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Show Just haul FREE FIREWOOD S2 Rl. Leon Call Kerr, it away. FOR SALE One gxxl used stoker, complete with controls Call Rl 44 I white mare, brand-PSTRAYED on ncht shoulder. Please notiltc fy P. E. Auk. MEMBER FEDERAL WAREHOUSE SYSTEM it 11 V ilk) . X 14 OliLlA? OOO SOYBEAN PELLETS FEED CORN o STEAM ROLLING o GRINDING See Us For WHAT Derrick Cable great-grandfath- Cash Union BUY ALL KINDS OF GRAIN TREMONTON Inquire Vernon Glenn. gIbFfEE at Utah Hatchery, Brigham City FolTsALEr will pay cash Utah for dead or uslcss cows, horses, Petersen, Elwood. Phone sheep or hogs. Phone Tremonton or Garland 35 J3. si 5 tfc rolTlvENT 63 4 CASH for Live Poultry. H. A. room home. Phone Garn, 453 N. 2nd West. Brigham to Phone 698. Floyd Dunn, 4 blks north of bank. 73-R- 6-- 7 t-- c FmlAIji -p typewrHi sale at 4 the Leader Office. F0lTsATTf MAlFTiELTWAlra are needed at Sperry Flour Co., at Ogden for essential work. Jobs are open for warehousemen, seed packers, flour packers. Good wages m and working conditions. Referral from U.SS.E.S. necessary. Phone 8811, Ogden PHO-SA- FOR SALE Two weeders, 3, 4 or 5 bottom plows, wood bar tomato and potato cultiva-tors- , horse mowers and rake. Also 2 large combines. Rucl Robbins. Phone 72 Rl. har-row- s, FOR SALE Wood bar harrows, beet cultivators, horse mowers, tractor mowers, horse dump rakes, side delivery rakes, 2 large com2 new Jaeger model 1 V2 FOrR SALE John Deere No. bines, water pumps and 1 new Oliver 70 36 B combine, TD 35 tractor tractor on rubber. Ruel Robbins. 2 calkins rod weeders, 200, tfc Phone 72 Rl. 300, 500 gallon gasoline or wat' er tanks. See Rasmussen Bros., in WANTED to RENT 3 bedCache Junction. 3tp. room unfurn. house. Phone 150. L bits. It loosens mucus in their nostrils and tases hreathing. Keep a supply on hand. It gets resuHs econom- iffy. die-se- l, r 4 FOR SALE: Good family milk FOR SALE Fruit Jars. Phone cow just freshened .See Irvin Jones 65 R16. 2nd house East of Elwood East Tremonton 2tp. School. Mrs. J. Walter Green ltp SALE International IS IT YOURS? Or" rocking harvester. Ng. 31, in A-- l chair. Repair tag lost. Tremonton condition. 12 foot cut, power lift. Cabinet Shop. ltp. FOR were Wednesday Starting Up the Ladder So at 15 Antonio said goodby to his forge. A theater manager had seen him dance and had recognized a rising star. Within a year Antonio was famous throughout Spain. He had a house of his own, servants and a carriage. At 17 he married. At 18 he was a father. A London producer happened to be visiting Spain and watched Antonio Cansino at a performance in Madrid. He offered a contract for a month's engagement in London at a figure that couldn't be turned down. The,rnanth was extended to a year, and by that time Antonio was reaping a fortune. Paris followed and then tours of Europe and South ing a few days with Mrs. sister, Mrs. Ferris Allen. Crow-ther'- s guests of Mrs. Antonio set out for Seville, and Wayne Sandall. there he found himself a job as helper to a blacksmith. Little AnMr. and Mrs. Vean Postma of tonio liked to dance, and to play the GUARDIANSHIP TROBATE and Antonio came When night guitar. Logan visited Wednesday with NOTICES out water front the for cafes, struck Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Nelson. consult For further information and there he danced again for penthe County Clerk or the nies. respective signers. At that time the famous Imperia Mrs. John O. Garfield returnand her rival, La Companara, were ed home after spending the past NOTICE TO CREDITORS having their heyday, and there three weeks in Mona, Utah. Estate of Moroni Lundberg, was a popular male dancer, FerAntonio Deceased. nando Felte. Young Creditors will present claims sneaked into the wings to watch Le Ann Marble is visiting with with vouchers to the undersigned their performances and inHe time relatives in Salt Lake this week. had made their acquaintance. at Tremonton, Route 1, Utah, on an manner, and before ingratiating Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Hill and or before the 23 rd day of October, long he was having lessons from all Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hill visited in A, D 1945. three of them. Charlet Lundberg, The Administratrix of the Estate of Moroni Lundberg, Deceased. G. Waiter Mann, Attorney Combine with motor. Wayne for Administratrix Francom. Date of 1st publication, June 14, WANTED man and wife, no 1945. children, to run small dairy farm south of Ogden. $150 per month year round work. Good modern I use Dr. Sdlsbury's living quarters, good working con CAN as spray, in ditions. Write or call Schoss Furhalant or cleansing nasal wash when my niture y Electric Co. Phone 4627, thicks havt clogged nostrils J or upptr respiratory trou- Ogden. Tremonton Phone o Out on His Own 96-R- Haying Time ilOLLVH'OQD Farmers' OOO ts Mrs. Marion Clarke from Nevada, is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Henry Berchtold. Car-lio- Mrs. Zella Carter of Springville with her daughter, Mrs. Dan Briggs. is visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Winn of Ogden are visiting with their daughter, Mrs. Dick Allen. Mrs. Wm. E. Hawkins recently returned home after spending several days with her daughter, Mrs. Eugene. Halliday and family. Logan Tuesday. She was accompanied by two of Mrs. Andrew Romer returned her grandchildren. to her home in Brigham City, after Dr. Wm. E. Hawkins is attendspending a few days visiting her daughter, Mrs. Seymour Hill. ing a chiropractic clinic in Oakland, Calif. While there, he will Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Crowther visit with his son and daughter and family of Salt Lake are spend' in Los Angeles and San Francisco. America. As the Cansino fortune grew, the family was growing, too. At the age of 35 Antonio had no less than 10 children. He was rich and his wife and children wanted him at 111 home. To the chagrin of theatrical managers, he announced his retirement from the stage. Never Too Young All of the Cansino children were com-bine- d ADAM'S DRUG taught to dance by their father almost as soon as they could walk. Young dancers begged Cansino for instruction, so he opened a school in Madrid. When Diaghiley took the Ballet Russe to the Spanish capital several of the stars took lessons from. Cansino, among them Leon-id- e Massine. The Cansino children all enjoyed great success. They toured Europe, Africa, North and South America, 's Australia. Edonardo, Rita father, took Latin America by storm. Antonio II was a sensation in Europe and Australia. Jose, Angel, Paco, Elissa, and the others all had their share of triumphs. Hay-worth- K H N OIL' CO California, Here We Come NOW OFFERS A COMPLETE torn service -I- Lubrication-Ga- s N & Oil-Tir- e Repairs When Rita was 16 she came to California with her parents, the Edouardo Cansinos. The movie bug got her, but good. She danced and played bit parts in dozens of pictures, and then came her big chance In "Blood and Sand," opposite Tyrone Power. You know the rest of that story. Her father and mother have been retired from the stage for some years, and Rita's father is now working at Douglas because he has two sons at the front. And now the first Antonio, the patriarch of them all, is here. He lost house and fortune during the Spanish revolution. And do you know what he's looking forward to? You guessed it it's the day when little Rebecca is big enough to take her first dancing lesson from her Did I say that baby has a heritage! And did I say there's a movie In the histoire Cansino? All right, I leave it to you and to the first smart producer that gets the same idea. great-granddadd- DEALERS FOR Pcnzoil - Kendall Oil - U.S. Tires And Why Not? Plenty of Ethyl Gasoline PAUL MASON, Operator JAY CULLIMORE 1945 It's rS&Aj Looking at rMiLdFnUn CLEANING CLASSIFIED ADS Thursday, June 14, Copper or Galvanized HAY SALT HAYFORKS LiJUUU PHONE 41 -- a heritage for Rita Everybody baby! knows, of course, that little Rebecca's mother is one of the most successful and most popular of all our matFOR SALE Innerspring feminine stars, and that her father. tress and springs. Phone 127 R2. Orson Welles is a remarkable young man (too remarkable sometimes!) FOR SALE 2,000 9 and 10 week in many fields writing, acting, proold turkeys. Phone 263W, Logan. ducing. But Rebecca's heritage is a 2tc. matter of generations famous in the theater. on That baby's for haystacks and grain fields. See the distaff side is the great Antonio James H. Miller, Phone 764J Cansino, one of the famous dancers of all time. The story of his life and Brigham City. of the 16 children he begot, and of Mr. and Mrs. Amos P. Hansen his grandchildren, is one of the fasLocinating sagas of the theater. spent Saturday and Sunday in of the graduation Nearly 70 years ago a gan, attending their daughter, Mrs. Ardus Kim- boy was left an orphan in a little Spanish village. His father had been ball. land owner; but there a well-to-dher Mrs. Kimball completed 35 were crooked lawyers in Spain even schooling last summer and returnthe and as else, then, everywhere ed on leave with her husband, Lt. boy found himself done out of nis Raymond A. Kimball in time to inheritance and left penniless to attend the commencement exer- face the world. That boy was AnMrs. Myron Layton of Brigham tonio Cansino. cises. and Mrs. Mace Hall of Bountiful FOR SALE Seven room home, 2 bathrooms, close in. Call 141 Tremonton. ltp. Wholesale and Retail WE Tremonton, Utah-- BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER. Page Four KAY MADSEN When Joe E. Brown was decorated; by General MacArthur with the Philippine service ribbon, the general said that it was the first time the honor had been given civilian. Immediately after receiving it, Brown left for Okinawa and Iwo Jima. This is his fourth trip overseas. . . . Ida Luplno gets what she wants Ray Milland in, "Lady 17," with Lewis Allen directing at GabARAdccn Tics by ARROW Here's the new Arrow tie that's making fashion headlines in the May Esquire. It gets our vote as one of Spring's best looking ties because: Its patterns are so varied and handsome its colors so crisp and masculine and because it's fine fabrics have just the body that's needed for creating near, well formed knots. A special lining makes each' proof against premature wrinkles. How about a few for you today?. $1 50 In Manila Paramount . . . Joan Fontaine didn't want to do comedy, but "The Affairs of Susan" Is one of her best. Gilford's MEN'S STORE FOR ARROW TIES , |