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Show Pajre BEAR RIVER VALLEY Eijiht- - I Liberty Theater j vada. SERVICE MEN They're Pfc. Lynn Tubbs, son of Mr. cxncct that day board. old an and Mrs. Henry Tubbs of River warped badly, like a visit home. Lynn Lt. H.'lm?ren says that every side is enjoying Chatham Field, a as at stationed is poGerman must be regarded been the all with air corps. have Georgia, tential Nasi. They 15 FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JUNE Double Feature Program and 16 to their exposed to things pleasant believe to them for ARRIVES IN ears, and easy lookout the Matinee Saturday 3:30 on arc PHILIPPINES Serial and Cartoon but say, they Amerithe for welcome signs by Word has also been received by our SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 18, 19 cans "Our smiles, our laught, to- the Sorenscns from another Henry rebuke mannerism of friendly ison, Pvt. Clyde Sorensen that he ward fellow troops of occupation had landed safely in the Philip-- j the will be carefully weighed by crash pines. He is with the infantry. Nazi in terms of the 'grand THE hardened gates of the now steel SCREEN SORENSEN ALLEN us." separating them from ROCKS WITH He expressed the hope that we HOME ON FURLOUGH ITS THOUSAND know what we are doing and not Staff is at 'pillar. Sorensen Allen Sgt. on for a second must we let down home on a 30 day furlough from & our determination to convince our rVA He is a tail THRILLS as operations. us European ... ?t .tc. enemies that they must pay 30 filled and a on .rou. ,ff individuals for the guilt of their gunner ItOM THI tV missions over enemy territory. He 'ADVENTURE nation. wmustiw rums T,cri, is to report to Ft. Douglas, July 1 1 col. r. for reassignment. i. scon' MILLER'S HEAR FROM TWO SONS LA VERN MAISAK Mr. and Mrs. James H. Miller LIBERATED have received word from their son . ni n.uuruin llRCCrv Al AW Ufll F --W Carl Maisak and the Elmer Pfc. Dale Miller that he is now viwr. . IflHH RIDCELY Dieted bv ROBERT r LuRtT i ynDC family received a cablegram in Guam serving with the signal La and Vern Maisak; from S'Sgt. Mujicby Fronz Woxmori Screen Ploy by Peter Milne ond Abem Finkel corps of the air force there, from liberated been had he the is now going on saying Matinee Sunday 3:30 Cartoon: "Little Stranger" and News a German prison camp and would bombing missions. His brother, Troy Miller has soon be home. Sgt. Maisak has WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 21 Double Feature Program "OH SUSANNA" "POLO JOE" ! i JT. WROTE A'FLYll T , V i B-2- 4 ' rC4 tl Qpj x DENNIS MORGAN Gor-ring- e k Vivian Austin in Wayne Morris in "Night Club Girl" "BROTHER RAT" FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JUNE Double. Feature Program 22 and 23 Paul Kelley and Virginia Gray in Sunday June "GRISSLY'S MILLIONS" 17 th Eddie Drew, and Smiley Burnette in "BEYOND THE LAST FRONTIER" Here Are a Few Suggestions for FATHER'S DAY Men's Wallets A large assortment to choose from, in zipper styles, plain or tancy Plus Fed. Tax 2.98 to 4.98 BELTS all new Spring colors 98c 98c COMPLETE STOCK NOW to the provisions of Title 19, Chapter 11, Section 8, and Title 62. Chapter 1, Sections 1 and 2, Utah Code Annotated 1343, bids are hereby invited for the publishing of county reports, notices and advertisements, during the year beginning July 1, 1945. Said bids to be presented to the office of the County Clerk on or before the 2nd day of July, 1945. In presenting bids specify the following: size of type to be used as to "cms" and "points"; size of spacebands to be used; type con- whether condensed, templated, medium, or expanded; name of face of "mats." Also submit with bid sample of the following paragraph, printed as same would actually appear if bid were awarded your firm: "John Doe Beginning 745 ft. E. of the SW Cor of Sec 24, Tp 11 N, Rg 3 W, thence N 146 rods 67 ft, thence E 542 rods 97 ft, thence S 145 rods 67 ft, thence W 542 rods 97 ft, to point of beginning." Net paid circulation of paper should be stated with bid. The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to reject any or all bids and readvertise. By order of the Board of County Elder of Box Commissioners County. ' CARD OTTHAKKV We wish to express our and appreciation to our J for kindness, semces and! thy offered us during f and death of our beloved H Thc J"Hn famil-- GIFT SUGGESTIONS FATHER'S DAY,,ILX i MENS' "Towncraft" DeLuxe white Broadckr SHIRTS Fine Quality. Sariona NuCraft Collar. $2.49 MENS' S "Towncraft"! TIES Large Variety to ! i chot f from. Hand Made. I 98c TIES I f DeLuxe Hand Made All New Patterns. SOCKS It SPRUCE Favorite Queen TREMONTON JAYCEES Dress WRESLEYf VOTE FOR YOUR f2.98to?6,90 Mens' Dress are backing Gloria Buchanan $1.00 Spruce After f Special Combinatiffi. ! Spruce Shave Bowl and Lotion $1.95 Free Plane lides Mens' Blue Bib Overalls NO HIONE ORDERS Gephart Stores Co. 4 PLANES FLYING FROM 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. ELDER Hide. All Sizes 98c MENS' FANT-- DRESS per cent materials in 100 el- - I wwl iirof C.rey. j $7,901 Sponsored By WINGS OF BOX 3kns' Steer AIRPORT nday June 17 ON SALE 10 A. M. SATURDAY $1.98 pair $1.98 WAR BOND AT TREMONTON FOLDS BILL button cuff Size 14 to 17 j All stvles, zipper poc All Sclid Leather. TO ALL WHO BUY TAN - WINE - BROWN - GREEN 5.60 to 7.90 I $1.00 25c to 49 c 3 Shavn; Lotion Short or full length Gabardine Shirts t Bowl Shaving Size 10 to 12 large Selection of f $1.49 1. 98 to. 2.98 LAY-A-WAY- S j W0 I Pursuant i but the NO 4 at'thel home for a week's furlough from Wednesday. Felt Hats A r4 t" ." Straw Hats 89rc we wish to express our appreciation for th kindness offered death of our baby Mr. and Mrs; Floyd 1.98 to traw or Felt Button or clip-o- n. all elastic NOTICE i To our friends and Size 28 to 40 GIVE DAD A HAT A a cardofthaxk 5 - hj $ and patterns to Those present were Mr. and Mrs. John L. Payne and son De Lyle, Mrs. Wallace Christensen and daughters, Zola Mae, Gene and Acnes of Faust Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Blain of Hunts-ville- , Mr. and Mrs. Lee Whitaker of Honeyville, Vern Stokes of Bothwell and Evan Christcnsen of Thatcher. B-2- 5 Leather DRESS TIES 65c of war for over a Co-Pilot- Genuine Men's Harry M'Icr The picture will appear at a local theatre next week. year. Dean is now an instructor at By LOCAL BOY APPEARS Columbia Air Field, South CaroEdwin Baird, J. IN MOVIE lina. He served overseas for 14 (SEAL) Cierk and Auditor Lt. Dean G. Hall, son of Mr. months as a pilot of a and Mrs. W. E. Hall, formerly Ila Dene Iverson of Portland, of Elwood, vyill appear several Oregon has been visiting with her times as a pilot of a bomber HOME ON LEAVE brother, Lynn Iverson and family. in the movie "God Is My Miss Iverson returned to her home Richard Kinsey, ART 3c was been a prisoner AR1- - w, HOME THIS WEEK Pf- - V4 3 GENE AUTRY in JOE E. BROWN in He returned Monday to California with Mrs. Kinscy. j from his brother V PARTY GIVEN FOR was in New f-ju- st Cr,cy FOR SERVICEMAN been released fr. . p? .m A rartv was given at the Cry pnson camp Sgt. Muler stal Springs, Friday night in honor expected to be hone , of Sgt. LaRue Whitakers birtn-day- . I round-the-cloc- Ojrrus Cristie, Texas. c!l Tremonton LYNN TUBBS HOME soon. Thursday, jLno H his camD in '! been advanced from a second class seaman, to first class seaman, ne is Ne-- ; r,;iw stationed at Hawthorn, NEWS FROM Tremonton, Utah- - LEADER. TREMONTON JAYCEES STRAW ?1.49 to HAT ?2 |