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Show BE All RIVER VALLEY LEADER, Page Two -- on Thursday at Tremonton. Utah, of Each Week for Friday Distribution First West Street Phone 23 Second Entered at the Post Office at Tremonton, Utah, as Class Matter October 15, 1925 A. N. RYTTING, Editor-Publish- er SUBSCRIPTION BATES (In Advance) SOLDIER RATES ONE YEAR - $2.50 J1.75 Saturday night. Ruth had a number of her classmates in to whom she served a sunDcr after the graduation exerfrnm . imuu Friday evening a group ot East Garland from the to graduate friends met at the home of Mrs. hj ghe spem L. M. Holman The evening was ast weck,enj in sait Lake City, were spent in games, refreshments Dclos, Ardcs and Maxine Ad-thserved and a gift was presented to were in Ogden Sunday with guest of honor. Mrs. Nina Dun Bourne. Don was able Mrs. Stayncr of Garland. Hoi-ma- Ln?- MfGARLAND . r ' eep Diesel fuel CLEAN! A to be home a few hours from Ft. Douglas to celebrate his birthday with his family. Sunday evening in Sacrament meeting a program was giver! to commemorate the anniversary of the restoration of the Melchizedek Priesthood. The speakers were Clifton Grover and Bishop R. J. Potter. Musical selections were offered by LaVona Grover, Hazel Riser and Fred Peterson. Miss Patricia Adams of Tremonton spent a few days with her cousin Marie Grover. A highlight of the week was a dance an shower given in the ward hall Friday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Mariner Ballard. Mrs. Ballard was formerly Miss Gwen Oyler. Friends and relatives gathered from all over the valley to wish the young couple happiness and to participate in the evening's entertainment. Many beautiful and useful gifts were presented to them. They plan on making their home in Hansel valley. They were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Oyler, with Bishop R. J. Potter RIVERSIDE The Boy Scouts and Y. L. M. I. A. gave the program Sunday evening. Mr. Barrjard of the Stake committee made the awards to the boys. Pres. Bourne of the M. I. A. and Mrs. Bourne of the Y. L. M. I. A., were also present and spoke briefly awards were Several Macfar- Leon President made by bee-hiv- e lane. Sharon Hales, Mary Jensen and Capener sang and Betty Rnttleye of Logan played a piano Toyce solo. Every drop of fuel your Diesel btfns must go through holes no larger than a human hair. Even tiny ctor-nozzle dust specks may jam those holes ! To help make present injectors last, keep your Standard Diesel Fuel dean. Store supply tanks under cover. Make sure all bungs, fill caps, etc, are tight. Use filters when filling tractor or equipment Hanks. You'll find 100. dean Standard Diesel Fuel unir vfcscdy dependable. inje- DAVEDISTRIBUTOR STANDER Phone 121 Tremonton Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ward and in Salt family spent Saturday Lake. 14 1 evening. 1fT - Fred-erickso- n d PENROSE Mrs. Bill Cramer and children of Corinne are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ersol Berchtold. D. M. Grover Jr., of Pine View Dam, Ogden, arrived last week to spend the summer with his sister, Mrs. Ersol Berchtold and family. Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Shuman met at the Logan Temple Friday with other members of the 305th quorum of Seventies and their wives. They enjoyed two sessions at the temple, followed by a picnic in Logan canyon. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Miller visited in Brigham Monday with their daughter Oleta. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilford Miller and family; Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Shuman and family attended the reunion in Ogden Sunday of the Hermond D. Pierson family. Lcel Miller and children of Salt Lake are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George L. Miller. Mrs. Perry Stanfill and Mrs. Ersol Berchtold visited Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Grover at Pine View Dam, Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Lewis and daughter visited Friday evening with Mrs. Sarah Shuman. Mrs. Ruth Call and children and Mrs. Gladys Hansen and children visited with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Fredricksen. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Fredrick-sovisited in Ogden Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Dclose Jensen and daughter Mary and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Ward and Monte Jones made a business trip to Salt Lake Monday Mr. and Mrs. Russell Capener, Mr. and Mrs. Tesse Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Geo M Ward and Howard Capener spent Friday in Logan at the temple, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Capener, Leland Capener and Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hadfield attended the ban- Voting District quet at the tabernacle Saturday Howell, Blue Creek Snowville Clear Creek, Stanrod Yost Junction Grouse Creek Lucin, Lakeside Boothe Valley, and Promontory Park Valley, Rosette fas Your Ekrefs HsgloiL Garland East Garland Riverside Fielding Collinston Beaver Dam Plymouth Portage Notice of BondElection THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF BOX ELDER COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT. BOX ELDER COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special election will be held in Box Elder County School District, Box Elder County, State of Utah, on the 30th day of June, 1945, at which election there shall be submitted to the registered voters who have paid a property tax within said district, during the year next preceding such election, n the following question, : to-w- it "Shall the Board of Education of Box Elder County School District, Bos Elder County, State of Utah, be authorized to issue and sell bonds of the district in the amount of Six Hundred Thousand Dollars ($600,000), in denominations of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) each, numbered one (r) to Six Hundred (600), both inclusive, to bear interest at a rate not f to exceed one and per annum, to per cent 1945 and to mature serially in numerical be dated July 1, order, without option of prior payment, on July 1 of each year as follows: 1954 1946 $43,000 $15,000 1955 1947 55,000 15,000 1956 1948 55,000 15,000 1957 1949 55,000 15,000 1958 1950 55,000 20,000 1959 1951 55,000 25,000 1960 1952 60,000 25,000 1961 1053 55,000 35,000 for the purpose of raising money for purchasing school sites, for building or purchasing one or more school houses and supplying the same with furniture and necessary apparatus, and for improving the grounds?" one-hal- (l-1- ; Said election shall be held in the five (5) school representative precincts and the polling places within said precincts and the judges who have been appointed to conduct the election are as follows: -- OS- FIRST SCHOOL REPRESENTATIVE PRECINCT Place Judges Of Election Howell School Nell Nessen, Jack Forsgren, Meda Jones Snowville School William Hurd, Jr., Mattie E. Nelson, Lois Arbon Lewis Jones, Vern Kempton, Earl Teeter Clear Creek School Yost School Charles Montgomery, M. A. Smith, Blanche Oman Curtis Nelson, Philbert Lind, Vida. Lind Junction School Grouse Creek School Winfred Kimber, C. C. Toyn, Frank Lee Lucin School Mary Erquiaga, Aussunta Ianni, Nell Barlow Boothe Valley School Priscella Wells, Doran Nicholas, Grace Woodward Park Valley School ;John A. Vance, Ivan H. Burton, Lizzie Herschi SECOND SCHOOL REPRESENTATIVE PRECINCT Voting District Mel tteir IFigSifijg fflgH. Thursdav. June Mr. and Mrs. Edmoni a. their granddaughter Mrs. Cleo Un-and and Mrs. been Mr. with has and tfcrwood daughter Barbara Kirs. Henry Tubbs .c,v,v,t in Salt Lake with her, nnre A. Stoker and family. Brigham Monday. daughter, Mrs. Lila Metzguar. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Pct- A Relief Society Ct Miss Betty Rattleyc of Logan Pany i ana Mrs. u. oimuwu Mr. erson, j. afternoon at the home and Geraldine Hanni of Garland and Mrs. Ersol Berchtold attend- Tuesday J were guests at the Austin Udy ed the funeral of the Woodward Mrs. Melba Coons, honoring A home Sunday. outgoing presidency, Ida at Brigham Wednesday. Alice Miller and Birdie PeteS Dean Udy, Colcen Udy, Diane baby Miss Leone Miller has returned A delicious luncheon was serS Bowcutt, Kathleen Capener, John Opener, Janet Capener and lone home after having attended school by the new presidency. Harper are attending kindergarten at the B. Y. U. She was accomMrs Newel Johnsen is visit at Garland. panied home Thursday by her in California with Pvt UinThe Y. L. M. I. A. was recently brother George L .Miller Jr. and Fort Ord. Their Macfar-laneas daughter" Sunfamily, who visited here until reorganized with Leone Sue is staying with her granj president and Alice Ward day. parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. WflfJ and Nina Burnett as her counMiller. Besides members of the selors. a and Stokes families, Mr. and Mrs. Mat Sanford and Nurse Cadet Marjorie MiV Mrs. with friends attended the fun spent the week-enof arc children visiting group at home wk Sanford's parents, Mr. and Mrs. eral at Ogden Friday ot Mrs. nci paiciiis, mr. anu Mrs. lorgaa Wra. Bowcutt. Miller. Rhoda Stokes Collins. : BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER Pobiished Tremonton, Utah- - Place Garland School D. S. Church L. D. S. Church Fielding School Collinston School L. D. S. Church Plymouth School L. Judges of Election Pearl S. Cullimore, Venna Hess, Marguerite Rich Essie S. Peterson, Lola Oyler, Lola I. Grover Thomas J. Udy, Mabel Hadfield, Marion Hales Florence Garn, Ruby Farnsworth, Alice Coombs James A. Petersen, Jaunita Bigler, Marie Lefler Mrs. Ruby Bowen, Mrs. Venice-L- . Bowen, Mre. Anna Wm. J Rudd, Mrs Jeanette Josephson, Mrs. Marvilla Rachel Gibbs, Bernice Darley, J. Hyrum Gibbs Bowen Pierson Portage School ' THIRD SCHOOL REPRESENTATIVE PRECINCT Voting District Corinne Bear River City Elwood Tremonton, 1, 2 Thatcher Penrose Bothwell Place Judges of Election Corinne School Laron G. Anderson, William Wood, Martha M. Smoot Bear Kiver Uty bchool Edna Christensen, Mae A. Anderson, Lucinda Jensen Elwood School Eva B. Hansen, John Bronson, Lavon Garfield Tremonton School La von Crystal, C. R. Steffen, Lois Christensen Thatcher School A. N. Wight, Roy C. Anderson, Melvin J. Wood L. D. S. Church Eva H Peterson, Viola G. Schuman, Luetta Leak Bothwell. School Ella Anderson, Jennie Firth, Alvin Evans FOURTH SCHOOL REPRESENTATIVE PRECINCT Voting District g You're not asked to prove your prowess in combat as these men are doing . . . for America and you. That's their job! Yours is to add the might of your dollars to the might of our fighting men. death-dealin- Willard Perry Harper Place Willard School Perry School L.D.S. Church Honeyville School Dewcyville School Honeyville Dewcyville Mantua Mantua School Judges of Election Hannah B. Nicholas, Iris Wood, Susie Facer M. W. Peters, Zola Davis, Elzada Young Lucille Wight, Richard Baty, Irctta N. May George Wintle, J. M. Grant, Olga Wheatly Rhoda Wheatly, Elsie Heusscr, Pearl Perry Conrad Jeppscn, C. M. Peterson, Aaron Jensen FIFTH SCHOOL REPRESENTATIVE PRECINCT The mighty Seventh War Loan is the biggest yet. Last year you were asked to subscribe twice by this time. The least you should lend if your income is $250 is $187.50. If your earnings are greater, your purchase of. monthly or more ' War Uonds should be increased in proportion. THI Remember, too, that U. S. War Bonds are the world's safest investments . . . giving you $4 back, at maturity, for every $3 you invest in them. YOU HELP THREE WAYS when you back up the MIGHTY 7th War Loan with every dollar you can afford. You help your Government. You help pay for the materiel needed by our armed forces to get the war over quickly and bring them home. You help yourself by providing for your future security. an out Voting District Place Judges of Election Brigham City Central, at 2nd South ii Main Merle G. Malm rose, Marius Rasmussen, Melissa L 2, 5, 6 Street, BnVham . a i ... n i rr t ird M. 1st VV. Ahbic Mads ingnam uy Lincoln Beth Stumm, Lottie Simonscn 3. 4, 7, S, Street. RnVh.im c Peterson it The voting at such election shall be by ballot, which ballots will be furnished by the Clerk of DlStnCt l thc eYto the quanneTvoL of E1cti"n' t0 hc b' thcm tU rS atCf h kcfC yolIinS Place shall be opened at the hour of 7:00 o'clock A. M., and will be at thc hour of 8:00 o'clock P. M in shalIhc remitted to vote at said election unless he shall be Nl? a registered voter residing the School Representative Precinct in which he offers in to vote and shall have P id a property tax school distr.ct during thc year next prccccding such election f EJucation of Elder a,unty School District, Elder of Jut thiS n0tiC t0 hc Sivcn- as ' rctluircd hV bv, this 8th day A D 1945 open until and t mJ( A ji 0.i. Ullk foii tug tJiiGtm sGvsnrat O.P.Skas U ditvIStSnIElRI:0F - ATTEST: W. T. DAVIS, Clerk Board of Education of Box Elder County Ct EidCr C0Unty Sute 0f Utah (SEAL) A. P. DALTON, President, Board of Education of Box Elder County School District, Box Elder County State of Utah. I i |