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Show 1915 rturstev. June 14, flews of BEAR 1MVER VALLEY LEADER, 4-- H Qcwbs home of Carol Green. We and chose a name mcd stockings me we win our dub. Next r the 5 J jT a. dotn ior uui Karen Johnson, reporter. ,r;ng meetings of the Club were Funk's and Carol Gtticr's homes, respectively. rork was done at both places laundry bags and on our shocbags, The last two Sew-WhTremonton Frances y at dress Last week we held club at the home of Valene Watt. The evening was spent sewing slips, after which light refreshments were served. All members were present. i i : Jane 8, we organized club, with the help of Mrs. P. E. Ault and Miss Bessie Hansen. Mrs. Rose Garfield is our club leader and we elected the following officers: Bo Dell Hunsakcr, president; Dot Kay, Lola Dean Hill, secretary; and Leola Koford, song leader. After the meeting refreshments were servd. Our next meeting will be held Friday at 3:00 o'clock at Leola Koford's. Friday, our Fuel Saver Few people Lving in cities follow the good old country fashion of tanking the foundation of the.r homes with leaves, sod or earth. They still au ft on the farms. It is a good fuel saver, too, and would save at least 5 per cent, and probably 10 per cent, uhre sills are leaky. Morning Milk Receives "A" Award 11 H.mdy Hand Reporter. Page Threfl Tremonton, Utah I 4-- IVaxy-Malz- e VTaxy-m- ye. a newly developed corn, is proving a satisfaca hybrid tory substitute for tapioca and may become highly important as a oi iiruch and for industrial uses such as the manufacture of mucilage, wood glues and certain papei and textile coatings. 4 4. t; A were reiresnmenis Delicious hostesses. both served by The next meeting is at Erma The Hot Pot Holders held their final meeting at the home of Mrs. Rcginold Burt on June 8th at 4:30 Leah Stenquist, reporter. p. m. The club members cooked the breakfast and served their Time before last our club was mothers. After the breakfast a Stan-filheld at the home of Beverly held. was program We had our usual game of Deanne Hansen, softball. We spent the evening cut' refreshmtinr out slips. Delicious reporter. ents were served. Rae Halls. l. i - 4 s Francese Hunsakcr, reporter. protectors. - Official presentation of the War Food Administration's Achievement "A" Award to the Morning Milk Company plant at Wellsville, Utah, held Tuesday, May 29th, included the display of the "A" flag which now flies under the stars and stripes at the Morning Milk plant. Viewing the flag above are (left to right) Major Karl C Axelsen, who made the flag presentation; Melvin Archibald, company employee representative; Sid Lockhart, president of the Morning Milk Company, LaMont Allen, Mayor of Wellsville, who acted as master of ceremonies; and Merlin Clark of the War Food Administration's Salt Lake office, who made the pin presentation to employees. The Morning Milk Company is the first evaporated milk plant ia the Intermountain West to receive this coveted award, comparable to the "E" award. Army-Nav- A PORTABLE ELECTRI EOTOfl FARM y . . . c'ocs zzotcz of jobs on The Victory Sewing Club The same as the problems of a full war. We still need planes, tanks, guns. The boys still need plasma. Overland Greyhound Lines is still doing a 'round the clock war time job of transporting essential manpower. MIDLAND HOTEL Utah Phone oisif (Hi H. ir r Going Fishing ? Incorporated 1 ff ROHDE Revolving Ventilator Barn Paint elim-nate- 89 d. PER Designed to give years of service, the 12" SIOUX Revolving Ventilator Super ventilation for 84 Hens, or 9 provides 3 3 or or Horses, or 13 Sheep, Cows, Pigs, 18 x 18 inch base. I ii Super Quality capacity to smaller buildings. When properly installed, excessive moisture is 'V-- ' 7 P. The SUPER -- SIOUX Oversize head gives maximum ventilating Buy Tackle and Other Supplies at Gamble's When new electrical farm, equipment is available buy from your Electric Dealer Suggestion: 8S-- R Operated UN!ON PACIFIC STAGE'S. every fazlsr end electrically farm The Kitchen Kolleen's club met at the home of Leah Watt. We and their mothers met Wednesday evening at the home of had a demonstration on making Betty Ann Deakin. Miss Hansen, muffins milk and drinks. county club supervisor and Miss Ann Palmer, club leader also at' Vill tended. Delicious refreshments served. were reporter. Shyrl Dee Dustman, reporter. A very interesting club meeting A was held by the Kitchen Queens, Have Your Wednesday, June 13. Our first lesson included the making and FARM DIPLEMENTS REFAIKED NOW sampling of muffins. They were very successful and tasty. until you are ready wait Why Our home demonstrator Miss to use them? Bessie Hansen gave us a few point' ers that proved very helpful. Our C. next meeting will be held at the Blacksmith and Machine Work.- home of Joyce Cowley. "Mends Everything Conic Jean Conger, But People's Ways- reporter. ANSWER: Tremonton, mem-ber- s IT 1 1 nAiiirn a i a i GALLON In 5 Gal. Lots I This better barn paint has a brilliant red shads and a high gloss finish. Contains genuine spar varnish and heat bodied, I i (TV Rm'Vu III ' weather resistant oil. NATIONAL One gallon covers 350 aq. feet, 2 coats. Tough and long lasting. Portable Milker LINES LEADERS ,v'll!!!:!!!!!!ll!!!i!i::i;!ili::i!!l!!!i;il!!l!!i:!i!!!,l!;i!i!i!llll!!i;i TIRE AGAIN AVAILABLE HOOKS SPINNERS 9 FLY BOOKS A BAITS unit complete, only w PUMPS We can supply most 100 per cent Wool B $149.50 SINKERS Sleeping Bags 1 Heavy Duty VA Inch Barrcll Good Hn?" r,iii!:;:!i;!!ii;j!!!!!;:;i!;:M De LUXE CREST DELUXE TIRES Mattress A COILSPRING FILLED value in material and construction. 440-4- pre-w-ar x x x x 50 475-5- 00 625-5- 50 39.50 625-5- 50 KVJ 1 30 x 3 700 x 15 700 x 16 FAIRBANKS i tf ;i - MORSE FOR for H DEEP OR SHALLOW WELLS The economical answer to your pumping needs. lira A boo price do not InclutU tax. may bt purchamd on our Thrifty Paymtnt Plan, GENERATORS Pumping Systems R $10.80 $10.81 $12.80 $11.65 $13.95 $16.95 $ 9.65 $18.75 $19.20 x 16 625-6- 50 Thtitt I 21 19 17 18 600x16 yPASSENGEfA a u ALL CARS 2 Gallon ' Water Hoy" ER 98' CATTLE SPRAY Per Gallon including can 98c HOWARD FREISS, AUTHORIZED Phone 103 Owner DEALER Tremonton, Utah i,i.,ml.ti.iM..i.w I 3 1450 and 16.50 $1.79' everything but the fish. Full Zipper Weather-proo- f j I |