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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY Pajrs Six ' DEWEYVILLE Ob jertivc: Tokyo Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gardner Ruling Classes of Japan Hold Support of Hiroliito LEADER. Tremonton, Utah -- Thursday, june u Watch for the Opening OF THE and children spent a few days with relatives in Towle, Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Haycock visited relatives in Salt Lake City and their father, Chris Hansen, who is in the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Burbank and daughter Phyllis of Ogden and Mrs. B. S. Burbank and Miss Tillie Dewey of Brigham City, called on Mr. and Mrs. Duett Loveland and A. Walter Shead By family and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. IT AX' Staff Correspondent. Burbank, during the week war Editor' Note: Thi U (he second of three articles deallnf with the Billie Fryer of Pearl Harbor and effort ag ainU Japan, and o( the various problem! thia cation must (ace. a girl friend of Ogden, visited with: How long Japan will hold out against the power of Ameri- relatives here over the weekend. can might in the Pacific, depends largely upon our attitude Mrs. Clarence Fryer and daugh toward Emperor Hirohito, the Son of Heaven. Lois took Phvllis. their dauh ROUND-THE-CLOC- K Shall the emperor be eliminated, or shall we continue to ter and sister to where she ter Ogden, hold him sacrosanct, undisturbed in Kyojo castle with its as a nurse. broad acres and moated walls close to the center of Tokyo? is training ROOMS CURB SEU VTf Mrs. J. W. Spackman is spendB- our from borrbs a few days in Ogden with reb Incendiary factories crowded together in ing 29s have burned out thousands of the alone. The fire hazard is atives. Tokyo homes of his humble subjects much greater in Japan for few of Mr. and Mrs. Aubery and Mrs. time this a few within sight of his castle sent to several different places to way. their in modindustries housed are George Fearson of Bonneville bombs even struck the stables in the ern WHEN IN NEFD fW Mrs. Petersen returned Janusine vasthelp complete this very important buildings and flames cause Sunemperor's grounds. But the policy of ly more destruction than in Ger- spent Saturday evening and home Sunday after spending a few work. our state department and the miliITEMS j day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. many; (2) it took us more than days with her daughter. Mr. and Lish. tary up to this point, at least, has three The Relief Lloyd Society monthly Fire Insurance years of bombing over Geri been to spare Hirohito. Our propa Mar' Hess and Geneieve Gard- Mrs. Russel Hunsaker at work meeting was held Tuesday. to develop our latest scale many Automobile I ganda heaps no villainous names of Coverage home of the visited at ner Oden The ladies are getting a number bombing operations and our acPublic upon Hirohito such as we did upon curate Mrs. Liability Maynard Bulloush and of things ready for the annual technique, and, during that of Martin Gardner on Sunday. Hitler and Mussolini. Property Damage time, Germany was able to go Mrs. Myrtle Knudson had as family of Ogden visited her par be which will held sometime And yet the Japanese militarists underground and f Comprehensive her war her euest last week, her erand- - ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Petersen in the fall. disperse make no move without the sanction industrial operations. It has only Collision f and her PetOwen brother, Cpl. of their emperor. Indeed, Hirohito been about five or six months since daughtcrs from Garland. Next Tuesday afternoon will be All types of Surety last ersen week end. and Mrs. Vonda Byron Whittakcr and is depicted as a tool in the hands we B,,j dropped our first loads on Japan Primary. All children are promised Donna stayed to spend their Crop Insurance of the militarists, but every official and the children few a arc days spending suddenness our of a good time if they will come to very big Hail and Fire f deed of the Jap government must scale attacks and the terrible de- with relatives in Brigham City. this meeting. Auto Medical have the sanction of the emperor struction has j Mrs. Orson Christcnscn went to Mrs. Letie Campbell and Mrs. given the Japs no time Real Estate Jap citizens are taught that the either to prepare adequate de- Verba Roberts of Afion, Loans Wyo., Logan Sunday where she entered Lt. Richard Butler was the most noble act o' their lives is to fenses or to I Automobile Loan disperse their indus visited at the home of Mr. and the hospital for a major operation. f fight and die for their emperor. at meeting Sunday evenspeaker try. Her many friends hope for her Mrs. Lester Picrson. Quick and Reliable To the Japanese people their em Leone Miss Miller Sen a ing. It is believed here that at least sang Mrs. Myrtle Knudson received speedy recovery. Mrs. Christensen solo. peror is divine, alt! ough his divinity on the Japanese homeland, destrucRichard arrived Friday to has a school from her son, letter here the past two visit has only been in existence during tion of taught RR0UGE at' the home of his wife's Jap war industries can be Devon, Monday the last 70 years, a he was well, but years and has many friends. saying with air virtually complete power nprfnts, Mr. and Mrs. George L. REALTOR I divinity sold to the people by propa- alone. We underrated the Japs how was still in Germany. afternoon under the Miller. Monday of the TREMONTON classes. r This ganda ruling Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Tcnscn re sponsorship or the Deacons quorever, at the start of this war on .state worship, which is a religion, many counts, and there is no actual ceived word that their son Delbert um the priesthood met at the ' in Japan is a mixture of Shintoism, and factual knowledjre on how was on his way to Saipan, and church and cleared out some of jnature worship, some Confucianism large a scale Jap war industries are their other son and remnants of ancestral worship TSgt. Glen Jensen the weeds. The flowers and shrubs in Manchukuo or in being was going to school in Denver, from China. It was born of a China operated held around the grounds are doing well proper by the Japs for Mr. and Mrs. John Leggitt of and this cleaning has greatly imthe past seven or eight years. Brigham City were guests of Mr. proved the appearance of the Russian Participation jnnd Mrs. N. Peter Marble on grounds. Thanks boys. .1' Offers Problems Mrs. M. L. Hunsaker underSunday. The question of Russian rjarticioa-- ' Mr. and Mrs. N. Peter Marble went a serious operation at an Ogtion in the war against .la nan nf virited Mrs Norman Packer and den hospital on Monday. She has :a course is uppermost as this is at their home in Brigham many friends here who are '.'Oi written. hoping Informed sources here for her speedy recovery. 1 s agree that a declaration of war City. Gloria Lish was a week-enA number of people from here against Japan is the only way in 1 V" wnicn Kussia may participate in guest of Chief Petty Officer, Paul attended the wedding dance in A peace terms and realize her fondest Bond in Ogden, prior to his leav- Garland last Wednesday night, dreams of opening up her gateway ing for Indiana. . honoring Cpl anl Mrs. Don to the Pacific, and the development Mr. and Mrs. Horace Lish Jr., had All an time. enjoyable ;'a ol her richest territory . . . Siberia and Mrs. Lucille Smith were shopMr. and Mrs. V. L. Hansen . by eliminating ;T the threat of in Ogden Monday. were happily surprised when her ::N. Japan on her eastern coast from ping Mr. and Mrs. Horace Lish and Aunt. Mrs. Annie Goates of Lehi Vladivostok north along the whole in coast line of the sea of Okhotsk. daughter Gloria, attended a chick- called to visit with thm. She was As a matter of fact it is no secret en dinner and dance in Ogden, in accompanied i y her son Mr. and that thousands of Soviet troops are honor of Pfc. George R. Smith Mrs. Leo Go? res and son Leo of fori concentrated along the who flew home for a visit of three Salt Lake. WJtcr YToffi.isrton of chunan border and that Japan has days. WITH Salt Lake also accomoanied them. pinned down thousands of her own Mr. and Mrs. Lester Pierson reMrs. Lcttie M. Hansen. Mrs. Josef Stalin. in this stolen puppet state by troops 1KDBERT ARMfrmJSTER'S ORCHESTRA III j NT, lie determined Russia's policy. : ad rear of the concentration of Soviet ceived a letter from their son, Alice Nye and Mrs. Grace Haws forces nearby. Russia could attack Dewey, who is in Northern Italy, spent Wednesday at the home of hs political need following the revolu-jtio- n Japan disastrously from her bases saying he was in a hospital re their ncice, Mrs. Albert Bingham of 1868 when the leaders of the at Vladivostok, which are closer to covering from a foot injury, when at Honeyville. Mrs. Bingham was revolution restored the emperors to Japan than London is to Berlin. At he 3( dropped a box of ammunition formerly Miss Ruth Munns and it power and needed some binding in- the same time Japan could never W his foot. on has long been her desire to have fluence to bring together the fightreach the heart of Soviet industry, her father's three sisters to her ing clans and tribes of the cou- far away in the Urals and western :Gia home for dinner. ntry. So they invented the religion biberia, even with bomb in which the emperor at Mrs. Heber Mortensen has reemerged as ers, for they are about as far from divine, a supreme being. m. sand Japan as Japan is from New turned after spending some time Guinea. d or in Central Utah helping to comRuling Class Beat At of: the same BRCVGHT time Russian eround TO YOU BY Mrs. Golden Andreasen return plete the Hitler in State Worship numerating of Farm Cenforces operating against the Japs in ed from the jpaiy, As a matter of fact th rutin Valley hospital Friday sus. Mrs. Mortensen completed Aed classes of Japan who ace comparable Manchuria, and Russian bombers with her new son. They are very her own district in such fine shape UTAH & CO. LIGHT from the many new air safe over the of arrival one ,to the Junkers in Germany, beat operating and so quickly, that she has been happy oases Hitler to the punch by a hall cen- ern which she has built in east more member for their family. Siberia the few during past tury on this question of state worA number of men from here years, could riddle Japan's war in ship. were able to attend the temole dustnes in Manchukuo. Almost And so it has been the policy of and particularly since Russia last Friday. It was too wet to work our government to go slow on the daily, gave notice of cancellation of her in the fields so these men used their matter of the emperor , . . whether diplomatic pact with Japan on April propaganda or military attacks on and which expires a vear from him would take on the nature that date, Russian official organs of a religious war and increase the are becoming openly more hostile fanatacism and resistance of the to Japan and recent pronouncements to just "wait of Premier Stalin Japanese people give rise to the and see. ' belief that Russia intervention may But at any rate, this worship of nave been discussed at the Yalta the emperor as God by the Japa- conference. nese people plays an important role With the Allied powers agreed on in how soon the struggle in the Far the dismemberment of Germany to East will end . . . with the word prevent her ever becoming capable of Hirohito as the final authority, the oi maKing war again, the question will on to the last man arises, once the fight Japs are licked, until that word for unconditional what kind of a Japs government will be surrender comes from his hps. established in this ambitious troubleMilitary leaders here believe that maker in the Far East. air power will play even a more Insofar as Japan is concerned, the Ma, important role in the Japanese question of the emperor again war than it did in Germany for two arises. Unlike China. Jarjan has hart reasons: (1) because Japanese war little or no practice at industries are largely centered in ment. Only a small of the en three main districts around Tokyo, tire population hasquota ever takn Each, in Set$ Kobe and Osaka and on the southern part in any liberal movement snnh island of Kyushu. Japan has not had as the formation of a of 4 or More time to decentralize her industries tion or labor, a tenantJap federa and to turn from one industrial area union or in Darties. Tt mav to another as Germany did. Much be that the political c nucleus of these moveGuaranteed to irive quicker, easier starts and of the Jap war industry ij subconments in Japan could be used to creback. tracted by thousands of small ate the conditions of a smoother performance or your money plants each employing only a few in Japan, by keeoiniz in mind th Precision-engineereworkers and one source declares fate of the Weimar REDUCES TEMPERATURES in Gerthere are 45,000 of these tiny home many after the last republic war. 8 to 15 in summer CAFE: Air Power and Emperor Worship To Play Big Role in Jap Defeat Tremontonxs Newest Cafe WE WILL SPECIALIZE IN i all-c- CHOICE STEAKS ' SERVICE CLEAN, MODERN REST f ... THESE ba-jza- ar . . ' JAMES ready-mad- e . j Every SUNDAY Afternoon, j NELSOH fv. .Fv V' 'va d A "ST Han-sen- p I i i4 k USSR-Man- J t long-rane- e Station KSL at 2:30 p. ELWOOD In POWER ! J 1 ... POLONIUM self-gover- n farm' d SAVES 20 TO 30 on heating costs in winter Division of Territory Offers Problem " What will Britain do with Singa-por- e and Hong Kong, British Malaya, Burma and India? What will the Dutch do with her rich empire in the Netherlands East Indies. And perhaps more important, what will happen in China as the one eastern nation which has fought for and maintained its independence and falned acceptance as one of the ig Four of the worldf China Is beset with economic and political ills. She cannot stand alone. She is threatened with revolution. Although she had made a valiant fight, if she does not prove her ability to constitute herself a democratic country, then it will strike a blow at the democratic con-cethroughout the Far East. It will make more difficult the establishment of a Japanese pt democracy. cm miiIj iwUl A tmtuli l ' PYROI1 MOTOIt LUBRICANT imn oAdd to TREMONTON LUMBER y HARDWARE CO. Phone 130 TRI STATE LUMBER CO. Phone 1 1 WILSON LUMBER CO. Phone 14S Gl ' 15c OIL FILTER CAKTISIIHJES M)c up ToAdd to Motor Oil Safeguards and preserves engines. Minimizes vear. t clean- Keep motor oil your car run longer - repairs. Fronk Chevrolet OU; HjJP A Co. PT |