Whcatly Rhoda Wheatly, Elsie Heusscr, Pearl Pern' Conrad Jeppscn, C. M. Peterson, Aaron Jensen Willard School Perry School L.D.S. Church Honeyville School Dewey ville School Mantua School Honeyville Dcweyville Mantua FIFTH SCHOOL REPRESENTATIVE PRECINCT The Wonder Paint! Gal Waf'Tcnc DOVER WHITE 6J)79 S One Gallon Does An Average Room is washable and one coat covers most surfaces. It dries in one hour and has no "painty" odor. Goes on so smoothly, so easily it's a pleasure to use. Nine beautiful pastel colors. Wall-Ton- e Fronk Chevrolet Co. Voting District Place Judges of Election Brigham City Central, at 2nd South fc? Main Merle G. Malmrose, Marius Rasmussen, Melissa 1, 2, 5, 6 Street, Brigham j Abbie Madsen, Beth Stumm, Lottie Simonsen Brigham City Lincoln At 3rd N. 1st W. 3, 4, 7, 8, Street, Brigham. The voting at such election shall be by ballot, which ballots will be furnished by the Board of Education of Box Elder County School District to the Judges of Election, to he by them "j cd to the qualified voters. , The polls at each polling place shall be opened at the hour of 7:00 o'clock A. M., and open until and will be closed at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P. M. No person shall he permitted to vote at said election unless he shall be a registered voter r " the Sclvxil Represent itivc Precinct in which he offers to vnt,- - nn.l a rnperty Wp- n.n'd i i i . .. . - . . . f ... K, a. t j it vntn,; uuinin in. piccccuing such election. Di r I .1 ,,c Sclwl IN WITNESS; VVHFRFOF tk. .e ' LIUU n LUUnllll.iil W n... ri.i... wuin; ' uElder County, State of Utah, has causedm.iwnufi thi this notice to be given, as required by law, A. D., 1945. I -- ....... .1 . uk-u-ni t- sK-,1- . . . i. 1 . I ATTEST: W. T. DAVIS, Clerk, Board of Education of Box Elder County School District, Box Elder County, State of Utah (SEAL) n L - A. P. DALTON. 1 President, Board of Education o Elder Box County School District, State of Utah. e |